In Australia thousands are now homeless as they quite simply have no homes, the state of Queensland including its capital has been devastated, and as a supplier of many crops not grown elsewhere or not grown in large amounts elsewhere, the whole country will be suffering.
In Brazil there has been a loss of lives is in the hundreds, as the mud’s engulfed home after home.
In Sri Lanka again many homeless, and how can one not see it as incredibly bad when one of the already memorable pictures from this time, is an elephant, dead in the top of a tree carried there by the flood waters.
All of these events are heartbreaking, and while I realize not much can be done here, as they say, every little bit helps. 100% of the $L raised here will be converted to rl money, and donated to the Red Cross, an organization that helps around the globe.
Those that are wary of donating to a stranger in SL are welcome to head to the official ArtFest Red Cross donation webpage here: http://www.redcrossfundraising.org.au/ArtFest the funds are being specified as going to the floods. The website has a low total to achieve, but that is so we can get all happy when we achieve it, and WAY happier when we far surpass it (hint hint).
An entire (mature) sim is being devoted to this competition, and has already attracted all types of artists with all sorts of categories covered. Visitors to the sim can take part in the popular vote where people show their appreciation for the works by donating lindons to the tipjar with it. The sim is changing each day as people build and new works go for sale in the Bazaar so all are encouraged to make repeated visits.
There is still room for all sorts of artists to take part, and the details are in the following notecard:
Saturday 22nd January - Start, building phase, artists welcome to join at any point until the building phase ends.
February 13th, 6pm - Special Auction of donated art for Valentines (got your gift yet? get one that gives twice). Bids can be made on auction items at any time beforehand, but the last minute dash is often where you need to be to win it (plus it is more fun) - auction items are displayed on central platform.
Sunday february 20th at nidnight - End building, Judged voting begins.
Monday February 28tth from 6pm - Presentation, Concert, and Huntress's rl birthday party, with Strum Diesel and Thunderfoot Lorefield performing. All artists are strongly encouraged to attend and recieve their prizes. Some of the prizes can currently be seen on display on the NE corner of the island, along with many of the final auction items, TP pads can take you there.
Sunday March 6th - Final close. Artists must pick up their work from this date onwards, but should leave their work in place until this date. Many people like to pop back and forth to see who the winners were, and sometimes don't realise anything is here until after they come in for the concert.
Singers and DJ’s are welcome to fill the sim with music when there are no conflicting events, show your talents and you never know who may catch a performance and want to book you for future shows.
Artists whether in the competition or not, are welcome to sell their items in the bazaar, however you must agree to a profit split from all sales where at least 50% goes to charity.
This is the chance for all creative people to show what they have, jump on board now.
To those not able to take part in this themselves, please, please pass this along to any you think may be interested, especially other groups. Also encourage people to come and see the sim, admire the art, vote with their Lindons.
There are a few things to do here, it is a great place to just sit and hang out in the chairs on the platform, while there you can also dance, do a little shopping, and even hop on Fred below in the underwater garden (he loves giving people rides). Newer additions here are the 7Seas fishing, and donation blocks building spots. There are little interest spots about the place to look at apart from the actual art on show, so have a good look around.
For those interested in more active moments, there is events such as the auctioning off of some art at certain times, the concert, classes to cover the VERY basics of building, and there may even be a treasure or scavenger hunt.
My blog will be updated with more information at various points, and will likely have links to other people helping and documenting the event (people who are doing so please give me your links to add) so check back often:
**hugs** to any out there who have been affected by the floods or have significant people in your life that have, I know that amongst the artists that are already taking part, 5 are in the flood effected areas of the world.
Huntress Catteneo
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