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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label spotlight feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spotlight feature. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


It has been some time since I have written, but I just had to tell you about this lovely place I stumbled upon during my travels the other day.  I never cease to marvel at the beauty and the creativity in Sim design exercised by the builders who reside here.  Safe Haven is truly that - a break from many of the usual places, where women may feel accosted, and men ogled.  Aptly named, this amazing sim has multiple entertainment venues, along with some of the coolest activities available anywhere on the Grid.

I was fortunate enough to run into Ash Storm (lilrvrgrl) the other day, and she was able to spare me a few minutes to discuss this amazing build and the opportunities that are to be found there. She was deep into preparations for their Grand Opening this coming Saturday, July 20th from  4-5 DJ Storm Chaser, then 5-6 DJ Chevy, followed by DJ Ash  6-7, and then DJ Gro  7-until...whenever (all times SLT).  

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):     Hi Ash.  Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me, especially amid preps for your Grand opening.  So let me ask you. Where did you get the idea for Safe Haven? Is there some history here?

 Ash Storm (lilrvrgrl) (AS):     I started doing this when I was about 6 months old and a manager of a different place but since I bought my own Sim Christmas before last, I wanted to create an environment where people could come and hang.  A place where people can come and feel safe from being bullied and harassed by people of both genders who thrive on being mean and spiteful. I made a list of goals, bought a 5-subject notebook, and set to work. My church has a sister group called Safe*Haven which is a place where women from domestic violence can go to find safety so the name has deep meaning to me.

 JB:     Did you build and run this amazing place yourself, or do you have any help you want to give a shout-out to?  

AS: I drew a model of what I had envisioned and searched photos online of the general "vibe" I wanted Safe Haven to instill.  I created a Note Card, listing my favorite trees & flowers. My amazing landscaper Lucinda (lucindae) from Serena, was extremely patient with me and tolerated me asking if we could talk because something may not have been going in the direction I wanted. But her work spoke for itself. I also had a lot of help from Cranston Yordstorm, a great builder who helped me share the vision and create the unique Lazy River Float Ride. I did a ton of things on the sim as well, as I tried to pull together the vision even more by adding my special touches to it

 JB:     There are many fun and scenic sims in SL. What is the Safe Haven difference?

AS:     This sim invokes my spirit and my desire to inspire others that you can build your dream and share the beauty of the spirit of nature and love. There are many interesting things to do, for instance, the greenhouse is full of Plant Pets that mimic RL plants -they start as seeds - you must water them, and they grow.  Within about a month they produce seeds which I give away to others

 JB:     Who do you hope to attract to Safe Haven and what special group of people might find Safe Haven especially appealing?

AS:     Anyone who needs a break from reality, a place to escape,  clear the mind, and heal from some of life’s drama and frustrations. It’s a place to just relax and breathe again

 JB:     I saw a sign supporting The Nature Collective?  What is that?

AS:     It is a group and society that builds sims to promote the beauty of what Second Life (SL) can offer to those who look for positive reflections and peace

JB:     Do you have any private residences here? If so, how many, and are they for rent? 

AS:     I have my own lovely home residence & studio on the sim and currently have a couple of renters on the sim.  My fiance and our friends gather most mornings to catch up and have fellowship whilst enjoying our morning coffee (or tea),

JB:     Could you share some of the other interesting things that visitors and guests can do at Safe Haven?

AS:     Besides the beautiful nature scenery, I have Horse Rezzers that allow you to ride all over the sim, there is a lazy river float to ride, a zipline and Bungee Jump, a JBC pavilion for meetings and get-togethers, and our morning coffee time with our friends.

 JB:     What has been your biggest challenge in building Safe Haven?

AS:     Being a perfectionist. I ran one landscaper off, Corralling all of my MANY ideas and choosing which to make come to fruition and finding the quiet time to work and rework my ideas and dreams Fortunately, Lucinda tolerates me well and has been a Godsend.

 JB:     What kinds of events do you host here, and how can someone learn about those events?

AS:     I LOVE to have Birthday and Rez day parties here. We have done sim crawls. I love to host parties in some of the different buildings from B-Day (Rezz Day) parties to baby showers. I also perform Weddings and provide the sim as a venue option.

 JB:     Do you have any plans for future development?

AS:     As a designer/builder I am ALWAYS coming up with new fresh ideas and projects for the Sim.

JB:     Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

AS:     Take time to smell the flowers @ SafeHaven

Ya'll ever wish you could take a peaceful walk around a country sim full of lush vegetation, look at the beautiful colors of the flowers, maybe take a horseback ride, relax while taking a tube down the Lazy River, or perhaps feel adventurous and jump off the Bungee or zipline? Well, your Safe Haven awaits. Please check out the new addition to The Nature Collective! Please do enjoy your visit  Ash

So there you have it folks.  For a truly unique experience in a virtual World known for creativity and relaxation, you have simply GOT to check out Safe Haven.  And when you do, tell 'em Josh sent ya.

Be there!  Aloha!


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Interview with Uncle Sam- Darron Buckenberger Reporting..


It’s 4th of July and what better way to celebrate this day in Second Life than an interview with Uncle Sam. He’s like that stoner Uncle everyone has that is always at the annual BBQ and everyone just rolls their eyes and laughs when he begins singing his favorite rendition of “Yankee Doodle” during  Karaoke…

Interview with Uncle Sam

Darron: Happy Fourth of July, Uncle Sam! Thanks for joining me here at the Enquirer Headquarters. How’s the barbecue treating you?

Uncle Sam: Happy Fourth, Darron! The barbecue’s great, though I’ve had to dodge a few overcooked hot dogs. You know how it is – can’t have a party without a little char! And I must say, this setup is quite… festive.

Darron: Absolutely! Nothing says freedom like a well-stocked rolling tray. So, Uncle Sam, what’s your favorite thing about celebrating the Fourth of July?

Uncle Sam: Oh, it’s gotta be the fireworks! Nothing lights up the sky like a good display of freedom. And, of course, the endless supply of potato salad. You can never have too much potato salad – or too many nugs, apparently.

Darron: Speaking of freedom, what do you think about the state of the nation these days? Any thoughts on the lively political scene?

Uncle Sam: Well, Darron, it’s a bit like this rolling tray – a lot of pieces, a lot of mess, but somehow it all comes together. Everyone’s got an opinion, and that’s the beauty of it. Freedom to speak your mind, even if it sometimes feels like a never-ending debate over who rolled the best joint.

Darron: True enough! And what about taxes? People say you have quite the knack for collecting them.

Uncle Sam: Ah, taxes. The necessary evil that keeps this party going. I always say, pay your dues, but make sure you’re getting your fair share of the pie. It’s not always perfect, but we’re working on it – like trying to get that perfect roll without spilling any nugs.

Darron: Speaking of pies, any dessert recommendations for today?

Uncle Sam: Definitely apple pie – with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. And if you really want to impress, try a red, white, and blue trifle. It’s festive, delicious, and pairs well with a nice, relaxing smoke.

Darron: Yum! I’ll have to give that a try. Now, some folks think you hang out with some questionable characters. Any comments on that?

Uncle Sam: Well, every family has its characters, right? The important thing is to focus on the good – the people who work hard, support each other, and keep the spirit of the nation alive. And maybe we can all agree that a little less drama and a bit more cooperation would do us good. Sort of like sharing the last nug in the grinder.

Darron: Well said! And what’s your secret to giving those memorable speeches everyone talks about?

Uncle Sam: It’s all about timing. Start strong with a toast, throw in a few jokes, and when you see people reaching for another drink, or another joint, you know it’s time to wrap it up. Keep it short and sweet – like a good apple pie or a quick hit.

Darron: (laughs) You really know how to work a crowd! Now, Uncle Sam, any hidden talents?

Uncle Sam: Well, I can juggle flaming sparklers – just kidding! But I do have a mean karaoke rendition of “Yankee Doodle.” And I can roll a joint in under a minute, which I’d say is quite the talent.

Darron: Now that’s impressive! And finally, Uncle Sam, any last words of wisdom for our readers?

Uncle Sam: Enjoy the day with family and friends, eat well, laugh a lot, and remember – freedom is about enjoying the little things. And maybe skipping the heavy politics just for today. Oh, and always keep a box of Altoids handy – never know when you’ll need fresh breath.

Darron: Perfect advice. Thanks for the chat, Uncle Sam. Happy Fourth of July!

Uncle Sam: Anytime, Darron! Happy Fourth to all!

Darron: Wait a minute… is that a USB port on your neck?

Uncle Sam: (laughs) Oh, you caught me! Yep, I’m an AI cyborg. Helps keep the speeches consistent and the joints perfectly rolled.

Darron: Well, that explains a lot! Cheers to our cyborg Uncle Sam!

Uncle Sam: Cheers, Darron! And remember – in the land of the free, even AI can celebrate the Fourth of July!

Darron: Right! It’s just unfortunate that you can’t feel the effects of a well toked nug… I’ll be sure to take a hit for you!

Friday, June 28, 2024

LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR Catsmeow, Tilly, Twinkie, Vanessa, Viginia & Vortice advance to the semi-finals!

The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the second group of six semi-finalists. Well done to Catsmeow17, Tilly Opaline, TwinkieBean, VanessaJane66, Virginia Starchild and Vortice41 who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!


In this challenge, the participants were paying tribute to Ponchituti Boucher, the legendary fashion producer, top modèle and instructor and a very inspiring muse for LUXE Paris since the creation of the brand twelve years ago.




Your photo is not there? It's not over! There will be 3 more selections of six semi-finalists in the coming weeks.


This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the famous jeweler Zuri Rayna who make diamonds and pearls dance in our life.




She looks like a modern-day princess with her long hair, voluptuous jewelry and natural grace. And she makes us look like royalty with her opulent and refined creations. You will already recognize the legendary Zuri Rayna, jeweler in Second Life since 2007, another wonderful muse for LUXE Paris!


You want to know more? You will discover her tastes and preferences in her inspirational text in the FASHION ICONS SECTION of our website.


Next week will be dedicated to Coco Chanel and the last week/challenge will pay a tribute to the unforgettable Frolic Mills.


Remember that both men and women can participate. If the icon is female, the male participant must simply create a look for the icon's companion. Do not see the icons as limits but rather as flames to ignite your imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild. Charm us! Surprise us!




LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.


Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Zuri Rayna is Thursday July 4th at midnight. Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Stop procrastinating! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!


The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

More information at LUXE Paris Fashion House

Monday, June 17, 2024

Spotlight Feature on Blue Ridge Country- This Place is a Country Song waiting to Happen- Lanai jarrico Reporting...


“Hillbilly” music originated in the Southern regions of the United States in the 1920’s and focused on story telling in ballads and dance tunes. In the 40’s this genre gained popularity the term Country Music was adopted; also known as Honky-Tonk, Bluegrass, folk and gospel and crossing over into. The musical instruments commonly played are fiddles, banjos and various types of guitar coupled with line dancing.


 In Second Life, Blue Ridge Country is a venue dedicated to Country music and rock.  It is a place where friends and good times are what it’s all about.  Visitors can Rock the Dock on Saturdays with a whole day of rock.  For those that like playing games, there is a Game room, Water horse rezzers and trails to ride on. There are also boat rezzers and an open water area to enjoy as well as Stores to shop.  The SL Enquirer met up with owner Hannock Evergarden to learn more about Blue Ridge Country and what it has to offer Country Fans gridwide.

Interview with Hannock Evergarden

SLE: Hi Hannock, before we get down to the nitty gritty, can you tell us how you discovered Second life and what inspired you to create Blue Ridge Country?

Hannock: I encountered SL almost 11 years ago. It was just a curiosity, and I had no intention of staying long term, but I discovered friends and fun destinations that intrigued me. I found a few fun clubs and from the start I had a fascination with some day starting my own. I had left Sl for a while and found many of the clubs and friends had disappeared. It was during Covid that I found my way back in and looked for a club I could call home. At the time I was not all that familiar with country music but found a love for it along with many new friends. After about a year I became interested in becoming a DJ and absorbed all I could from my favorites.  It was through the help of many close friends that happened to be DJ’s that I learned the ropes and as of 5/22 I performed my first set as a DJ and the rest is history.  I learned a lot about how a club works and eventually became part owner of a well-established country club. After about a year I started toying with the idea of starting my own club.  Lola and myself started from scratch and built a country club based on the Appalachian Mountains on a ¼ region. On September 1 2023, Blue Ridge Country opened with only 3 sets per day for 5 days. We only had 7 DJ’s and 7 Hosts.  Within 2 months we grew to 27 DJ’s and 27 Hosts and with 4 sets per day 7 days per week.  

  On 3/1/24 Blue Ridge Country moved to a whole region with an adjoining sim wide open water area. Blue Ridge continues to grow with hopes of expanding sets from 6AM – 10PM. 

Lanai: Your backstory is impressive. It shows with hard work and the right people in your circle to really manifest your vision into virtual reality!  Every successful venue has a solid team, can you share who makes up your team and what their roles are?

Hannock:  Hannock and Lola Evergarden – owners

                 Ange Blackwell – General Manager

                 Myth Blackwell   - General Manager

                 Rayn Vortex – Day Manager

                 Jessie Demure – Schedule Manager

Lanai: It looks like you have management covered! Country music is gaining popularity amongst the millennials and Gen Z as new talents hit the recording studios and popular singers Like Beyonce coming out with a whole Country Album. What does Country Music mean to you and how do you feel about other artists crossing over to the genre? 

Hannock:  I came from a rock background and knew very little about country music before I became a DJ. I learned quickly from other DJ’s and binged all the popular country songs on my music app and listened to them every day and downloaded everything that appealed to me. I never play a song that I do not like.  Country music has now become my favorite music genre and I get excited finding new songs every day.

Lanai: I like how motivated you are to try new things and really get involved in Country music so quickly. What type of events do you host at BRC?

Hannock: We have future RFL events in the planning stage. We have a racetrack skybox that we will soon be having competitions. Live singers are being approached and we hope to host a live event in the near future. 

SLE: That sounds like fun! Are you currently hiring? If so, what positions are you offering?

Hannock: We are always looking for good energetic DJ’s and Hosts. Many of our sets are covered but we always need cover DJ’s and Hosts as well as hoping to expand our sets in the mornings. 

SLE: Aside from live shows and DJ events, what other activities do you offer at Blue Ridge Country?

Hannock: Blue Ridge country has several stores with owners that would be happy to create something personal for you. We have an open water area with boat rezzers, bumper boats, kayaks, canoes and jet skis. Islands to explore, a huge tree house with several levels, cuddle spots and plenty of scenic photo opportunities. We have a trail that surrounds the region and horse rezzers to take a casual stroll around to see the mountainous sites. There is a beach area where occasional music sets are located. The huge club can accommodate over 100 vips with a massive game room upstairs. 

SLE: it sounds like a little something for everyone.  What group can guests join to stay up to date with your events?

Hannock: Blue Ridge Country, we also have subscribers if you are out of group space. 

SLE:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about BRC?

Hannock: We are a family friendly club where our number one goal is having fun and making friends. Blue Ridge Country will never have a sploder or linden chasers, we prefer genuine folks that enjoy good country music, good friends and a good time. Blue Ridge Country wants to be your club and a place anyone can call home. 

Additional Links:



Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Secret Escort that goes above and beyond for her Clients- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

As you all know, Second life is like a never ending Spring Break for many who like to let their hair down and get a little wild and crazy all from the comfort of their favorite gaming chair or worn out couch.  The best part is you get to be a real freak and no one in your real life has to know!

I met up with “Jaylan” who would like to remain anonymous due to her high end escorting career in Second life. She has graced the grid for many years mastering her craft and leaving clients stunned and coming back for more. I was intrigued by her service menu and at first thought it was a joke but turns out she is the real deal that carries herself with grace and absolutely no shame.

Lanai: Hi Jaylan, thank you for meeting with me. I know you have a very tight schedule!

Jaylan:  Hi Lanai, it has been a long time since I’ve seen you. I remember taking a pole dancing lesson with you in my newbie days. Weren’t you the one who got her strappy sandals caught on the pole and it took 4 bouncers to unravel you? You took a hard fall that day, I’m surprised you can even speak or walk.  I always wondered what happened to you.   I’m glad to see all your hard work paid off and you are a reporter now.

Lanai: *blinks*  Remind me to omit the bit about the failed pole dancing endeavor… Don’t judge me! Anyway back to you and your successful career!

Jaylan:  OK, lol. So what would you like to know? I’ll share some valuable secrets but not all!

Lanai: Well, let's begin with how you got started. Maybe it will inspire other struggling escorts in Second life?

Jaylan:  It all began right after taking a pole dancing job at a shabby little hole in the wall which I refuse to name drop for street cred. The owner ended up robbing me for all of my tips by secretly adding an alpha layer over my tip jar. When I confronted him, he canned me and I was struggling to pay my tier. I bumped into an old flame who reminded me just how awesome I was at edging and this certain thing I do that he was unable to find in other girls he dated.  He became my practice partner until his nagging RL wife caught him rubbing one out in the basement and I never saw him again… the rest is history!

Lanai: Well damn, I’m sure that happens a lot. People need to learn how to lock a door and have a knock policy.  So he was your pimp? It's OK, it's totally legal in Second life.

Jaylan:  I guess you can call him that…But just like the culture in SL, we move on fast. Kinda like speed dating on steroids.

Lanai: I agree. So, tell me a little bit about the services you offer. I’m looking at this notecard and it sounds like a joke. Is there really such a thing called the.. *looks closely at the notecard* a… Backwards camel hopscotch, which you charge a whopping 5000L for?

Jaylan:  OMG, that is the best seller right there!  First you have to be very flexible. Not everyone is cut out for it but those that can handle it limp away with a huge smile. I don’t want to describe it because I’m currently working on a patent but, make sure you got lots of lube and a quarter…

Lanai: Yikes, sounds sorta like one of those cheap rides at the county fair…

Jaylan:  I don’t know what kind of fairs you go to but this service definitely gives you your Lindens worth!

Lanai: Ok moving on to The Boogie Man in spandex for 3652L. What can you tell me about that?

Jaylan: Well that one is more of a roleplay/ foreplay service. I personally don’t care for the spandex but you would be amazed how many couples come to me to assist them with it.  It only works with the lights out so a majority of the time, I see nothing, I can just tell they are getting what they paid for by the sounds produced by both parties. 

Lanai: Interesting. It definitely sounds like you're making a killing with these special services! Ok, next on your service menu is Jump slap bootie clap wham bam thank you ma'am for 500L? What’s that about?

Jaylan: Sure am.  This service is exactly what it sounds like. Some people just love abuse. Can’t hate on that. Those requests are usually by men who get dumped and are looking for a quick fix rebound if you know what I mean. 

Lanai: I’m not exactly sure I do but Ok. Next up, Flip flop patty wack give me the bone for a whopping 9005L! 

Jaylan:  OK this one is reserved for my elite clientele. The ones who are most successful in Second life and come from a variety of businesses, mainly sim owners and in the top 5 best brands on the Grid. I take special care to accommodate them during their rare free time. The last client that experienced “the bone” as I like to call it, was so pleased by it that they referred a couple of friends and now they request it regularly! 

Lanai: ahhh, that still doesn't explain anything but I’m sure it will pique some curiosities amongst our readers.

Jaylan: Well, if you refer a friend , just give them the discount code” Bone Lanai” and I will take good care of them. I’m sure you have friends in high places.

Lanai: Absolutely not! Can you give me a more discrete discount code.. Something like GetBoned or something. I don’t think I want my name associated with whatever eyes wide shut campaign you got going on.

Jaylan: lol Ok done. Just remind them to take some extra strength Ibuprofen a half an hour before their service.

Lanai: I don’t even know what to say to that but Ok. We are at the second to last service on this list. What can you tell me about  Bitch slap weasel squeal bareback moooo for 7000L

Jaylan: This service is a tricky one and  it requires 2-3 assistants for a group of 3 or more so the price can vary. I also included a bonus to anyone in the group that doesn’t pass out first within the first 3 minutes. Don’t worry I always have a paramedic on call for any of the services I provide and they sign an NDA.

Lanai: Oh well that sounds pretty ummm…. Safe I guess. Just out of curiosity have you ever been sued?

Jaylan: I can't speak on cases still pending , I’m sorry. But I will say this. Stretching and taking pain killers prior to services is highly recommended.

Lanai: Well at least you take some precautions…. Ok last service on your list… The forrest gump bump bump bam boom for 250L

Jaylan: It’s an additional add on to any of the services. I’m thinking about changing the name since nobody is into Forrest Gump anymore. I was thinking about renaming it the Shocka Deluxe if the name isn’t already patented.

Lanai: Is it fair to say it has something to do with hanging loose?

Jaylan: Exactly, but there is more to it then 2 fingers and a thumb…

Lanai: Well I have to say, this was a very… informative and interesting interview. Thank you for sharing your services and expertise in your unique craft. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers before we go our separate ways?

Jaylan: Actually I do while I have this very public platform. Whoever keeps sending me bags of D*cks, please stop. I have no control of spouses who use my services behind their significant others backs, nor am I responsible for oops pregnancies in group services and accidental fungal STD’s. That guy in New York has never used our services!

Lanai: OK Then…. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I hope you have a very prosperous year and we can meet up again for updates!

Jaylan: I look forward to it. Thank you Lanai!


Jaylan’s Full service Menu Notecard

Thank you for your interest in this ridiculously sexy body of mine and my services. You are correct, you will not find anything in Second Life that would blow your wig back like I do. You came to the right avie.

I've taken the liberty of providing you with the best rates in Second Life for the following:

 Backwards camel hopscotch.................5000L


 The Boogie Man in spandex.....................3652L


  Jump slap bootie clap wham bam thank you maam........500L


 Flip flop patty wack give me the bone............9005L

 Bitch slap weasel squeal bareback moooo..........7000L


 The forrest gump bump bump bam boom....250L


*Maximum Strength Ibuprofen is highly recommended before and after services.