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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Thursday, February 13, 2025

HOLIDAY MASCOT SERIES: Interview with Cupid 2025- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…


Recently I met up with Father Time who seemed annoyed but still did an interview.  He reminded me why Cupid and I had a falling out so not only did I go on my quest to find him but I wanted to apologize for last year. I really didn’t mean to beat him to a pulp with a fist full of roses. I don’t like to get startled. With that said, I search across the grid and found him minding his own business at  Japanese Tempura  Island where he was taking a Tai Chi Class.

Lanai: CUPID! Long time no see! Let me apologize for last year. I really didn’t mean to attack you with roses. I’m sorry *makes a pouty face*

Cupid: OMG, it’s you! Stay away from me. You are like a sour patch kid commercials amplified!  Can’t you see I’m busy!

Lanai: Don’t tell me you are still butt hurt over what happened. It’s been a year, let that shit go. You shouldn’t have startled me. You know my swing reflex is something different..

Cupid: Something different?? That was totally a manic Karen episode! To top it all off you were trespassing in MY garden!

Lanai: Cupid, you know you love me so stop putting up a front. Father time told me all about your holiday date switching plan to avoid me. That’s not how you treat your FWB.

Cupid: Oh he did? So you tracked him down too? You are supposed to stay at least 500 yards away from me.

Lanai: Yea.. that expired.  And stop acting jealous. You didn't have to get the other mascots involved in our personal business.

Cupid: Ohh they have their own reasons for avoiding you. Do I need to remind you what you did to the Easter Bunny on April Fools day? He had to wear a furry pink onesie on Easter and  spent the rest of the year hiding so his own fur would grow back in. He looked like a giant overstuffed mole rat with big ears. I never want to see a grown Easter Bunny ugly cry ever again in my life. It’s horrifying.

Lanai:  It was kinda funny… at the time. Don’t tell me you never switched someone's shampoo for Nair before. Live a little.

Cupid: NO!!! That’s a terrible prank.  What about the time you caused a vicious fight between Larry the Leprechaun and one of Santa’s helpers. They accidentally sewed the wrong ear onto the other. I don’t think they ever found the other missing ear.

Lanai: Hey, that had nothing to do with me. I was at The Blarney Stone having a couple drinks while minding my own business when I heard them arguing about who’s taller. All I did was say, Larry had about a centimeter over the elf. That's when the ear tugging began and well. Yea , that wasn't my fault!

Cupid: MMhmm. Ok what about the time you put cannabis oil in Mrs. Clause’s brownies and  Santa got pulled over while delivering Christmas presents. Good thing everyone loves Santa and they let him off with a warning. Mrs. Clause broke an ankle trying to dance on the table and slipped.  You nearly canceled Christmas for everyone!

Lanai: Wasn’t me.

Cupid: Lanai, you dropped your medical marijuana card and Mrs.Claus found it in her kitchen… Why do you think you got coal this year?

Lanai:Oh, I was wondering where it was. About the coal though,  I collect rocks and figured it was a thoughtful gift! All I was doing was adding a little jolliness to his long night. Lighten up, Christmas was a success. I heard even naughty kids got presents this year.

Cupid: SMH. Why are we having this interview again?

Lanai: Because Valentine’s day is coming up and I wanted to know if you had any words of wisdom for all the lovers out there.

Cupid: Well first of all to any guy who has the slightest interest in asking you to be their Valentine should think twice. Your reputation for being a heartbreaker is probably the most frequently used search term on the internet next to Drones in New Jersey.

Lanai: Anyway…You are just mad that I wouldn't be your Valentine. Remember the time I caught you trying to play a harp at my window while humming a rap song? That was really weird. Of course I threw a shoe at you and turned you down.

Cupid: See. You can’t even appreciate a kind gesture after an amazing time. You… You… heart of stone Queen! I totally regret that night.

Lanai: Not the night before though… lol.  Stop spreading fake news and work on your name calling…

Cupid:*facepalm*  Lanai, you have a way of making people love and hate you at the same time. I’m not sure where this interview is going but I need to pick up my arrows and get ready for Valentine’s day. I have Love to spread.

Lanai: So do I.   I’ll see you later. *winks*

Cupid: *rolls eyes* You are something else. Want to Netflix and chill?

Lanai: Are you asking me out?

Cupid: No…

Lanai: OK, come over.

Special thanks to Edge Catteneo

Groundhog Sees Shadow; Elise Prudhomme sees Grand Prize in Travel Contest


On Sunday, February 2, which is traditionally celebrated as Groundhog Day in the U.S.A., the groundhog saw his shadow predicting six more weeks of winter weather.  On that same day, the Travel & Adventure group held a Groundhog Day travel contest.  The winner of the Grand Prize in that contest was Elise Prudhomme.   Elise, who is the owner of Yangeuila Park and its Drive-In movie theater., recently joined the Travel & Adventure group and enjoyed participating in the contest.  In fact, she said that she had a blast. Elise took six trips on Groundhog Day to clinch the Grand Prize - three airline flights, a sailboat cruise, a train ride, and a bus ride! Asked to comment, Elise additionally stated, "If you haven't taken the opportunity to travel around Second Life in the various available vehicles, please do so! It's a fantastic way to meet people and get to know all the different areas of Second Life. There are airplanes, helicopters, pods, sailboats, motorboats, cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, bicycles - to name just a few. I encourage everyone to explore Second Life in their spare time...and even bring your friends for a group activity!"

Travel & Adventure plans to continue offering special contests, promotions and fun events.  In the meantime, you can join the group in order to start exploring the SL Mainland and experiencing fun travel opportunities, such as cruises, airplane rides, and railroad journeys, among many others.  There is no cost to join the group or to take any of the trips that are announced in the group. Find us in Search.

EROTIQUE BURLESQUE sexy GO GO dancers trip the light fantastic in our encore show Sunday Feb16/2025 at 12:30pm slt.


EROTIQUE BURLESQUE: STUDIO 54 The iconic New York nightclub was a place where the elite and the outcasts danced side by side under disco's dazzling lights. Come see our sexy GO GO dancers trip the light fantastic in our encore show Sunday Feb16/2025 at 12:30pm slt.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025





DATE: FEB 15, 2025 @ 12 PM SLT





SaraMarie is a singer/songwriter/piano/vocalist who plays a very wide variety of genres. It is not uncommon to hear her perform pop songs, opera, and comedy songs all in the same show. Violin, clarinet, ukulele, guitar, flute, cello and silly sideshow instruments from Wish are her passion. She has been told she has a witty sense of humor. Come have a listen. Whatever happens, you will likely be entertained.  



"In my music, I write what comes to me through the ethereal energies, regardless of what genre it sounds like. Most of my musical art is vocally challenging, often features a wide tessitura, theatrical-esque lyrics and haunting melodies. I love that in SL gives me opportunities to perform a wide range of musical styles. My audiences seem to enjoy the variation, and no 2 shows are ever the same. "


Monday, February 10, 2025


The best part about being a Journalist in Second Life is it’s kinda like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re going to get. While minding my business and staring at the walls of my media center, in strolls an avie who looked a bit worried and confused. I approached him like I usually do to visitors and asked if he needed any help. He began to sob and admit that he had to get something off of his chest and heard I was the perfect person to talk to about his troubled mind. We found a spot and I let him talk it out.

Interview with a Recovering Sexball Addict

Lanai: Thank you for agreeing to sit with me for this very important conversation. I know you wish to remain anonymous so I will just call you S.A.. Is that ok? So what seems to be the problem?

Ex Sexball Addict: Thats fine, yeah. Well I used to have an addiction to Sex Balls in Second Life and would do whatever I could to cure my cravings.

Lanai: Can I ask.. Since there are a variety of Sex balls in SL. Some are pretty Vanilla and others are well…beyond freaky. What are we talking about here?

Ex Sexball Addict: Oh all sorts…against walls, on beds, in hammocks….you name it!

Lanai: OK I got it… It takes a lot of courage to admit you have a problem and even more to express it boldly to me. Let me start by asking… When did you realize you had this serious problem?

Ex Sexball Addict: Well it all started about 12 years ago when I walked into a club and people were pixel humping about the place.  I watched for a while and got propositioned by a woman and we found an unused bed upstairs and started doing stuff on the pose balls.  I won’t go into graphic details but you can imagine the sort of kinky fun we had.  After that I started wanting more and met with this lady a few more times, but she disappeared so i had to get my fix elsewhere.

Lanai: Yea let’s not get into the graphic details. I don’t want to be responsible for your relapse. So tell me, Why did you consider yourself a sex addict when it seems everyone across the grid gets their freak on. According to the annual avie baby census. Birth rates have skyrocketed in the past 6 months. Have you fathered any children during your addiction?

Ex Sexball Addict: Well the sky rocketing has nothing to do with me (laughs).  I learned of Mama Allpa after a year and I believe I have 6 kids across the grids.  But they were all one night stands and the momma’s never wanted to hear from me again so I let them be.

Lanai: Well good thing child support isn’t enforced in Second Life or you would be screwed (no pun intended). So what was the catalyst in you realizing you had a serious sexball problem and needed help?

Ex Sexball Addict: (laughs) this is true.  Well the catalyst was when i started paying for sex, i would spend upwards of 10K to get my kicks and would frequent loads of sex only clubs to do so.  When i couldn’t pay my real life bills that’s when I knew something was wrong and had to stop and seek help.  

Lanai: Well damn 10k! Was that all in a day or over a span of time? 

Ex Sexball Addict: It was over a week and at several different places.  I had my favourite spots so to speak and would usually do the rounds of 2-3 clubs

Lanai: Hmm 10k over a week span tells me that you went for the low budget escorts.

Ex Sexball Addict: That’s how it started, then the prices rose, soon it was 25k a week.

Lanai: Yeah, that is a serious problem.  With the epidemic of gender imposters, do you think a few of them slipped through the cracks with you? 

Ex Sexball Addict: Oh probably, but if they presented as female, i took them as female, so to speak.  I didn’t care I just needed my jollies and i needed them THEN.  I have to admit something, I met a woman at the old SLE offices and we had pixel sex on the desk.  It was dangerous but we never got caught.  Sorry about that, but i think it might have been YOUR desk.

Lanai: FFS… Good thing we have cameras.. I just never knew who those two were… I respect your honesty though. If it makes you feel any better. It’s a good thing STDs don’t spread in Second life but I have heard of people getting severe carpal tunnel and tennis elbow from vigorous masturbation. Have you experienced that?

Ex Sexball Addict: No not really, I’m not the one that had to worry about that.  She was great though, lemme tell ya!

Lanai: I don’t even want to know if she was an employee, the camera quality was pretty gritty…. Anyway,  Perhaps it will happen later on in life… SO what have you done to break yourself of this addiction?

Ex Sexball Addict: Well I have a photograph if you need proof (laughs) Anyway I found a group in SL and they helped me immensely.  They had a 5 step programme that effectively weaned me off of poseballs and sex clubs and taught me shame, humility and a sense of respect.

Lanai: Yes! I’ve heard about that program. The furry community has really stepped up their game to help the SL community aside from doing whatever it is they do behind the scenes. Tell me more about the 5 steps. 

Ex Sexball Addict: Well there were Furries there who had the same addiction so we all helped each other overcome this nasty affliction.  Step 1 is realization, admitting you have a problem and coming to terms with it.  Step 2 is the shame, the shame it brings on you and others.  The other steps i can’t quite remember

Lanai: MMhmm. I see… Sounds like an Alcoholics Anonymous program.

Ex Sexball Addict: Well i never been to one of them so i wouldn’t know

Lanai: Well, from what I heard they really put you through it and you have to call a sponsor whenever you get the urge.  So Anyway,  now that you are recovering from your sex addiction in Second life, do you mind if I ask…..Did you remove your ummm *points at his packet*. I figure it's the first step in the program…

Ex Sexball Addict: No, I still keep it there for posterity.  That and it helps me tell the time and find water. (laughs)

Lanai: LMAO. OK then.

Ex Sexball Addict: (laughs) no I still have it in my inventory for that special lady when the time comes to settle down.

Lanai: Well, that brings me to my next question because Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and we all know what’s on everyone's mind on that day. What are your plans?

Ex Sexball Addict: I don’t know in all honesty, I'm not looking for love in SL right now, or anything else for that matter, but who knows?  Maybe that special someone is right around the corner and we can have a lasting relationship with or without pixel humping.

Lanai: Lasting relationships in SL are a myth. You have more of a chance finding a Unicorn in a thong.  So basically you are telling me that you are practicing abstinence for the rest of your SLife?

Ex Sexball Addict: (laughs) That’s not the attitude they taught on the programme.  No, just til the right woman comes along.  Until then, I’m being a good boy and remembering what the programme taught me.

Lanai: Well, all I can say is I wish you the best of luck in your continued sex sobriety.

Ex Sexball Addict: Thank you, that means a lot.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

No Valentine? NO PROBLEM!


Dating Boards at WAP! Stop over today to register as an auctionee or to bid on a current auction! There are areas for Friends Only, Male for Female, Female for Male, and LQBTQ+ auctions. Auctionees will receive 40 percent of the profit and WAP will receive 60 percent of the profit (this is a fundraiser!). You receive your profit at the end of the auction. Auction ends on February 13th. 

The bidders are bidding on two hours of the Auctionee's (your) time. There is no expectation of sex or sexual activity included in winning an auction. Participants will agree on what activity they wish to do. There is a Valentine's Day event at WAP (Dedicated to the One I Love), and Auction participants are invited to make their date with us there at that event. 

How to enroll or bid:

Go to WAP and take the teleporter to "Dating Boards". If you have questions, please IM:  WainLittlePaws or MillTycoon Resident

WAP Voice Hangout and Music Venue 

Valentine's Day Special Event: Dedicated to the One I Love


This Valentine's Day, surprise your date with reservations to a special event at WAP. Your loved one will receive their own personalized one of a kind gift.  On February 14th, a handful of amazingly talented singers will dedicate and sing the song of your choice to your Valentine. The singer will read your special dedication before the song, and your message will be projected during the song. This is a meaningful gift for anyone special to you! 

For the cost of your dedication, you and your plus one will also receive exclusive VIP seating and party favors from the venue. Enjoy an entertaining LIVE concert that you will be a part of and give a unique gift they’ll never forget. Reserve your song and dedication today! Contact Sara Mercury for more information.

Make your reservation here:    

WAP Voice Hangout and Music Venue

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Studio 54 under disco's dazzling lights. Come see our sexy GO GO dancers trip the light fantastic. Friday Feb 7/2025 at 7:15pm slt.


EROTIQUE BURLESQUE: STUDIO 54 The iconic New York nightclub was a place where the elite and the outcasts danced side by side under disco's dazzling lights. Come see our sexy GO GO dancers tripping the light fantastic. Friday Feb 7/2025 at 7:15pm slt.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SL Living Expo 2025 opens February 5th!


SL Living Expo 2025: A Journey Through Time to Support Relay For Life of Second Life

Second Life — The highly anticipated SL Living Expo returns for its third year, running from February 5th to February 14th, 2025! This immersive, multi-day event is the first of four mega events for the 2025 Relay For Life of Second Life season, kicking off the Relay season with unparalleled excitement and purpose.

This year’s theme, "Traveling Through Time," will transport visitors across eras, with each region of the Expo uniquely themed to represent different points in history and beyond. From past to future, attendees can explore and experience the evolution of culture, style, and innovation.

Highlights of the SL Living Expo 2025:

Nonstop Entertainment: Enjoy hours of live performances featuring some of the most talented musicians and entertainers Second Life has to offer.

Decorating Contest: Marvel at the creativity of participants as they showcase their decorating skills, competing to create stunning time-themed displays.

Street Market: Stroll through a bustling street market offering unique items, artisanal goods, and delightful surprises.

Four Shopping Regions: Shop until you drop in expansive shopping regions featuring exclusive designs and offerings from some of Second Life’s top creators.

Activities Galore: Engage in a variety of fun and interactive activities designed to bring the community together while supporting a great cause.

Supporting a Vital Cause

The SL Living Expo is more than an extraordinary event—it’s a mission-driven initiative to support the Relay For Life of Second Life, which raises funds for the American Cancer Society. Every Linden spent, every event attended, and every moment enjoyed contributes to the fight against cancer and brings us closer to a cure.

Join Us!

Whether you’re a time-traveling explorer, a shopping enthusiast, or a live music aficionado, there’s something for everyone at the SL Living Expo 2025. Don’t miss this opportunity to come together as a community, have fun, and make a meaningful difference in the fight against cancer.

For more information and updates, visit [Insert Website or Social Media Links].

Let’s kick off the Relay season in style—see you at the Expo!


Cody & Roxy Chronotis - SL Living Expo Leads

Monday, February 3, 2025

🎶 February 20 - Celebrate Love Through Music with Wolfie Starfire: SL Enquirer Open Mic Songwriter Auditions! 🎶



Love is in the air this February, and the SL Enquirer Open Mic Songwriter Auditions is celebrating with a special Love-Themed Edition! Hosted by the charismatic Ninja Antwoord and featuring the incredibly talented singer-songwriter Wolfie Starfire as the special guest host, this event promises to be an unforgettable evening of heartwarming performances and romantic melodies.

Join us on Thursday, February 20th from 5:00 - 8:00 PM SLT as talented musicians from across Second Life come together to showcase their best love songs—whether original compositions or heart-felt covers. With a prize pool of L$5000 for the best performance of the night and an exclusive spotlight feature article in the SL Enquirer, there’s no better time to share your music and connect with fellow performers and music lovers.

Whether you're a veteran performer or new to the scene, don’t miss your chance to celebrate love through music and win big in the process! Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable evening of music, fun, and romance. Whether you’re singing about love lost or love found, we can’t wait to hear your heart on display!

With over 18 years experience reporting virtual world news and participating in numerous charities, events and sponsorships across the grid, the SL Enquirer is the longest running media source in SL. We love working with our fans!

Contact: Ninja, SLE Events Coordinator (ninjaantwoord resident)

About Ninja Antwoord:

Ninja Antwoord is a passionate and dynamic host in the Second Life music scene. Known for his love of live music and his ability to bring people together, Ninja continues to make waves by creating fun and engaging events for all music lovers.

Public Landmark:


Social Media:


Performer Website:

About Wolfie Starfire:

Wolfie Starfire is a soulful singer-songwriter with a powerful voice and a unique style. Her heartfelt lyrics and captivating performances have earned her a loyal following. With her warm presence, Wolfie is the perfect co-host to bring an extra spark of magic to this love-themed edition of the auditions.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

HOLIDAY MASCOT SERIES: Interview with Father Time- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Time sure does fly when you are havin fun, But it also does the same sitting on your ass planning your next move.

Looking back at the past year. It has been one hellified journey for me. Between family matters, friendship matters, work life, SL life and all the fuckery in between.  I’m exhausted. Time has a way of coming at us in waves. There’s ups and downs, back and forth and at the end of it all, we are left thinking WTF happened to the year! It’s now the end of January and I’m wondering what surprises are to come. The good, the bad and yessss… even the ugly.

For the most part, I try to keep my nose clean. I work, pay my bills, feed my cat and keep keepin’ on with my day to day stuff. If I told you what I really was up to yall would collectively do a citizen's arrest and have me committed to a place that would protect me from myself.

Anyway, When the world begins to feel like I can’t possibly do anything else shameless, I turn to Second life and whip out my pen and begin to write.

 There’s nothing like bringing fantasy to life and reminding myself a good laugh is needed to balance things out. In the thick of things time is the most valuable thing we all have. It can’t be bought for any amount of money. There are no do overs, a rewind button or even a pause so what we do in the here and now should make us happy.

With that said, I set out to find Father time in Second Life. He tried to avoid me because it seems he doesn’t have the time for my Holiday Mascot Interviews. I heard from a friend of a friend that he thinks I’m a time waster. I was relentless until he finally gave in and decided to  sit down with me at a train station.

Interview with father time

Lanai: Hey Big Daddy, Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It’s been a while. I think the last time we spoke I was about to make the craziest decision of my life until I got a flat tire and lost my debit card.

Father Time: Lanai, Ugh your nicknames are just… extra.  Of all the people I have met through the years, you stand out to me as the biggest pain in the ass but for some reason you find my weak spot.  You are a good kid when you are sleeping but a complete disaster the moment you wake up. I can write a whole series of history books just on you alone. SO what is it you wanted to interview me about?

Lanai: Well dang, tell me how you really feel.. No need to be a Scrooge.

Father Time: Hey watch your tone young lady and leave the Scrooge out of this. I cannot believe the prank you pulled on him this December. If I was him, I’d ban you from Christmas altogether but that's not my holiday to decide so I’ll leave that to him and Santa. I heard about what you did to him too.

Lanai: I didn't do anything to Scrooge. It was just  a glitter bomb. I thought it would brighten his day.

Father Time: Just a Glitter Bomb? Lanai ,has anyone ever told you to read the room before the things you do? Poor Scrooge had to hire a team of professionals to remove all that glitter from his entire neighborhood. They are still working on it and the bill is getting enormous.

Lanai: *blinks* Who doesn’t like glitter?

Father Time: *Sighs* Anyway, so what do you want with me? I was almost afraid to decline your interview offer when you found me trying to hop on a train to visit an old friend in the North pole.

Lanai: I just wanted to say hi and just get some of your wise insight about aging and what to expect next as I lean towards 50.

Father Time: 50? Are you kidding me? You are still a baby in my eyes. You still have about 3 years left. The only advice I can offer is start to stock up on butterscotch candy, get a few cats and learn to knit. Hell I don’t know what you almost half a century beings do with your time. For you specifically, word on the street is you still act like you are a defiant teenager going around stirring things up. I recently went to a holiday mascot support group and we spent an hour and a half discussing you. The mediator suggested we change holiday dates just to avoid you.

Lanai: You are such a drama queen. You make me out to be some kind of menace to SL society when I’ve been laying low these days. I’m finally coming around again and you wanna be all mean.

Father Time: Ok , you are wasting my time right now. I got a train to catch. What is this interview really about?

Lanai: Well, nothing really. I just wanted to prove to myself that Father time still has a little time for me. So thank you for that.

Father Time: You’re welcome… I think?

Lanai: Can you do me one small favor and I promise I won't bother you again for another year?

Father Time: What’s that?

Lanai: Can you tell Cupid he's next for an interview the next time you are at one of those weird holiday mascot support groups?

Father Time: Not sure that will go over well since he was appointed the mediator after that stunt you pulled on him last Valentine’s day. He is still pulling thorns out of hard to reach places. You had no business trespassing in Cupid’s Garden. Listen, I gotta go before I miss this train!

Lanai: o.O.  But wait! Let me defend myself. That sooooo wasn’t my fault, He startled me while I was attempting to pick roses.

Father Time: AHHHHHHHH!  I missed the train!  Lanai once again you managed to make me late!

Lanai: Don't’ worry the next train is coming soon. Thank you for your time. Gotta go!

Happy Belated New year All! 

Interview with Cupid Coming February 14th!