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Showing posts with label SL enquirer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SL enquirer. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2024



The SL Enquirer has long been a standard bearer here in SecondLife.  Over the years it has accrued nearly six million views. The Enquirer has supported causes from Relay for Life, to Virtual World Best Practices in Education. It has included stories on everything from gorgeous new builds, to residents making an impact. One of the ways we support the thriving music scene here is by sponsoring the Singer - Songwriter Open Mic contest. These contests bring out the best and the brightest members of the music scene, and this year was no exception. After some close competition, this year's winning songwriter is Spence Wilder.  After the contest, I caught up with Spence and got his "story". I think you'll like it.

I know I did.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):     So Spence.   Congratulations on your win.  It was well deserved.   So tell me, who were your music idols, and those who most influenced your musical style?

Spence Wilder  (SW):     My dad sang and played guitar, and I grew up with rockabilly and outlaw country. Willie Nelson’s Redheaded Stranger was in heavy rotation. But by the time I was concert-going age, my tastes were more “stadium rock”, Queen, Zeppelin, and Van Halen. Then the 80’s had me turning to bands like U2, REM, and The Cure. So, by the time I began writing songs, I was all over the place (laughs). It’s a musical melting pot, my brain. Elvis Costello, Tom Petty, and Adam Schlesinger are in there too.  OK and of course The Beatles and Stones.

JB:     What was the inspiration for the song you sang at the contest? 

SW:     I sang The Bullring. It’s from a period when I was writing a song every week, based on a prompt I would assign myself. That week’s prompt was “rodeo clown”.  It’s sort of a “the grass is never greener” love song hiding inside some absurdist poetry.

                          (Photo Courtesy of  piperwaterfalls resident) 

JB:     And why did you choose that particular song?

SW:     I asked the audience to choose between a few. Songs are like kids, impossible to have a favorite. And of my songs, the ones I tend to favor are usually those least popular with others. On that day it was a good call letting someone else decide!

JB:     How long have you been performing your music, and what sorts of venues?

SW:     I learned of the music scene here from two musician friends, Leyah Renegade of the band What The? And Cylindrian Rutabaga. That was in 2007. My first show was at The Shelter, run by the skeleton man himself, Dolmere Talamasca. From there I played at some venues run by Nomad Rovio, who I’d later do amazing Relay for Life spectacle experience shows with.  The Peg Leg in Transylvania was a favorite. Pixel Hill had a thriving scene. Bend Bowie’s notorious Demonic strip club. After a few years I left for a while. That “while” turned out to be a decade or so. I just came back Summer 2024 to find that the music scene had absolutely exploded. I was happy to see The Merry Prankster was still standing, and The Blarney Stone, two places I’d played and still knew folks to help get me back into it. So many amazing venues now. I recently played at Boogeyman’s, and at Bespoke Caravan’s venue, both such fun builds! Shout outs also to Hotel Chelsea, Café Kismet, and especially Lyrical Star Café, one of the only places to feature exclusively original music.

JB:     How would you describe the brand that you now represent?

SW:     I’ve taken up residence in a converted shipping container studio home on a secluded beach called The Wild Blue Yonder. Next door my partner Speedstar Darkfire and I have an art gallery called BLUE Gallery.  The Wild Blue “brand” I suppose is a quirky, eclectic, indie-spirited blend of music and visual art. Even with songs I cover my approach is to make them my own somehow.

JB:     How did you take the news when they first announced your name as the winner?

SW:     There were some fantastic performers, so I was over the moon! So grateful just for the opportunity, and absolutely thrilled to win. I appreciate those who go above and beyond to support artists.

JB:     What does it take to be a successful musician these days?

SW:     I think you need an act that stands out somehow, for people to get invested. There are SO many performers. That differentiator can simply be your amazing vocal ability.  Or musicianship. Or innovative use of a looper. I like to think I’m a storyteller and a bit of a humorist. I try to make my sets something of a variety act in singer/songwriter clothing. Speaking of clothing, if there’s a theme, I’ll really lean into it and conjure up a cool outfit.

JB:     What advice could you give to someone who wants to be a songwriter?

Write routinely. Every day. Every week. Make it who you are. I was in cover bands for years, writing the occasional original song. But it wasn’t until I started my song-a-week experiment that I truly began to feel like a songwriter. Now it’s essential, something I need to do.

JB:     Do you have any social media sites that folks can visit to see more of you and your work?

SW:     You can hear my music on SoundCloud:

To see my visual art, you can visit BLUE Gallery:

JB:     Do you post your performance schedule for anyone who wants to catch one or more of your gigs?

SW:     The best place to find out when and where I’m playing is on Facebook:

JB:     Is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?

Elton John said “Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.” I think that’s doubly true here (smiles). We are all in those moments the healers and the healed. I am so very grateful for everyone who comes to live music events to make that magic happen.

So there you have it, folks.  For those of you who have never had the opportunity to hear this gifted musician perform, you are really missing out.  For those of you who HAVE heard him, you know what I am talking about.  Either way, be sure and check out the URLs above to hear some of his music, see his art, and learn where is is performing next.  You won't want to mis it. And when you do, tell 'em Josh sent ya.  Believe me.  You'll be glad you did

Be there! Aloha!


                                        (Photo Courtesy of  piperwaterfalls resident) 


Friday, October 4, 2024


I was at the barber shop the other day and I saw the magazine rack, a required fixture in ALL Barbershops.  Flipping past "Popular Pixels", "Better Linden Homes and Gardens" and a dog-eared copy of a "Victoria Pixels" catalogue, I selected an issue of HUSH magazine.  Of the models featured, I found the model, Gisele, to be particularly eye-catching.  Imagine my surprise when I looked at another magazine and saw Gisele there also, as the WHISKEY GIRL of the Month. Further surprise hit me when I picked up yet another magazine and found a statuesque pose of Gisele, gracing the pages of SLUST Magazine. Finally, I learned from another patron that the lovely Gisele was also featured in PROVOCATEUR magazine.   I was stunned, Who was this supermodel, and how did she come to grace the pages of FOUR separate magazines?

I approached my Editor and told her that I was sure the SLE Readers would enjoy learning about this Pictorial Powerhouse, and I promised I would do my absolute best to bring this story to the pages of our publication.  After she stopped smirking, she gave me the go-ahead.  What follows is the result of my tireless research, pouring over thousands of photos in order to bring you the best of the best.  It’s a tough job, but SOMEBODY has to do it, right?

I tracked her down as she was preparing for another photoshoot, and she graciously consented to an interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):      Hello Gisele.  Thanks so much for agreeing to chat with me today. Tell me, please. How long have you been modeling, and when was your first break into the world of Pictorial Modeling?

Gisele Andrea (giselea) (GA):     I have been modeling now 5-6 years...before that I didn't take a lot of interest in SL.  But Covid locked us down and I had time.  One day the owner of the old Tag Dance offered me to be Tagette of the Week if I would agree to pose nude for him to paint me and put the work on a wall in the club.  I agreed.  To be honest I was really scared and disrobing in front of him was very anxiety-ridden.  Then as I lay on the divan...I felt this warm erotic feeling as he painted.  Well, when the painting was hung up, I began to get other offers. 

JB:     So, what first got you interested in a career as a Pictorial Model?

GA:     The offers I received were primarily for Lingerie, Fashion, bikini, and nude.  I loved each but felt drawn to the sensuality and erotic power of nude modeling.  I had a Flickr page with a few old photos and I decided to begin posting there mostly topless or carefully posed nudes that didn't show full frontal.  Well, one day a man named Gaelen Able took an unsolicited photo of me in a bikini that was excellent, and I agreed to do a session with him. He produced some wonderful bikini and nude photos and that really propelled me forward. Then I got requests from a blogger to work with him.  He promotes a pose company and I began a wonderful relationship that still exists - Keyzer Nikolaidis, a wonderfully creative artist  He doesn't publish nudes but he would make alternates of me topless or nude for my page.  About a year later the magazines began recruiting me off Flickr, and then I reached out to others and I ended up in 5 of them, turning one down.

JB:     Is this an expensive profession, what with all the clothing and accessories you need to have?

GA:   That depends on who you are working with and what their requirements are.  Obviously, the fashion side is the most expensive but there are many tools: face lights, shiny skin enhancers, and other props as well.  Often a generous photographer - especially one I have a relationship with - will pay for those.  You rarely make any money as a model.  The market is flooded with us, so it's how much personal enjoyment and pleasure one gets from doing it that counts.

JB:     Do you do other types of modeling as well. Fashion, or advertising perhaps?

GA:     I love to model so yes.  I sometimes get a fashion gig, or model bikinis, or the bloggers.  They are a great and talented group that can get a model in some really great environments like my friend Keyzer did for me.

JB:     What part of doing this do you find the most rewarding?

GA:   It's hard to separate.  I think the rewards are 1.  the experience of each photo session, how it makes me feel, the really great collaboration, offering suggestions about a detail and so forth.  The interaction too.  Modeling nude for a man I might or might not know well can create sensual feelings that can conflict with both of our professionalism.  They are pleasant but must be managed.  Then there is the finished product and response from those who see it, whether in Flickr or print.  I'm very proud of the number of people who follow me and how they respond to me.  

JB:     What is the biggest challenge to working in this industry?

GA:     Time and scheduling.  Everyone has their own time zones and RL commitments, etc.    Getting on someone's schedule can be difficult.

JB:     Some of your photos are really quite well done.  Who are some of your favorite photographers in SL?

GA:     Keyzer Nikolaidis, Kadon Doge, Martin LeGrand (I just did my third session with him), Cesare Drucker (he says I was his first great model and helped make his career), Billy Darkthief, we do some interracial poses, Cain Grosesnore751, Theadore Themis who taught me Chiaroscuro lighting, Alex Star, a guy named Pau who disappeared, Valerie Muircastle who did the Whiskey Girl Pictorial and we collaborated so effortlessly, and Mitch Silverfang, who has done a few of my most popular Flickr photos.

JB:     Everyone talks about the fake photographers who lure beautiful women to their studios for non-photographic reasons.  Do you meet many of them in this line of work, and how do you handle those?

GA:     Simple.  They are easy to spot.  I can filter out 90% before even agreeing to a session. The other 10%...I call on professionalism and usually cut it short.  The bigger difficulty is when one or both parties feel themselves slipping past professional protocol, in which case it's like any other office romance.  It can't affect the product and certain boundaries need to be maintained

JB:     Do you have a social media following?  And where might our readers go to see more of your work?

GA:     My Flickr of course:

JB:     How would you advise other women looking to start a modeling career?

GA:     I don't know because I fell into mine by accident. Really.  From that simple offer at Tag to all the other lucky breaks, I find myself in a whole different spot than I ever dreamed. I guess I would say hard work like anything else, have a creative side, understand your brand (we are all brands in this business), your messaging through your art, and network, network, network.

JB:     Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

GA:     Only that I would like to thank all the people that helped me, all the photographers that were patient with me, and the magazines that gave me a chance: Hush, Whiskey Girls, Provocateur, Luscious Beauties, and SLUST.  Most Importantly all my 5000+ followers on flicker, all the flickr group moderators and the other individuals who enjoy my photos.  You are the best!

So there you have it folks.  Straight from the expert's mouth. As one of the grid's most successful models and gorgeous Pin-Up Girls, Gisele is clearly one woman who has "Been there. Done that. Got the tee-shirt".  Now I need to explain to my boss why, in addition to all the other expenses of running a business, we need to add five more magazine subscriptions to the expense ledger - just in case Gisele does a re-shoot. 

For anyone wishing to collaborate with her, feel free to reach out - GiseleA: giselea resident (key nr. 0a3ac4f2-eaaf-4cba-9eac-e18711fc8f05).

And if you are out and about sometime, and you happen to see Gisele between sheets...uhhh between SHOOTS, be sure and say "Hi" for me.

You'll be glad you did. 



Tuesday, September 10, 2024


OK..Soooo..those of you who have followed us for a while know that the SL Enquirer is a great place to learn about the hottest, clubs, entertainers, and sporting events on the Grid.

But did you ALSO know it is THE place to go to learn about "Systems" as well?  Who knew, right?  Well Folks, today we have come upon one of the undiscovered Gems of the System Community: SIN Tracker. Before you think “SIN Tracker?  Sounds like a way to keep track of all the bad things I have done in my life.  Well, thanks, but no thanks”  let me set the record straight here.  That is so NOT what this is all about.  This is like the coolest way out there to find your perfect match or like-minded individuals for RP or anything else you have in mind as a way to add richness to your SecondLife experience.

I caught up with Clover McGregor, and she agreed to discuss this amazing system with me to share with our amazing SL Enquirer Readers.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):     So, Tell me, Clover.  Just what is SIN Tracker anyway?

Clover McGregor (CM):     SIN Tracker is a system designed for ADULT roleplay.

JB:     Tell me more, please. I understand you have both a "Tracker" and a "Catalog"   Can you tell me about each of those, please?

CM:     SIN tracker is a scripted HUD that you attach to your avatar, set up a profile with your likes, dislikes, wants needs, desires/kinks add photos, roleplay style. It gives users the ability to find each other.

The Catalogue (Perverts Zone) contains the created profiles of people who have chosen to use the tracker, you can make your profile listing as detailed or as simple as you wish, add times when you will be online, use the anonymous messaging system outside of virtual worlds, search though people's profile to find your playmate, add profiles to favorites or ban profiles (because as we all know in virtual worlds not everyone is perfect)

I access it from work and doom scroll reading profiles! Once registered you don't need to be in a virtual world to be nosey or set up play for later.

JB:     Where did the inspiration for the system come from? 

CM:     SIN was created in 2009/10 (yes, we are THAT old). We were inspired by the RDF system and that idea. RDF was difficult to work.  The owner of RDF grew tired of SL and didn't want to update or change RDF. So SIN tracker was born. With time we have also added the additional features of lottery and the catalogue, with more ideas in the works.

JB:     Who developed the system? When did it start? 

CM:     The creator and architect is iezious guisse, the system itself is managed by Shani Bellic, the design (up to the last version) was done by Aymeric Pelazzi.

JB:     So then....will you be hosting special events, like a "Meet and Greet" for the users of your System? 

CM:     At the moment we have a number of 'social' events - usually unplanned, spontaneity is the key. Field trips - where we meet and visit some of our hunting grounds, there is also a Halloween Ball in the planning. There are plans to have more social events at Glass n Stone, and our club at Perverts ZONE which is SIN home. There you can pick up SIN tracker and register for SIN karma.

JB:     You mentioned Hunting grounds, can you elaborate?

 CM:     Hunting grounds are a group of lands that encourage SIN Tracker users to use their land/play area. For Land owners it’s a simple set up. 

We add a profile board to the land the board is attached to in the Pervert Zone Catalogue so it will show the profile photo of the girls and guys hanging out who are wearing an active SIN tracker.

Set up is simple and free. We provide the board, the activation and the advertising on Pervert Zone. 

JB:     I understand you have a weekly Lottery Game?   Describe that, please? Once you join SIN tracker and set up your profile, you can register for SIN Karma. 

CM:     SIN Karma is a lottery-like matchmaking services, where you may be lucky enough to find a matching partner to play with or date, someone with similar adult interests. It chooses a partner for play for you. You aren't always successful! You are then free to contact one another to set up a date/scene. The lottery result is valid for 7 days!

JB:     It sounds like a system like you have here will be kind of pricey for people to join.  Is it? 

CM:     FREE, absolutely free however we would never discourage a donation, every single linden is appreciated. Additionally, we have patron should people wish to donate that way.

JB:     Who would you see as the ideal user of SIN Karma? 

CM:     People who enjoy adult roleplay, in whatever capacity that is. There are many options to choose your level of play and involvement and who you interact with.

JB:     Where can a person go who might be interested in learning more about the SIN Karma system. 

CM:     That's easy.  People can go to the following location,  No Perverts Zone (31,142,2502) - collect a tracker from the vendor.


Once you have your Tracker, click on the following links and follow the simple directions.

For directions on how to set up and use your SIN Perverts tracker, go to 

For a list of our Frequently Asked Questions,(FAQs), go to: 

And finally, for a list of our staff who will gladly assist you with anything else you may need, go to:

People can join our group, or contact a member of staff. We are always up to discuss the tracker or pervert zone when asked. 

So there you have it folks.  One of the most innovative and comprehensive ways on teh grid to cut through all the drama and wasted time as you try and find the ideal Adult Playmate for your RP experience.  So go grab a tracker and get started.  And when you see a staff member, tell 'em Josh sent ya.   You'll be glad you did.

Be there! Aloha!!


Sunday, September 1, 2024


In the many years that I have been writing for SL Enquirer, I have visited Scores of Regions, hundreds of Sims, and probably thousands of parcels in my search for excellence.  Most of those places miss that standard by a mile.  Some places come a little closer.  A very select few of those builds actually accomplish what they set out to do, and become a showcase for excellence in the Virtual World.  Blue Ridge Country is one of those that truly "makes the cut".  I was hopping around the grid the other day and ran into Hannock Evergarden and his lovely bride, ÊŸoÊŸÇŸ Ďεмυřε-ɛʋɛʀɢǟʀɖɛռ (jyden812).  Hannock graciously agreed to take a break from his labors and answer my burning questions about this "Center of Excellence" called Blue Ridge Country.  What follows is the result of that interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:     So, Tell me, Just what makes Blue Ridge Country different from teh other Western Clubs out there?

Hannock Evergarden (HE):     Well first, Blue Ridge Country went out of it's way to not be a western country club. The theme of the club is based on the rural hills of the Appalachian Mountains. Western clubs are a dime a dozen and we wanted to be different. 

JB:     Where did you get the inspiration for your Blue Ridge Country?  and can you share a bit about the history of the place?

HE:     Hannock’s home is in the state of Virginia and is very familiar with the scenery and culture of the Blue Ridge Mountains. That's why you see a lot of moonshine stills around the club, lol.  

BRC opened on September 1, 2023 on a small 1/4 parcel before moving onto a full region in March of '24, adding so much more activities and scenic atmosphere to the club region.

JB:     Did you two develop this on your own, or were you working with others?

HE:     Lola and I conceived and built Blue Ridge Country initially and then brought in our general manager Ange Blackwell to help us on the full sim.  At first, we didn't know how we were going to fill an entire region but in time we actually ran out of room, lol.  After nearly one year of daily operation, we decided to take a 2-month hiatus to reorganize and redesign the club region, so on July 13 operations were shut down and we began working on a plan to revitalize and refresh the club. 

JB:     What did you find was the Biggest challenge in preparing for your Grand reOpening?

HE:     Attracting attention.  23 VIP’s left our group during the shutdown, probably thinking we were permanently closed in spite of our advertising that it was for only 2 months.  We hope to regain those VIPs and add many more after we reopen.  We pulled out the stops in advertising and getting the word out but it's not easy to attract guests when they don't know we're there.   

While the club was shut down many additions and improvements were made to the surrounding club region. The trails were replaced with a simple dirt path making it easier for horseback riding.  The cave now includes a scenic, enchanted cavern with cuddle spots and poses perfect for photography.  Access to the boat dock has been made easier and more boat rezzers have been added to enjoy in our sim wide open water area. A tall water slide has been added to the open water area with a hang glider rezzer at the top that allows guests to view the Blue Ridge region from the air. The beach has been expanded to include a volley ball court and a basketball hoop. Completing the beach additions is a wind surfer rezzer. 

JB:     So then....Tell us about your Grand (re)Opening.

HE:     After a 2-month hiatus, we intend to have a reopening party on Saturday August 31 at 4 PM for staff and VIP’s out on the beach. On Friday, September 6, Blue Ridge Country will reopen full time, 7 days a week 12 PM to 8 PM, with a fresh look and a revitalized staff.  Our fantastic staff is what makes Blue Ridge Country the awesome club that it is.  We would have understood if the staff had decided to move on to other clubs and venues but almost all of BRC's DJ's and Hosts hung in there during the break and will return on September 6. Our staff is eager to get the club rolling again.  

JB:     What are some of the things people can do at Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     The list is long but some things are: Horseback riding with expanded and improved trails, cave exploration, a multi-level tree house for cuddling or to just take in sounds of wildlife and scenery, stores for shopping, an expanded beach area with a volley ball court, bowling alley, trampoline and a diving board as well as our DJ Desires music sets every Saturday.  The boat dock has easier access and includes rezzers for Kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, bumper boats and jet skis and an open water area to have fun in.  We have added a water slide and also a hang glider rezzer at the top, it's easy to use and the views are spectacular!

JB:     Do you have full time rental property available here?  And maybe a link for potential renters?  

HE:       The most exciting addition are rental cottages.  Now guests can vacation at BRC and enjoy all the fun things as well as being right next to the club where they can enjoy our awesome DJ's and perhaps make some new BRC friends.  

On the Blue Ridge region, we have 5 short term vacation rentals ranging from L$50/day to L$300/day.  There are rental kiosks at each rental cottage. 

Although not a part of the club region there are two more regions connected to it both also owned by Lola and myself.  Sweet Magnolia Bay for full time land rental and Blue Water Bay vacation rentals with full access to the open water area. 

JB:     Who would you see as the ideal guest at Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     The ideal guest would be just down to Earth people that want to have a good time free of drama and stress. We love seeing people enjoy the surrounding areas and the best country music our awesome DJ's provide.

JB:     Is there anything else you would care to share with our readers?

HE:     Blue Ridge Country has zero tolerance for drama. We simply want everyone to have fun and to be a part of our crazy family.  Blue Ridge Country wants to be a place everyone feels welcome and have a good time.  So come hang out with us and come get your fun fix! 

JB:     Where can a person go who might be interested in learning more about Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     Come straight to the club, everything you need to know is there.  You can leave a note card to one of the owners if we are not open or just ask any staff member and they will be happy to help you. 




So there ya have it folks.  Have I ever lied to you before?  Trust me, you are definitely going to want to check this place out.  You will be SOOOOooo glad you did!  Go alone, or better yet, take a friend. And when you get there, tell 'em Josh sent ya.

Be There!  Aloha!


Friday, March 22, 2024



I was doing my thing the other day…hopping around various regions, just generally chillin and looking for fun places to go.  SL Enquirer provides their writers with a Fun Detector (FD), kinda like a dosimeter, it starts to click, louder and louder, the closer it gets to “fun”.  So I was cruzing around at about 900 meters, when all of a sudden, my FD started lighting up like a Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center.  I had found it, if my instrument was to be trusted.  I have found the Holy Grail of Fun.

I floated down to the dance floor below, not entirely sure what I would find, and I came upon Roxy the Red, and her partner in crime, J I N X Y.  They graciously agreed to pause in their labors and consented to an interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So Tell me.  Where did the idea of Outlander Music Group come from? come from?

Rory the Red (roryredrory) (RR):   We wanted to build a club where everyone was welcome and to pick a name that captured the fun and magic of having a club that our friends could enjoy and come to.  We named the club "Outlander Music Group" - OMG for short.  OMG is one of Jinx and my favorite words.  If you would search any exchange between us - you'll find "OMG" at least several times! 

The word "Outlander" means a lot to me in many different ways.  I am Scottish-American and I'm a big fan of the show Outlander.  I love the historic imagery of Scotland and of the Stones and dancing. But I didn't want to base the club only on the show - but the theme of being an "Outlander".  We are all Outlanders in this crazy world that is SecondLife, and making it our own.   

JB:       Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each person play?

RR:   Jinxy and I put the club together.  Jinxy did the build and design and I added a few decorations here and there. Jinxy always amazes me with her builds and creativity!!  My girl got skillz!!!  For me, the Outlander theme means Outsiders coming together in a place where no one is an outsider.  So, the imagery includes a Scottish landscape, Runes, and Kansas / Wizard of Oz.  I am from Kansas and who else is the ultimate outlander other than Dorothy from Kansas when she visits Oz!   We're not in Kansas anymore....

Also, Outlander wouldn’t be able to run without the incredible work, spirit, and fun brought by Paula Williams and Tiffany Williams!!  Paula and Tiffany are sisters and are our managers for the club!!  They are here on Thursday nights and always keep us laughing and smiling during the sets!!

JX:   Rory has excellent management and ability to get people together and extract their talents... So, she is a natural at doing all the organization. I spend my time now and then building for the club

JB:       Excuse me, but…is that an Elephant there?  Can we talk about the elephant in the room?  What is THAT all about?

RR:   That's Ellie our resident elephant!  She prefers to be addressed as "Ellie" or "Ms. Ellie".  She gets offended if she is ignored when people enter the room.  Just go ahead and address her right away and everything will be fine :-) 

JX:   It is as you say, "let’s talk about the elephant in the room" Thats Rory’s sense of humor. She could carry on a conversation about anything. Let’s start with the elephant in the room, shall we?

JB:       I understand you have regular shows on Tuesday and Thursdays?  What type of music is played there?

RR:   Our dj's are all amazing and play a mix of dance music including EDM, House, Progressive, Funkie House, and more!!!  We leave it up to the dj's to choose the genre they play each week.  Nothing sounds better than "DJ's Choice" :-)

I love the dj's that play here!!! Our line-up on Tuesday starts at 5pm, and includes DJ Sia, Dj Savvy, DJ Picky, DJ Lisa Rose, and DJ Nele!

Our line-up on Thursday starts at 4pm, and includes DJ DanaCat, DJ Jan X, DJ Lau, DJ Kelsey, DJ Nell, and DJ Lukas!

JX:   We supply a pleasant fun atmosphere with some of SLs top DJs.  Each DJ plays whatever they like. Rory and I do now and then add a DJ we like to the lineup. Most of them are Rory’s connections

JB:       Sooooo…What kind of music will you feature and what kind of guest would enjoy OMG the most?

RR:   Our goal is to provide a wide mix of music and dj's! You'll hear different music every week!  Anyone who loves to hear and experience Live DJ's with others in a relaxed, friendly environment will enjoy their time here!!!

JB:       Tell us about some of the different areas on the property?

RR:   The property is a series of islands in a Scottish Lake surrounded by the Highlands!  All SL-style :-)  The areas include the OMG! Club, the OMG! Float-In Movie Theater, and the OMGHenge island, home to this year's "OMG! SpringFest" on March 26, 27, and 28th  We recently added the "Float-in Movie Theater" which shows some of our favorite movies!  All of the seating is around or in the pool!  Sometimes Jinxy and I will have a "pop up" movie event and send a notice to our OMG! group!  OMGHenge Island includes Stonehenge-like ruins on top of a green grassy island!  All 3 islands are connected and can be accessed by walking!

JX:   We seem to come up with new areas every few months. So currently we have the main club and just finishing "Spring Fest" we call it. At the end of March, we will be gathering together there Tues, Wed, and Thurs regularly. Then we also have the movie theater, with a swim pool and screen we show movies on

JB:       Just who is this “Outlander Annie” that I have heard so much about?

RR:   Annie is our resident mermaid! You can usually find her in the aquarium at the front of the OMG! Club, but she also likes to spend time in the lake! She is a veteran of SecondLife clubs, and has been with me at every club I have owned or managed.  She can be a handful, and can at times be outspoken, at times be quiet.  She is a very moody mermaid!  We love her and glad she makes OMG! her home!

JX:   she is a mystery to even me. I know she has a front row seat behind the stage, so she sees EVERTHING that goes on in the club 24/7. What happens after that “Stays in the Club”

JB:       I understand you are hosting a “SpringFest”.  Tell our readers about that, if you will?

RR:   We are celebrating the beginning of Spring with a "SpringFest" March 26, 27, and 28th!  We will have an outdoor festival on our "OMGHenge Island" with Spring grass and flowers, rides, and an awesome outdoor stage with your favorite DJ's!!!! We are usually open on Tuesdays and Thursdays,  however, will be open Wednesday that week for a special SpringFest line-up including DJ Bloo, DJ Soa, and DJ Pandora!!!  Happy Spring!!!

JX:   SpringFest comes from the mind off Rory. She is always coming up with something FUN and SpringFest is all about that. You will have to come and see for yourself

JB:       Do you have any plans for future development?

RR:   We love celebrating the various seasons and holidays and plan to have some themed events in the future related to Summer, Halloween, Christmas and others!  So please check back for future announcements from OMG!  You can always check our schedule at!

JX:   We plan on adding more DJs and adding more days the club will be open. We have a surprise for SL dancers coming in the summer. Stay tuned to see.

JB:       Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

JX:   Your readers are our dancers. We listen to what you say and do our best to make OMG O M G!! Providing the best in music and in a fun atmosphere

RR:   Support Live DJ's and Live Music on SL, whether it's at our club, another club, or through live events!  Music brings us together and is the reason I joined SL - to hear the bands and dj's that are here!




Saturday, January 6, 2024


One of the Services that the Editor in Chief at the SL Enquirer has arranged is to give back to the community through monthly drawings for a Free Spotlight Feature - our Deluxe Advertising Package.  This month’s winner was Divalin and the Kinetics Dancers.  I was not sure what to expect on this assignment, since the word “Kinetics” can have several meanings.  In the Military, or the world of politics, the phrase “Kinetic Solution” usually means blowing something up, as opposed to just talking through an issue.  But in this case, it meant I would probably be watching scantily clad women bounding around a stage.  “Oh well”, I told myself. “SOMEBODY has to do it.” 

I set out on my quest to locate the illusive Miss Divalin Magic, the Grand Poobah of the Kinetics Dancers, and found her on a Sky Platform, busily preparing for their next production that would make Busby Berkley proud. She graciously consented to collect her Chief Herder of Cats, Olivia Wonder, and together they accompanied me to the SL Enquirer Business office where we could chat comfortably, away from the “roar of the greasepaint and the smell of the crowd” as it were.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):   So tell me, Ladies.  How did you two meet?  And how did you decide on a partnership in the performing arts?

Divalin Magic (DM):   We met years ago on another virtual platform, called "InWorldz".  I had not done any type of performance art up to that point, but after meeting O, and our Kinetics DJ Chopper, they convinced me to give it a try.  I was hooked!  After InWorldz folded, I came back to SL and started exploring the dance community.  Several years later, O expressed her desire to have her own theatre, and now here we are.

Olivia Wonder (OW):   Actually we met in open sim in 2012 helping a friend (who is now our DJ) open up a burlesque club.  It was a big success as far as open sim's go.  We worked well together, we both balance each other’s weakness and strong points.  So while dancing together at another theater we decided we might give it a try, and began brain storming.

JB:   How long has your dance troupe, Kinetics Dance Team, been together?

DM:   Kinetics Dance was founded in 2021, with our grand opening in November of that year.  We took about six months to develop our vision on how we wanted the troupe to grow and a huge aspect of that was to make sure this was fun and "home."

OW:   It’s been like the rapids of a river, always changing but thrilling at the same time.

JB:   Just who makes up Kinetics Dance Team?

DM:   We have a very robust group of choreographers, backup dancers, DJ's, hosts and photographers.  We have a small management team which includes our sponsor, MrRoarke.    Everyone steps up and helps us whatever way they can.  For example, we have a troupe member who tackles the poster creation and another who takes on advertising.

OW:   We are a huge mix of SL talent, each with their special skill. We have amazing choreographers, builders, photographers, videographers, scrip-tors, & DJ's, the Kinetics Team reeks with talents to be sure.  But.....  MstrRoark has to be our biggest contributor to the club, he keeps the lights on and is there for every show, encouraging every step.

JB:   It must take quite a staff to run an operation like this.  How big is your staff, and who are some of the key players here?

DM:   Our staff is small - but as mentioned earlier, our team helps us as much as they can.  The primary running of the troupe is between O and Divalin. 

OW:   Everyone on our team will help at any moment, from updating the spreadsheet, to creating monthly posters, and I do appreciate that so much, but the majority, of the hands on is done by myself and Divalin Magic.

JB:   Are you looking for new Dancers?  And how would they find out?  Do you host “Dance Job Fairs”…or “Dance Marathons”, where the last Avi standing gets to join up?

DM:   Generally, new dancers come find us.  I think word is out that we are a fun bunch!!  We do have one feature, and that is we personally invite choreographers from the dance community to do a set of their choice each month.  And that has led to a few staying, and becoming a Kineticsan!

OW:   We have been so blessed that the best talents in SL have searched us out.  What a Blessing.  Just ask anyone on staff.. we all chat and communicate so everyone knows.

JB:   A quick search turns up dozens and dozens of Dance Troupes in SecondLife, involving hundreds, if not thousands of dancers.  What is it that makes up the “Kinetics Dance Team” difference?

OW:   First and Foremost.... it's got to be fun.  All the members of the staff are volunteer, so if it's not a rewarding way to spend your SL, they will soon move on.  We try really hard to give each member of our staff a place to express their creativity and skills.

DM:   What makes us different?  I fondly say "we are all crazy here!"   And we are - being serious during rehearsal just doesn't happen.  Showtime, we all step up - but before that, if we aren't laughing, then we are doing something wrong. 

JB:   How many people do you draw to a performance, on average, and how do people find out about your productions?

DM:   Our average is about 50 to 60 people at a show.  That's a comfortable number that helps to keep the lag down for our choreographers.  As we all have experienced in SL - big crowds equal major lag events.  We'd rather do extra shows, and make the experience better for our guests.

OW:   We offer 3 shows a month, all different, so if you can't make it one night, there will always be another show.

JB:   Who do you hope to attract to your shows? What special group of people might find Kinetics Dance Team especially appealing?

DM:   Everyone!  You don't need to be a dancer or actor to appreciate the arts.  All dance performances are about artistic vision. 

OW:   Everyone and Anyone...... the only ones we won't allow on the sim are the babes.  This is an adult event ONLY. We offer some amazing effects, lighting, and choreographing.  If you've never seen a SL stage performance before, start with Kinetics, we promise you'll be back.

JB:   I understand you also own or are involved with a couple of other businesses.  Would you care to comment briefly on those other enterprises?

DM:   Almost all our troupe members are involved with other theatres in the dance community.  And we try to get to as many of their shows as possible.  There are many, many people in this community who have taken me personally under their wing, and helped me gain confidence.  It remains a privilege to share my work in their troupes as well.

OW:   We focus on making this a sister/brother hood, not a competition.  If one of our friends in another troupe sends out an SOS for help we try and step up if possible.  We help by preforming in their shows, advertise for their shows in our groups, and any other way they might need us.  I want to reach across SL to make a friend, not start a competition.

JB:   Is there anything else you want to share with our readers today?

DM:   Kinetics Dance was once just an idea, and now we are entering our 3rd year.  How long will it endure?  For as long as it is meant to.  And the focus will remain on having fun.  Isn't that what SL is for?

OW:   I can sit here all day and talk about how amazing our club is, but what I'd really like to happen is:  For your reader to take a chance, come to our show, and let them tell all their friends what a good time they had.  I want others to speak for Kinetics Dance, so I can smile and not have to say a word.




So there you have it, folks.  If you are looking for something different in the world of show dance-teams, look no farther than The Kinetics Dancers, headed up by Divalin and Olivia.  Go early to get a good seat in their intimate and cozy theater.  Tell ‘em “Josh sent me”.  You’ll be glad you did.

Be there!  Aloha!


Saturday, December 30, 2023


In Preparation for the arrival of 2024, I decided to clean up my home office of much of the detritus I had accumulated in the past 12 months.  Near the top of the pile of papers on my bookshelf, I came upon the following announcement for a Grand Opening. 

It looked interesting, but alas, in my delays at the time, I had missed the opening.  And yet, I wondered how this upstart theater was doing after a couple of months of operation. After I contacted Sagia, she and Dollystar.piers, a prior student of hers, graciously agreed to update me on the status of this particular labor of love. 

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So, tell me, Sagia…  Just what is ShowStyle Theater all about?

Sagia:  ShowStyle Theater provides entertainment. It provides people a means of relaxation, and enjoyment, and escape from their daily routines.  This can help reduce stress and promote mental health. We  put on monthly dance shows. I  know many dance choreographers who put on different acts for each show monthly. It is fun entertainment.  Usually at the finale of these shows, the guests are invited to come on stage and dance with the chorus.

JB:   How did you two meet?  And how did you decide on a partnership in the performing arts?

Sagia:  I was a teacher at Audace Modeling School where I also managed Audace ShowStyle dance theater. Dolly was a student at the school and became a dancer for the shows. She started to assist me until RL difficulties required her to take a leave of absence.

DollyStar:   I  was a student at the modeling school for two semesters - spring and summer of 2022. Sagia was my teacher for two different subject classes. I helped with a build on a stage and started dancing for Sagia's sets for upcoming shows. Sagia taught me how to Theater Dance and showed me how to create my own stage sets and I became a dancer and dance choreographer until I had to leave SL for a while at the beginning of this year.

JB:   What sets ShowStyle Theater apart from the many other theaters out there?

Sagia:  We give opportunities to all choreographers to work with us, whether they are beginners or highly skilled professionals. This allows us to produce a variety of shows with different levels of abilities and everyone is satisfied.

JB:   I have heard that you sometimes draw as many as 80  people to one of your shows.  How do that many people find out about your productions?

Sagia:   Our sim can go up to 100 guests but we usually cut it off at 70. We make invitations and send them out along with many notices to various groups.

JB:   Do you plan to host Special events here? Weddings?  Funerals?  Rezz Day Celebrations? Bar Mitzvahs? Blues Festivals?  And how might someone learn of any scheduled activities here?

Sagia:   No special events as you named will be scheduled here. We do a monthly variety show, put on  by choreographers, or we can plan a one-choreographer, one-hour show.  We are doing that with the  McPol Show and we call that type a special. Our activities are published by invitations and group notices.

JB:   It must take quite a staff to run an operation like this.  How big is your staff, and who are some of the key players here?

DollyStar:   Sagia manages all aspects of theater from organizing, booking, and invitations to groups to wardrobe malfunctions "dancers missing" and even DJ organizing. So much to do even Sagia has her set early in the hour to sort anything that arises.

JB:   What has been your greatest challenge in building and running ShowStyle Theater?

Sagia:   Organizing the monthly show takes time in coordinating all the choreographers and their time. I would say getting 6-8 choreographers with acts ready to go, particularly with a common theme, is a monthly challenge.

JB:   How would you advise someone who wants to get into your line of work  What would it take?

Sagia:   You need to spend time making friends with members of the second life dance world. The more friends one has who are choreographers, the easier and more fun this line of work is.

JB:   Who do you hope to attract to your shows? What special group of people might find MCPOL and the Amazon Dancers especially appealing?

Sagia:   We attract guests who enjoy entertainment that has beautiful sets, costumes and dancers with awesome dancing.

DollyStar:   Sagia booked that show for her theater for a special event  featuring an artist to show that person's talent in stage set design, and theme, and to show costumes and amazing choreography and the person's dancers' artistry

JB:   It must take quite a staff to run an operation like this.  How big is your staff, and who are some of the key players here?

Sagia:   I do this on my own. I organize each monthly show and the choreographers do their performing for each show. It takes about 7 choreographers for an hour show, along with about 15-20 minutes of the crowd dance.

JB:   I’ve heard you mention “crowd Dance”?  What is THAT all about, and is it popular?

Sagia:   Yes, it is very popular to guests who enjoy dancing and dancing on the stage. We have dance devices all set for them to stand and dance with us alone with our music. This is usually the finale and the dances and music runs for about 15-20 min.

DollyStar:   The "Crowd Dance" is the end of the show.   When it’s time for the "Crowd Dance" all our guests are invited to walk on stage to dance and enjoy the experience in sync with the other dancers.  They get to dance with and mingle with the artists and other invitees.

JB:   I understand you also own or are involved with a couple of other businesses.  Would you care to comment briefly on those other enterprises?

DollyStar:    Sagia is also a choreographer, dancer, builder, teacher and an all-around woman of many hats including DJing at some larger venues.  She does private DJ parties as well

Sagia:   I am also a choreographer and I perform not only at ShowStyle Avenue, but at other dance theaters as well.  One is the Empire Theater known as Elysium.  Additionally, I do two sets a week as DJ at  Runaround Sue's.

JB:   Is there anything else you want to share with our readers today?

Sagia:  Certainly.  For those interested in learning more, about ShowStyle Theater and some of the projects we are involved with, I recommend they please check out the following links:





DollyStar:  If I may Josh, Sagia is a bit too shy about touting her own accomplishments.  For eleven and a half years, Sagia has owned and operated Showstyle, also known now as ShowStyle Avenue. She just moved to her new location recently. ShowStyle Theater is a theater of Dance and arts. Once in a while, she will host an individual to make up around 6 or 7 sets for an hour-long show. She directs 7 different choreographs, and each artist/choreographer designs and creates a theme, dances, and set about that theme. This hard work and painstaking precision showcases the excellent talent she has in making each set stylish and centering around a given story. Costumes help with the theme and background. Sagia gives the artists a place to establish their creations and show the results of their hard work. To prep for a show takes a full hour to cache each set, the costumes, and final fixes and the DJ has to have a steady hand for on-time intervals before the curtain call show.  Artists make it seem so easy and if it wasn't for Sagia holding the entire show together, the dancers and routines would fall apart. She has a keen understanding and the knowledge to coordinate and deliver an awesome show with well-known artists from around the Globe.  She is so humble and to be housed at her new home on 5th Avenue is a great honor.

So there you have it folks.  Start your New Year on the “right step”  by catching one of these amazing performances at the Showstyle Avenue Theater.  The next extravaganza, MCPOL AND THE AMAZON DANCERS SPECIAL" GIPSY KINGS" will be performed at the Showstyle Avenue Theater SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 @ 1 PM SLT


It will help set the tone for the New Year.  And when you get there, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.  You’ll be glad you did.

Be there!  Aloha!