If you have nothing to do today, why not go visit the final house of Osama bin Laden? It comes with all the amenities... barbed wire, a burning helicopter, strafing gunfire, sudden and violent visits by US Special Forces... what more could you want?
Yes, you can now go to a virtual Al Queada bunker! Someone built a virtual reconstruction of the Osama clubhouse. It looks pretty much exactly like the one OBL was hiding in before some Navy SEAL blew off his stupid murdering head.
Here's the notecard I got:
The Abbottabad compound in Second Life was created using RL scale measurements based on Google Earth data and other publicly reliable information. It is an on-going work in progress so you should see improvements to the model over time. For optimal use, please adjust the size of your avatars to only between 5.5 and 6 feet in height. In this way, you will be able to experience the space in relative proportions to the RL compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Please note that this space is a non-commercial development intended only as a 3D visual guide and for role-playing. It is opened by Avatrian for use by the general public. But, please be mindful of your actions and conversations while in the sim. Treat other visitors with respect. Avatars who are found to be engaging in abusive behaviour or griefing will be banned from the sim.
Enjoy your time here. We are open to any feedback you might have. You can IM Chenin Anabuki or email info@avatrian.com for any comments or suggestions.
Here's the notecard I got:
The Abbottabad compound in Second Life was created using RL scale measurements based on Google Earth data and other publicly reliable information. It is an on-going work in progress so you should see improvements to the model over time. For optimal use, please adjust the size of your avatars to only between 5.5 and 6 feet in height. In this way, you will be able to experience the space in relative proportions to the RL compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Please note that this space is a non-commercial development intended only as a 3D visual guide and for role-playing. It is opened by Avatrian for use by the general public. But, please be mindful of your actions and conversations while in the sim. Treat other visitors with respect. Avatars who are found to be engaging in abusive behaviour or griefing will be banned from the sim.
Enjoy your time here. We are open to any feedback you might have. You can IM Chenin Anabuki or email info@avatrian.com for any comments or suggestions.
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