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Showing posts with label Secondlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secondlife. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2023


SecondLife offers an entire virtual world of new activities for residents   Sailing, Shopping, building, Musical events, and all manner of Adult Entrainment venues. One of the more commonly embraced hobbies here is that of Profile Perving.  A vast majority of those profiles will include a line to the effect of how the writer says something like.  “Let’s Keep SL and RL separate, shall we?  But that is not a universally held position.  In fact, for Sully VonSwag (sultansullyvonswag, there is no SL versus RL dividing line. For Sully, SL IS an extension of his First Life.

In a world where the news is often dominated by stories of crime, or accidents, or examples of man’s inhumanity to man, we rarely hear about the good things that happen, often right before us.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB): Greetings Sully.  Thanks for agreeing to chat with me.  I understand you have a pretty incredible story to tell about how your friends raised money for your recovery from surgery?  Please share this with our SL Readers.

Sully VonSwag (sultansullyvonswag) (SV):  I've only been in SL steady since early 2016, and I have been performing live in SL since 2019. It is my personal experience in SL which has led me to never say RL anymore

JB:   You NEVER say RL, huh?  Interesting idea.  What is it that brought you to that conclusion?

SV:   Prior to Sl I was part of a couple different live stream sites.  On one of the live stream sites a fellow musician was much like me - self-employed and had no health insurance. He had a health issue and several of us got together and held a 24 hr online benefit for him. I hosted it.  Using Skype I would bring the musicians onto the live-stream site. And because of this we also started the “Be Kind Project”

So, fast forward

I had not been feeling well at all the entire week of Christmas.  I ended up going to the emergency room They put me on good meds for the pain I was in - back and abdomen pain.  They did some tests. The ER doc came back and said that “I had a Triple A”.

JB:   And what exactly is that?

SV:   That was MY thought exactly. That sounds like a mouthful, I thought.  What’s it mean? I threw my hands up and asked him to put it in plain English. He said you have an abdominal aortic aneurysm.  “In your abdomen, there was a big bubble in the aorta like a bloated garden hose in one section.” He then explained if it were 2 to 3 cm they would put me on meds and send me home. Mine was 5 to 6 cm which means I was ready to burst.  Then he said if it burst you die in about 10 min from internal bleeding.  Yeah.  THAT part I understood.

EDITORS NOTE: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) were responsible for around 9,000-10,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. According to the World Health Organization, AAA is responsible annually for worldwide deaths of 165,000.

JB:   Wow, Not good, Not good at all. I bet that was a scary thought.  Good thing they caught it in time

SV:   Yeah. After he told me and explained it, I asked him “What’s next?” And he explained that I would have to have an operation. And I kind of hoped the people from the live stream site would get together and help me out as we did for our other friend, but they didn’t. 

Finally, it was my SL lil sister and 2 other venue owners.  They got 12 sl artists together, most of whom did not know me from Adam, and they and did a 12 hr benefit for me in SL.  Some of them also offered up special shows that were bid on.  Between the lindens they raised and Pay Pal donations, I was able to survive the 3 months I could not work while I was recuperating

 JB:   Can you share the names and positions of the main organizers of the fundraising effort?

SV:   The only 3 names I know for sure are my lil sister, Velvetrose Blossom (also a singer in SL), Brindimere Laroway, and Laya Sugarplum from Café Musique.  I'm sure each of them had their contacts as well.

JB:   So then, just how much money did your friends raise for you?

SV:   All totaled it was nearly 3 grand

JB:   They raised 3,000 Lindens?

SV:   Nope.  It was Dollars.  They raised nearly $3,000 USD

JB:    They raised almost $3,000 for you?  That’s incredibly generous!

SV:   It was about 250,000 Lindens or about $1,000 USD, and an additional $2,000 came in Pay Pal donations. There were dual kiosks set up - one for Linden donations and one that would take them to an external Pay Pal site. I think that was about it.  I never really did the math on it.  I was just blown away by the outpouring of love from mostly strangers.


JB:    WOW!

SV:   And that’s what everyone says after that story.  So, yeah.  SL doesn’t get any more "real" than that

JB:   I can't even imagine. 

SV:   That word "real " is really only a concept.  What may be real to one is not to another.  All senses can be fooled or tricked.  I once met a woman in sl who used to love to go out dancing in her actual life.  She got in a car accident and lost the use of her legs.  SL allowed her to continue to go out and dance.  For her that was REAL. 

SL is simply an extension of my 1st life.  People are always doing amazing things here that blur the lines between SecondLife and their actual lives.  For example, there was a woman whose mother had Parkinson’s Disease.  In order to support her daughter, she started a Parkinson’s Disease Sim.  The daughter showed her mother the sim.  The mother stated that she saw her avi walk without a cane so often that she convinced herself she did not need the cane in her actual life and she did learn how to walk without it

There is even a video about how people with disabilities can really live better, more fulfilling lives through SecondLife.  Check it out at:

JB:   What kind of work do you do? when not performing in SL?

SV:   In 1st life I do remodeling and home repair

JB:   Sooo….If you don't work, you don't get paid,  and you were out of work for three months?

SV:  I don’t know what I would have done if it were not for their generosity.   I really needed those funds to survive during my recovery from surgery.  I have no remaining complications.  I get a CT scan every year…to make sure everything is ok.  But with age comes many health things

 JB:   So then...with all this kindness that was shown to you, have you done anything to "Pay it Forward?" Maybe by organizing a benefit concert for others?

SV:   Well, I’ve always helped out others whenever and where ever I can, and yes when asked to play for Relay for Life, I do.  My mom died as a result of breast cancer so I'm all for it.  The band that I used to play in did a breast cancer benefit every year.  Also, when I see new people, I help them.

I play Mondays at 8PM SLT at Cafe Musique. I also play Zoffee's Midnight Blues 8 pm SLT.  I guess this guitar on the back of my avi gave it away that I am a musician?  I play electric.  Mostly bluesy or blues-based stuff.  I do a combination of backtracks and me Soloing along and singing

I'm just grateful this platform exists and it lets me continue doing something I love.  I'll never be one of the egotistical types that feel I MUST get paid for what I do in SL.  I know I am not everyone’s cup of tea.

I played in a band for many years, so I know what it takes, and the fact I can sit here in my undies If I so chose, and play to live people is a piece of cake

JB:   Now THAT is a visual I can do without!

SV:   Hahaha. But in all seriousness, I want outsiders to see the good that SL can hold and that SL is not just about sex or old people trying to cheat on spouses.  There is a lot of good here, and I want people to know that, and would hate to think people are taking advantage of others as a result of my story.

DISCORD:  Sully #3108


So there you have it, folks.  Next time you get to feeling that no one seems to care, remember Sully here…and the many caring and supportive people- friends and strangers - who helped him through a difficult time in his life.  And THAT is the reason he says there in no difference between SL and RL

For more information about Sully, here is an interview with him by Olly Esel.

You can catch Sully at Café Musique Mondays at 8:00 PM SLT, or at Zoffee's Midnight Blues 8 pm SLT. Give him a shout inworld and find out where he is performing next.  You’ll be glad you did.

Tell him Josh sent you.


Wednesday, June 21, 2023



In the 1980 hit movie, The Blues Brothers, Elwood asks a proprietor of a bar where they are scheduled to perform, “What kind of music do you usually have here?”  The proprietor replies “Oh, we got both kinds. We got Country AND Western.“

I was sim hopping the other day, looking to find some really Great Country Music, when a hopeful pop-up appeared on my screen… “Do you want to allow music from this source?”  I clicked “Allow” and what immediately flowed from my speakers was a feast for the Aural Senses – The Saddles take on Country Music. Saddles is a place that excels in that department as well.  Their particular mix of Music is “Just what the Doctor ordered” for any true lover of the genre.   My Spidey senses kicked into hi gear and I looked for the owner of this musical oasis in a desert of pedestrian music.  I saw Ashley (littlebit31okla), deep in the throes of preparing for her Special Event set to kick off the weekend. I asked if she could spare a few moments to share with me the story of her success at Saddles, and she graciously consented.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:    So, tell me, Ashley.  Just what is Saddles all about?

Ashley (littlebit31okla) AL: Saddles is about having a fun enjoyable environment to enjoy time in second life by spending time with others enjoying Live Music, Dj Events, Concerts, and the beauty of arts in second life, place where people can come enjoy, relax, with top quality entertainment.

 JB:      Where did you get the idea for Saddles, and is there some history here?

AL:  Saddles was created back in 2014 by myself and a female friend of mine. She was also a real-life friend and we both love and enjoy riding horse so Saddles was the name that we both came up with.  She was only able to be in SL a short time, because her real life would not allow her to remain here.  Saddles became a Live Music Venue loved by many. Due to health issues, I was forced to close for a few years, but I still had many supporters that gave me advice and showed me the way of the friendly live music community. 

JB:      Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each of you play?

 AL:    Gaza and Ashley Bayside both play a part in sim design and landscaping

JB:      Could you share some of the interesting things that visitors and guests can do at Saddles?

AL:   Enjoy Live Music, Dj Events, Concerts, Games/Tabletop, Romantic Swan ride through the tunnel of love under the club and under the dance floor in the ballroom, Ballroom dancing, Coffee shop, Pool to relax by and visit with friends, and a dining area for couples to enjoy.  Saddles can also do weddings for group members.  We also have Hunts, Shopping areas for rental space.  Artists can use Saddles to display art and have Art openings and similar events in the ballroom or around the Gallery,

JB:    What sets Saddles apart from the many other clubs out there with a similar theme?

AL:   Saddles has a wide range of events as well as activities for members and guests to enjoy,

JB:      Who do you hope to attract to your build? What special group of people might find Saddles especially appealing?

AL:  We hope to attract County Music fans as well as Live music performers and fans, Artists,  and  Photographers

JB:      And how about the future?  Do you have any planned changes in mind?

AL:   We are very happy with the current build.  We still have little more we like to do but we are keeping that a secret for now, with more to come, so keep coming back enjoying what we have to offer,

JB:      What has been your greatest challenge in building Saddles?

AL:   Finding the quality of staff that holds to Saddles’ top quality standards

JB:       Do you host Special Events?  And how might someone learn of any scheduled activities here?

AL:  Saddles Holds Special VIP Events as well as upcoming Charity events.  All Saddles events can be found on our FB Page as well as in “SL Events”, so join our Saddles Groups or stop by the venue and check out our event board,

JB:       Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

AL:   Over the last 10 year I have meet a lot of people come through the door of Saddles and I have to say I have been truly blessed after all these years. I can say that some of my dearest friends are still today walking back though the door of Saddles, coming in enjoying our events as well as memories we all have shared in the past years.  So many people missed Saddles and asked for me to bring it back so we all Saddled up and grabbed the rains to bring back Saddles so more memories can be made and more friends to enjoy,

Please share with us any social media, Websites, Flickr, etc that may be of interest to our readers? Flickr:

SURL: Update 8-1-23



So, there you have I folk!  For some of the BEST Country music out there in a fun and wholesome environment, you really do owe it to yourself to check out the scene at Saddles. You’ll be glad you did, and may even make a lifelong friend or two.

Go ahead. And when you do, tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

You’ll be glad you did.

Be there! ALOHA!


Sunday, May 28, 2023


Those of you who follow the fashion trendsetters in SL have no doubt heard of Posh Events.  Every month Posh invites independent designers and businesses to display their latest creations at a Posh Event.   I happened upon one just the other day.  Posh was there, putting the final touches on her displays, calming nervous exhibitors and generally ensuring all was in readiness for the next opening.    Not having spent a lot of time myself buying women’s apparel and accessories, I did manage to get Posh to share some about what a Posh Event is all about.  This is HER story.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB:  So tell me, Posh.  Where did you get the idea for Posh Events? Is there some history here?

Poshbarby Sun (PS): Welll..I guess I got the idea as it developed out of my Idea of wanting to connect with  other women on friendly, business basis,  That was how the concept started – wanting to meet other strong-minded, hard-working women who owned businesses. 


JB:  So then, who managed to put this thing together and what role did each of you play?

PS:  I am the owner I am responsible for all things.  I put the event together and work hard to keep it going. One of the toughest parts if this is making sure we have enough participants month after month.  My continuing role is to make sure my event has the participants it needs.  I make sure the exhibitors are well taken care of, and that they meet all the required deadlines.

JB:    There are many fun and interesting shopping malls in SL. What is the Posh Events difference?

 PS:  What makes my mall different from all the other malls out there is that this is not some cold shopping mall.  When you come to a Posh Event, you can feel like you are at home.  You don’t have to worry about being harassed or mistreated.  You are treated with love and kindness, and are made to feel very welcome.

JB:    Well then, just how big an area do you own?

PS:  We have a 30,000 prim property, split among the mall, a beach area, and special entertainment  venues scattered around the place to host special events.

JB:    Tell us about some of the different areas on the property?

PS:  IN addition to the main Events build, we have a complete shopping mall with shops for rent, a lovely beach area too relax those tired feet from shopping, and various other rentals available. 

JB:    Do you have any plans for future development?

PS:  Absolutely!  I am always looking to expand.  Join the group to be informed of upcoming events and activities.

JB:    Tell us about some of the designers you work with?

PS:  Some of these folks are truly amazing.  But I don’t really want to say any names for concern of leaving someone out who deserves to be mentioned.  We know that designers come and go in SL, but I am so very happy to be able to help those who are shining stars in the design world.  I do hope that, when they make it to the big time, that they will be able to appreciate the assistance I gave them in their climb and when they reach the top of their industry.

JB:    Shopping areas are not normally known for their Special Events.  What kind of events have you hosted and plan to host in the future?

PS:  I am hoping to host parties and do more sales and weekend sales

JB:  So tell me Posh.  If a designer wishes to get in on this, exactly what do they need to do?

PS:  Designers are cordially invited to participate in the Posh Event  June Round

Posh Event has Been around for 2 years. we are a well established development, with a Facebook Flickr Instagram sites. And we have loads of media sponsors

You can check out preview at

We cater in all types of Art Nails Hair Skin Furniture clothing gadget ext

You will need to comply with Linden Labs Policies (including Intellectual Property

Also, your behavior is expected to be professional and courteous to both event staff and fellow designers.  New and minimum 1 exclusive item is to be set for sale at your booth

Payment is open  7th - 13th

Set up/ Event timeline

Setup starts: 20th

Setup deadline: 27th at 12:00 AM SLT

Opens: 1ST

Closes: 17th

Thank you Hope to See you:)


JB:    Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

PS:  If you are a creator with a creative soul, feel free to apply to participate in a POSH Event.  There will always be a place for you.  I really enjoy supporting the up-and-coming creators. 

JB:    Please share with us any Social Media sites you have?  FB, WebSites?  Twitter?  Discord?  FLICKR? Any others?



Designer Application:


So there you have it, Folks.  For the latest in Grid Fashions and accessories, head on over to the next POSH Event! 

Tell ‘em Josh sent ya. 

Be there!  Aloha!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


So, there I was.  Outfitted with my new snorkeling gear, and I thought I would explore the local waters. After clearing my mask, I headed out into the deep when I saw a brightly colored Clownfish swimming lazily in the warm coastal water.  Intrigued, I followed him.  I was about to turn back, when we rounded a coral reef.  Suddenly the world EXPLODED with bright colors, the likes of which I have never seen before in my life, nor since!  I had found it.  The Supreme. The Extreme.  The Dream – Siren’s Cove!

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    Tell me, Ladies.  Just what is Siren’s Cove all about?

Roryredrory (RR):   Siren's Cove is primarily about music, and DJ’s sharing their tunes and mixes to other music-lovers in a fun, relaxing environment.  For me, there is nothing more fun or relaxing than the ocean - seeing it, feeling it, swimming in it, relaxing on the beach...and we wanted to bring that vibe and good feeling to the club.  And why mermaids? I always wanted the club to be the "Disneyland" of SL clubs - "Happiest place on earth" - and love the vibe and beauty of mermaids.

idoru.venus (IV):  It's about good music, great company, and fun party time dancing with both! Also, some aquatic life...

JB:    So…there are lots of sims out there, many with underwater builds. Tell us what is the “Siren’s Cove Difference”?

RR:  What makes me proud of Siren's Cove are the DJ’s and people who are part of the Siren's community. We have always been supported by great DJ’s and amazing, fun people who keep things fun and amazing every day!!!  I love being greeted whenever I walk into the club, and greeting people when they do.  It's always so fun and feels like our own little family!!  I love being part of the over-all SL community as well - and I know people with DJ and hangout at other SIMs/clubs too - and I think that's great!!!  I'm honored whenever they come to Siren's and appreciate the time they give us!!! 

IV:  Many tell me that what makes us different is the atmosphere... the spirit of the place. People tell me it’s so warm and welcoming at Siren's Cove. That makes me happy because that’s what we want!

<a data-flickr-embed="true" href="" title="Mermaid in the Aquarium"><img src="" width="800" height="461" alt="Mermaid in the Aquarium"></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

JB:    What a phenomenal build. How did this idea develop?

RR:  Freckles Amore is our club builder and designer.  When we decided to start the club, we literally had 2 days to get the club running so we could keep DJ schedules and commitments from the former club I was managing, which closed on July 27, 2022.  We opened on July 29, 2022 :-).  We talked about how fun it would be to do a Mermaid theme, with Mermaids, pirates, beaches, starfish....but very high level.  I have ADHD irl hehehe and sometimes am not good at completing a picture or describing one.  But Iddy and I talked with Freckles, and then it was like magic :-) She came back the next day with the build for "The Cave" which blew my mind - so beautiful - so cool - so happy!!!!

IV:      It began rather small!  Once we decided to make the club, Freckles Amore offered to make our build. She did it overnight... and it remains in our new sim as The Cave. It’s a piece of art, like the entire build she has done for the whole sim. Truly gorgeous and fun to explore.

JB:    I understand you’ve been here since July, and that there us a story about that?  Care to Share?

RR:  Iddy and I had worked together earlier this in year in a club that was closing at the end of July.  We really enjoyed working together and loved the other DJ’s and people who came to the club.  We tried to open as soon as possible to keep the music going after that club closed.  The closing date was Wednesday, July 27, and Freckles built Siren's Cove and we opened 2 days later, Friday, July 29. 

JB:    Who managed to put this thing together and what role did each of you play?

RR:  Freckles is definitely the visionary who created the build and the magic and the vision for what is now the Siren's Cove SIM.  She is the designer and the one I call "our secret weapon".  I really feel her design and joy she brings to it is what makes Siren's so fun and amazing!  I see something different every time I come here :-)  We recently expanded to a whole SIM - and Freckles added a "Siren's Shores" side and a 3rd club - The Aquarium.  "The girl got skillz"

Idoru is the amazing talented DJ and is our ears and music Director :-)  She is incredibly talented in her own right, and is amazing at finding and hiring DJs for the club, and grouping those DJ's together for nice blocks or "Siren Sets" :-)  And as a co-owner and business partner, she is the level-headed one and keeps me from wrecking my boat into the shore.  I can be pretty emotional and the opposite of "level-headed" and she protects me from myself :-) I love talking to her and working things out.  She is the best business partner and friend ever!!!!!!!!!

Jinxy is my wife and is the visionary for the rentals here, and had the idea to add rental properties to the SIM.  She has amazing ideas and has brought a very cool element into the club.  She has a great feel for what things would be popular / fun for club-goers and renters, and keeps that side of the business going!!!  She is amazing :-)

Kisi is my sister and supports club promotion and managing!  She also brings great ideas on how to promote the club, how can use events, and manages our social media!!  She is an Angel who keeps the club events promoted and out there for all to see :-)

IV:      And don’t forget Rory!  She is a manager on steroids!  She is good at lining people up and organizing the schedule. She found the place for us and supports the sim. My part is to help her run the place and also help find us great DJs for the lineup. Freckles is the super builder who pours her heart into building the place and asks for little or nothing in return.

JB:    Could you share some of the interesting things that visitors and guests can do at Sirens Cove?

RR:  Siren's Cove is a place for land folk and merfolk to all explore and visit.  There are amazing underwater and above-water spots to explore and investigate. There are lots of beautiful photo and cuddle spots as well.  You can also meet our resident mermaids, Oyster Annie and Siren Sadie.  Although they might be quiet - be careful - they bite :-)

IV:     There are a LOT of things to explore on the sim, outside of the venues for music and dancing. In addition to the rentals offered, Freckles has created a gorgeous forest to explore that’s full of surprises and gorgeous scenery.

JB:    Tell us about the Aquarium. What kind of features can we discover there, and at each of the three main areas?

RR:  The Aquarium is our largest venue - and is unique in that it is actually underwater.  Swimming fish, mermaids, and other sea creatures are all around.  The colors swirl in the water to the music as the DJs mix on the underwater stage. 

The Cave is our original venue - with everything fun about the Sea.  There are pirate ships, mermaids, and huge snails, and you might even find Sponge Bob hiding in there.

The Rooftop is our Pool area - on top of the Cave, and has a fun beach set with a pool where you can hang out and swim with Oyster Annie and Siren Sadie.

Siren's Shores is a magical land where you can explore - just across the cove from the Cave, it has 7 rental properties, where you can actually live among the Mermaids and creates here :-)

JB:    And how about the future?  Do you have any changes in mind?

RR:  We would love to eventually expand our hours so we are open longer.  We plan to continue to add hours as our audiences grow.

IV:  We hope to continue to grow in group membership and daily visits to our events. We also might do occasional special events.

JB:    Do you have any special events planned? And how can people find out what’s Happening at Siren’s Cove?

RR:  Each week, we alternate to a different venue - Pool Parties at The Rooftop, and then a week each at The Cave and The Aquarium. To see what’s happening, I encourage you to check out the links at the end of this article for our Website, Flickr, and other Social Media URLs.

JB:    Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

RR:  Support live music on SL!!!

There you go folk.  For a truly unique experience, you have simply GOT to check out Siren’s Cove.   For unrivaled entertainment, SecondLife style, you owe yourself a visit.  I guaranteed it. You WILL be impressed!

Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

Be there!  Aloha!






FLICKR Groups:


Monday, February 27, 2023



Petrichor: (Noun) a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather

This week’s hidden gem of a Sim is managed by the rental company Petrichor.  Anyone who has been in SL for more than about a week has learned to recognize the difference between a poorly built sim and a beautiful one.  In a Grid full of sims of “comic book art” caliber, this place is indeed a Michelangelo.  If Bob Ross could have painted in 3D, he would have designed a place like Chrystal Island.  If you are a lover of beauty, scenic views everywhere you look, and lag-free properties on a grid of omnipresent lag, you will find this place to be a refreshing change.  As I was exploring this once in a SecondLife time creation, I came upon The Starchilds, Night, and Onyx.  They couldn’t wait to tell me about this Garden of Eden that they had created (minus the snakes).

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:    What a lovely build.  Did you do this yourself?  Or were others involved, and what were their roles?

Night Starchild (NS):  We had a vision and we involved some of our friends to help us build the sim.  For the build I provided the building materials and designed a few parcels on my own, then our friend Julia (Judithan Resident) stepped in and used the materials to help design more parcels. She was also very helpful in bringing in her own creativity enhancing the feel of the parcels even more. She turned out great at designing the hot springs with crystals in particular. We also have some properties with the interior design already done by my lovely wife Onyx Starchild and our friend Winter Rose (Abraa Xue).  If a renter isn't comfortable decorating their own home, they may choose to take advantage of the designs already made by them.  Our friend Winter Rose also loves ripping some houses apart and making extra rooms or create a new upper floor and new stairs. She customized a few houses for us in that way.

Onyx Starchild (OS):  Night Starchild, who has lots of skills and previous experience as a sim designer, started creating the sim, bringing to life the vision we had for Petrichor. Later on, some friends joined us to help along the way. Our friend Julia (Judithan) brought her building expertise, and our friend Winter Rose (abraa.xue) her abilities in the field of interior design and customizing houses. All of them are very talented, As for me, my role is mostly dedicated to the interior design of some of the properties.

JB:       There are many beautiful Sims out there. What is the Petrichor Difference? 

NS:  We focus on the beautiful views of nature all around the properties and have privacy as a priority.. So, we obscure the view of other houses in the sim using nature and blend the houses in so they become a part of nature. We use only the best quality materials and we re-texture a lot to our own liking to make everything blend together. We built the sim using a particular set of textures that we think makes it so beautiful and by controlling the texture set size also eliminates lag.

OS:   We wanted to provide the experience of a place that not only can offer privacy at its best but also, direct contact with nature. Each house is surrounded by unique landscaping and an enticing environment with breathtaking views. Everything here has been meticulously thought to bring our residents that special feeling that will invite them to call Petrichor their home.

JB:       As we were touring the property, I noticed a lack of clear paths between the properties.  Are you going to add those later?

NS:   Aha, yes.  We did that on purpose because we do not want people to wander onto other parcels.  The property borders are not that clear from the ground when you walk around, which adds to the rural wild feel of the rugged nature around and on the properties. Having paths leading onto private properties would entice casual wanderers to enter private properties, only to be greeted with a security warning.

JB:       Who would you envision as the ideal renter?

NS:   Everyone has a different taste. Basically, someone that really enjoys the beauty, the privacy, and the overall energy of the sim. Someone that feels at home here. If they like to play the occasional board game with us at the community game center area then that would make for a fun renter in my book :)

OS:   Someone who appreciates nature, and privacy and is looking for a comfortable place to live that they will proudly call their home.

JB:       How are your properties laid out here?

NS:   On the ground level, we have 8 big elite properties laid out in each wind direction. North South East West, and also on each corner. These are located on parcels that are around 4560sqm in size. They have around 2400 prims of which I use about 900 for the house and the nature around it. I tune the size of the parcel and its nature to have 1500 prims available for the renter to decorate their own space further and make it their own.

JB:       Tell us about the different areas here?                                    

NS:   On the ground level we also have the center of the sim, a big greenhouse is located in the middle of the forest there. This could be used by renters to have a wedding party or something like that. Free of charge that's a perk of being a Petrichor Resident. When this space is not in use, we provide some game tables there. This area is completely obscured from view from the private properties, yet freely available to all.  No roads lead to the center. The public center is separated from private parcels by streams of water.

OS:   To clarify, this area is not connected in any way to the houses, so the residents won’t be disturbed in the privacy of their homes.

JB:       What are some of the things that guests can do at Petrichor?

NS:   Guests are welcome to wander the public center part of Petrichor sims, and play board games there. Of course, Petrichor residents can have their guests on their private land as well. Guests should not wander into rented homes or they will be returned home by security, although some renters turn off security and run an open house, and available cottages have security disabled as well.

OS:   They can explore the public area of the sim, where the community center is located. And the guests of our residents should remain on their own property to respect the privacy of the other residents.

JB:       Is the natural lighting changing here?  What’s that all about?

NS:   Yes, I’m glad you noticed.  We have our own shared environment settings.  The sim goes through about 6 or 7 different settings in the course of a day, which takes 6 hours in this sim. These settings change over time, along with the seasons of nature. It just makes the sim look so much better.

JB:       Do you have any plans for future development?

NS:   Yes.  We are making a small community of a few very affordable tiny homes on smaller 1024 sqm private parcels on a platform at 2000 meters. This is currently under development to accommodate people with a smaller budget.

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

NS:  We see our properties being rented really quickly and we cannot keep up with demand. We have started building where people can add themselves to our waiting list. The website was just started so for now the best thing is to contact me or Onyx Starchild if you want to be on the waiting list, and you will be notified when we create new rentals or one becomes available.

OS:   We have put on this sim everything that we thought that the perfect place to live should have, such as stunning views of nature all around, lots of space and lovely comfortable homes. We love to invite everyone who appreciates nature with a dash of spirituality to come have a feel for the amazing atmosphere at Crystal Island.

Sooooo….there you have it.  These properties are going to go fast.  If you are interested in only the finest of residential properties in an idyllic mountain setting, you are going to want to get in on the ground floor of this deal.  Go visit Petrichor at the SURL below. Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

Be there!  Aloha!





Friday, February 17, 2023



The other day, as I was strolling along the beach on the Blake Sea, I heard the faint sounds of music, wafting over the roar of the incoming surf.  I was instantly captivated by the Siren song, urging me forward.  I had to know where this magical sound originated.  After a perilous journey, traversing three whole regions, I finally located the source of this enchantment.  I was in the aptly named region of “Dark Rose”, and the music issued forth from the massive structure before me:  The Basilica.  I beckoned to two persons I assumed to be acolytes at this Basilica, asking that they share with me the story of this fantabulously amazing build (and yes, “fantabulously” is a real word.  Just ask my 6-year-old).  This is their story.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So, tell me, Trynn and Emi? Just what is the Basilica all about?

Trynn.Mildor (TM):   It is about feeding the soul - through music, through connection, through togetherness. It is about the thrill of the dance, about losing yourself in the beat. Because when we are swept away by the dance we become united, unified. We belong.

Emilysilkstone (ES):    Why do people come to SL? To escape from reality for a bit, to chill, to relax, to meet friends. We want to give them a good time because we think everyone deserves to have fun here. And a club is just perfect for this: bringing people together, listening to music, dancing, chatting ... you can do it all at the Basilica.

JB:   What a phenomenal build.  Did the two of you do this all yourself, or did you have help, and what did they do?

TM:    Oh no this is the work of Marcus Inkpen - we are more um ...  putterers together of things. - including ideas and people.  But we are in love with the building - the reflective floors, the high-arched vaults, and the majestic apses. we think are the perfect setting for a sacred experience like music and human engagement.

ES:    Well, I'd say "we threw stuff together and called it a club". The real artists are the creators of course. I'm the greatest admirer of all those amazing people creating amazing things in SL. And it's an honor to use them in our sim. We started with a central theme, a central story, then handed over to our imagination ... And this is the result.

JB:   Why did you choose this setting?

TM:    Well, we chose this beautiful building by Marcus firstly for a selfish reason - we love it. But also, we chose it as a sort of recognition that it can stand as a sort of metaphor for our devotion to music. Like faith, music is transcendent in nature. It lifts your spirits, it reaches the deep recesses of your mind that sometimes stay dormant.  It even has the potential to remind us of the vastness of the universe and how small we are in it. 

ES:    When I saw this Basilica for the first time, my jaw dropped. I've never seen such an amazing building. And yeah, my first thought was ... let's use it for a music club haha. I've seen RL (techno-)parties in churches and I was at Tomorrowland last summer, so yeah, this kind of scenery really adds to the experience. And I like it big haha. But don't put that in your article.

JB:   Certainly Emily…no double entendre or nuanced naughtiness here.  So…what kind of musical genre do you envision here, and what kind of guests are you hoping to attract?

TM:   There isn’t anyone across the Myers-Briggs personality spectrum that we don’t want to attract!  We think everyone deserves human connection. So, we hope for the passionate, the adventurous, the experimental, and the spontaneous but ... we hope to add some of those elements to those who do naturally or currently feel those things. Even those who aren't huge fans of EDM will find pleasure in the vibe, the awe-inspiring sense of the place, and the hot AVs dancing or hanging out. 

ES:    Well, personally I like almost everything! From techno to classical, from oldies to French stuff. But it will be a journey, taking off with EDM, techno, house, but also things like a dark wave ... ok ask Trynn hahahaha. And about our guests, well my doctor once said I have a big heart, so yes, there's room for everyone.

JB:   As you know, there is no shortage of adult entertainment sims in SL.  What is the “Basilica” difference and why should people come here for entertainment, vice go elsewhere?

TM:   Well The basilica is not only a dance club, or only a hookup place - it's an amalgamation of the two things. But that just makes sense if you think about real life. I mean, most of us have fallen in lust at clubs millions of times over. Because music can be sex ... and sex can be music. And a tad of lovense in the furniture will only add excitement into the mix.   The Basilica has a certain energy to it, a pulse. You feel it the moment you look up at those ornate windows and the apses, and then that first wave of neon brushes over you, and you feel you are somewhere special.  There are other little things too, like the couple standing poses discreetly placed around the floors and the exclusive balcony boxes that can be  rented out for private parties. But at the heart of it is our love for music - we are true devotees -  it translates into everything, from the DJs we pick to the themed events we'll be having.

 ES:    Oh, our unique selling points are many: first of all, our scenery: the fantastic Basilica, but also the buildings next to it: we have a cozy coffee house, a warehouse for illegal raves, a nice square for open-air concerts ... We'll bring the experience to social media, we'll even live stream to YouTube. We'll have Twitch DJ's in-world. And we'll implement artificial intelligence, so you can interact with NPC's. Fun Fun FUN!

JB:   Did I see some zombies wandering about the premises? What are they doing here?

ES:    Oh, did you spot me on a Monday early morning here? Guess I didn't have coffee yet.

TM:   (Laugh) Those are only for my own stress relief and amusement. When they are shot, they explode and there is great satisfaction in that... I sometimes forget them and they spawn across the sim giving visitors shock. Their days will be unfortunately numbered once the club is open.

JB:   Do you plan any special events here, and if so, how might people learn about them?

TM:   Oh yes!  We will definitely host themed events - both Emily and I are fiends for fashion and dressing up. The best way to stay abreast of upcoming events is to join the SL group: the Basilica @ Dark Rose, or to visit Emily's coffee shop - the hostess there is always up to speed with the latest gossip.

ES:    Yes. not only parties, but also fashion shows, car shows on the square in front of the Basilica, and even chess games with famous YouTubers. We're aiming for the next Eurovision song contest - ok, now I’m kidding.

JB:   Tell me about the Fire Station?  Do you have some ideas for that?

TM:    The Basilica for all its grandeur is situated among some old factories and warehouses, some tenements, and a skanky hotel.  One sees this often in urban development where a beautiful old building, often with historical value, gets engulfed by industrial plants and such. however, luckily these buildings  are quite beautiful in their own right. They have a gritty sort of glamor to them. We are hoping to make them available as a venue for hire and to host some parties in them - maybe old-school style raves could be amazing in there.

ES:    Well, we value safety and security, and as the Basilica is an old building, we rezzed a fire station as well. We had to. Insurance ordered us to do it. So, we're safe  now.

JB:   And how about the future?  Do you have any improvements or changes in mind for the weeks and  months ahead?

TM:   We are very mindful of feedback, sometimes you have to trial and error things, live with them for a bit to see if they work or not. So definitely we will be ready to adjust if we must. But we believe the bigger picture for the sim is quite feasible, and that the bigger picture slots together like pieces of a puzzle. For example, Emily's is a dainty little coffee shop with a marvelous view of the ocean; and there are plans underway for an acoustic lounge on the beach with mismatched beach chairs and gently crashing waves.  Also, down the line we would like to offer accommodations, those gorgeous old tenements are just asking to be lived in.

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

ES:    Yessss, Second Life is an amazing world. I think it's still the best virtual place around. And I hope to see all those amazing SL-peeps at the Basilica. And not only on Sundays. Well, you know what I mean. xox

TM:  We want everyone to come on this journey with us. Friends, family, frenemies, future friends … everything we do is transparent. We want people to share in the milestones, the successes and the mistakes. And when we fail at some things, we’ll fail forward. It’s sort of like launching a new tech platform in beta, we’ll throw all we have at it and make adjustments as we learn until it is the best possible user experience around.  

So, there you have it folks.   The Basilica is a feast for the eyes AND the ears.  Grab the LM below and hop on over and check it out.  You’ll be glad you did.

Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.  

Be there! Aloha





DJ booking:

SL Group: The Basilica @ Darkrose