In association with Best of SL, Meshworx, Templemore City, Energy Club and the Gardens of Absentia.
This year thousands of women and men will unite and walk 60 miles over the course of three days. The Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure is a weekend of hope, as we honor lives lost, celebrate survivors, promote breast cancer research and help bring breast cancer care to those who so desperately need it. The 2013 BCA Pool Of Hope Charities will be hosting series of benefits to assist in the efforts to fight breast cancer by donating funds to the Komen 3-Day for the Cure (www.the3day.org) organization. There will be several events that will occur in February through June 2013 and sponsorship opportunities for all these activities
This will be the fourth season of raising funds for charity. Ipunin Pera and Filo Tani started this several years ago as were deeply moved by a friend that lived her cancer journey here in Second Life. Thankfully, she is one of the survivors, however over the years IP and Filo have had to deal with much more dire circumstances with the horror of cancer in our own families - taking those closest to them.
Through the support of family and friends they have built a memorial for survivors and the dearly departed called the Pool of Hope at the Gardens of Absentia. Now we have turned our attention to helping more people by creating events where we can generate donations to the organizations that assist millions to fight this indiscriminate killer globally.
A series of events will be offered from February to May 2013 to generate donations for the Pool of Hope Charity. The specific activities include:
* Date Auction in February 2013. This will be a live auction and pre-bidding boards will be available for viewing and bidding three weeks before the actual live auction
Activity Director - Ipunin Pera, Filo Tani and Samantha Ohrberg
* Fair for a Pair and Hunt Designer Showcase in April and May 2013.
Fair For A Pair (April 1-30) - We will have a sim dedicated to the Fair and we are looking for vendors who would be willing to put an item or two up for sale and donate the proceeds (or part of) from that item, if it is sold from the vendor, during the event.
The BCA Hunt (May 1- 11) will be a whimsical journey to various designer store location to find the (obvious) BCA Hunt logo for gift items. To raise awareness all gift items will also contain general information about breast cancer (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, ie.)
Activity Director - Eisie Etchegaray, Maia McKeenan, Samantha Ohrberg
* Music Festival that will include live singers, dancers and DJs at various venues and times from
February to June 2013
Activity Director - Samantha Ohrberg, Ipunin Pera and Filo Tani
We can use participants, performers, designers, sponsors and bloggers.
* Participants for the Date Auction. There are two participant types; join the auction and let others bid on you for a date and those that will place the bids on the "dates"
* Performers. There will be numerous opportunities to join the music festival as we are promoting live performances by singers, dancers and DJs in single performances, in battles, week long venue festivals and concerts with multiple performers

* Sponsors. Sponsors can contribute land for the different activities, help amplify the message by involving their communities in the charity, be a location for a charity festival and other activities
* Bloggers. Beyond the obvious amplification of all activities, bloggers can tell "the rest of the story" as there are very personal reasons this is a passion for Ipunin, Filo and all that have been touched by cancer
All General questions can be sent to Ipunin Pera, Samantha Ohrberg and Filo Tani. Please note that even though offline message are received, there is a chance your message may be capped or lost. Please send a notecard to ensure your question is answered.
There are many reasons and ways to use your time in Real Life and Second Life. Ipunin and Filo are pleased you have taken the time to read and find out more about the Pool of Hope Charity.
2013 BCA Pool of Hope Charity - Date Auction
I understand that I willingly offer to participate in a charity event where I will offer 2 hours of my time to be with an individual, to be determined, that will bid to win this time as a “date.” You will be expected to arrive at last 30 minutes prior to your auction time.
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Do you have a preferred time that you would like to participate:
- What is your ideal date:
- Tell us a little about your self:
Please forward your completed note card and a face shot of your avie to IPUNIN PERA OR FILO TANI.
Best Regards,
Ipunin Pera and Filo Tani
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