The World went into top gear and pulled out all the stops to try and help the Haitians get back on their feet.
Then in early September 201 an Earthquake struck New Zealand, located bbout 30 km From Christchurch and a State of Emergency was Delcared. The United States Geological Survey recorded the earthquake at a 7.0 on the Richter Scale; it was originally recorded to be a 7.2, but hwas subsequently downgraded. This is one of the biggest earthquakes in New Zealands recorded history. An aftershock that measured 5.7 followed about 20 minutes after the first quake. Much was destroyed and the New Zealanders had to set about rebuilding Christchurch and its surrounds.
Low and behold another strong earthquake shook New Zealand in February 2011. The 6.3-magnitude quake, per the USGS, shook New Zealand's South Island and its largest city of Christchurch again, sending New Zealanders reeling. Once again having to pick up the pieces.

And so it is in times like these people often ask how they can help.
Here are some organizations accepting donations for Japan’s Earthquake Relief:
American Red Cross - Donate $10 to support Red Cross Earthquake Relief by texting REDCROSS to 90999 or visiting their website.
Convoy of Hope – Text TSUNAMI to 50555 to donate $10 to Convoy or visit the Convoy website to donate.
Save the Children – The site is currently accepting donations to their Japan Earthquake Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund.
World Vision – Has a Disaster Response Fund where they’ve already added the Japanese earthquake and tsunami aid to in order to help children in various projects.
Shelterbox – Provides emergency-shelter-in-a-box to areas hit by earthquakes and tsunamis. You can donate money toward the cost of a box ($1000 covers the cost of one box) on their website. It is a UK based company with international links as well.
If we missed an organization please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all our Japanese and New Zealand friends in Second Life at this time of extreme disaster.
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