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Showing posts with label Secondlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secondlife. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024


In the many years that I have been writing for SL Enquirer, I have visited Scores of Regions, hundreds of Sims, and probably thousands of parcels in my search for excellence.  Most of those places miss that standard by a mile.  Some places come a little closer.  A very select few of those builds actually accomplish what they set out to do, and become a showcase for excellence in the Virtual World.  Blue Ridge Country is one of those that truly "makes the cut".  I was hopping around the grid the other day and ran into Hannock Evergarden and his lovely bride, ÊŸoÊŸÇŸ Ďεмυřε-ɛʋɛʀɢǟʀɖɛռ (jyden812).  Hannock graciously agreed to take a break from his labors and answer my burning questions about this "Center of Excellence" called Blue Ridge Country.  What follows is the result of that interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:     So, Tell me, Just what makes Blue Ridge Country different from teh other Western Clubs out there?

Hannock Evergarden (HE):     Well first, Blue Ridge Country went out of it's way to not be a western country club. The theme of the club is based on the rural hills of the Appalachian Mountains. Western clubs are a dime a dozen and we wanted to be different. 

JB:     Where did you get the inspiration for your Blue Ridge Country?  and can you share a bit about the history of the place?

HE:     Hannock’s home is in the state of Virginia and is very familiar with the scenery and culture of the Blue Ridge Mountains. That's why you see a lot of moonshine stills around the club, lol.  

BRC opened on September 1, 2023 on a small 1/4 parcel before moving onto a full region in March of '24, adding so much more activities and scenic atmosphere to the club region.

JB:     Did you two develop this on your own, or were you working with others?

HE:     Lola and I conceived and built Blue Ridge Country initially and then brought in our general manager Ange Blackwell to help us on the full sim.  At first, we didn't know how we were going to fill an entire region but in time we actually ran out of room, lol.  After nearly one year of daily operation, we decided to take a 2-month hiatus to reorganize and redesign the club region, so on July 13 operations were shut down and we began working on a plan to revitalize and refresh the club. 

JB:     What did you find was the Biggest challenge in preparing for your Grand reOpening?

HE:     Attracting attention.  23 VIP’s left our group during the shutdown, probably thinking we were permanently closed in spite of our advertising that it was for only 2 months.  We hope to regain those VIPs and add many more after we reopen.  We pulled out the stops in advertising and getting the word out but it's not easy to attract guests when they don't know we're there.   

While the club was shut down many additions and improvements were made to the surrounding club region. The trails were replaced with a simple dirt path making it easier for horseback riding.  The cave now includes a scenic, enchanted cavern with cuddle spots and poses perfect for photography.  Access to the boat dock has been made easier and more boat rezzers have been added to enjoy in our sim wide open water area. A tall water slide has been added to the open water area with a hang glider rezzer at the top that allows guests to view the Blue Ridge region from the air. The beach has been expanded to include a volley ball court and a basketball hoop. Completing the beach additions is a wind surfer rezzer. 

JB:     So then....Tell us about your Grand (re)Opening.

HE:     After a 2-month hiatus, we intend to have a reopening party on Saturday August 31 at 4 PM for staff and VIP’s out on the beach. On Friday, September 6, Blue Ridge Country will reopen full time, 7 days a week 12 PM to 8 PM, with a fresh look and a revitalized staff.  Our fantastic staff is what makes Blue Ridge Country the awesome club that it is.  We would have understood if the staff had decided to move on to other clubs and venues but almost all of BRC's DJ's and Hosts hung in there during the break and will return on September 6. Our staff is eager to get the club rolling again.  

JB:     What are some of the things people can do at Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     The list is long but some things are: Horseback riding with expanded and improved trails, cave exploration, a multi-level tree house for cuddling or to just take in sounds of wildlife and scenery, stores for shopping, an expanded beach area with a volley ball court, bowling alley, trampoline and a diving board as well as our DJ Desires music sets every Saturday.  The boat dock has easier access and includes rezzers for Kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, bumper boats and jet skis and an open water area to have fun in.  We have added a water slide and also a hang glider rezzer at the top, it's easy to use and the views are spectacular!

JB:     Do you have full time rental property available here?  And maybe a link for potential renters?  

HE:       The most exciting addition are rental cottages.  Now guests can vacation at BRC and enjoy all the fun things as well as being right next to the club where they can enjoy our awesome DJ's and perhaps make some new BRC friends.  

On the Blue Ridge region, we have 5 short term vacation rentals ranging from L$50/day to L$300/day.  There are rental kiosks at each rental cottage. 

Although not a part of the club region there are two more regions connected to it both also owned by Lola and myself.  Sweet Magnolia Bay for full time land rental and Blue Water Bay vacation rentals with full access to the open water area. 

JB:     Who would you see as the ideal guest at Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     The ideal guest would be just down to Earth people that want to have a good time free of drama and stress. We love seeing people enjoy the surrounding areas and the best country music our awesome DJ's provide.

JB:     Is there anything else you would care to share with our readers?

HE:     Blue Ridge Country has zero tolerance for drama. We simply want everyone to have fun and to be a part of our crazy family.  Blue Ridge Country wants to be a place everyone feels welcome and have a good time.  So come hang out with us and come get your fun fix! 

JB:     Where can a person go who might be interested in learning more about Blue Ridge Country?

HE:     Come straight to the club, everything you need to know is there.  You can leave a note card to one of the owners if we are not open or just ask any staff member and they will be happy to help you. 




So there ya have it folks.  Have I ever lied to you before?  Trust me, you are definitely going to want to check this place out.  You will be SOOOOooo glad you did!  Go alone, or better yet, take a friend. And when you get there, tell 'em Josh sent ya.

Be There!  Aloha!


Friday, March 22, 2024



So then, what do the following people all have in common?

  •     Elvis Presley
  •     Neil Young
  •     Bob Marley
  •     Johnny Cash

Well, the answer is obvious, right?

If you guessed they were all born in the month of January, you would have been correct!!!!

Oh yeah…there is also that thing about all of them have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with around 374 other trend-setters in the world of Rock and Roll music.

In SL it is often said that Art Imitates Life, i.e.) SL imitates RL. and now where else on the Grid will you hear a better representation of that particular artistic genre’ than at ROCK STAR.  Considered by many to be the absolute “funnest” (is that a word?) place on the grid, you have GOT to stop by and see what Foxxy Scorpio and her crew are cooking up for your entertainment.

I lucked out the other day and happened upon ROCK STARs Owner and her US General Manager, while she was tweaking some of the decor on her build, and they graciously agreed to speak with me about just what it is that makes ROCK STAR different from all the other club builds out there.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):   So tell me, Foxxy. Where did you get the idea for Rock Star? Is there some history here?

Foxxy Scorpio (FS):   Rock Star came about because my husband and I felt that too many clubs in SL were all about the build and making money, nothing was about the “fun” anymore.

JB:   There are many fun Clubs in SL. What is the Rock Star difference?

FS:   Rock Star is based on 3 things, The People, The Music and The Fun. Without one of these things the other wouldn’t exist

Outlaw Infernum (outlaw64021) OI:  It’s the people. Everybody at Rock Star from the Owners to the VIPs and  everyone in between. We are not cliquish whatsoever. We are family at Rock Star. While other venues may throw around the word "family" We walk the walk and prove it everyday.

JB:      Who do you hope to attract to ROCK STAR and what special group of people might find ROCK STAR  especially appealing?

FS:   We hope everyone finds Rock Star appealing, we welcome everyone, we are an all-forms friendly work place and club. The only thing we ask is that you fit inside the building.

OI:  Who do we hope to attract? That's a very simple answer.....Everyone. Whether you are you’re an average John or Jane or you are a dragon or you are a dinky or furry, wolf, kitsume, or you are a member of the LGBTQ community or BDSM community, It doesn't matter. Now as we are a club that does not censor the music that our DJs play, child avis are not allowed.

JB:    I see a lovely Memorial on the property.  Can you tell me a little about that?

JS:  In front of the school there is a memorial dedicated to our Mentor, friend, and founder of the S&I DJ school, Kieran Broadmoor, he taught the first generation of DJs in SL, then he taught my husband and me how to teach and here we are. When Kieran passed away, he bequeathed me the school and streams, and I promised him I wouldn't let the school die, the clients and students of the school are amazing and wonderful. They helped me through that very dark time for me

JB:      I understand there is special garden area where staff can “let their hair down”, so to speak, and play music of a “different genre”?

FS:   Yes! The Rock Star Ruins. On Sundays we like to dress up and make Sundays special, so we go hang out at our “Sunday Seductive Groove”.  It’s music that’s on the risqué side of romance.

JB:   Tell us about the ROCK STAR Sign, reminiscent of the HOLLYWOOD Sign in California - complete with benches where people can sit and observe a gorgeous sunset.

FS:   The Rock Star sign was built by Nic, it’s an homage to old Hollywood really, the club has been built with The Whiskey  and The Rainbow Room as inspiration

JB:   Could you share some of the other interesting things that visitors and guests can do at ROCK STAR?

FS:   We have lots of photo ops around the place, we also have an ethereal wedding venue.

The Ruins are the most romantic part of Rock Star, we have had a few marriage proposals happen there.

FS:  I also run Foxx Studio Photography, I specialize in head and shoulder portraits, its situated next to Rock Star, the DJ School hub is there as well, where we teach and very soon our streams will be available via a hud on your screen, so people won’t have to physically go somewhere to top up their rentals, the huds will be available for free from this location.

Right next door is my husband’s sound studio, Legato Sound Design, he makes intros, outros and drops for the DJ community, he also creates adverts for the various business s around SL. This has gone in to RL with him being asked to master several RL band’s music.

OI:   There are other places here as well. 

·         New Moon design products  based on the lunar cycle and it can be anything.

·         Totemic Couture has Clothing Designs for the  Discerning Biker or maybe  Biker  with class and much more.

·         The Notable Art Gallery Is free to the public to view and a great place display your art as well.

JB:      What has been your biggest challenge in building ROCK STAR?

FS:   The main challenge has been finding staff who understand what Rock Star is about, People, Music and Fun. We have a saying, "if it’s not fun don't do it" on the wall inside the club. Of course, everyone wants to make a few Ls and, if we do, we are happy, but if we don't, then as long as we had fun, we are still happy. A lot of clubs say they are a family, here we walk that walk and genuinely mean it. No problem is too big or small we all pitch in to help.

JB:   Do you have any plans for future development?

FS:   Yes we do, but they're staying secret for the moment, If I told you now, you wouldn't have an article later in the year :)

JB:   Where can someone learn about the events you host?

FS:   We advertise on the Community Calendar, all over the grid and now with the SLE and a couple of other publications

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

FS:   If you are looking for somewhere you can call your regular hang out, then Rock Star is the place for you, rather like that sitcom Cheers, everyone knows your name here at Rock Star

OI:   The people. Everybody at Rock Star from the Owners to the VIPs and  everyone in between. We are not cliquish whatsoever. We are family at Rock Star. While other venues may throw around the word "family" We walk the walk and prove it every day.




So there you have it, folks.  If you are looking for a quiet evening with 2-hours of elevator music, reminiscent of what you might hear in your dentists office, then KEEP MOVING.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a place where the music will rock you, body, mind and soul, from the top of your head to the marrow in your bones, the ROCK STAR is THE place to be.  Check the place out.  You will be sooooo glad you did.  And when you are there, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

You’ll be glad you did.

Be There!  Aloha!




I was doing my thing the other day…hopping around various regions, just generally chillin and looking for fun places to go.  SL Enquirer provides their writers with a Fun Detector (FD), kinda like a dosimeter, it starts to click, louder and louder, the closer it gets to “fun”.  So I was cruzing around at about 900 meters, when all of a sudden, my FD started lighting up like a Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center.  I had found it, if my instrument was to be trusted.  I have found the Holy Grail of Fun.

I floated down to the dance floor below, not entirely sure what I would find, and I came upon Roxy the Red, and her partner in crime, J I N X Y.  They graciously agreed to pause in their labors and consented to an interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So Tell me.  Where did the idea of Outlander Music Group come from? come from?

Rory the Red (roryredrory) (RR):   We wanted to build a club where everyone was welcome and to pick a name that captured the fun and magic of having a club that our friends could enjoy and come to.  We named the club "Outlander Music Group" - OMG for short.  OMG is one of Jinx and my favorite words.  If you would search any exchange between us - you'll find "OMG" at least several times! 

The word "Outlander" means a lot to me in many different ways.  I am Scottish-American and I'm a big fan of the show Outlander.  I love the historic imagery of Scotland and of the Stones and dancing. But I didn't want to base the club only on the show - but the theme of being an "Outlander".  We are all Outlanders in this crazy world that is SecondLife, and making it our own.   

JB:       Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each person play?

RR:   Jinxy and I put the club together.  Jinxy did the build and design and I added a few decorations here and there. Jinxy always amazes me with her builds and creativity!!  My girl got skillz!!!  For me, the Outlander theme means Outsiders coming together in a place where no one is an outsider.  So, the imagery includes a Scottish landscape, Runes, and Kansas / Wizard of Oz.  I am from Kansas and who else is the ultimate outlander other than Dorothy from Kansas when she visits Oz!   We're not in Kansas anymore....

Also, Outlander wouldn’t be able to run without the incredible work, spirit, and fun brought by Paula Williams and Tiffany Williams!!  Paula and Tiffany are sisters and are our managers for the club!!  They are here on Thursday nights and always keep us laughing and smiling during the sets!!

JX:   Rory has excellent management and ability to get people together and extract their talents... So, she is a natural at doing all the organization. I spend my time now and then building for the club

JB:       Excuse me, but…is that an Elephant there?  Can we talk about the elephant in the room?  What is THAT all about?

RR:   That's Ellie our resident elephant!  She prefers to be addressed as "Ellie" or "Ms. Ellie".  She gets offended if she is ignored when people enter the room.  Just go ahead and address her right away and everything will be fine :-) 

JX:   It is as you say, "let’s talk about the elephant in the room" Thats Rory’s sense of humor. She could carry on a conversation about anything. Let’s start with the elephant in the room, shall we?

JB:       I understand you have regular shows on Tuesday and Thursdays?  What type of music is played there?

RR:   Our dj's are all amazing and play a mix of dance music including EDM, House, Progressive, Funkie House, and more!!!  We leave it up to the dj's to choose the genre they play each week.  Nothing sounds better than "DJ's Choice" :-)

I love the dj's that play here!!! Our line-up on Tuesday starts at 5pm, and includes DJ Sia, Dj Savvy, DJ Picky, DJ Lisa Rose, and DJ Nele!

Our line-up on Thursday starts at 4pm, and includes DJ DanaCat, DJ Jan X, DJ Lau, DJ Kelsey, DJ Nell, and DJ Lukas!

JX:   We supply a pleasant fun atmosphere with some of SLs top DJs.  Each DJ plays whatever they like. Rory and I do now and then add a DJ we like to the lineup. Most of them are Rory’s connections

JB:       Sooooo…What kind of music will you feature and what kind of guest would enjoy OMG the most?

RR:   Our goal is to provide a wide mix of music and dj's! You'll hear different music every week!  Anyone who loves to hear and experience Live DJ's with others in a relaxed, friendly environment will enjoy their time here!!!

JB:       Tell us about some of the different areas on the property?

RR:   The property is a series of islands in a Scottish Lake surrounded by the Highlands!  All SL-style :-)  The areas include the OMG! Club, the OMG! Float-In Movie Theater, and the OMGHenge island, home to this year's "OMG! SpringFest" on March 26, 27, and 28th  We recently added the "Float-in Movie Theater" which shows some of our favorite movies!  All of the seating is around or in the pool!  Sometimes Jinxy and I will have a "pop up" movie event and send a notice to our OMG! group!  OMGHenge Island includes Stonehenge-like ruins on top of a green grassy island!  All 3 islands are connected and can be accessed by walking!

JX:   We seem to come up with new areas every few months. So currently we have the main club and just finishing "Spring Fest" we call it. At the end of March, we will be gathering together there Tues, Wed, and Thurs regularly. Then we also have the movie theater, with a swim pool and screen we show movies on

JB:       Just who is this “Outlander Annie” that I have heard so much about?

RR:   Annie is our resident mermaid! You can usually find her in the aquarium at the front of the OMG! Club, but she also likes to spend time in the lake! She is a veteran of SecondLife clubs, and has been with me at every club I have owned or managed.  She can be a handful, and can at times be outspoken, at times be quiet.  She is a very moody mermaid!  We love her and glad she makes OMG! her home!

JX:   she is a mystery to even me. I know she has a front row seat behind the stage, so she sees EVERTHING that goes on in the club 24/7. What happens after that “Stays in the Club”

JB:       I understand you are hosting a “SpringFest”.  Tell our readers about that, if you will?

RR:   We are celebrating the beginning of Spring with a "SpringFest" March 26, 27, and 28th!  We will have an outdoor festival on our "OMGHenge Island" with Spring grass and flowers, rides, and an awesome outdoor stage with your favorite DJ's!!!! We are usually open on Tuesdays and Thursdays,  however, will be open Wednesday that week for a special SpringFest line-up including DJ Bloo, DJ Soa, and DJ Pandora!!!  Happy Spring!!!

JX:   SpringFest comes from the mind off Rory. She is always coming up with something FUN and SpringFest is all about that. You will have to come and see for yourself

JB:       Do you have any plans for future development?

RR:   We love celebrating the various seasons and holidays and plan to have some themed events in the future related to Summer, Halloween, Christmas and others!  So please check back for future announcements from OMG!  You can always check our schedule at!

JX:   We plan on adding more DJs and adding more days the club will be open. We have a surprise for SL dancers coming in the summer. Stay tuned to see.

JB:       Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

JX:   Your readers are our dancers. We listen to what you say and do our best to make OMG O M G!! Providing the best in music and in a fun atmosphere

RR:   Support Live DJ's and Live Music on SL, whether it's at our club, another club, or through live events!  Music brings us together and is the reason I joined SL - to hear the bands and dj's that are here!




Saturday, December 30, 2023


In Preparation for the arrival of 2024, I decided to clean up my home office of much of the detritus I had accumulated in the past 12 months.  Near the top of the pile of papers on my bookshelf, I came upon the following announcement for a Grand Opening. 

It looked interesting, but alas, in my delays at the time, I had missed the opening.  And yet, I wondered how this upstart theater was doing after a couple of months of operation. After I contacted Sagia, she and Dollystar.piers, a prior student of hers, graciously agreed to update me on the status of this particular labor of love. 

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So, tell me, Sagia…  Just what is ShowStyle Theater all about?

Sagia:  ShowStyle Theater provides entertainment. It provides people a means of relaxation, and enjoyment, and escape from their daily routines.  This can help reduce stress and promote mental health. We  put on monthly dance shows. I  know many dance choreographers who put on different acts for each show monthly. It is fun entertainment.  Usually at the finale of these shows, the guests are invited to come on stage and dance with the chorus.

JB:   How did you two meet?  And how did you decide on a partnership in the performing arts?

Sagia:  I was a teacher at Audace Modeling School where I also managed Audace ShowStyle dance theater. Dolly was a student at the school and became a dancer for the shows. She started to assist me until RL difficulties required her to take a leave of absence.

DollyStar:   I  was a student at the modeling school for two semesters - spring and summer of 2022. Sagia was my teacher for two different subject classes. I helped with a build on a stage and started dancing for Sagia's sets for upcoming shows. Sagia taught me how to Theater Dance and showed me how to create my own stage sets and I became a dancer and dance choreographer until I had to leave SL for a while at the beginning of this year.

JB:   What sets ShowStyle Theater apart from the many other theaters out there?

Sagia:  We give opportunities to all choreographers to work with us, whether they are beginners or highly skilled professionals. This allows us to produce a variety of shows with different levels of abilities and everyone is satisfied.

JB:   I have heard that you sometimes draw as many as 80  people to one of your shows.  How do that many people find out about your productions?

Sagia:   Our sim can go up to 100 guests but we usually cut it off at 70. We make invitations and send them out along with many notices to various groups.

JB:   Do you plan to host Special events here? Weddings?  Funerals?  Rezz Day Celebrations? Bar Mitzvahs? Blues Festivals?  And how might someone learn of any scheduled activities here?

Sagia:   No special events as you named will be scheduled here. We do a monthly variety show, put on  by choreographers, or we can plan a one-choreographer, one-hour show.  We are doing that with the  McPol Show and we call that type a special. Our activities are published by invitations and group notices.

JB:   It must take quite a staff to run an operation like this.  How big is your staff, and who are some of the key players here?

DollyStar:   Sagia manages all aspects of theater from organizing, booking, and invitations to groups to wardrobe malfunctions "dancers missing" and even DJ organizing. So much to do even Sagia has her set early in the hour to sort anything that arises.

JB:   What has been your greatest challenge in building and running ShowStyle Theater?

Sagia:   Organizing the monthly show takes time in coordinating all the choreographers and their time. I would say getting 6-8 choreographers with acts ready to go, particularly with a common theme, is a monthly challenge.

JB:   How would you advise someone who wants to get into your line of work  What would it take?

Sagia:   You need to spend time making friends with members of the second life dance world. The more friends one has who are choreographers, the easier and more fun this line of work is.

JB:   Who do you hope to attract to your shows? What special group of people might find MCPOL and the Amazon Dancers especially appealing?

Sagia:   We attract guests who enjoy entertainment that has beautiful sets, costumes and dancers with awesome dancing.

DollyStar:   Sagia booked that show for her theater for a special event  featuring an artist to show that person's talent in stage set design, and theme, and to show costumes and amazing choreography and the person's dancers' artistry

JB:   It must take quite a staff to run an operation like this.  How big is your staff, and who are some of the key players here?

Sagia:   I do this on my own. I organize each monthly show and the choreographers do their performing for each show. It takes about 7 choreographers for an hour show, along with about 15-20 minutes of the crowd dance.

JB:   I’ve heard you mention “crowd Dance”?  What is THAT all about, and is it popular?

Sagia:   Yes, it is very popular to guests who enjoy dancing and dancing on the stage. We have dance devices all set for them to stand and dance with us alone with our music. This is usually the finale and the dances and music runs for about 15-20 min.

DollyStar:   The "Crowd Dance" is the end of the show.   When it’s time for the "Crowd Dance" all our guests are invited to walk on stage to dance and enjoy the experience in sync with the other dancers.  They get to dance with and mingle with the artists and other invitees.

JB:   I understand you also own or are involved with a couple of other businesses.  Would you care to comment briefly on those other enterprises?

DollyStar:    Sagia is also a choreographer, dancer, builder, teacher and an all-around woman of many hats including DJing at some larger venues.  She does private DJ parties as well

Sagia:   I am also a choreographer and I perform not only at ShowStyle Avenue, but at other dance theaters as well.  One is the Empire Theater known as Elysium.  Additionally, I do two sets a week as DJ at  Runaround Sue's.

JB:   Is there anything else you want to share with our readers today?

Sagia:  Certainly.  For those interested in learning more, about ShowStyle Theater and some of the projects we are involved with, I recommend they please check out the following links:





DollyStar:  If I may Josh, Sagia is a bit too shy about touting her own accomplishments.  For eleven and a half years, Sagia has owned and operated Showstyle, also known now as ShowStyle Avenue. She just moved to her new location recently. ShowStyle Theater is a theater of Dance and arts. Once in a while, she will host an individual to make up around 6 or 7 sets for an hour-long show. She directs 7 different choreographs, and each artist/choreographer designs and creates a theme, dances, and set about that theme. This hard work and painstaking precision showcases the excellent talent she has in making each set stylish and centering around a given story. Costumes help with the theme and background. Sagia gives the artists a place to establish their creations and show the results of their hard work. To prep for a show takes a full hour to cache each set, the costumes, and final fixes and the DJ has to have a steady hand for on-time intervals before the curtain call show.  Artists make it seem so easy and if it wasn't for Sagia holding the entire show together, the dancers and routines would fall apart. She has a keen understanding and the knowledge to coordinate and deliver an awesome show with well-known artists from around the Globe.  She is so humble and to be housed at her new home on 5th Avenue is a great honor.

So there you have it folks.  Start your New Year on the “right step”  by catching one of these amazing performances at the Showstyle Avenue Theater.  The next extravaganza, MCPOL AND THE AMAZON DANCERS SPECIAL" GIPSY KINGS" will be performed at the Showstyle Avenue Theater SUNDAY, JANUARY 7 @ 1 PM SLT


It will help set the tone for the New Year.  And when you get there, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.  You’ll be glad you did.

Be there!  Aloha!


Tuesday, November 7, 2023



Sooo…the other day I was hopping around the grid, bouncing from sim to sim, looking for new and exciting things to do in this wonderful world of pixels.  Suddenly, faintly at first, then growing louder, came the sound of angelic singing, wafting over the airwaves.   I was instantly captivated like Ulysses and the call of the Sirens.  Yet, unlike Ulysses, I had no one to tie me to the mast, lest I fall victim to the enchantment.  I followed the dulcimer tones as they wafted over the airwaves.  Before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of a concert.  The vocalist?  A woman named Raven Zenoria.  I stood there…transfixed…unaware of either my location or the passage of time.  Finally, I was awakened from my stupor by the riotous applause at the end of her concert.  After several more minutes, I was finally coherent enough to head back stage.  I found Raven in her dressing room, preparing to leave, and she graciously consented to an interview.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    Hello Raven,  and thank you for agreeing to chat with me this evening on such short notice.  Share with our readers, please.  Just when did you first start singing and who were your initial audiences?

Raven (Raven Zenoria) (RZ): In Real Life, I first started singing when I was almost 6 years old. I sang in school choir, and solo at various places. As an adult, I have performed anywhere I could.

In Second Life, I started singing back in 2014. I have performed all over Second Life. My audiences....The only way I can explain it is extremely diverse.

JB:    How was it you happened to get this job, singing in SecondLife?

RZ:   Aside from my family and friends, my one true love has always been music. It gives me a feeling of freedom. I noticed how music can change people, heal, and bring people together. I wanted to be a part of that.

JB:    What genre of music do you sing, and do you have a favorite?

RZ:   I like to sing all genres of music. Any song i can get my hands on that moves me in some way, I will sing it. My favorite has always been rock.

JB:    You said you sing in RL as well.  Can you tell me more about that?

RZ:   I do sing in RL. I stopped doing live performances in RL to focus more on studio work. Jay and I are putting together an album. It is coming along slower than expected, but we are working hard to get it released.

JB:    So, how did you come to learn that you could also sing in the virtual world as well?

RZ:   Back in 2014, one of my friends found out that I sing. I didn't talk about it to anyone. So I was asked to perform one day, and I found that I liked it.

JB:    What type of audience do you hope to attract to your performances?

RZ:   I don't discriminate. I love to be around all people from all walks of life. The only thing I ask of people that attend my shows, is that they respect themselves and others around them.

JB:    How long have you been doing this now?

RZ:   In Real Life, I have been performing for 36 years. In Second Life, I have been performing for 9 years. It has been and still is an awesome experience in both lives! I can't wait to see what comes next.

JB:    Do you have standing gigs you do each week, or do you mix it up, and where might someone go to learn where to catch your next gig?

RZ:   I have standing gigs that I do weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. You can always look at my Google calendar and profile picks. In my picks, you can find the SLURL to the gigs. I try to make it easy to get to my shows.

JB:    As performer in Sl, you must meet people looking to hook up, don't you? How do you handle the Fans who may want more from you than just your music?

RZ:   I am in a committed relationship in RL. My partner and I don't date outside of our relationship. Behind every avatar in SL, there is a real person with real feelings. I don't like to play around with people's feelings. It is just not fair. I am always open to having more friends though!

JB:     Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers before you head home for the evening?

RZ:   I am a builder, singer, performing artist. I have my hands in many things, but the stage is my home. On stage, I try to reach out to many different age groups. I love sharing my love of music with everyone, in hopes that it makes a positive impact on their lives.

The number one thing I speak out about at my shows is something I strive to live for each day. My message to everyone is that you don't have to conform to what others want, think, or tell you to be.  You are a strong, beautiful person who impacts the world around you in many ways. It is up to you to make a positive difference in your life. You be what you want to be, just never forget where you came from. You are you, and that is what makes you special.

I want to do a special shout-out to Amalia, Dee, and Teresa. Thank you for sticking by me, and hosting the shows. You are very much family to me. I love you!

JB:    Do you have any groups or social media sites, like FLICKR, SnapChat, Twitter, etc, where people can learn more about you and your incredible music?

Google Calendar:




Discord:   ravenzenoria

So there you have it, Folks.  In a land where you have lots of singers out there, how do you know the “really Greats” from the “also sings”?  Wellllll…for starters,  you can take my word for it.  Hey!  You’re reading this article on the internet…and if it’s on the internet, it HAS to be true, right? But if that isn’t good enough (or even if it is), go catch one of Raven’s shows and decide for yourself. 

Check her out.  And when you do, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.   You’ll be glad you did.

Be there!  Aloha!


Wednesday, August 23, 2023


One of the really Cool parts of writing for SL’s longest running and most respected publication, is that I often get to rub elbows with some of the true Greats of the Visual Media.  It’s a tough job, but SOMEBODY has to do it. This week, I had the very real pleasure of interviewing the star of the Screen, the original pin-up gal, and the beloved dream girl of people the world over  (OK…OK…Mostly of MEN the world over)  - The incomparable Miss Marilyn Monroo.

I caught up with Miss Monroo at her seaside home on the west coast of the Blake Sea, where she graciously agreed to answer my inane questions about her rather checkered career as the quintessential  Movie Star

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):  So Tell me, Miss Monroo.  Just how did you get started in acting?

Marilyn Monroo (MM):  When I was 16, I was hitchhiking to Hollywood and was picked up by a famous movie producer in a shiny sports car. When he heard that I wanted to be a singer and actress, he said he could help me.  And the rest is history!

JB:     Did you ever get nervous before a big movie scene? How did you handle it?

MM:   I sometimes do get nervous, but my agent gives me a pill or a taste of whiskey to calm my nerves.

JB:    What kind of hobbies did you enjoy outside of acting?

MM:   Knitting and gardening are my favorite hobbies when I am not being a movie star or on a date with a famous, rich man.  I also like noodling around with Quantum Physics, and I am also researching Einstein’s family tree and seeing how that supports his “Theory of Relatives”

JB:   What's the most exciting part about being a famous actress?

MM:   I got to sing Happy Birthday Mr. President to John F. Kennedy for his 45th birthday at Madison Square Gardens. I received a Grammy Award for my singing.

JB:   Were there any challenges you faced as a young actress? How did you overcome them?

MM:   My first paying job in High School was as a Babysitter,  but that didn’t seem to go so well.  Moms never seemed to like me for some reason – especially Moms with young Boys..  I don’t know why.  The Dads were just the opposite.  They would fall all over themselves, being nice to me, and always offered to drive me home at night.

The main challenge I had was the size of my boobs. That challenge was overcome by me being casted for movie parts as a full chested bimbo.  Oh…and in case you were wondering, these puppies are ALL  Marilyn.  No silicon in THIS Girl.

 JB:   Did you have a favorite role you played in a movie? If so, which one and why was it your favorite?

MM:   I liked being a showgirl named Lorelei Lee in “Gentlemen Prefer Blonds,” because I was able to bathe in lots of white and pink diamonds on the set. I also got to sing which is one of my strongest talents. 

JB:     What advice do you have for people who dream of becoming actors or actresses?

MM:   My advice is to do what I did... quit school and hitchhike to Hollywood. Dating lots of famous rich men helps too.

JB:   Did you enjoy being famous, or did it have some downsides too?

MM:   I love being famous, who wouldn’t? The biggest downside is that everyone wants a piece of me. I am tiny so don’t have many pieces to give out. 

JB:     What was your favorite thing to do when you weren't working on movies?

MM:   I have started taking night classes, that way I can be a secretary if being a movie star doesn’t work out for me.  I also have an application to work at House of Waffles, but those jobs are so few and far between...and they are REALLY competitive.

JB:     Did you have to practice a lot to become such a great actress?

MM:   I sometimes need help with big words. I also take voice lessons so that I can sing my solos in the movies.

JB:     Did you have a favorite outfit that you wore in your movies?

MM:   I have two favorite outfits – the pink silk gown and diamonds from “Gentlemen Prefer Blonds” and my birthday suit in the pool scene of “Something’s Got to Give.”

 JB:     What's the coolest thing about being famous?

MM:   I published a book called “Marilyn’s Famous Quotes” in which I give my tips and advice to all of the aspiring actresses who want to be famous like me.

JB:     What were some of the funniest or most memorable moments on set while filming?

MM:   There were many funny and memorable things that happened to me in my movies. The best moment was in “The Seven Year Itch.” I was standing on a subway grate in a flowing white dress when the wind blew my skirt up. I wasn’t wearing any panties…

JB:     How did you handle being in the spotlight all the time?

MM:   I always keep a tube of SPF 45 Coppertone nearby.  Additionally,  I read books like Ulysses, War and Peace, or The Sound and the Fury. If they aren’t available, there is always the phonebook.

JB:     Did you ever get nervous before going on camera or performing in front of so many people?

MM:   I don’t usually get very nervous because of the type of parts I play. I am usually cast as a dumb blond bimbo type where I just smile, laugh, and act sexy. It would be hard to mess up that type of acting, right?

 Well, Miss Monroo, I want to thank you for taking time from your schedule to answer my questions.  You have inspired generations of moviegoers as the quintessential Movie Star and helped define the genre.

 Writer’s Note:  Special Thanks go out to Sara Box, the creator of the Marilyn avatar seen in the photos above, and without whose help I would not have been able to do this article.