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Showing posts with label educational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label educational. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Celebrating Second Life: The Wall of History -Pen Dragon Reporting

Second Life is celebrating its 15th birthday with a whole host of parties, concerts, free gifts and so much more, but how did it all begin? What was SL like before modern mesh, before the incredible world we have all grown to love? Let's take a stroll back in time with our flux capacitor enabled DeLoreans to find out!

Second Life, or SL, is a name we are all familiar with today, but when Linden Labs developed the virtual word back in 2003 it was called LindenWorld. Before beta testing began it was decided to change the name to Second Life in order to give a more “creative and descriptive” feel to the new world. Since then it has grown by leaps and bounds, with technology forging new concepts and giving new abilities to creators.
With all this advancement and change, its important to look back at the humble beginnings of this virtual world.

The Second Life Wall of History is the perfect place to dive deep into every aspect of how Second Life began. The wall itself was created for the 2nd anniversary of SL. The landing area puts you just feet away from this repository of historic information.The wall has spheres with hover text describing what each note card giver contains. The subjects are varied and cover a wide range of historic topics, including avatar history, Second Life Historical Museum information, and all the known logs of Linden’s Town Hall meetings.

There are a lot of interesting facts and history to be learned at the Wall of History. For instance, did you know that the hand logo associated with SL we see everywhere is actually similar to a hand symbol seen all over the world in many cultures and civilizations. The hand has many meanings throughout the world. Another tidbit is that there are 2 known Easter Eggs in Second Life. One is mentioned in the note card “Did you know” found at the Wall of History, the other? You’ll have to find that one yourself.

The setting is beautiful with Linden Village and offices as a backdrop. You can climb the stairs up to the main building for a breathtaking view and continue on, around the mountain to discover information on RL education in SL. Continue down the mountain to find fun and interesting tutorials on how to interact with Second Life. There is also a Second Life planetarium with N.A.S.A. video clips. All in all the whole area is a fun place to explore and learn.

Teleport Now!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Getting Older Better: Whole Brain Health SIM- Seersha Heart Reporting...

Lynne Berrett  (Lissena aka Wisdomseeker in SL), psychotherapist and coach to writers and artists, has first hand experience dealing with aging individuals.   She gained this insight after she and her husband took care of several older family members.  She observed the effects of dementia on these individuals, and decided she wanted to learn all she could about ways to maintain brain health.  This knowledge is shared with all of us through the Whole Brain Health Program (WBH) on their SIM Inspiration Island in Second Life.  The umbrella organization is a nonprofit called the Ageless Mind Project.  “A vision to help older adults maintain good self care habits, have lives filled with meaning, enjoy many opportunities for creative expression and positive relationships and always continue to learn and grow.”

Who is their target audience?  You may be surprised to learn that they are targeting those who are 50 plus years old.  It may seem an early age to worry about aging problems, but it is the perfect age to gain an awareness of the multiple intelligences each of us have, and work with them to help our individual aging process.  It is the research of Howard Gardner, psychologist and Harvard graduate, that the apply to the activities at their SIM.
Arguing that traditional intelligence measures are too narrow, Howard Gardner developed a theory of multiple intelligences.  ‘With his colleagues at Harvard Graduate School of Education, he established the master’s degree program Mind, Brain and Education.”  His theory is based on our brain’s ability to process information or “computing power”.  It is a natural progression then that each of us pursue the kinds of activities because our brain processes that area well.  In the terms of the WBH notecard ‘because we have “think-ability” or talent in those areas.”  Gardner has defined eight intelligence modalities [abilities] with a ninth under consideration.  These areas are:
  1. Musical-rhythmic and harmonic; also referred to as Musical Intelligence
  2. Visual-spatial
  3. Verbal-linguistic; literary
  4. Logical-mathematical
  5. Bodily-kinesthetic
  6. Interpersonal; social
  7. Intrapersonal; focused inward
  8. Naturalistic; not part of Gardner’s original seven but added after consideration.  A nature focused area
  9. Existential [Proposed]

Gardner assigns equal value to each of these abilities we may possess.  Traditionally we think of language and math as intelligences but ignores many other intelligences we possess.  Whether you believe in multiple intelligences or not, the activities at the WBH SIM will engage you at all levels.  This SIM is laid out with resources that are far easier to use than those at LL Orientation Island.  The first time I walked around the SIM all I could say was “FANTASTIC”.
The SIM is full of notecards and notecard-receiving boxes for ease of interaction.  You may be completely unfamiliar with SL and this SIM will introduce you to the basics of SL with a nice step by step walk through --- a specially designed Orientation Center you can reach by using the teleporter at the center of the SIM.  This is a handy walk through you may visit again at any time to tune up your expertise. One item I found handy for those new to WBH or new to SL is a Buddy System.  There is a board with the names of members of the Collective who will assist and who will answer questions about WBH or SL.

Those familiar with the basics of SL are encouraged to explore the island. Everything there gives you the opportunity to try out a holistic approach to keeping your brain sharp. You do not have to experience it in any particular fashion.  The Multiple Intelligences Experience build was originally created by Zotarah (Zo) Shepard and it is periodically updated/modified by Associate Director Thuja (Tooyaa) Hynes and Media Director Francisco (Fran) Koolhoven.  It is set up using the Gardner eight intelligences in this fashion:

1.    Interpersonal (Social) Intelligence
2.    Visual/Spatial Intelligence
3.    Literary/Linguistic Intelligence
4.    Naturalistic (Nature-focused) Intelligence
5.    Intrapersonal (Inward-focused) Intelligence
6.    Mathematical/Logical Intelligence
7.    Kinesthetic Intelligence
8.    Musical Intelligence

The introduction notecard gives you these recommendations:

  • Here in the Multiple Intelligences Experience (MIE), you will find 8 areas, each highlighting 1 of these categories. They are not arranged in any particular order. There is no hierarchy among intelligences, according to Gardner. They are all equally valid and valuable. [**The MIE is actually a powerful diagnostic tool. It can also help you expand your modes of thinking through action.]

  • Wander around and investigate each area. In front of each is a sign announcing the kind of intelligence you can explore there. Click on the sign for a notecard. 

  • The notecard explains that particular intelligence in more detail and gives you a list of suggested activities to sample right there. 

  • On the notecard are one or more challenges, some of which can earn you rewards.

  • Try at least 3 activities in each of the 8 areas. Which areas are you most attracted to? Which frustrate you fastest? Which feel most familiar to you? Which would you like to develop more?

The note card continues with adding that by trying 3 activities in each of the 8 areas you will identify your strongest affinities.  “Gardner says that we can have high brainpower in more than one area – but a single type of intelligence is still likely to be somewhat stronger than the rest. He also says we all need to cultivate the highest level of intrapersonal (inward-focused) intelligence possible for us, in order to live well in the world today.”

When you visit this sim there is even a HUD to take you around via TP to the various areas.  It is obvious to the visitor that the designers of the SIM took a lot of time to review how to best navigate the SIM.  You may even ride a bike or a skyway tram.  There are several ways to explore this engaging SIM.  You will recognize some of the activities such as a SUDOKO, and other activities will be new to you.  Some activities put a new twist on a familiar look such as one of the Chess Board challenges.  They have regular activities and you can either visit the SIM to use the large interactive calendar or join the group.
Visit WBH for your brain, for your health and for your curiosity.  You will probably learn something and find new resources all over the grid for your interests by using the LMs in their Community Cultural Hub.  Questions are encouraged with the multitude of Drop boxes and their encouragement for messages.  And responses are quick!

Additional Information:
Article Resources Used:
SIM Notecard

Thursday, November 26, 2015

2015 Thanksgiving in Second Life- Debby Sharma Reporting...

Thanksgiving Day is a day to give thanks for the blessing of the harvest and the preceding year.
It is a National Holiday in Canada and the United States. In Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday of October, while in the United States, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Apart from Canada and the United States, it is observed in Liberia [1st Thursday in November], Grenada, Saint Lucia [1st Monday in October], Norfolk Island (Australia) [Last Wednesday in November], Puerto Rico, Leiden, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany [early October as Erntedankfest] and Japan [November 23rd as Labor Thanksgiving Day]. Being a secular festival, it is also celebrated by a few who follow Judaism.
The origin of the festival in the United States has been debated upon for decades. The debate is often confused between the Thanksgiving Service and Thanksgiving Holiday Celebration. Some claim that the Thanksgiving religious service was celebrated by the Spanish on September 8th, 1565 in Saint Augustine, Florida- which was codified in the founding charter of Berkeley Hundred in Charles City County, Virginia in 1619. 
Others believe that the true origin came from England, when the Pilgrims and Puritans emigrated in 1620s and 1630s who followed a tradition of Days of Fasting and Thanksgiving for the providence. However, later in December 26th, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a joint resolution of Congress changing the national Thanksgiving Day from Last Thursday in November to the Fourth Thursday.

In United Kingdom, the harvest festival of Thanksgiving does not have an official date. It is observed on or near the Sunday of the harvest moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox.
This secular festival is celebrated with singing, praying and decorating baskets of food and fruit to celebrate a successful harvest. The collections of food are usually held which are later given to local charities to help the homeless and needy.  Harvest Dinners and parades are common in Germany. In some places family dinners are common.
In Second Life, residents celebrate Thanksgiving either by partying at clubs, participating in hunts,  dressing up like a turkey, gifting each other and participating in an interactive parade among other things. Here are a few landmarks and events you would not like to miss on Thanksgiving Day.


Photography Credits: Official Facebook page of Chez Moi
By Chez Moi – Win L$ and Gift cards for 3 lucky winners chosen in random order.  Click the link to like their page and the post. Don’t forget to comment your legacy name.


Source: Second Life Destination Guide
The Jerky Turkey Hunt already made it to the Destination Guide. One is required to find the feathers of the Turkey. The hunt items range from Thanks giving to Fall items. Landmark:
Thanksgiving Turkey Hunt at The Magnificent Cat. There are 10 turkeys to look for at the store and skybox. Some give thank giving hunt items and others give L$. Landmark: http://secondlife:///app/region/Shocking%20Blue/17/161/22


Source: Second Life Market Place.
There are many items for sale especially for Thanksgiving like home décor, clothing, shoulder pets etc. Here is the link to browse the products.

Macy’ Famous Thanks giving Parade will be held at Rockefeller Plaza New York City Skating Rink. It is an interactive parade which means people are invited to bring floats with animations where audience can sit or animate themselves on each float giving them a photography opportunity. It is a one and half hour event with 95 floats which started on 15th November and run through till 26th November, 2015. Landmark: http://secondlife:///app/region/Tombstone%20Winslow/215/205/2042

Club Events
All evening celebrations with music and dancing starting at 5:00 pm; one can dress in formal or casual at Foxxies Romantic Jazz Club Dancing, Elegant Ballroom and Gardens on Foxxies. Landmark: http://secondlife:///app/region/Foxxies/218/132/22 
Club Carnage will host a 12 hours Thanksgiving party for family and friends. Landmark: There will also be a dinner party starting at 7:00pm. Everyone is invited to join in their formals as the turkey is served. Landmark:  
Party at Mamaroos from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on 26th November, 2015 will be celebrating thanksgiving with friends and fans of the club. Landmark:
Insatiable [A] will have a party from 6:00pm for an hour to celebrate Thanksgiving and honour Black Friday. Landmark:
The Dusty Wanderer Put at Dusty Heights will have a contest starting at 6:00 pm for 2 hours with 1000L$ on the board {Split}. Landmark: http://secondlife:///app/region/Dusty%20Heights/141/116/2021

Open Mic

Open Mic for 4 hours at The Sound District starting at 7:00 pm. It is requested to come dressed in attire appropriate for a Thanksgiving Dinner. Landmark:

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Mayflower has Landed in Second Life!- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

In Second Life we have the unique ability to recreate historical events and rebuilt structures that have long since been lost or in ruins back to their original state with the help of information gathered from history books,  ancient maps, historical documents and diagrams.  With that being said, I was exploring the grid in search of a farm. I was determined to interview a turkey for my Thanksgiving holiday mascot article. But instead I came across something unexpected.

Located on Zundra at Mayflower & Plymouth Village on a thousand kisses Estate, there bobbing in the water is The Mayflower.  The history of this ship is significant to Thanksgiving if you are familiar with the story about how the New World was “discovered”.  

As the story goes: Hoping to flee the dictates of the Church of England,  The Mayflower was a commissioned vessel responsible for transporting William Bradford and the Mayflower Pilgrims from Plymouth, England to the New World.  It took 66 days as they braved violent storms at sea and disease. 

Finally, on November 11, 1620, The Mayflower dropped anchor at Provinceton Harbor, now known as Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  The surviving Pilgrims did not leave the ship right away, instead they endured the harsh winter aboard the vessel and emerged onto land on March 21, 1621 and started the Plymouth Colony.

The Mayflower did not stick around after its mission. It returned back to England to be used as a trade vessel until the death of Captain Christopher Jones. The abandoned and battered ship was destroyed and used for scrap lumber.

The Plymouth Rock is also significant to the Mayflower and Thanksgiving time because it is famously known as the site said to be the first solid piece of land where the Pilgrims set foot when arriving to the New World. 

Today, it is surrounded by a gate to protect it from damage. Now that you have some background information about these 2 historical artifacts, no matter where you are in the world, it is only a teleport away in Second Life.

 Upon arriving at this great location, virtually, you can explore a depiction of the first settlement. There is a meeting house, fort, outdoor baking oven, cook pot and a family house. 

If you explore the woods you will also find a Wampanoag tribe settlement.
To make your visit more authentic and fun, dress up like a Pilgrim or Indian and invite your friends for an educational outing. Don’t forget to take pictures sitting around the table for the first Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Care and Hope Center @ Center Ground Presents A Free Class on Avatar Safety November 11th at 5pm SLT

Group: Care and Hope Center Friends

Monday, May 25, 2015

The 13 Crystal Skulls Hunt Brought to you by The SL Enquirer

About the 13 Crystal Skulls Hunt

Lanai Jarrico & Max
Inspired by a real world experience with a real 10,000 year old ancient crystal skull named Max, Lanai Jarrico created an educational and unique hunt which features a history book that is used to learn about the real crystal skulls as well as help explorers unlock the treasure chests hidden throughout the island.  Each chest contains one of the skulls. Answer the question correctly and the chest will open giving you a skull. 
 Each skull contains its real history as well as a unique artifact to add to your collection or decorate your home with. Everything from the detailed history book, ancient ruins and hidden cave to the beautifully designed island will mesmerize and enlighten you.

Join the hunt today!

Special thanks to Kirk Lancaster for this promotional video

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spotlight on Prehistorica: The Dawn Kingdoms- Nena Dreadlow Reporting

Prehistorica: The Dawn Kingdoms is a place where you can role play one of these majestic creatures such as a Apatosaurus,  or a  Triceratops or even a Tyrannosaurus rex!. I have never seen a sim such as this on second life so I was very curious to explore and see what it was all about.

Before heading there I did some research on some specific type of dinosaurs that can be found on the sim. History books say that dinosaurs first appeared about 225 million years ago. What caused their extinction is still up for debate. The only thing we can do is marvel at the fossils discovered and wonder how they lived based on the clues they left behind.

 Scientists divide this era into 3 periods: the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The Apatosaurus dinosaur lived in the late jurassic period. They were herbivore with a long neck and tail and Triceratops where the largest of the horned dinosaurs.   It’s one of the most recognizable of all dinosaurs and the best known ceratopsid.  When I think of one of the scariest dinosaur that once ruled  earth’s landscape ,it is the Tyrannosaurus or better known as a T-Rex.  The name speaks for itself.

Can you imagine if they still existed today? How different would life be for all of us?
 I would imagine we would be cautious not to bump into one and become a meal.

At Prehistorica, we can go back to prehistoric times and be the dinosaur!. How cool is that?

When you go to the sim you enter the store where they are a lot of dinosaurs to choose from or you can go right into the prehistoric world using the time machine. They offer a free dinosaur avatar or a time traveler outfit there so you can easily immerse yourself into the theme.   Once you get to the time machine you can pick from 3 places to visit. Cretaceous Canyon, Fossil Beach or Jurassic jungle. There are other areas at Prehistorica but they are for residents of the sim only.

I first went to Cretaceous Canyon and was  immediately  amazed by what I saw. There are dinosaurs roaming around like you just stepped back I time. You can hear sounds of them all around you. I just loved exploring and seeing some of the dinosaurs up close. To just be able to imagine what it was millions years ago it just amazing.

Next I visited Fossil Beach.  This was another place that dinosaurs roamed around freely.  This area of course was surrounded by beach and trees. What a wonderful place with all the sights and sounds of dinosaurs. I just loved being able to see what it must have been like while the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Next I went to Jurassic Jungle.  This is right across from fossil beach and as the title says it is a Jungle! It has a swamp and fog all around it and looks so realistic.

The sim is in the Mesozoic Era...the Age of the Dinosaurs and is educational. This era saw the rise of iconic dinosaurs and lizards and the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea.  It spans 252 million years ago to 66 million years ago. Something I had no idea about so it was nice to learn something new about theses massive creatures and the scientific findings and terms that are used  today.

Being able to travel back in time just like that is one of the things I love about Second life but being able to visit a place such as this is just wonderful.

The beauty of Second Life is not only what you can buy but also what you can see. If you haven't already make sure you take a trip to this sim at least once.

join their group “PANGEA update group” to get all the latest information about the sim and don’t forget to grab you free Pangea carnage freebie souvenir.

Monday, April 20, 2015

It’s 420! Do you Know the History and why it is associated with Pot Smoking?- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

420 is a code for smoking marijuana and is also known as Weed Day to the cannabis culture. Some people believe 420 comes from a police code for smoking in progress but its true origin begins with a group of teenagers who called themselves the Waldos in San Rafael , California. They designated the Louis Pasteur Statue at San Rafael High School as their meeting place and 4:20pm was the time they would get together. 

 Today, April 20th is observed as a celebration of cannabis for all who like  recreational marijuana use. Today marijuana use is more accepted for recreational and medicinal purposes.


Legalization of Marijuana in some form is now in twenty-three states and the District of Columbia. Out of those 23 states, Colorado, Alaska, Oregon and Washington allow it for recreational use, while California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine limit it to medicinal use. There are now 100’s of dispensaries and some states have also removed legal penalty for procession of small amount of marijuana.

Top Reasons Why people smoke marijuana?
·         Medicinal qualities for pain, nausea
·         Stress relief/relaxation
·         Appetite
·         Peer pressure/role model influence
·         Social
·         Heightened sensory awareness
·         Euphoria

Short Term Effects
  • ·         Short term memory impairment
  • ·         Feelings of anxiety  and paranoia
  • ·         Appetite-“Munchies”
  • ·         Impairment operating machinery and vehicles

Long term use can lead to cardiac problems for people with heart disease and high blood pressure, memory and learning difficulty and increased susceptibility to infections. Fertility problems can occur for both men and women due to the suppression of hormones that regulate the reproductive system but will not lead to complete infertility.
The common question about Marijuana being addictive is still in debate.  Studies are finding that marijuana does have addictive properties. However, it is not as addictive as alcohol and cocaine but it can become a habit due to routine use.

Here are some warning signs to recognize if you or someone you know has a weed problem:
  • ·         Frequent use
  • ·         Needing more to feel the effects
  • ·         Spending beyond your budge to obtain it
  • ·         Procrastinating on important things in life
  • ·         Neglecting friends who do not use marijuana
  • ·         Feeling that you cannot function without it

Education about marijuana is important if you are part of the Cannabis culture. If  you are going to observe 420, have fun but smoke responsibly.

Want to grow your own Cannabis Crop in SL? Get your starter kit at CannabiSL Central: