If I knew how to build stuff (I don't) or if I had enough money to hire people to build one for me, I would definitely make a version of my home town.
There are many benefits to this. Not all of us were the head cheerleader or the meanest jock in our home towns. Very few of us have a Great Gatsby-like ability to unduly influence the town's look... no roofs of thatch for the people downhill from my house.
However, if you build a virtual version of your hometown, you can do whatever you would like to. Put the police station in the swamp. Put the bratty elementary school kids next to the malfunctioning nuclear reactor you just bought. Pay back the rich by putting the nightclub in the wealthy suburbs.
I personally would enslave the citizens, and force them to labor 52 days a year building monuments in my honor. That's how things roll in Staceyville.
Fortunately, the people of Marblehead (yes, that's a real town name in Massachusetts... the head of the bay it is situated on is granite that was mistaken for marble by the original colonists.) aren't living in my town. Whoever put together Marblehead wanted a little more authenticity than I would have when remaking Duxbury, Massachusetts in my image.
Whoever put together Marblehead was more interested in authenticity. The town is set on a small sim. You can take a trolley ride around all of it. They have a little mall, and a charming one-room schoolhouse with a little steeple on top.
I took the liberty of landmarking you near a pleasant little gazebo in the center of town. Start off here, do a little shopping, and then take the trolly ride. It's a pleasant place to drop in on, and some of the stores had nice dresses. I bought a few, but I liked the schoolhouse picture more than me in a dress. if you want to see it, IM me, and I'll put it on for you. I'm good like that.
There are times when I want to ride a dragon into a flying castle with a nightclub i it. There are other times when I want to take a trolley ride through a small town. If you're feeling the latter, you're feeling Marblehead.
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