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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


So, one of the really cool things about being a Reporter for the SL Enquirer is that I get to travel the entire Grid on my five-year mission: to explore strange new Regions, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before!  (Music builds to a crescendo!!!) those five years, I really thought I had seen everything, encompassing every possible build.  Little did I know there were STILL surprises to be had.  Today’s Spotlight Feature is not about a Build or a DJ, a Sim or a Celebrity.  it is about...(Drum Roll please):

                                                                A SYSTEM.

Here, to explain it best is the Creator and Brains behind ZEN METAL -  Sebs (sebastyne.alpha)

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:     So then, Sebs. Just exactly what is the "ZEN METAL SeeKin" test?

Sebs (sebastyne.alpha) SA:     ZEN METAL SeeKin is a thinker-type test that will find your base-level compatible people through some very important questions that reveal your value system, how you love and wish to be loved - whether platonic or romantic. It can be used as a base for any kind of relationship, personal, business, romantic, and sexual - and should be used if you ask me. Basically, it finds you people who define “a good person” the same way you do and who enjoy life the same way as you do  - the first and the second life... or would enjoy it if they had you in it. ;)

JB:     Did you create this yourself, or were others involved as well, and if so, then who?

SA:     No, it's all me. I like thinking and doing and, frankly, being in control of every aspect of everything. :p Except people. People, I want them liberated to be their authentic selves, but I'm a possessive control freak when it comes to my vision and creativity. :D

JB:     Who might find this system particularly useful and Enjoyable?  Describe the Ideal user.

SA:     People who feel their relationships keep failing or disappointing them for some mysterious reason they can't really identify. I promise ZEN METAL SeeKin is tweaked to find that reason. It is best for people who are quite confident in relationships already, but have that final puzzle piece to figure out. It's to find that one missing piece from being a relationship Zen Master.

An ideal user may enjoy the mystery of how this came to be and where is it leading and want to come for a ride. It is best for people who are themselves in a virtual environment rather than those who play a character when online, as there is a real opportunity to bond with real people at the end of the "test tube," as I've begun to call it.

JB:     The other day, I figured I would see what this was all about, and I ran into a collection of Dogs and an equal number of Cats. What is it with all these animals?

SA:     The dogs and cats represent the core values of each group. Dog Type Thinkers are loyal and hierarchal; they play as a team, a unit, "a one," while Cat Type Thinkers are more independent and aloof and value individualism so much they never want to see their loved ones change. Dog Type Thinkers, to love is to change to show love; to Cat Type Thinkers, to love is to protect the other's unique personality at all costs and never change.

While you can predict your outcome out of that quite accurately, the answers are mixed in the test - a cat may mean a dog -answer, and a dog can be counting cat points - just saying.

JB:     What other ideas do you see this being used for?

SA:     Oh, so many, but for one: Sim-owners often find their joy of creating gone when their sim starts to collect people from a different group than they, themselves, belong to. There's a reason why this is also common, but I'll explain that later to those who are interested.

The difference in thinking makes people behave in a manner that doesn't suit the sim owner. Either they seem too eager to change everything you've already done and seem completely disrespectful toward your vision or seem somewhat aloof and disinterested in what you've created. These two thinker types show appreciation in completely opposite ways. Both groups mean to say "we love it" but say it the opposite way so it feels like "we hate it but want to hang out here anyway and be pests," to the poor sim-owner.

Therefore it's important the sim is filled primarily with your own type of thinkers, particularly from the start, when a sim owner is establishing an atmosphere to keep it bringing joy to the creators themselves, too. This security add-on will be added to ZEN METAL marketplace very soon, and it won't break the bank.

JB:     So....many of the more popular online match sites carry a hefty price tag to help you find "The One".  Just how much can folks expect to spend on your "system"?

SA:     The base system, "the Signet Ring," is free and is going to stay that way. Paid add-ons will be added later, mainly with sim owners in mind. I don't want to price myself out; however, I will quite willingly price my products so they're accessible to everyone who owns even a small plot of land.

I suspect there are going to be developer kits available for derivative works, too... Soon.

JB:     When I clicked on the questions, they appeared in chat. Can anyone within Chat range see my answers?

SA:     No, only you can see the questions and how you answer them. They use a secret channel unique to you. This means that although the test is definitely best taken alone at one's own pace, two people can take it at the same time; just keep a little respectful distance from the person before you.

When touched, the buttons turn green for everybody and function as bookmarks (remember those?). While the green still lingers, you should keep from touching that button if another resident is using the system so you all know where you're at.

JB:     What is the end-state here?  to let people know if they are Cat Type Thinkers or Dog Type Thinkers? Anything Else?

SA:     At the end of the trail, you'll get your thinker-type package. It'll give you a location to hang your hat at and find some like-minded people. They are off-ZEN METAL main sim locations, so you can fully relax. I'll hang out on one of them based on my thinker type, and of course, you might see me doing some admin, but never mind me.

You will also get a ring you can wear anywhere on the grid. You can use it to scan for avatars that are baseline-compatible with you anywhere you are. I'm sure it'll take some time to find another user with a matching ring, but I hope this will take off fast.

These objects will be given to you as you hit the 'finish' button in your HUD. If something goes wrong, or you want to make sure you can retrieve a fresh ring later, please don't reset the HUD; hit Finish again. 

To not take the excitement away, the ring alone doesn't reveal EVERYTHING there is to know about a person, of course, but it eliminates people who are simply a hopeless combination. Two perfectly good people with completely opposite ideas of what relationships are even there for. (You didn't think there was another reason, did you? ;) )

JB:     What’s next on the agenda?  Any more ideas under consideration or development?

SA:     Oh, plenty. I will keep them close to my chest for the time being, but a lot of it has to do with this very thing... I am brimming with ideas; my only problem is the time and limitation of a measly 10 fingers. However, I am working on Second Life full-time and obsessively, both for my own entertainment and my only plan for an income, so... Please make me popular. ;) The system is very new, so afford me a little patience if and when something goes wrong. I am constantly improving it, and hopefully, it'll be foolproof very soon. The more people offer me feedback, the better.

JB:     Where might people go to learn more about this fascinating system?

SA:     The "test tube," as I call it, is located on a small independent Zindra parcel, away from ZEN METAL main sim at

The greeter should give you a HUD for the test and instructions on how to use it. It might seem to be stuck when you touch the first question, but it is just giving you ample time to read the instructions - for a reason.

I'm hoping to see many people grow this fast; we'll all have a blast and write SL history. I know I'm talking it up a bit, and I hope it will live up to it. Having said that, I've had test runs that have failed to utter chaos and misery, with you, Josh, for one, so... :D Fingers crossed!


The brand-new ZEN METAL SeeKin group:

So, there you have it, Folks.  If you are tired of the typical run around in SL…you meet someone…you fall in love…you introduce them to your parents, and only THEN do you learn that they are wanted by law enforcement officials on 5 continents for unlawful flight to avoid paying alimony….then ZEN METAL is for you.  Give it a of the most amazing systems of its kind available on the Grid today.  What have you got to lose… except maybe your place in line for your next failed relationship.

Oh Yeah…..Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

Be There.  Aloha!


Sunday, June 30, 2024

LANAI'S DIARY- What's poppin Ya'll


It’s Lanai Jarrico that washed up virtual world reporting that just doesn’t go away to some and to others.. OMG she’s alive!

After a long day of being that Boss B*tch in RL. I needed to unwind and do what I love best; writing. 

Warning though, if I start telling you about my day, you'll either be inspired or need a stiff drink, or both, buckle up.

It’s been a while. I haven't been in Second Life much as I navigate real life. I had to take a break from that madness and come back to a place where I can truly unwind and do something creative.

  If I can only get the foil seal off this bottle of Ciroc. WTF grrrrrrrrrr.

Got it! Anyway, as I sit here thinking I’d do a little writing and just let the thoughts spill out my head while sipping. 

Let’s talk about life for a minute. If you are a young buck this might give you insight to help encourage personal growth and for yall old heads like me. (90’s teens) we are at the point in our lives where most of us are becoming empty nesters while we watch our babies conquer the world with the skills we put in place for them. It’s a bittersweet stage of life where you are left wondering who you are as a person and what’s next.

Well, just like most folks in this age bracket, we are working. Handling our business and hopefully making self care and happiness a goal. Don’t feel selfish or like you are abandoning your now adult kids. It’s about doing you and finding what makes you happy so that you can spread the same energy to others. It’s not easy, but prioritizing your responsibilities and goals and making shit happen for you is a win. Remember like the old saying goes… You can’t make anyone happy, if you aren’t happy. Take care of you and the rest will fall into place.

As I sit here sipping away and feeling the buzz, I must say finding time for self care is wonderful if you handle your business and at the end of a productive day, you take that time for yourself, do whatever makes you happy. Whether it be logging into Second life to let that carefree spirit lose or doing something you love for a little YOU time.

Your YOU time is important. We need it in our lives to grow and catch up with ourselves.

I love Second Life. I’ve been logging in for the past two decades. I was very heavily involved in the beginning. It was like crack and I was hopelessly addicted to the SIMS Online. I spent hours immersing myself into a virtual community that gave me access to a variety of friends.  Meeting people on a global scale broadened my worldly perspective and helped me grow as a person in many ways.  I initially got involved with virtual worlds when my brother came home from college and told me about the online version of The SIMS Online. Everyone knew I was a fan and had all the expansion pack CD’s to prove it.

At first, it was just like a chatroom with shit to do. Greening up was the only responsibility we had and the rest was meet and greets. At the time, I spent my time building up what is now known as The SL Enquirer and randomly chatting with people, many of which have become lifelong friends. I had my ups and downs just like many in a virtual world community but one thing I know for sure. It is not a game. Real people are involved and many are just like you! Some log in for entertainment and others come in recognizing the power of this platform and go into business.

I recognized early on that wherever there is a community of people, there’s bound to be some kinda drama. Just like real life, hater be hatin’ and Karens be out here causes a problem that creates a ripple effect through the community. I found it interesting and would open up SLE for people to communicate with each other by promoting their clubs and services as well as adding some spice with Virtual Mafia Family drama.At the time,it was their way of communication and people seemed to get a kick out of it. We all know drama can be interesting and some peeps like to bust out their popcorn and spectate. Drama is all good when it aint your own…so readership grew.

19 years later, SLE is still spreading news across the grid and doing its thing. It was a journey for sure but totally worth the ride. To all my true friends that have been with me along for the ride, thank you for being one of the many that helped make me who I am today. Your advice, insights, comic relief and genuine unconditional love has been a driving force in allowing me to continue doing what I love.

Anyway, as this liquor is continuously hitting me I will proceed rambling until I make no sense. 

The point of this random ramble was just to say Hi, Hope all is well and you are happy doing what you love. If I’m around don’t hesitate to message me and ask what's poppin’. I love chatting and being a part of our unique virtual world community. 

OMG, word for word from my brain… I totally forgot what the topic is or what to type next.

This Vodka is really smacking me now.  I began sippin’ and writing I lost track of how many shots I took. It's 25 minutes later and I’m beginning to feel like my head is leaning sideways and I’m thinking …. maybe I should have taken a shower first because now I'm going to be holding one hand on the shower wall and try to soap up as fast as I can with the room spinning. 

Shit.. maybe drinking and writing isn't a good thing. It’s probably time to tap out. I gotta work in the morning and since I’m not really a drinker, I guess I will find out if I have a hangover when I wake up.

Have a great day or night wherever you are in the world.  I will write more diary entries soon.


Lanai Jarrico

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Secret Escort that goes above and beyond for her Clients- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

As you all know, Second life is like a never ending Spring Break for many who like to let their hair down and get a little wild and crazy all from the comfort of their favorite gaming chair or worn out couch.  The best part is you get to be a real freak and no one in your real life has to know!

I met up with “Jaylan” who would like to remain anonymous due to her high end escorting career in Second life. She has graced the grid for many years mastering her craft and leaving clients stunned and coming back for more. I was intrigued by her service menu and at first thought it was a joke but turns out she is the real deal that carries herself with grace and absolutely no shame.

Lanai: Hi Jaylan, thank you for meeting with me. I know you have a very tight schedule!

Jaylan:  Hi Lanai, it has been a long time since I’ve seen you. I remember taking a pole dancing lesson with you in my newbie days. Weren’t you the one who got her strappy sandals caught on the pole and it took 4 bouncers to unravel you? You took a hard fall that day, I’m surprised you can even speak or walk.  I always wondered what happened to you.   I’m glad to see all your hard work paid off and you are a reporter now.

Lanai: *blinks*  Remind me to omit the bit about the failed pole dancing endeavor… Don’t judge me! Anyway back to you and your successful career!

Jaylan:  OK, lol. So what would you like to know? I’ll share some valuable secrets but not all!

Lanai: Well, let's begin with how you got started. Maybe it will inspire other struggling escorts in Second life?

Jaylan:  It all began right after taking a pole dancing job at a shabby little hole in the wall which I refuse to name drop for street cred. The owner ended up robbing me for all of my tips by secretly adding an alpha layer over my tip jar. When I confronted him, he canned me and I was struggling to pay my tier. I bumped into an old flame who reminded me just how awesome I was at edging and this certain thing I do that he was unable to find in other girls he dated.  He became my practice partner until his nagging RL wife caught him rubbing one out in the basement and I never saw him again… the rest is history!

Lanai: Well damn, I’m sure that happens a lot. People need to learn how to lock a door and have a knock policy.  So he was your pimp? It's OK, it's totally legal in Second life.

Jaylan:  I guess you can call him that…But just like the culture in SL, we move on fast. Kinda like speed dating on steroids.

Lanai: I agree. So, tell me a little bit about the services you offer. I’m looking at this notecard and it sounds like a joke. Is there really such a thing called the.. *looks closely at the notecard* a… Backwards camel hopscotch, which you charge a whopping 5000L for?

Jaylan:  OMG, that is the best seller right there!  First you have to be very flexible. Not everyone is cut out for it but those that can handle it limp away with a huge smile. I don’t want to describe it because I’m currently working on a patent but, make sure you got lots of lube and a quarter…

Lanai: Yikes, sounds sorta like one of those cheap rides at the county fair…

Jaylan:  I don’t know what kind of fairs you go to but this service definitely gives you your Lindens worth!

Lanai: Ok moving on to The Boogie Man in spandex for 3652L. What can you tell me about that?

Jaylan: Well that one is more of a roleplay/ foreplay service. I personally don’t care for the spandex but you would be amazed how many couples come to me to assist them with it.  It only works with the lights out so a majority of the time, I see nothing, I can just tell they are getting what they paid for by the sounds produced by both parties. 

Lanai: Interesting. It definitely sounds like you're making a killing with these special services! Ok, next on your service menu is Jump slap bootie clap wham bam thank you ma'am for 500L? What’s that about?

Jaylan: Sure am.  This service is exactly what it sounds like. Some people just love abuse. Can’t hate on that. Those requests are usually by men who get dumped and are looking for a quick fix rebound if you know what I mean. 

Lanai: I’m not exactly sure I do but Ok. Next up, Flip flop patty wack give me the bone for a whopping 9005L! 

Jaylan:  OK this one is reserved for my elite clientele. The ones who are most successful in Second life and come from a variety of businesses, mainly sim owners and in the top 5 best brands on the Grid. I take special care to accommodate them during their rare free time. The last client that experienced “the bone” as I like to call it, was so pleased by it that they referred a couple of friends and now they request it regularly! 

Lanai: ahhh, that still doesn't explain anything but I’m sure it will pique some curiosities amongst our readers.

Jaylan: Well, if you refer a friend , just give them the discount code” Bone Lanai” and I will take good care of them. I’m sure you have friends in high places.

Lanai: Absolutely not! Can you give me a more discrete discount code.. Something like GetBoned or something. I don’t think I want my name associated with whatever eyes wide shut campaign you got going on.

Jaylan: lol Ok done. Just remind them to take some extra strength Ibuprofen a half an hour before their service.

Lanai: I don’t even know what to say to that but Ok. We are at the second to last service on this list. What can you tell me about  Bitch slap weasel squeal bareback moooo for 7000L

Jaylan: This service is a tricky one and  it requires 2-3 assistants for a group of 3 or more so the price can vary. I also included a bonus to anyone in the group that doesn’t pass out first within the first 3 minutes. Don’t worry I always have a paramedic on call for any of the services I provide and they sign an NDA.

Lanai: Oh well that sounds pretty ummm…. Safe I guess. Just out of curiosity have you ever been sued?

Jaylan: I can't speak on cases still pending , I’m sorry. But I will say this. Stretching and taking pain killers prior to services is highly recommended.

Lanai: Well at least you take some precautions…. Ok last service on your list… The forrest gump bump bump bam boom for 250L

Jaylan: It’s an additional add on to any of the services. I’m thinking about changing the name since nobody is into Forrest Gump anymore. I was thinking about renaming it the Shocka Deluxe if the name isn’t already patented.

Lanai: Is it fair to say it has something to do with hanging loose?

Jaylan: Exactly, but there is more to it then 2 fingers and a thumb…

Lanai: Well I have to say, this was a very… informative and interesting interview. Thank you for sharing your services and expertise in your unique craft. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers before we go our separate ways?

Jaylan: Actually I do while I have this very public platform. Whoever keeps sending me bags of D*cks, please stop. I have no control of spouses who use my services behind their significant others backs, nor am I responsible for oops pregnancies in group services and accidental fungal STD’s. That guy in New York has never used our services!

Lanai: OK Then…. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I hope you have a very prosperous year and we can meet up again for updates!

Jaylan: I look forward to it. Thank you Lanai!


Jaylan’s Full service Menu Notecard

Thank you for your interest in this ridiculously sexy body of mine and my services. You are correct, you will not find anything in Second Life that would blow your wig back like I do. You came to the right avie.

I've taken the liberty of providing you with the best rates in Second Life for the following:

 Backwards camel hopscotch.................5000L


 The Boogie Man in spandex.....................3652L


  Jump slap bootie clap wham bam thank you maam........500L


 Flip flop patty wack give me the bone............9005L

 Bitch slap weasel squeal bareback moooo..........7000L


 The forrest gump bump bump bam boom....250L


*Maximum Strength Ibuprofen is highly recommended before and after services.




Thursday, April 11, 2024



The earliest recorded evidence of a wedding was discovered about 2350 BC in Mesopotamia. At the time, society needed more stable arrangements so the father of the bride and the groom or his father arranged marriages. Cave peeps must have decided to get more civilized to keep track of relatives and stop all the inbreeding. Today Weddings are a big celebration of Love shared between willing participants, (with the exception of some countries customary practices) by family and friends with a more traditional approach with wedding dresses and tuxes to bridesmaids and groomsmen. Cake cutting, bouquet tossing and the occasional drunken family drama to end the evening so the bride and groom can scoot off to their Honeymoon for some relief.

In Second life much of the same modern day traditions are still practiced but in a virtual atmosphere where  sky’s the limit with the couple's imagination for their perfect fairy tale wedding. Costa Bella Weddings is one of if not the top all inclusive Wedding planning venues in Second Life that caters to the loving couple every step of the way.

 The SL Enquirer met up with  Mrs. Moonkill to learn more about what Costa Bella Weddings has to offer to couples looking to tie the knot in their own unique way.

Interview with Mrs. Moonkill

Lanai: Mrs. Moonkill, Thank you for meeting with me to talk about Costa bella Weddings. I know wedding planning can be tedious and must keep you pretty busy, especially as we approach wedding season!  Where are you from and how did you discover Second life?

Mrs. Moonkill: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, I appreciate it! Wedding planning does indeed keep me busy, but it's always exciting to connect with couples and help them feel special for their dream day. I'm originally from New York. My older sister introduced me to Second Life from seeing it on a TV news show. She came over and downloaded it for me as soon as she heard about it. It's been a fascinating journey exploring the virtual world and its creative possibilities ever since!

Lanai: I can totally relate, I was hooked the moment I got here many moons ago. You’ve been in Second life since 2010, I’m sure you have seen a lot here! What inspired you to get into Wedding planning?

Mrs. Moonkill: Yes, indeed! What inspired me to get into wedding planning was a combination of factors, but one significant moment was when my husband expressed his desire for the perfect place to renew our vows and own our own wedding venue. That initial spark of wanting to create a special space for our own celebration blossomed into a passion for curating unforgettable experiences for couples. It's been incredibly rewarding to see our wedding place expand and grow into a business, fueled by our shared love for creating magical moments for others.

Furthermore, it has also served as a good luck charm for us, as we're still happily together after 14 years, cherishing each other's company every step of the way.

Lanai: Congratulations on finding your true love and also catering to others who have found theirs! Not only do you plan weddings to meet your clients needs but you also offer photography and a birthing center. I would say that is an all around package for couples. Can you tell our readers about Costa Bella Weddings and the packages you offer?

Mrs. Moonkill: Absolutely! At Costa Bella Weddings, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of services to ensure that every couple's special day is nothing short of magical. In addition to our meticulous wedding planning services tailored to meet our clients'

unique needs, our packages include:

-An officiant to conduct your ceremony with grace and professionalism.

-A skilled photographer to capture every precious moment of your big day.

-A professional DJ to curate the perfect soundtrack for both the ceremony and two-three hours of reception festivities.

-Personal wedding planner assistance to guide you through every step of the planning process.

-The venue of your choice, providing a stunning backdrop for your wedding festivities.

-Traditional wedding elements such as the Garter & bouquet toss, Cake cutting, and first dance.

-Access to the Bridal & Groom suite for moments of relaxation and preparation.

-Your choice of professionally made invitations to set the tone for your celebration.

-A beautifully crafted wedding certificate to commemorate your union.

When it comes to affordability, we've got you covered with four comprehensive pricing packages, ranging from 7k L$ to 19k L$, ensuring that there's an option to suit every budget and preference.  Whether it's a small-scale event, or a grand celebration, Costa Bella Weddings

is here to turn your dreams into reality.

Furthermore, to add an extra touch of enchantment to your post-wedding celebrations, we have three honeymoon sims available, providing a serene and romantic escape for newlyweds and offering the ideal setting for an unforgettable experience.

But that's not all! We understand that the journey doesn't end at 'I do.' That's why we offer a state-of-the-art birthing center, designed to provide comfort and support for expecting parents as they embark on the beautiful journey of parenthood.

Lanai: I have to say, you certainly cover all the bases and make it easier for couples to celebrate their love not only with a wedding but also expanding their families in Second Life. Can you walk me through the process from when couples contact you to help them with their dream wedding?

Mrs. Moonkill: Of Course! At Costa Bella Weddings, we Strive to make the journey from initial contact to dream wedding seamless and enjoyable as possible for our couples. From the moment you reach out to us, whether it's on social media, direct message or in-world, A member of our dedicated staff will promptly get in touch with you to offer assistance and schedule a tour asap of our five stunning venues and three enchanting honeymoon/vacation sims.

Once you've selected the perfect package for your needs, you'll find detailed note cards inside containing all the information you need to fill out. Additionally, our wedding planner will reach out to you personally to address any questions or concerns you may have or even help you find the appropriate attire and to assist you in scheduling a rehearsal date for your special day. During the rehearsal, our entire staff will be present to ensure that every detail is perfect and that your wedding day runs smoothly from start to finish. Your happiness and satisfaction are our top priorities every step of the way.

Lanai: I love your attention to detail with this process.  I know it takes a full staff to ensure a wedding goes smoothly from start to finish. Who else assists in the process with you? (photographer, dj, ect)

Mrs. Moonkill: Yes, indeed! Ensuring a wedding runs smoothly requires a coordinated effort from a dedicated team. Our wedding planner plays a pivotal role in making couples feel extra special by orchestrating every aspect of the ceremony. From organizing the bridal party's procession

down the aisle to coordinating animations during the ceremony, our planner ensures that everything flows seamlessly. They also guide everyone to the reception area and oversee important moments such as the couple's cake cutting, garter removal and tossing, bouquet toss and first dance, ensuring that each element of the celebration is executed


Our DJ is another essential member of our team, responsible for setting the perfect atmosphere with timely and appropriate music cues. Imagine the bride walking down the aisle without music—it's the DJ's expertise that ensures such moments are accompanied by the perfect soundtrack.

Of course, our photographer captures those precious moments, immortalizing the joy and love shared throughout the day.

At last, our security/receptionist ensures that the privacy of the event is respected while warmly welcoming guests and potential clients. They play a vital role in guiding visitors to different venues if they wish to explore further.

Together, our team collaborates to create unforgettable experiences for our couples and their guests, ensuring that every detail is meticulously planned and executed.

Lanai: You are making me want to get married now! I should probably start by finding the man of my dreams first! Lol jk. What are your most memorable moments during the weddings you hosted?

Mrs. Moonkill: One of the most rewarding aspects of hosting weddings at Costa Bella Weddings is witnessing the joy and happiness of our couples and their guests. Every wedding is unique and special, but there are certainly moments that stand out in my memory.

One of my most memorable moments is seeing the sheer delight on the faces of newlyweds as they exchange vows in our picturesque venues. It's truly heartwarming to witness such profound love and commitment.

Another memorable moment is when I receive feedback from couples and guests about their experience. Recently, I was touched to receive a link to a Facebook post image of a couple enjoying their honeymoon, accompanied by a lovely comment expressing their appreciation for the exceptional service provided by our staff. Knowing that we've contributed to creating unforgettable memories for our couples fills me with immense pride and joy.

Also, seeing our dedicated staff in action, ensuring that every detail is attended to with care and professionalism, makes my day every day. Their commitment to excellence is truly commendable, and it's a privilege to work alongside such a talented team.

Overall, it's the combination of heartfelt moments, positive feedback, and the dedication of our staff that makes each wedding at Costa Bella Weddings truly memorable and special.

Lanai: With the beautiful memories you help couples create, it must be so fulfilling being able to experience it with each wedding you host. On the flip side, I’m sure you had a bridezilla or two. How do you handle those situations?

Mrs. Moonkill: Hmm, while the majority of our wedding experiences are filled with joy and excitement, we understand that planning such a significant event can sometimes be stressful, leading to moments of tension or anxiety. In such situations, we approach with a lot of

patience and understanding.

Our priority is to ensure that every couple feels supported and heard throughout the planning process, even during moments of high stress. We strive to maintain open communication channels, allowing couples to

express their concerns and preferences freely.

When faced with challenging situations or 'bridezilla moments', our team remains calm and composed, seeking solutions collaboratively with the couple. We believe in addressing issues proactively and finding mutually beneficial resolutions.

Ultimately, our goal is to transform moments of stress into opportunities for growth and understanding. By approaching challenges with patience, empathy, and a commitment to excellence, we aim to turn every wedding experience into a positive and memorable one for our couples.

Lanai: You do it with such care and grace. Do you have a website or a Flickr page showcasing Past Weddings and some photos?

Mrs. Moonkill:  Our Facebook page highlights previous weddings, where joyful couples share their special moments with us, a sight that always brings us happiness.

Our website features galleries of past weddings and detailed information about our services and packages.

These both allow couples to browse through our portfolio and get inspired and excited for their own special day. Feel free to visit our website( ) and facebook ( ) to explore our work and

see the magic of Costa Bella Weddings!

Lanai: Thank you for sharing those links with our readers. What group can couples join to stay up to date with your services?

Mrs. Moonkill: To stay updated with our services and offerings, couples can join our official Costa Bella Weddings Discord group ( ). This ensures that you receive timely updates on new packages, venue options, special promotions, and upcoming

events. It's the perfect way to stay connected and informed about everything happening at Costa Bella Weddings. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Lanai: You and your staff have done a fantastic job. Continue to nurture and celebrate Love in Second life. I wish you and Costa Bella Weddings the very best and many great years of services for couples in Second Life.  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Mrs. Moonkill: I'd like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone reading this for their interest and support. At Costa Bella Weddings, we are passionate about creating unforgettable experiences for our couples, and it's our privilege to be a part of such significant

moments in their lives. Whether you're considering us for your wedding or simply interested in learning more about our services such as our honeymoon/vacation sims or even just renting a venue for a private party, we're here to answer any questions and help turn your dreams into

reality. Thank you for considering us as your partner in creating magical memories that will last a lifetime.

You fell in love slowly and then suddenly it happened. Costa Bella Wedding with our pleasure. -Costa Bella Weddings. 

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