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Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anniversary. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Club Lion Celebrates 8th Year Anniversary on Saturday April 30th 2016

WOW 8 Years Club Lion Party Saturday 30 April 2016
Another great year has gone by and I can’t believe it’s already our 8 year Club Lion Celebration. You are all in for quite a treat. We spared no expense in bringing you an awesome Event, one like you’ve never seen before. You don’t want to miss it!!
We’d like to thank our singers in advance for participating in our celebration.
To all the amazing people who have made Club Lion what it is today we want to say a very special THANK YOU! The singers, audience and staff are amazing!
11 Hours full of awesome Singers, Shows & Dj's
6 am slt - 8 am slt : DJane Maria
8 am slt : Clairede Dirval
9 am slt - 11 am slt : DJ TOM
11 am slt - 12.30 pm slt : ML (master.lysios) Pink Floyd Special
12.30 pm slt - 1.15 pm slt : DARKO + ( ACES Dancer DreamBroken)
1.15 pm slt - 2 pm slt : Jen Waddington + ( ACES Dancer DreamBroken)
2 pm slt : Ricardo Avalira
3 pm slt : Shaye Dezno-Jonstone
4 pm slt : Leeman Convel and the Storm
We look forward to welcoming you, and invite you to make us a place where you will come to enjoy a happy time with us. Come on over, and bring your friends!!
Team Club Lion
Team Club Lion
Owner : Huanita Wunderlich
Headhost : Evee Sturtevant
Hosts : Tatjana / Yolly / Niki
Barkeeper : Josef

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy 4th Year Anniversary Emerald Crystal Golf Course!

Four years ago on April 1st. LittleOneSusan Teardrop opened Emerald Crystal Golf Course in Second Life. Since then, ECGC has had numerous tournaments and fundraising events using an impressive Golf Club system. This system includes a Driver, 3 Woods, 5 Irons, 2 Wedges, and a putter  (12 clubs in all)  as well as a  marker that is mesh & 3D with a camera feature which allows SL Golfers to see their shots from start to where the ball lands! 
LittleOneSusan's dedication to the sport and attention to detail is apparent and gives SL Golfers the ability to play a realistic 18 Hole Game.  It is also a fun way to explore and challenge each other on a virtual course with beautiful scenic views and a fun experience. 
              Visit ECGC and celebrate by playing a round of golf today!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Celebrating Seven Years of Success at Club Lion- Rere Sandalwood Reporting…

In an SL world where clubs come and go, coming across a club that has been around for seven years or more is rare.  Thus, when the SL Enquirer learned about Club Lion’s upcoming seven year anniversary, we decided to investigate the club’s key to longevity.
To further our investigation, we not only relied on club owner ℵITA (huanita.wunderlich), we also turned to her partner Ricardo AvalirA.

With over 152 people in attendance, the May 1, 2015 Club Lion Anniversary Celebration was, according to ℵITA (huanita.wunderlich) and her partner Ricardo Alvaliro, a huge success.  According to AvalirA, “ℵITA designed the whole [decorative] platform for the party, and she took some pics…” To get a better understanding of just how awesome the decorations were, ℵITA was kind enough to share her pictures with the SL Enquirer. 
In addition to ℵITA’s willingness to share the pictures she took of Club Lion’s Seven Year Anniversary, the SL Enquirer asked Alvaliro about his take on Club Lion’s key to longetivity. He states with no hesistation, “ℵITA’s vision and dedication to her venue.  She is meticulous…it is amazing to watch her create everything for her club….”
ℵITA’s meticulous nature is not only apparent in the way Club Lion is built, but it is also obvious when one takes a look at the surrounding landscape.  Delicate rose bushes, trees and neatly trimmed shrubbery surround the Club.  In addition, there is a sitting area available for patrons, as well as an area where patrons can candidly stare at the Club’s waterfront.

Outside of Club Lion’s entrance is a neatly decorated, grey cobblestoned entrance that connects to a black dancefloor trimmed in red.  In the middle of the dancefloor is the Club Lion’s name…a name that seems to spin and flash as a reflection of ℵITA’s accomplishments.
In addition to ℵITA’s meticulous nature, Ricardo AvalirA also credits her dedication to others as the key to her longevity.  He explains, “I use to sing at ℵITA’s club years ago…then I took a break…but I have been singing in SL for about five years…”
What is impressive about this comment is the fact that AvalirA not only worked for ℵITA prior to taking an SL break, but that he was allowed to return to his position as a singer at ℵITA’s Club Lion upon his return to SL. Though it is easy to assume that the reason for his easy return was due to his partnership with ℵITA, to dismiss his return on that basis is unmerited because it keenly demonstrates another secret to ℵITA’s longevity:  cultivating and keeping strong relationships with her employees.

  ℵITA Discusses How Cultivating Friendships Has Led to Club Lion’s Longevity
ℵITA states in a matter of fact fashion, “Well, [many club owners] just set up a box…a stage, and call that a club…and sometimes, I really wonder about that…” She smiles, then continues, “…you have to stand by your club and your singers…There is so much work to running a club. People just think they can open a club and make For me, I find that if the chemistry between the singers, as well as the hosts and other employees is ok with me, that often helps me to keep them as long term employees…”
With honesty and friendship acting as a foundation to Club Lion’s longevity, ℵITA’s vision, according to her profile page, “…was to create a place where people in Second Life could come to have fun, meet new people, here great music [specifically live performances, though there is a DJ themed event at her Goth Club on Thursdays, too], or just to relax.” This philosophy is regularly practiced by ℵITA on a daily basis, and she ascertains that this practice is similar to what many have to do on a daily basis in RL.  She contends, “[yes, cultivating and maintaining friendships in SL] is like RL…there are some that like you and some that don’t…you can’t change that…you can only try to make people feel comfortable…treat people like how you want to be treated.”

One of many ways ℵITA treats others…specifically her employees…the way she would like to be treated is by regularly supporting them when they perform at other venues. For instance, she recently supported Ricardo AvalirA’s performance at Sunshine’s Cove Beach Club and Mermaid’s Reef (61, 75, 22).  While ℵITA contends that this is normal and in keeping to being partnered with AvalirA, she acknowledges that this kind of support is rare when it comes to SL employee relationships.  She contends, “Supporting one another should happen, but [I know] it does not happen often enough…”
Because ℵITA is so steadfast in her support, her staff members, in turn are very helpful to her.  She explains, “I have a good staff too…they help me a lot, and they also live with me on the [Club Lion] sim, so I have the best people around me…”

 Multitasking and Asking for Help:  Another Secret to Club Lion’s Longevity
Besides cultivating positive and long term relationships with her employees, ℵITA contends that it is also important to ask for help…particularly if you are interested in opening a club of your own.  “I would strongly suggest to consult with someone who is experienced in running a club….”  â„µITA continues, “[because]..there are many things that can go wrong. But the biggest thing is that you believe in what you're doing...and keep strong!”

Besides having a strong belief in what she is doing, ℵITA stresses the importance of being talented in multiple SL sectors.  One way to express this talent is by multitasking, which ℵITA is a pro at. “In my spare time,” she explains, “I design clothes and make music globes—among other items—that I sell in my storefront.” Though she coughs to denote some sarcasm, the SL Enquirer has seen ℵITA multitask with ease.  This is because, in addition to designing clothes, ℵITA  is also a talented Believe me, when you run a club you don't have a lot of spare time. (cough) I design clothes and make music photographer and also runs a Goth Club. And though ℵITA coughs once more and says, “Believe me, when you run a club you don't have a lot of spare time…” the SL Enquirer urges everyone to look to ℵITA as a fine example of a Club Owner that not only DOES, but CAN multitask!
In the course of multitasking, ℵITA also advises that club owners should stay on their toes and be prepared for surprises. “You should always be ready for the unexpected and be prepared…There are so many things to do behind the scenes that nobody sees and believe me, it is a lot of work, but [also very] rewarding.”

 Helping Other Charities and Standing By Those That Work For You…
ℵITA believes that the best way a club owner can be duly rewarded in SL is by sticking by those that work for them rather than treat them like disposable commodities. ℵITA states, rather emphatically, “It's always been my dream to own a club and sl gave me that chance to live my dream…” she continues, “…and at times had to fight for that dream. [However,] I strongly believe that I am doing good for others by providing great singers from all over the world. It's always fun to meet new people who [later] become friends.”
Fueled by her belief in helping others, ℵITA cites her talent in doing so as one of her many accomplishments. She explains, “I have raised lindens for cancer charities and have done many singer contests…as well as contests for our guests [complete] with linden prizes.”  Thus, by reaching out to the community she serves, ℵITA has successfully built strong relationships with other organizations, as well as sufficiently catered to those that patronize her club.

Be mindful that ℵITA is very modest about her accomplishments.  However, all modesty aside, there is an aura of respect that exudes from an establishment that has been in SL for seven years.  For this reason and more, the SL Enquirer applauds ℵITA’s accomplishments, and offer our unconditional support in insuring that Club Lion remains a successful SL establishment. To ℵITA and the Club Lion staff, here is to another seven years in SL! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

7 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF CLUB LION- May 1st 9am-4pm SLT *Updated

*Updated 4-26-15

Friday May 1, 2015 marks the 7 year anniversary of Club Lion. Huanita Wunderlich created Club Lion 7 years ago using honesty and friendship as the foundation. Her vision was to create a place where people in Second Life could come to have fun, meet new people, hear great music, or just to relax. Club Lion has become home for many that share Nita's vision.
There will be a wonderful party to celebrate on May 1st that starts with the awesome "Pirate Showgroup" at 9 am slt followed by a great DJ & 4 live singers. This is a party you won't want to miss. Nita and her staff will show you a great time.

FRIDAY 1 MAI Tanz in den Mai
9 am - 10 am slt : The Pirates Showgroup
10 am - 12 pm slt : DJ Mario
12 pm slt : Rola Hykova UKD Project
1 pm slt : Ricardo Avalira
2 pm slt : AM Quar
3 pm slt : Maxx Sabretooth
Host : Evee

CONTEST : BEST in Gold (In Pot 2000 LD$)

Club Lion/Lions Hell proudly presents Widescreen High Definition Livestream Broadcasting of our shows in Second Life. Club Lion is currently the only music venue to provide this feature. Now people who aren't in Second Life can watch our shows and events.
Tune in to hear your favorite singers.

Friday, April 3, 2015


On behalf of the SL Enquirer, we wish you a Happy Anniversary.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Avatar Social Network's 1st Anniversary Celebration- September 20th from 9 am -11pm SLT

Avatar Social Network (ASN) is a social media website for virtual world residents and gamers where no real life information is required. You can be whoever you want to be while enjoying a fun community and make new friends.

We are celebrating our 1st Anniversary in Second Life on September 20th from 9AM to 11PM SLT so all time zones will be covered. A fantastic set of live singers and DJs are ready to entertain you, designer gifts, special offers and rewards are waiting for all the guests. Don't miss out.

If you are not a member yet, we invite you to join Avatar Social Network and hoping to see you at the party.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Transylvania Turns Ten! August 7- August 13th 2014

Give in to your dark side and enjoy a week of Gothic themed events as part of Transylvania’s tenth anniversary celebrations. Transylvania is now one of the oldest communities in SL and features a thriving social scene where everyone is welcome. With live music, DJ’s, masked balls and red carpet parties there is plenty to see. Runs August 7th to August 13th

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sixth Year Anniversary of the Loch Ness Inn / Caledonian Ballroom- Monday April 7th- Sunday April 13th

Our 6th year anniversary week starts on Monday 7th April, 2014. 

The original idea for the Highlands of Scotland were started by Gerald Wylie 7 years ago as an inworld Nessie Hunt Game.  However, on 22 March 2008 he decided there was a wee space for a pub. This was set up and on Friday 11th April 2008 our official opening of The Loch Ness Inn (Nessie’s Nook) was celebrated.  We have always used Aldouri Castle for this Second Life Inn although the building has been changed to suit modern day SL.

Although the Sims changed over the years, we have kept the Warm Highland Welcome.  Friendly Community Feeling and encourage our friends to feel at home with us.  We moved to the new sims on 8th April 2009 and have been there ever since.  The Inn is the perfect ‘local pub’ for most of us and we are looking forward to our full week of celebrations starting on Monday 7th and ending on Sunday 13th with our Grand Highland Ball and Anniversary Ceilidh.


Line up starts:
12:00  Sabreman Carter’s Open Mic Poetry in Brody Castle
13:00  DJ Remius

Friday, March 14, 2014

Energy Club celebrates four year anniversary with three themed events starting on Friday March 14th at 12pm SLT through Sunday March 16th.

Featuring some of the best and hottest DJ in Second Life bringing  you live music and the most amazing parties on the grid. Free gifts from great designers like Legal Insanity, Energie Footwear, Delirium Style, Vision, Moose Clothing, Aris Aris, Gizza, Moda, Utopiah, Akeruka, N1co and Poison. 


Friday, March 7, 2014

You are Cordially Invited to The Gentry Clothing Store's 4th Year Celebration! March 8, 2014 @ 6pm SLT

"Enjoy Life!...with the right company, friends and lovers...both SL and RL are beautiful places to enjoy life, it's for the living!"
-Sheen Ravnik

About US
The Gentry Clothing Store offers  menswear, women's clothing, suits, tuxedo, vests, cowboy boots, denim outfit, western wear, jacket, western boots, jeans , shirts, corsets and sunglasses designed by Sheen Ravnik.

Join us on Saturday March 8th @ 6pm SLT

Thursday, January 30, 2014

You are Cordially Invited to a Momentous Ocassion- Bonaire Estates' Pup Witherspoon and Milano Ferrentino's 6th Anniversary!

Friday, January 31, 2014 marks an important date for Bonaire Estates – it is the 6th anniversary for its founders and owners, Pup Witherspoon and Milano Ferrentino!

In celebration of this momentous occasion, we cordially invite you to the Love Boat to attend their Anniversary Celebration this Friday from 6 to 8pm SLT. This event is also a fundraiser for the Feed A Smile charity, so please come, enjoy and be generous.

Held aboard a gorgeous yacht generously provided by Michael Corleone of Monaco Yachts, this elegant event will be the highlight of our year! Dancing and wonderful live music will be provided by two amazing and talented live music performers. From 6 to 7 pm, Chillee Hernandoz will delight you with her wonderful voice and energetic personality. Then, from 7 to 8pm the amazing and delightful HammerFla Magic sings his way into our hearts and brings a perfect romantic touch to the evening.

The theme is nautical so please come dressed as your favorite boat or ship related TV or Movie character. For instance, a couple might come dressed as Thursten and Lovee Howell from Gilligan’s Island. You could come dressed as Captain Stubing from the Love Boat, or perhaps Rose from The Titanic. Be creative and come and celebrate this amazing love. From these two have sprung one of the biggest and best estates in Second Life – Bonaire Estates. Thanks to their love and vision, Bonaire Estates is an amazing place for SLers to call home.

See you on Friday, Jan. 31, 2014 from 6 to 8pm aboard The Love Boat!

Suzanne Piers

Bonaire Estates Events Manager 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The 5th Anniversary Sunburst Blazin1.FM Caribbean Carnival Week Is On!- Friday, August 30, 8:30-10:30pm slt J'OUVERT

Sunburst Premier Entertainment
Shon Larsson, Owner/CEO
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sunburst Premier Grid Entertainment in conjunction with radio hosts its annual Caribbean carnival, and celebrating the 5th year anniversary of producing this event for the Second Life residents.  The events begin on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 and conclude with the main Caribbean carnival on Saturday, August 31, 2013 at multiple locations.

The 2013 Sunburst Premier Caribbean Carnival week has begun and what an opening!  The pre-carnival kick-off at Club 51/50 was beyond expectations.  The crowd of 50 partied to the sounds of DJ Empress Zion who had the building rocking.  We continue thru Saturday August 31, 2013 with the main Caribbean carnival.  Following is the itinerary for this week’s activities.  Everyone is welcomed and costumes are encouraged where applicable.  You can obtain information about the Caribbean carnival from our website at:  and on Facebook at: .  Tonight will be sizzling!

Thursday, August 29, 6-8pm slt
LATIN HEAT - The Hottest Night Of The Year! @ The Prime Rose Theater, DJ Spice the Sensual Latina, Attire: Latin Style, (bring your own ice you’ll need it). Complimentary door prizes provided by our sponsor:  Ishtari Design Concepts (IDC), Alyssa Ishtari, Owner.

 Friday, August 30, 8:30-10:30pm slt

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The 5th Anniversary Sunburst Blazin1.FM Caribbean Carnival Has Expanded..Again!

Sunburst Premier Grid Entertainment in conjunction with radio hosts its annual Caribbean carnival, and celebrating the 5th year anniversary of producing this event for the Second Life residents. 

The events begin on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 and conclude with the main Caribbean carnival on Saturday, August 31, 2013 at multiple locations.

Our 2nd press release is a little late but full of details. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunburst Premier Entertainment- The 5th Anniversary of Sunburst Blazin1.FM Caribbean Carnival- August 28-31st

Shon Larsson, Owner/CEO
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Plans Underway for The 5th Anniversary Sunburst Blazin1.FM Caribbean Carnival
Sunburst Premier Grid Entertainment in conjunction with radio hosts its annual Caribbean carnival, and celebrating the 5th year anniversary of producing this event for the Second Life residents.  The events begin on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 and conclude with the main Caribbean carnival on Saturday, August 31, 2013 at multiple locations.

The Sunburst Caribbean carnivals began in 2008 when I noticed there were hardly any celebrations during the weeks of carnival in Second Life.  Since that time for the next 4 consecutive years, the staff of Sunburst Premier Ent. with the support of some of the most thoughtful and generous sponsors on the grid, have produced a day long full Caribbean carnival to the enjoyment of hundreds of SL residents to date.   Oohlala Sassoon, Owner of Ooh-La-La Skins responded when asked why does she want to sponsor this event: "Blazin' 1 FM has done so much over the years to contribute to bring Caribbean cultural awareness to Second Life, and it just makes sense to sponsor an organization that has shown this much longevity. I salute Shon's work and it just made sense to participate."

Monday, February 4, 2013

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: DCWF Wrestlefest V- Numbers Rossini Reporting...

All this week DCWF is celebrating not only its 5th anniversary but the 5th anniversary of Professional Wrestling in Second Life.

The week is marked with events, happenings, and sports entertainment just about every night.
Events begin Monday February 4th with retro matches, featuring DCWF stars of the past, as well as a date auction.

Also throughout the week we will be auctioning off memorabilia from the past such as old gear, t-shirts, and other artifacts from the early years of the DCWF. The countdown begins  Wednesday  February 4th at 3pm as DCWF presents "Wednesday Warzone", its final show before Wrestlefest V.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Levity Magazine Celebrates its 1st Anniversary : October 2012 Volume 12

This issue features a horoscopes spread for October, including some fashion favorites, articles and entertainment ads. You will also find a note from the the publisher and Editor in Chief.  

Congrats on your milesstone Levity!

Check out the latest issue here:

Friday, June 1, 2012

SL Newser: Join Second Life Newser for a PARTY! June 3 @ 11 am SLT

It's Second Life Newser's Two Year Anniversary next week. We're still planning our schedule, but it starts Sunday June 3 at Cova's Cove, a private beach owned by our friend Covadonga Writer. The fun begins at 11AM, and all are invited.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"SL's Home of Bohemia, "The Virtual Hotel Chelsea Manhattan" celebrates its 2nd Anniversary tonight, with an all evening line up of Poetry and Original Music"

Tuesday May 3rd @ 4pm slt

Come celebrate Virtual Hotel Chelsea's 2nd Anniversary with a fantastic Line Up of Sl featured Musicians

Virtual Hotel Chelsea