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Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Regular readers of the SL Enquirer may remember a recent piece we did on Pictorial Model, Gisele.  (GISELE ANDREA: PICTORIAL POWERHOUSE IN PIXELS)

That piece had the highest readership in recent history for a SL Enquirer article, and we were interested to learn what, if any, effect that article showcasing her particular talents may have had on Gisele’s blossoming Career.

Fortunately, I was able to catch up with Supermodel Gisele between shoots, and she was eager to share with us some of the things that have happened to her since she first graced the pages of the SL Enquirer.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):     So, tell us, Gisele. How has your modeling life changed since your initial SL Enquirer interview?

Gisele Andrea (GA):     Well, it has been a whirlwind.  First were all the congratulations from many friends and followers, as well as many of the photographers and bloggers with whom I work.  “Oh, you're a celebrity now!” they would say.  I always answered “well maybe a bit more”, but I downplayed that.  I did not realize the reputation SL Enquirer carried!  Then very shortly after, I began getting requests from many photographers new to me, as well as requests from some photographers with whom I had not worked for a while.  You know, like, “Hey, it’s been so long we need to do some new material!  So, since early October my dance card has been filled, and will be from December until early February as I prepare to do two pictorials with two magazines for whom I posed last year: Provocateur and Whiskey Girls

JB:     Sounds like you are certainly keeping busy.  Are there any particularly unique experiences that you have had recently?

GA:     The most unique experiences have happened within the industry.  For instance, I first came upon Kadon Doge, when I was posing in my first magazine, Hush.  I was dying to work with him but he showed little interest.  I kept pursuing until one day, all of a sudden, he said “yes I could use you.”  he put me in a great story-telling pose with him as well.  After that we did one offs every few months.   After the interview he approached me about posing with him in a sensual shot for a Gallery Show (Forbidden Eden. “Forbidden Eden (131,236,29)”.   I had never done one before.  After we did that, we discussed some other alternatives while still respecting my limits.  It’s not what he said, so much as the way he included me in idea planning, more as an equal.  We will probably work together more frequently in the future.

I also had a few first-time sessions with brand new photographers.  I didn’t know them or what they expected.  I began to feel very much like how I did in my first few months: anxious, nervous, uncertain. In some ways it was like starting all over again.

JB:     I see.  And how did the industry react to your increased presence on the Modeling Scene?

GA:     The initial reactions were all the same, “How the hell did you get that opportunity to talk to SL Enquirer?”  I explained that I had an acquaintance who was a staff writer who approached me about doing it and my immediate reaction was “Yes!'  Although I promised to promote the article on my FLICKR and personal profile, I never expected the kind of popularity, the number of readers!  It was overwhelming!

I think however the most interesting thing for me was that in many discussions I had with some of the really talented photographers, as well as magazine editors, I felt their respect for me had risen.  I was always liked but I think they saw something different in me, maybe a different perspective on how I had achieved my results both in front of the camera as well as running my career.

JB:     you mentioned modeling for several magazines before.  Has there been any communications with them.

GA:     Oh yes.  I felt I owed a lot of gratitude to the publications that really helped me get on the map.  I have lost contact with some but I did have discussions with Provocateur and Whiskey Girls about the interview.  We explored options until the decision was made to have me appear in each as a follow-on.  Maybe a “hometown girl makes good” sort of thing.  I hope to be able to reach out to the others too

JB:     So have you actually posed for them again, or is this still in the planning stages?

GA:     So I have posed for Provocateur in early December, and then for Whiskey Girls just recently. The two operations are very different.  Provocateur is smaller, less management, with a quality photographer staff.  Whiskey Girls is a much bigger organization with several administrative departments and two separate monthly offerings.

 The really cool thing about working with Provocateur again is my old friend and early photographer Cesare Drucker now works for them so they assigned him to me!  I wasn't sure how I would be received but Cesare put me at ease.  As we worked through outfits and poses a couple of male observers came by to watch.  I had had women observers at Whiskey Girls last year but this was a first and after a little shyness I let my erotic feeling blossom.

Then for my more recent session with Whiskey Girls, I was re-assigned to Valerie Muircastle who did my photos for the November 2023 edition.  Valerie was so wonderful to work with the first time, so I felt equally comfortable with her too.  We are like artistic sisters separated at birth and often anticipate each other’s ideas.  I wasn't worried about feeling uncomfortable but in the first two sessions we had a total of 4 men observers and as I disrobed, I felt a rush or arousal with the usual body parts revealing my feelings.  There is a strong professional code we follow such that we don't reveal those feelings but it was difficult to hide. Valerie and I did break the creative limits to portray the glitz, glam, and sensuality of both rural Provence and La Cote d'Azur

I left glad that both magazines found me worthy of a second pictorial.  Proud of the quality we produced, and the initial reactions of the Provocateur readers and Bonus they selected me for the Cover and title of MS December 2024!  Who knows, maybe there will be a third return in the future!

Provocateur is available on marketplace

Whiskey Girls will be released on or about February 1, 2025 and is also on Marketplace as well as in many kiosks around Second Life.

JB:     Have you done repeat photo shoots for any of the others you worked with in the past?

GA:     To be honest, I haven’t stayed as in close touch with the others, although I do hope to make contact soon.  However sometimes that’s how the industry goes.  You pose for them they publish and you move on.

JB:     Any other interesting experiences to share with us?

GA:     My wonderful friend and great photographer disappeared for a while during the spring and summer.  While we had done a limited amount of work, they were all of such excellent quality that they were among my most popular pieces

Coincidentally with the publishing of the first interview I found Pau again.  We resumed our limited but fantastic work, and will continue to do so going forward.

I am not sure whether he found me from the interview or not, but I am still thrilled to have found him as a great friend and photographer!

JB:     What’s next for Gisele Andrea? Where would you like to see yourself this time next year? 5 Years?

GA:     A while back I was introduced by my photographer Cesare Drucker to the people at SPH Productions.  The produce very sexy, explicit movies.  I had a long chat with the people who run SPH and after informing them that I do not do as explicit things as they do, they discussed having me take parts within the limits as I determined.  We did set up one idea but I think they found someone else for the role.

 All that said, there may be a time where an appropriate role in film would be attractive to me.  I am not sure how well I would act but I might give it a go!

JB:     In your first article with SL Enquirer, you spoke of some of the great Photographers you have met and worked with. Who are some of the great models that have influenced you in this profession?  Do you have any particular “Role Model” Models?

GA:     A decade or so ago, live runway shows were the thing.  Print was minor.  There were several modeling academies and I actually graduated from three, two of which were standouts, SuperElite, where I really cut my teeth, and later Evane.

There were two women who were my role models, mentors, and best friends.  One was a senior model at SuperElite named Lorelei Maggs.  She also ran their academy.  We bonded and she taught me so much about runway, the industry and so forth.

The other was the very famous Mimmi Boa.  Mimmi was THE model a decade ago and yet as down to earth as they come.  She ran Evane but also helped at SuperElite Academy, and it was such a thrill just to practice with her, walking the runway in duets.   We also became friends and I remember bragging: “look I have Mimmi's contact information!"  She told me, reach out anytime, and while I rarely used the privilege, when I did, she always responded.

As to today there are hundreds probably thousands of Flickr models.  The one who comes to mind, and who helped me starting out was Jewel Doune.  She was friendly with great advice and was very supportive of my early work.

JB:     Is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Enquirer readers?

GA:     Opportunity comes in strange ways and at strange moments. After all that has happened in this unpredictable career of mine leading up to and including these great new pictorials on Provocateur and Whiskey Girls and the chance to be interviewed by such a professional as you ®and the work of the staff at SL Enquirer, I wonder how many times in life do we walk past such opportunities.

It was so easy to ignore when they popped up from tag dance to bloggers invitations to Magazine recruiters to SLE approaching me.  I guess I would say when something comes along take it and see where the ride takes you! if something doesn’t work out, something else usually comes along.  And if not, you are no worse off for trying!


So there you have it, folks.  Straight from the source.  Over 1,600 of you read the first article we did on Gisele, and we are hoping that an equal number will, hopefully, read this follow-up piece as well.  Gisele is quickly becoming one of the most popular Pictorial Models on the grid today.  Coming to a Men’s Publication near you.   Sooo…. check out some of her body of work.  You’ll be glad you did.

And when you do, tell ‘em Josh sent ya?

Be there! Aloha!




  1. I really love the authenticity of this interview. Gisele does not hide anything and shares with honesty, simplicity and transparency her experience, her feelings and most intense physical emotions. Her series of photos in Provocateur magazine is just gorgeous. Looking forward the series in Whiskey!! G.

  2. Thanks. Gisele is a lovely woman who takes her modeling career seriously. I like how that "Authenticity" shows through in all she does. It was a pleasure iterviewing her.

  3. Gisele is a sensual, classy and elegant girl. A very candid interview where she has been open in expressing her feelings and how different modeling situations brought her inner sensual woman out and made her feel. Kudos Gisele. You rock!!

  4. After reading the entire interview with attention, I have to give both the interviewer and Gisele a compliment. The interviewer for the good questions and Gisele for the clear answers. The entire interview gives a clear picture of how professionally Gisele approaches her modeling work. Besides the text, the photos are also very beautiful, but with Gisele as the center, a photo can't really go wrong

    1. Thanks Andre'. I think it is that total professionalism, when the situatiuon calls for it, that sets Gisele apart from many of the others out there. Completely dedicated to her Craft, it comes through in all she does. - Josh

  5. Valerie Muircastle - Thank you Gisele for your sweet words about our work together. The words are not only sweet but most of all they are true. Gisele is one of the not so many truely professional models. That has the big advantage for me, the photographer, that I can fully focus on the photography and do not have to deal with or even explain to the model how to close her eyes or other 'fundamental' stuff. which can be downright disruptive to the whole shoot. Gisele and me connect very naturally, we quickly reach a kind of flow that is so beneficial for a productive shoot. We just finished another quite huge shoot for Whiskey Girl Magazine due for the Feb 25 issue. Again it was a pleasure to work with Gisele and ... anytime again! :-)


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