Time sure does fly when you are havin fun, But it also does the same sitting on your ass planning your next move.
Looking back at the past year. It has been one hellified journey for me. Between family matters, friendship matters, work life, SL life and all the fuckery in between. I’m exhausted. Time has a way of coming at us in waves. There’s ups and downs, back and forth and at the end of it all, we are left thinking WTF happened to the year! It’s now the end of January and I’m wondering what surprises are to come. The good, the bad and yessss… even the ugly.
For the most part, I try to keep my nose clean. I work, pay my bills, feed my cat and keep keepin’ on with my day to day stuff. If I told you what I really was up to yall would collectively do a citizen's arrest and have me committed to a place that would protect me from myself.
Anyway, When the world begins to feel like I can’t possibly do anything else shameless, I turn to Second life and whip out my pen and begin to write.
There’s nothing like bringing fantasy to life and reminding myself a good laugh is needed to balance things out. In the thick of things time is the most valuable thing we all have. It can’t be bought for any amount of money. There are no do overs, a rewind button or even a pause so what we do in the here and now should make us happy.
With that said, I set out to find Father time in Second Life. He tried to avoid me because it seems he doesn’t have the time for my Holiday Mascot Interviews. I heard from a friend of a friend that he thinks I’m a time waster. I was relentless until he finally gave in and decided to sit down with me at a train station.
Interview with father time

Lanai: Hey Big Daddy, Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It’s been a while. I think the last time we spoke I was about to make the craziest decision of my life until I got a flat tire and lost my debit card.
Father Time: Lanai, Ugh your nicknames are just… extra. Of all the people I have met through the years, you stand out to me as the biggest pain in the ass but for some reason you find my weak spot. You are a good kid when you are sleeping but a complete disaster the moment you wake up. I can write a whole series of history books just on you alone. SO what is it you wanted to interview me about?
Lanai: Well dang, tell me how you really feel.. No need to be a Scrooge.
Father Time: Hey watch your tone young lady and leave the Scrooge out of this. I cannot believe the prank you pulled on him this December. If I was him, I’d ban you from Christmas altogether but that's not my holiday to decide so I’ll leave that to him and Santa. I heard about what you did to him too.
Lanai: I didn't do anything to Scrooge. It was just a glitter bomb. I thought it would brighten his day.
Father Time: Just a Glitter Bomb? Lanai ,has anyone ever told you to read the room before the things you do? Poor Scrooge had to hire a team of professionals to remove all that glitter from his entire neighborhood. They are still working on it and the bill is getting enormous.

Lanai: *blinks* Who doesn’t like glitter?
Father Time: *Sighs* Anyway, so what do you want with me? I was almost afraid to decline your interview offer when you found me trying to hop on a train to visit an old friend in the North pole.
Lanai: I just wanted to say hi and just get some of your wise insight about aging and what to expect next as I lean towards 50.
Father Time: 50? Are you kidding me? You are still a baby in my eyes. You still have about 3 years left. The only advice I can offer is start to stock up on butterscotch candy, get a few cats and learn to knit. Hell I don’t know what you almost half a century beings do with your time. For you specifically, word on the street is you still act like you are a defiant teenager going around stirring things up. I recently went to a holiday mascot support group and we spent an hour and a half discussing you. The mediator suggested we change holiday dates just to avoid you.
Lanai: You are such a drama queen. You make me out to be some kind of menace to SL society when I’ve been laying low these days. I’m finally coming around again and you wanna be all mean.
Father Time: Ok , you are wasting my time right now. I got a train to catch. What is this interview really about?

Lanai: Well, nothing really. I just wanted to prove to myself that Father time still has a little time for me. So thank you for that.
Father Time: You’re welcome… I think?
Lanai: Can you do me one small favor and I promise I won't bother you again for another year?
Father Time: What’s that?

Lanai: Can you tell Cupid he's next for an interview the next time you are at one of those weird holiday mascot support groups?
Father Time: Not sure that will go over well since he was appointed the mediator after that stunt you pulled on him last Valentine’s day. He is still pulling thorns out of hard to reach places. You had no business trespassing in Cupid’s Garden. Listen, I gotta go before I miss this train!
Lanai: o.O. But wait! Let me defend myself. That sooooo wasn’t my fault, He startled me while I was attempting to pick roses.

Father Time: AHHHHHHHH! I missed the train! Lanai once again you managed to make me late!
Lanai: Don't’ worry the next train is coming soon. Thank you for your time. Gotta go!
Happy Belated New year All!
Interview with Cupid Coming February 14th!