Second Life© has some of the most creative artists I have had the pleasure of meeting from all over the world, but no matter how many prims and pixals used to create masterpieces here, capturing the essence of real life and the beauty that can be found in the simplest of things, is a skilled art form created by those that can bring out the details in nature and the vibrant colors found in our real world.

Recently I was invited to West of Ireland’s Art Gallery and greeted by director of (WOI), Hiawatha Runningbear. If you have never visited West of Ireland, I would recommend putting it on your SL Itinerary. After some small talk, I headed into the gallery and was immediately drawn to every photograph in anibrm Jung’s Art by Nature Exhibit. Looking at her photographs, one can only wonder where they were taken and what inspires her. Of course, anything can be an inspiration but for artists like her, it is something from within that draws them to certain things. So, I gave her my card and asked for an interview.