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Monday, April 15, 2024

Why It’s Best For Every Business Owner to Have Two Seperate Computers


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When it comes to creating a work area that you actually want, you have to keep in mind something: You’re better off separating business from pleasure. If you have a work area, it should just stay as a work area and nothing more. Even if you don’t have the luxury of having a home office, just having a little zone, like a designated desk and chair set up in a corner of your bedroom, could work, too. But it’s not just about the room itself, though. 

In fact, when it comes to your devices, it’s a good idea to have two separate devices—especially computers. Just think about it for a moment: you’ll have one computer for your work, such as running your business. On top of that, you’ll have another computer, and this one is for pleasure (preferably in another designated zone). It can be used for activities you enjoy, such as watching YouTube or playing some Second Life. 

At the end of the day, you’re trying to build an empire; you’re trying to take your business to new heights, just like the massive media expert Michael Kassan did with all of his businesses. Just follow what some of the biggest entrepreneurs have done; they keep business and pleasure separate, and that’s why you should, too. So, here’s why it’s a good idea to have separate computers. 

It’s Best for Drawing Boundaries

Let's face it – it's tough to switch off from work mode when your personal computer is also your office. So that’s why it’s best to have dedicated work and personal computers; it means that you can create clear boundaries that help you stay present and engaged at the moment. For the most part, when you have a designated work computer, you can mentally transition into work mode when you sit down at your desk and then switch off and relax when you step away.

You’re Keeping Things Safe

There are so many horror stories about cyber-attacks and data breaches that it’s nightmarish at this point! While you should do what you can to try to keep safe from these, there’s a reason why you should separate your computers- it’s to lower some risks. So, if you’re using a personal computer for work-related tasks, it can expose sensitive business information to unnecessary risks. 

You’re pretty much going to destroy your business at that point with all the fees you’re going to get because using the same computer for business and pleasure will most likely mean you’ll get heavily fined if this is a massive breach (because you do need to report this). On top of that, separating your work and personal activities reduces the likelihood of accidentally downloading malware or falling victim to phishing scams while browsing the web for personal reasons.

Getting in the Zone

Ever find yourself trying to tackle a project while being bombarded by personal emails and social media notifications? Well, that’s bad for productivity, so separating the two allows you to create a distraction-free environment where you can focus on the task at hand and unleash your productivity superpowers. When you sit down at your work computer, you know that you're there to get things done without the distractions of personal emails, social media updates, or playing some Second Life.

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