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Friday, March 21, 2014

The SL Enquirer Media & Entertainment Group

The SL Enquirer Media & Entertainment Group, winners of the AVI Choice award for best news provider in 2013, is proud to introduce our Media Center and other amenities to you our loyal readers and advertisers.

The SL Enquirer Media & Entertainment Group is made up of the SLE HQ and media center where Lanai and the rest of us news hounds bash out our articles for your reading pleasure, plus the SLE Radio station which is due to be launched in Mid April 2014, special launch packages are being offered to all our current print advertisers, contact Lanai Jarrico for more info.  On the entertainment side we offer the SLE Movie Theater showing regular up to date movies.  Plus there is Seven Seas fishing available.

Our amenities are diverse and include the Zen Garden, Le Chat Noir for presenting shows, or making presentations or simply having a fashion show, or we have an open air stage for music events.  Then there is Lanai Beach for beach parties or the SLE Yacht for events.  Last but by no means least is the Lanai Beach CafĂ© where you can chill with your friends or your significant other or if you need a space for informal meetings, why not have those meetings in a venue with spectacular sea views.

If you would like to use any of our amenities for your own events please feel free to contact either Lanai Jarrico or Lacy Muircastle and we will be happy to be of assistance.

We look forward to seeing you at the SL Enquirer Media and Entertainment Group HQ soon.


SLE Movie Theater:

SLE Outdoor Stage:

Lanai Beach:

SLE Yacht:

Le Chat Noir:

Lanai Beach Cafe:

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