Always stretch before an SLE party or you will be sore the next day
Before the party officially started, many guests had already arrived. For the next two hours, we had a full house and even more surprises!

Mista Freezy from Joker's Wild
On August 2 from 7-9 pm SLT, The SL Enquirer teamed up with DJ Marjorie Dibou’s Black Soul Rhythms Radio, and Cursa Charisma’s RP Nexus to put together a unique event that actually made SL History! I mean, where else has a party on this grid broadcasted LIVE video to the OS Grid, all while competing in Role Play teams in some trivia?

Guest breaking it down on the dance floor
Guests on both grids with up-to-date video viewing capabilities were able to see what was happening in real time at the RP Mashup. Using a Radionne, a local chat relay device created by Lani Global, guests were able to communicate with other teams between SLE’s Chill Lounge and her Throne Room on the OS grid and see what was going on at the same time.

lcuddles 228 Gans doing her thing surrounded by a green aura
Meanwhile, at the Chill Lounge, DJ Marjorie Dibou set the atmosphere with her music line up while hostess Charity Richez greeted guests and mingled in the crowd. Sporting the coolest role play attire, SLE’s own Stacey Cardalines and Shon Charisma made an appearance and so did Imagine Magazine’s Dragonheart Spiritweaver. Royal Secret Society’s Prince Sonoda stopped by to observe the festivities, while Media Mogul Carmichael Caudron and his guest danced nearby.

Where else can you see a superhero and a Futuristic Cowgirl/ rockstar all in the same place?
At 7:30 Joker’s Wild performed their brand spankin' new song “Long Hair” featuring SL’s Lance Rembrandt and Mista Freezy and the crowd went bananas! Joker’s Wild really put on a great performance. Check out the song here https://twitter.com/#!/wearejokerswild. If you like what you hear, be sure to vote for it!
Sword dancing is the new running man!
With partygoers everywhere, all night, some unexpected SLebrities were spotted in the crowd like Medea! For those that have not followed Tyler Perry’s comedies, this avatar was definitely an entertaining character waving around a loaded gun. I think I even heard an avatar holler, “Bitch got a gun!” before the crowd burst into laughter.

Guest put their back into it
With trivia, dancing and spotlight feature drawings all going on, there was plenty to do until the very end. One thing that had me frazzled was, I had done some crashing and was unable to take any snapshots, but after the event, a guest by the name of Spirit Wingtips, a trivia participant, emailed me some great images of the event! I'm so glad he got a picture of Medea!
*shakes head* only in SL...

Medea in the House Yall!
It really was a fun night, special thanks to all that came out to party with us and participated in the Trivia by RP Nexus, listen to the music supplied by BSR Radio and Joker’s Wild, or just kick back and chilled with The SL Enquirer. Hope to see you all at our next event!Missed the party? Join The SL Enquirer Media group in Second Life, or subscribe to our website for the latest news, events, SLE parties and spotlight features!
Snapshot Credits Spirit Wingtips
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