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Showing posts with label Dream Seeker Estates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream Seeker Estates. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2025


SecondLife is a phenomenal Virtual World where thousands of people all over the world have made their second home.  A great many of those residents buy or rent properties here and create their virtual “Dream Residence”.  Traditionally, the process involves laborious searches, hopping from sim to sim and plot to plot, looking for the PERFECT place to build.  Once they find the perfect plot of land, they can spend weeks and thousands of Lindens more on terraforming, landscaping and building the ideal vacation property.

Enter Dream Seeker Estates – an entirely different approach to property management.  To help describe exactly HOW different they are, I have invited Dream Seeker Estate Owner/CEO Zeebster Colasanti and General Manager Zani Fiertze to help explain exactly how Dream Seeker Estates is truly unique among property Management firms.

Tired of all the hassle of acquiring property here?  Let Dream Seeker Estates show you a whole new approach and a truly “Turn Key” method to owning the property of your dreams

Josh (Thpmas1 Bellic) JB:     So, tell us, Zeebster?  Just how does Dream Seeker Estates differ from the dozens and possibly hundreds of other Property Management sites out there?

Zeebster Colasanti (ZC): We believe that in Second Life commerce trust can be the highest differentiator between private Property Management businesses.  In this industry customers always prepay for their service, usually for just a week but sometimes for several weeks at a time and trust that they will not lose their investment because of deceit or incompetence of the service provider.  We believe that if we collect money from our customers and expect them to trust us, they should know who we are.  To that end, we are possibly the only private estate Property Management business in Second Life that proudly lists its legal corporation name and province of incorporation on our website for anyone to see.  I believe we our unique in this industry in feeling proud enough of who we are and how we operate to share our legal name.

JB:     You guys have been around for some time, correct?

ZC:     Yes, that’s right.  We started our operations in 2007 so in a couple of years we will be celebrating our 20 years in operations.  Over the years we have seen many private estates come and go, gained wealth of experience and developed our own IT infrastructure and processes to ensure consistantly professional and efficient delivery of our service. 

JB:     How big a staff does it take to run Dream Seeker Estates?

ZC:     We presently have 12 staff members and are looking to hire two more in the near term.  We have some newer members on our team but roughly half of our staff that makes up the core of our team have been with the company now for over 10 years, with some going back as far as 15 years.  We must be doing something right, as a team and as a company, to have so many of our staff stand by our brand for so many years.

JB:     How many properties are you actively managing at this time?

ZC:     We presently have over 1,000 regions leased directly from Linden Lab which makes us the second largest tier 1 private Property Management company in Second Life.  Like all our peers, we provide services both directly to the retail market and also to a handful of tier 2 Property Management companies that prefer to source their regions from us rather than from Linden Lab. 

JB:     Sooo… You don’t just sell flat parcels of Land, but they may actually come already terraformed and such?

Zani Fiertze (ZF):     Yes, that's right! We don’t just offer flat parcels of land – many of our regions are thoughtfully terraformed and landscaped, making them not only easier to develop but also more exciting to build on right from the start. Whether it's sandy shores, lush grass, mixed textures, or even mountains that separate parcels in some areas or water features in others, there's something unique to suit every vision. And if you need help with terraforming your parcel, our customer care team is always available to assist. For residents who rent entire regions, we even offer fully designed themes to choose from. Simply let our customer care team or sales agent know which theme you’d like, and we’ll handle the rest.

JB:     I understand you have parcels in different Regions for sale?  Tell me about some of these different regions, and what the focus is there?

ZF:     Yes, we offer parcels in a variety of regions, divided across several estates or region types. Each estate has its own characteristics and focus. Here's a brief overview of some regions we currently have available:

Dream Waters Edge:  As one of our Neighborhood Regions, Dream Waters Edge offers a beautifully landscaped environment with a charming neighborhood feel, complete with tree-lined streets, streetlights, and even white picket fences. Residents can enjoy a passive park, perfect for relaxing or watching children at play, or sit on one of the benches along the pier to take in the ocean views and soothing sounds. For those looking to explore, our bike rezzer allows them to enjoy a peaceful ride around the region. Additionally, residents love experiencing the changing seasons, not only in Dream Waters Edge but throughout the other regions in our Neighborhood Regions estate.

Cyrene is one of our Homestead Community residential regions, offering smaller parcels of land. While the parcels are smaller, they don’t lack on prims and provide plenty of space between each, ensuring residents never feel crowded. Cyrene offers a serene and picturesque environment, creating an ideal setting for those seeking a tranquil place to call home.

Petopia is one of our Farm Community regions designed for residents who enjoy owning breedable pets and engaging in breedable-specific commerce. This unique type of region offers a perfect blend of residential living and opportunities for those who enjoy raising and caring for breedable pets, all within a supportive and like-minded community.

We offer a wide range of options to fit the needs and visions of all Second Life residents. Whether they are looking for a peaceful nature retreat or a commercial space to grow, Dream Seeker Estates has something for everyone.

JB:     What about clients from non-English speaking countries?  How do you communicate with them?

ZF:     We know how important clear communication is, especially for our residents who speak languages other than English. That’s why we’re committed to making sure everyone has a smooth and positive experience during the purchasing process. To help with this, we have team members who can assist in several languages, including Dutch, German, and Spanish. Plus, we use translation tools like Google Translate and other services to ensure we can communicate effectively, no matter the language. Our goal is to make the entire process as easy and seamless as possible for everyone, no matter where they are from or what language they speak. We take pride in offering a personalized, supportive experience that truly meets the needs of every resident in Second Life.

For Further Information:

The best way to learn more about the amazing properties available through Dream Seeker Estates is to simply visit them at:




So there you have it, Folks.  Are you tired of spending hours and hours, teleporting across the grid, examining dozens of parcels, looking for just the right fit, but finding something wrong with each of them?  Then head on over to Dream Seeker Estates and save yourself time and frustration. Their designers, Terraformers and Sales associates are guaranteed to find, or modify, right to your exacting specifications.  YOU really need to see this place to believe it.  And when you do, tell ‘em Josh Sent ya.  You’ll be glad ya did.

Be there! Aloha!



Saturday, December 21, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Finding Your Perfect Property: Dream Seeker Estates Makes It Easy

Are you looking for the perfect piece of land at an affordable price in Second Life? Whether you’re interested in parcels for residential, commercial, farmland, or even full regions, Dream Seeker Estates has you covered. As the second largest private estate in Second Life, we’ve been a trusted leader in virtual real estate since 2007.

At Dream Seeker Estates, we offer a wide variety of land options to suit every need. We rent directly from Linden Lab at grandfathered rates, providing stability and reliability that sets us apart in the virtual real estate market. Our expert team, with over a decade of experience is dedicated to helping you find your ideal property and bringing your vision to life with a variety of parcels, customizable single-tenant regions and themed neighborhoods.

With a commitment to exceptional customer service, we’re here to support you every step of the way. From initial inquiries to handling any issues directly with Linden Lab, our team is always ready to ensure your experience is seamless.

Dream Seeker Estates is your trusted partner in making your virtual real estate dreams a reality.

Explore our options today and find the perfect space to build your virtual world!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Here Mesh, there mesh everywhere mesh, mesh ....

We have all encountered Mesh in one way or another haven't we? 

If you don't have a Mesh compatible viewer it can be quite hilarious but frustrating at the same time, then there are the sizing issues if you buy a Mesh outfit, suddenly size raises its ugly head in SL, and here's me thinking that would be one issue we could leave in the real world, but apparently not. The fashion designers in partricular have had a tough time getting to grips with Mesh, but it has been a god send to other content creators.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


As part of Dream Seeker Estates Gay Pride Celebration in June, we have put together a series of events in order to raise money for the charity Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

Most of us have been touched by AIDS in one way or another. Sadly, this dreadful disease has fallen off the main stage as an illness, but still needs all our help. At the end of 2011, there were over 34 million people suffering with AIDS worldwide.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dream Seeker Estates Corporation, goes the extra mile


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Zeebster Colasanti

Dream Seeker Estates going the extra mile

Second Life -21 March 2012:  As Fashion For Life, the multi-day opening event for Second Life’s Relay For Life season draws to a close, the Dream Seeker Estates Corporation announces various new programs to further its charitable engagement in Second Life.

Dream Seeker Estates Corporation today announced the establishment of the Philanthropic Society of Dream Seekers.  Membership to this society is open to residents and friends of any of the corporation’s estates including Dream Seeker Estates, Costa Rica Sims and Rockhopper Estates, and is to be coordinated by Harper Beresford.  It is the intention of the corporation to register the Society as a Relay For Life team and to engage its various communities through fundraising activities in support of medical research and natural disaster response.


Dream Seeker Productions, which under the leadership of Roe Woodford is responsible for the production of fashion shows, will work closely with the Philanthropic Society of Dream Seekers and will leverage the exposure that the fashion shows produce and the generosity of the fashion community to generate charitable donations in support of the current fundraising activities of the Society.

What’s more, following their well-received sponsorship of Fashion For Life with the underwriting of all 10 sims used for the event, Dream Seeker Estates Corporation announced today that it has reached an agreement with the American Cancer Society to become an official corporate sponsor of Relay For Life in Second Life.  Effective immediately, the corporation’s long running referral commission program is to be expanded to directly benefit Relay For Life.

For every new rental where the resident mentions they heard about the estate through a Relay For Life team or event organized by a specific team, the corporation will donate the standard referral commission to that team.

Keep your eye open for announcements of events to be organized under the auspices of the Philanthropic Society of Dream Seekers.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fight Against Cancer : Inside Story Of Fashion For Life 2012, Luc Fray Reporting......

A lot of people had heard of Cancer, but what really is Cancer?

Cancer is a traitorous phenomenon in which your own body betrays and attacks you. It is derived from the latin word meaning, "crab" or "crab-like," which refers to the crab-like growth invasion of malignant cells to nearby tissues.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

DSE CEO Zeebster Colasanti Setting the record straight


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           Contact: Zeebster Colasanti 

DSE CEO Zeebster Colasanti Setting the record straight

Second Life -18 March 2012:  Over the past two months there has been growing speculation in the media and on the SL rumor mill as to the situation developing on the Costa Rica Sims.  Since many of these rumors are based on false information, Zeebster Colasanti, CEO of Dream Seeker Estates Corporation and the new owner of Costa Rica Sims, now sets the record straight.