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Friday, March 22, 2024



So then, what do the following people all have in common?

  •     Elvis Presley
  •     Neil Young
  •     Bob Marley
  •     Johnny Cash

Well, the answer is obvious, right?

If you guessed they were all born in the month of January, you would have been correct!!!!

Oh yeah…there is also that thing about all of them have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with around 374 other trend-setters in the world of Rock and Roll music.

In SL it is often said that Art Imitates Life, i.e.) SL imitates RL. and now where else on the Grid will you hear a better representation of that particular artistic genre’ than at ROCK STAR.  Considered by many to be the absolute “funnest” (is that a word?) place on the grid, you have GOT to stop by and see what Foxxy Scorpio and her crew are cooking up for your entertainment.

I lucked out the other day and happened upon ROCK STARs Owner and her US General Manager, while she was tweaking some of the decor on her build, and they graciously agreed to speak with me about just what it is that makes ROCK STAR different from all the other club builds out there.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):   So tell me, Foxxy. Where did you get the idea for Rock Star? Is there some history here?

Foxxy Scorpio (FS):   Rock Star came about because my husband and I felt that too many clubs in SL were all about the build and making money, nothing was about the “fun” anymore.

JB:   There are many fun Clubs in SL. What is the Rock Star difference?

FS:   Rock Star is based on 3 things, The People, The Music and The Fun. Without one of these things the other wouldn’t exist

Outlaw Infernum (outlaw64021) OI:  It’s the people. Everybody at Rock Star from the Owners to the VIPs and  everyone in between. We are not cliquish whatsoever. We are family at Rock Star. While other venues may throw around the word "family" We walk the walk and prove it everyday.

JB:      Who do you hope to attract to ROCK STAR and what special group of people might find ROCK STAR  especially appealing?

FS:   We hope everyone finds Rock Star appealing, we welcome everyone, we are an all-forms friendly work place and club. The only thing we ask is that you fit inside the building.

OI:  Who do we hope to attract? That's a very simple answer.....Everyone. Whether you are you’re an average John or Jane or you are a dragon or you are a dinky or furry, wolf, kitsume, or you are a member of the LGBTQ community or BDSM community, It doesn't matter. Now as we are a club that does not censor the music that our DJs play, child avis are not allowed.

JB:    I see a lovely Memorial on the property.  Can you tell me a little about that?

JS:  In front of the school there is a memorial dedicated to our Mentor, friend, and founder of the S&I DJ school, Kieran Broadmoor, he taught the first generation of DJs in SL, then he taught my husband and me how to teach and here we are. When Kieran passed away, he bequeathed me the school and streams, and I promised him I wouldn't let the school die, the clients and students of the school are amazing and wonderful. They helped me through that very dark time for me

JB:      I understand there is special garden area where staff can “let their hair down”, so to speak, and play music of a “different genre”?

FS:   Yes! The Rock Star Ruins. On Sundays we like to dress up and make Sundays special, so we go hang out at our “Sunday Seductive Groove”.  It’s music that’s on the risqué side of romance.

JB:   Tell us about the ROCK STAR Sign, reminiscent of the HOLLYWOOD Sign in California - complete with benches where people can sit and observe a gorgeous sunset.

FS:   The Rock Star sign was built by Nic, it’s an homage to old Hollywood really, the club has been built with The Whiskey  and The Rainbow Room as inspiration

JB:   Could you share some of the other interesting things that visitors and guests can do at ROCK STAR?

FS:   We have lots of photo ops around the place, we also have an ethereal wedding venue.

The Ruins are the most romantic part of Rock Star, we have had a few marriage proposals happen there.

FS:  I also run Foxx Studio Photography, I specialize in head and shoulder portraits, its situated next to Rock Star, the DJ School hub is there as well, where we teach and very soon our streams will be available via a hud on your screen, so people won’t have to physically go somewhere to top up their rentals, the huds will be available for free from this location.

Right next door is my husband’s sound studio, Legato Sound Design, he makes intros, outros and drops for the DJ community, he also creates adverts for the various business s around SL. This has gone in to RL with him being asked to master several RL band’s music.

OI:   There are other places here as well. 

·         New Moon design products  based on the lunar cycle and it can be anything.

·         Totemic Couture has Clothing Designs for the  Discerning Biker or maybe  Biker  with class and much more.

·         The Notable Art Gallery Is free to the public to view and a great place display your art as well.

JB:      What has been your biggest challenge in building ROCK STAR?

FS:   The main challenge has been finding staff who understand what Rock Star is about, People, Music and Fun. We have a saying, "if it’s not fun don't do it" on the wall inside the club. Of course, everyone wants to make a few Ls and, if we do, we are happy, but if we don't, then as long as we had fun, we are still happy. A lot of clubs say they are a family, here we walk that walk and genuinely mean it. No problem is too big or small we all pitch in to help.

JB:   Do you have any plans for future development?

FS:   Yes we do, but they're staying secret for the moment, If I told you now, you wouldn't have an article later in the year :)

JB:   Where can someone learn about the events you host?

FS:   We advertise on the Community Calendar, all over the grid and now with the SLE and a couple of other publications

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

FS:   If you are looking for somewhere you can call your regular hang out, then Rock Star is the place for you, rather like that sitcom Cheers, everyone knows your name here at Rock Star

OI:   The people. Everybody at Rock Star from the Owners to the VIPs and  everyone in between. We are not cliquish whatsoever. We are family at Rock Star. While other venues may throw around the word "family" We walk the walk and prove it every day.




So there you have it, folks.  If you are looking for a quiet evening with 2-hours of elevator music, reminiscent of what you might hear in your dentists office, then KEEP MOVING.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a place where the music will rock you, body, mind and soul, from the top of your head to the marrow in your bones, the ROCK STAR is THE place to be.  Check the place out.  You will be sooooo glad you did.  And when you are there, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

You’ll be glad you did.

Be There!  Aloha!


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