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Showing posts with label Theater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theater. Show all posts

Sunday, July 3, 2011

SL ARTS & LITERATURE: A.R.T. Announces Auditions for "Alice"

AVATAR REPERTORY THEATER is auditioning for the lead role of Alice for their production of Alice Through the Looking-Glass which opens in November.

Monday, January 31, 2011

SL ARTS & LITERATURE: StoryFest 2011 Announced for March

StoryFest 2011 is a partnership between the Branwen Arts, Seanchai Library, and the STORIES UNLIMITED! hippo-group.  The goal of the two-day festival is to present stories in a variety of presentational methods:  Traditional Telling, Literature, Theatre, etc. StoryFest will kick off Saturday, March 19th and continue Sunday March 20th at “Here Be Pictsies!” in Bran. There will be three independent story venues in easy distance from the Landing Zone: The Goblin Cave, The Pictsie Fire Circle, and the Temple Ruins.  There will also be two venues intended for larger presentations: the Grand Fire Circle and the Arts Center Theatre.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Alice In WonderSLand Review- Avatar Repertory Theater Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Staff Reporter
• Thursday, May 13, 2010
On Saturday May 8, 2010. I was invited to attend “Alice in WonderSland”, a production put together in SL by the Avatar Repertory Theater.
It's definitely a MUST SEE from start to finish for those into the performing arts. Everything from receiving my ticket, falling down a rabbit hole and feeling like I was seated at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, til it was all said and done. I was at the edge of my seat. It was well put together perfectly and the cast delivered a fantastic performance that captured my imagination. Despite having a griefer show up, That only meant, this crew is doing something right. 

After Receiving my ticket and NC of instructions, I teleported to the entrance where I was greeted by Art Usher JadaBright Pond. I handed him my ticket and was lead to a giant wooden door.
Intrigued I teleporting to a dark shadowy domed room . A spotlight was shining against a worn black and white checkered floor with seating for the audience built right into the scene.

The first scene started in the woods where Alice begins her wondrous adventure. She spots a white rabbit and curiously follows him into his hole where she falls for what feels like an eternity, landing at the bottom looking at many doors. One being very small...