The other night a good friend of mine showed me how to “see” partially rezzed avis WITHOUT having to relog to do it. Sixteen years here, and I am STILL learning my way around this place. But wouldn’t it have been GREAT to have had a mentor to show me some of the basic survival Skills here in SL, without all those months and years of doing things wrong?
Well…now there is just such a place. Dreamers Landing. You have simply GOT to check this place
out. After I heard about Dreamers
Landing from two independent sources, I knew I would need to see this marvelous
place for myself. There I met Avalon,
and Fire, who, despite being in the middle of decorating an entire sim for the
Holidays, graciously agreed to share their story with me and our SL
Readers. Check it out.
Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB): So, Guys.
What an absolutely stunning build you have here. Whose idea was this?
Avalon.Bouvier (AB):
This entire idea is Fire’s brainchild. We met simply by accident when I
commented on his project outlined in his profile. It has been a constant
growing concern since that moment.
Fire (fire3850)
(F3): During an extremely
difficult time I recognized the way out was to help as many people as I could
and stop thinking about myself. I was
deeply touched by the help I received from my friend Wyatt(CWEarp) and those at
his SIM. I started with a crude attempt
to model this kindness, which was so improved and refined by Avalon, the
project co-founder.
JB: Did you have help in the design
and construction?
F3: Lol Josh, I’m good at deleting
critical platforms and turning whole buildings hideous colors (pics to
follow). Avalon was 100% the one behind
the design and construction that has turned that empty sim into a picturesque,
warm, home. She has the combination of
being extremely smart and the eye of an artist, my job was to get out of the
JB: What is it
you can offer new residents of SL?
AB: What we'd love
to offer new residents here at Dreamer’s Landing is a place to live and learn
as a new resident to second life. We offer them a beautiful home on a developed
SIM and one-on-one mentorship and education. We're also trying to create a
community where they feel welcomed
F3: I think we come to SL for connection with others, everything else is downstream from that. Although we offer free housing and education to residents, the first thing we offer is a community of mentors that care. SL is full of good people and people become better when they give of themselves, so the second thing we do is give opportunities to give back, whether you are brand new or a seasoned resident.
JB: And how has
that offer been received so far?
AB: We've only
really been open for about 3 weeks then we already have 14 new residents living
in our free housing as well as about 10 mentors that have been matched up with
a mentee. We already also have two permanent residents and a third that's
interested in renting on the main SIM area. I think we're doing fairly well for
just being such a new project and we are growing and bringing and embracing new
people every day
F3: Josh, I think
our new Mentor Manager’s recent journey to us is the best way to answer
that. Kushy Enthusiast dropped in
looking at the free housing and although being over 2 years old still hadn’t
found community or close friends. This
dear friend was asked to help, rose to the occasion, and Kushy has not only found
connection, but is helping others do the same.
JB: Sooooo…a
free home for up to 60 days for new SL Residents. Is there any expectation that comes with
F3: Ha, there is a
catch! Yup, you’ll be asked to
contribute in some way. We all come to
SL with talents and for the benefit of the new resident we look for ways they
can share those talents and shine by giving back. We are non profit with expenses being paid by
an anonymous donor but all work is done by volunteers.
AB: We want these
new residents to become a part of a community, so by giving back they do become
part of our group. We have a list of small little tasks or jobs that they can
participate when they can. The idea is to build a community and to build
friendships, and we would love for them to learn how to contribute. So, I guess
what we're saying is that we would love for all of the residents to feel that
giving back to the community is something they want to do.
JB: I see you
have a couple of different levels here.
What can we find on the different levels?
AB: There are
three levels currently. The first level
is of course the main level where we have all the main level activities and
community areas such as the event area the park the restaurant the cafe the
stores and now the new pool area. The second level is for all of the new
residents where we have 25 new resident homes set up and currently, 13 of them
are occupied. The third level is the education level where we will be holding
classes on various topics for both new residents and valued veterans as well.
We just today hired an education manager, Pi.
F3: The Second
floor is my favorite, because in addition to the housing, it also has the
playground equipment (one trampoline flip is required before residency
JB: Has Linden
Labs offered any assistance?
F3: We’ve really not been quite ready to share it before now but many processes are being systematized, the sim is nearing completion, staff roles defined and filled with examples of residents having very successful experiences. Although there is still much to do, now is a good time to collaborate with Linden Labs to ensure our goals sync up well and we intend to reach out soon.
JB: Do you have
any special events planned for the future, and what might residents look
forward to?
AB: Currently, we
are planning to have coffee at the cafe regularly. Carey is in charge of the
cafe and is a wonderful Hostess and ambassador for the entire SIM. We're also
planning a photo contest in the new year hopefully from January the 2nd until
the 15th with a gala featuring a live singer and a DJ where we will announce
the winners of the photo contest and have all the photos out on display. We are
also hoping to have a grand opening at the end of January where we will invite
everyone to come and celebrate this new project. We hope to have an events manager
in place who will plan further events on an ongoing basis.
F3: Sure do. I’m not even dry yet from the pool party
today. We have an exciting art contest
and exhibit, chats at the coffee bistro daily, elegant balls will be scheduled
soon, but the best upcoming events are not even in my head, they will come from
the residents who really own this sim.
JB: And how can
people find out what is happening at Dreamer’s Landing?
AB: We are so
excited to be in the destinations guide under newcomer friendly. We're also
hoping to get some exposure on Flickr and with other blogs and of course the SL
Enquirer. We all know that having us in their picks is also important in terms
of getting the word out. Word of mouth is so very important in second life.
F3: Come visit and
join the group and pick up the notices.
You can keep updated via our upcoming newsletter and our Welcome Landing
area’s calendar can give the current schedule of events and our Discord has
updates all the time.
JB: How can
others get involved in this project?
AB: This project
has grown so much in just three weeks and we are embracing all of those that
are coming with so many talents in their wheelhouse. We are embracing and
encouraging anyone who would like to come and join us to be a part of our
community. Our main focus is building relationships and mentoring new people.
We are finding people interested in being involved from every walk of life and people don’t have to live on sim to be involved. We have mentors that are ready to help as needs arise and spend time here and enjoy making connections. Here is a quick presentation on Dreamers’ Landing Canva, our LM is: and we are excited to have your readers to join us.
JB: Is there
anything else you would like to share with our SL Readers?
AB: This project
was the brainchild of Fire and ever since I've met him I have been so inspired
by his constant kindness, generosity, and willingness to help other people. It
takes a special kind of person to be so dedicated to the welfare of others.
F3: I would just
like to reiterate the invite to come spend some time with us. We all need connection, we need to give of
ourself to others, and Dreamers’ Landing is providing a safe place for this to
happen. It's still rough around the
edges, but with the next person who joins us it gets better.
So. There you have
it Folks. Let me encourage you to think
back to your early days as a SL Resident.
Were you confused by all the things you needed to know just to get
around, and you sorta stumbled your way through your SL? Wouldn’t it have been GREAT to have a mentor
who could actually help you with things such as avatar tweaking, shopping,
Inventory management, moving around a sim, or between sims, landmark
management…and a zillion other things you had to learn through trial and
Error? Well, Dreamers Landing is
designed to provide the perfect and safe community to live, grow, and thrive in
SecondLife. If you have been here ten
days, or ten years or more, and you are looking to give back in a way that is
rich in self-satisfaction, you simply HAVE to check out Dreamers Landing. And when you do, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.
You’ll be glad you did.
Be There! Aloha!
Great write-up, Josh!
ReplyDeleteThank You
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful article, thank you so much for this Josh!