❤This is {amiable} new shoes Gacha@ the Chapter Four!!
✿ only the fitted mesh included. Please try on DEMO, before buying!!
✿The RARE has Socks Texture Change HUD for all shoes.
If you got the RARE, you can change the socks texture for RARE and also COMMONS.
✿This round is TCF 3rd Anniversary round!! Please don't miss it.
Most of all booths have special limited GIFT welcome to you.
Need to join the Chapter Four group, but it is free!!
[Event Date: MAY 4-20]
{amiable}at the Chapter Four.
✿{amiable}main store LM http://maps.secondlife.com/ secondlife/Loki/129/16/28
✿Group: secondlife:///app/group/025fb ac2-aa6f-af41-25c7-4e3361602a7 d/about
✿{amiable}HP: http://amiablesl .blogspot.com
✿Market place https://marketplace.seco ndlife.com/ja-JP/stores/40167
✿Flickr http://www.flickr.com/ photos/nodoka_happy
✿Facebook https://www.facebook .com/nodokaVella
✿{amiable}HP: http://amiablesl
✿Market place https://marketplace.seco
✿Flickr http://www.flickr.com/
✿Facebook https://www.facebook