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• Monday, January 25, 2010 |
Although this speculation has not been confirmed by Mrs. Stewart's Reps... Rodiii Popstar, Edipo Istmal, Andre Kaptane and Falk Neox apparently visited the center and decided it needed a little sprucing up and furnish it with unattractive primy objects such as a one floor cement office building complete with a front desk and bistro table? which sat right at the entrance as well as a couple of ugly blue and green sexgen canopy beds, tacky tables lamps, kiss pose balls and whatever else they felt the media center was lacking. It appears these 4 chose the wrong locations to waste their time and energy.
The only thing we can say about this random crafty attack was thank you but FFS NO THANK YOU!!!
This could have easily been avoided had Lanai Jarrico disabled the option to allow anyone to rezz objects. But we are glad to report with the swift assistance of Tammy Toll, all items were send back to these culprit's inventories piece by piece along with a nice boot and ban from Musicland Isle.
Attention home interior fashion police who may be out there that wish to do random decorating and disappearing acts, keep your day job. That type of griefing is old already. It takes more then that to impress SLE and only take one moron's bright idea to induct the whole bunch into the Hall of Shame.
And we have a pretty good idea just who may have sent you....
If you have been Griefed...Don't hesitate to contact the SL Enquirer.
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