What is it you
can't live without in Second Life? What makes it worth logging in day after day
? Hmm, ever thought about it?
Everyone has their own reasons for
logging in, whether it be to have some fun, make some extra cash on the side,
or just have a bit of social interaction. To actually enjoy and reap the
benefits of Second Life I've seen time and again someone has to have a reason
to log in and make the best of their Second Life, otherwise what is the point?
I've seen too
many new people log in and get bored, leaving the game and missing great experiences
and opportunities Second Life has to offer. When I first started Second
Life it was my friends and photography that kept me coming back. I may
have had my hand in a few different things, but it wasn't what I was logging in
for. Times have changed things a bit, but there is still pictures and
true friends with me for my journey in this virtual world.
What do
others log in for? It isn't like we are all here for the same thing...
Savannah Goulding
is almost a year old in Second Life. I knew her when she started. She was mainly into the Bloodlines and
exploring what it had to offer. Time has changed things for her too as it
does for all of us. Savannah now runs her own blog http://changedailysl.blogspot.com and is more into shopping and
learning to mix her own music than chasing down her next minion.
Cris: Hi Savannah, what is the one thing in Second Life you
wouldn't do without?
Savannah: Mesh
Leave it to Savannah
to sum it up in one word. She has an awesome blog now, so after looking
at it that would be the best word to use. That is where she has her fun.
Cris: What about the new fitted mesh? Have you tried it
yet or is it just mesh in general you crave?
Savannah: I've
tried it and I'm not a huge fan. It's better than most prim, but normal
mesh works for me : )
I approached a regular at one of the clubs I
work at and thought maybe I'd get a different reason people can’t live without
Second Life.
Appy is four years
old in Second Life, a heavy metal fan, and I don't think she's ever met a
Cris: Appy, what is one thing you can’t do without in Second
Appy: I'd
have to say friends... Cuz without them what good is SL... Just wandering
around alone...
Before I could even
get another word out, she adds, “plus
I'm a shopping whore”, lol.
Cris: *Facepalms*
Appy: Lol,
Everyone knows. It isn't like I can or try to hide it.
Priorities that is
all I can say. LoL.
Shopping seems to
be a popular past time for avatars across the grid, but what about the men in
Second Life? We can't just hit up the women, we must find out what the other
gender thinks.
Venour is three
months old, new to Second Life, and we've ran into each other more than once in
various places. I couldn't resist his perspective.
Cris: Hi Venour, what can’t you live without in Second Life?
Venour: Good
Cris: If no one is on to talk with, do you just
log back out? Wait around for a bit? Look for someone else?
Venour: Depends
on the time and my mood.
I guess the right
time and mood plays a role in what keep people in Second life. Something has to
spark an interest and make people happy. Why log in and be in a bad mood or at
a time when most of your friends aren’t on? That truly kills the fun and atmosphere.
OutlawKing Nirvana
is another male avatar with four going on five years old in Second Life. He is
usually tearing up boxes passing out the noogies and spray painting.
Cris: What can you not live without on Second Life?
OutlawKing: Hmm before Ari I would have to say music, but now it's her.
Cris: So y'all talk every day?
OutlawKing: Almost, but with work, travel, all these time zones suck.
Oh yes, time zones can definitely put a damper on many things in
Second Life. I’m sure we all can agree that we can do without time zones. (Only
if that was possible)

Cris: Hi Blossom, what is the one thing you can't live
without in Second Life?
Blossom Mojo Jojo:
The one thing I have to have is actually a person. Aquarius Viper has
been my friend for over 4 years now, almost 5. She is the reason I log in
and if it weren't for her I wouldn't log in anymore. Something that isn't
a person would be an artistic release. If it weren't for my clothing
store, dj'ing, or blogging I wouldn't want to remain in SL!
Cris: Do you and Aqua talk every day?
Blossom Mojo Jojo: Yes we talk every day, there have been some days we have missed each
other, and it's very noticeable. So without her, it's just not the same!
Cris: Do you ever get fed up with dj'ing,
blogging, and your store and say, "Hey, I just gotta have a break?"
Blossom Mojo Jojo: Blogging I just started doing, so not yet. My store sometimes
I get cross-eyed when creating and have to walk away, but I still love creating
and making new things. The best part is seeing someone wearing something
I designed. Dj'ing can become very tiresome also. Especially when
your djing to a large crowd and no one seems interested or involved in local
chat with you. Nothing I do here I do for profit but to interact and have
fun with other sl'ers.
Overall, it is all
about being creative and having a good circle of friends that keeps people
logging in. Without a good friends or companion to share SL experiences with
what’s the point of being here?
Thank you everyone
that participated. I know it is hard to take something as big as Second
Life and pretty much sum it down to a paragraph or word to explain.
Everyone is different and we all log in for different reasons, but mainly
remember to always have fun. Second Life is there for us to enjoy
ourselves and have a good time, don't forget that and everything else should
just fall into place.

What can’t you live without
in Second Life? Use the comment box below and share with our readers.
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