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Showing posts with label Secondlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secondlife. Show all posts

Friday, June 25, 2021

GeekSpeak – Underpopulation! Join the discussion Saturday, June 26th at 12pm SLT


After worrying about overpopulation for decades do we now have to worry about underpopulation?  The fertility rate is declining in all technologically advanced countries.  It is now below 2 children per woman in South Korea, Japan, the USA, and all European countries. 

Why is this happening?  And what will it lead to?  What will it be like to live in these aging countries?  There will not be enough young people to do the work, have the new ideas, run the country.  And who will feed and amuse all the old people?  And what will happen when all the poorer countries join us?

Come and discuss our future in GeekSpeak.  Bring your kids!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

GeekSpeak: Batteries! What are they good for? Join the discussion on Saturday August 22nd at 12pm SLT

A total revolution revolving around batteries will be coming soon. We have seen the advent of electric cars and bikes, although the electric lawn mower is still a pipe dream.  But when the battery revolution arrives it will cause an infrastructure inversion where the existing power grid structure will be disrupted.  This battery revolution will give back power to the people!
Come and discuss with us the coming green energy revolution!  Bring your friends even if they still use an old power cord ðŸ˜Š

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, August 21, 2020


Looking for something different in your SecondLife?  Are the same old clubs you visit night after night becoming a bit “stale”? Does riding a fire-belching dragon, or fighting for your life as you watch your health meter drop in a combat sim just not hold your attention like it once did? Then have I got a word for you...and that word is “Ethnographic Studies” (OK, so technically it’s two words…so hyphenate it). And what better way to scratch that itch…to pursue that passion…to boldly go when no one has gone before? (cue music) but to check out one of the FINEST Ethnography Exhibits In all of SecondLife?  
I recently had the very real pleasure of meeting Nexus Dot, researcher extraordinaire and curator of the SL display: Ethnographic Exhibits of Two Cultures from the Republic of Panama.

Josh Bellic (JB):  So tell me, Nexus.  Just what is “Ethnography” anyway?  And why should people study it?
Nexus Dot (ND):  Ethnography refers to the process anthropologists use to document and interpret other cultures.  This concept of culture is the primary focus of the ethnographer.  With respect to culture and how ethnography differs from certain other sciences, my intellectual mentor Clifford Geertz says,  “Believing …that man (sic) is an animal suspended in webs of significance (s)he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning."   

This exhibit is then an attempt at the interpretation of these many different webs of meaning. Webs that you will discover when you take the intellectual effort to peek beneath the surface of these two incredible tropical lowland rain forest indigenous tribes located in eastern Panama.  These webs of meaning have evolved over hundred of thousands of years of the cultural evolution of our species.  Webs of meaning that reflect the heritage of our tribal past, now often forgotten but whose influence is indelibly written in the DNA of our own cultures.

JB:  Share with our readers what this exhibit is all about.
ND:  There are many themes in the exhibit. The one that I would like most to bring to your attention is that traditional people represent a unique aspect of human consciousness. For hundreds of thousands of years our species believed in the spirit world. This was before the invention of agriculture and the major world religions. This influence creeped into our understanding of the environment, and tribal people of the world represent this way of thinking. The two cultures in the exhibit represent the remnants of that long standing tradition. We try to present aspects of the complexity and comprehensive nature of their understanding of their environment and its ecological implications. Here is a YouTube that introduces the exhibit ... 2 minutes only ...Copy/Paste the following address into your Web browser.

JB:  How did you first come to be interested in the Emberá Culture of Eastern Panama.
ND:  I grew up in Panama. We lived in a community located at the edge of the rainforest. From an early age, I admired indigenous culture and became interested in the nature of human consciousness. So. It is a reasonable extension of my interests to work with indigenous cultures in Panama.
JB:  Whatever convinced you to publish your research using the Virtual World of SecondLife?
ND:  I found that when you gave a talk in SL, it was helpful to send people to an exhibit. My initial goal was to give a few thoughts about indigenous culture and a small exhibit. Then the concept of an exhibit took on a life of its own. We decided to do a stand-alone self-guided exhibit. Shiloh Emmons, my colleague in the exhibit, convinced me to expand and do a more comprehensive project. The tools of SL provide an excellent immersive virtual geography for presenting complex ideas and multimedia information.

JB:  Tell us about the different exhibit areas please?
ND:  There are eight different exhibit areas.
  • Emberá Cosmology and Ecology which includes shamanic rituals.
  • The story of Henupoto , the supernatural antihero of the mythical past, an important Emberá narrative.
  • Art and Aesthetics of Guna Mola Textile Art.
  • The mola gallery where we display 38 antique molas.
  • Ethnobotany, how people of the lowland tropics use plants, including psychoactive plants.
  • A large map gallery of the geography of Panama.
  • Photo essays of Emberá Drúa, a heritage tourism program run by an Emberá indigenous community
  • Hall of the Giant Molas
There are also multiple slide shows and many interactive multimedia signs.

JB:  I saw a display that mentioned Henupoto?  Who is he and why is he important to the people of Emberá? 
ND:  Henupoto is a well-known narrative among the Emberá. It is the story of a Herculean-like antihero who is the son of a union between a powerful spirit and an indigenous woman. He is considered a nuisance by his people, so they are constantly sending him out on impossible tasks that he expertly executes. In the end, he provides the community with many gifts and a curse. The story serves as a means of discussing the many complex ecological concepts and the Emberá's profound understanding of the supernatural world. Unlike most modern superheroes, Henupoto is more of an antihero. The message is that life is not simple, not just good or bad.
JB:  Do you have any upcoming events?
ND:  At noon on September 5th at the Science Circle, I will present a talk on Art and Aesthetics of Guna Mola Textile Art. We are planning several events for the near future including a panel on the mythical antihero and Emberá cosmology. The dates and times will be posted at the exhibit. Numerous organizations have booked guided tours, and individuals are invited to drop by anytime as it is open to the public. Groups can IM me to book a tour—at Nexus Dot. 

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
ND:  I think there is a striking renaissance of art, science and other intellectual activities in SL, maybe due to the Covid19 crisis. I think these are worthy goals and am pleased to be a small part of a community that is working so hard to ensure that SL offers more than just fun and recreation. I would like to thank Valibrarian and the team of the Community Virtual Library (CVL) for their gracious support of the exhibit.  We used up a lot of their Prims and they never once complained. We encourage all visitors to explore the ethnographic exhibits, and the Community Virtual Library (CVL) Research Library located on Cookie Island. 
So there you have it, folks.  For a completely different way of viewing SL and the world around you, come check out the “Ethnographic Exhibits of Two Cultures from the Republic of Panama.” Tell your Limo driver to take you to the following location: 
You’ll be glad you did.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

GeekSpeak – What if we fully embrace AI? Join the discussion on Saturday the 20th at 12PM SLT

GeekSpeak – What if we fully embrace AI?

We talk about AI and the dangers of AI but what if, one day, we deem it safe and fully embrace it?  At first in our phones, then in our contact lenses, and eventually in our heads?
We would be able to do large computations in our heads and we would know at once if a building was for sale.  We would know the latest scientific discoveries, the best information about the conditions on exoplanets, and the local information about house prices and poll results.

But would we have any privacy?  Everything we say and everything we think would be copied to the cloud.  Would there be any way back?  Would we be able to distinguish between ourselves and other people?  Would we want to?
Come and discuss what it means if you are not fully you anymore but an upgraded version or a pirated version. Bring your old fashioned brain and your friends.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

GeekSpeak – Will all languages disappear? Join the discussion Saturday May 30th at 12pm SLT

There are about 7000 languages left on Earth and the number is declining quickly. Will there be only one language in the future?  Will the world be better off with just one because that will mean that we all understand each other better?  Or will we lose more than we gain, when so much poetry, so many jokes and so much of our culture has gone?
Will we need language at all in the future?  Do the Borg need language?
Which of the current languages will survive for 10 years?  Or 50 years?  Or 500? 
When aliens land on Earth what language will we use to greet them?  Will it be a language that is not invented yet?  Maybe an artificial language?

Come and talk about it in GeekSpeak.  In English.  ðŸ˜Š Bring a friend.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Evil Bunny Productions Presents CANDYLAND2! Sales Event. March 14th-27th

Evil Bunny Productions presents CANDYLAND2!  A multi-store epic sale event!  11 days of "grown-up" CANDYLAND! All things sugary, sweet, sexy, and edible! Each designer will have a themed exclusive on sale for 25-50% off just for this event! Get steals and deals and FREE group gifts! It's not going to lick itself, so grab your friends and come play at CANDYLAND 2!

March 14-24th

Join the Evil Bunny Hunts group to get your free gifts > secondlife:///app/group/cf5b5b70-3476-ad6b-9b05-ed710b367c04/about

GeekSpeak – Are we seeing the beginning of Starfleet? Join the discussion on Saturday March 14th at 12pm SLT

Let’s discuss the company SpaceX.  As you may know, they are creating a rocket factory in a sleepy village in Texas, a village that will soon be a centre of space exploration.  And it is going FAST. 
Let’s get ourselves up to speed with the developments down there and try to get a glimpse of the very near future where access to space is an everyday thing. 

Have you started to save money for a vacation in the Axiom station?  Next year this will be a reality.  Hold your hats for the ride and let’s enjoy this important moment in history.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, February 21, 2020

GeekSpeak – Life in a large permanent space station. Join the discussion Saturday February 22nd at 12pm SLT

What would life be like in a big space station?  Imagine a huge O’Neill cylinder, revolving to create artificial gravity, where millions of people could live.  What would it be like to live there?
Will there be strict rules for every aspect of life, and no freedom at all?  Will the inhabitants feel safer than on Earth?  Will there be prisons, or will criminals be ‘spaced’?
How will the millions of tons of waste be removed?  Will there be animals there?  Birds flying around? Will the cylinder seem beautiful to those who live there?  Will there be factories in the zero-gravity part of the cylinder that make stuff for Earth?
Where will the permanent stations be?  In orbit around Earth, or Mars, or at a lagrange point or in the asteroid belt?

When will all this happen?  Bring your friends, and your furniture and move in to talk about it.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


So...this question has been asked at least once, and probably a couple dozen times, by every married guy or gal shortly after setting pixelated foot on the SL Grid. In keeping with SLE’s desire to remain relevant to the population we serve, we thought it would be interesting to make this ubiquitous question the subject of this month’s SLE Poll.  This proved to be a particularly easy question to ask, but difficult to get answers. Almost universally, whenever I posed the question, people had an opinion, but very few were willing to share it. So, My hat’s off to those intrepid few who dared to answer, and even more so to those who wished to be identified with their answer. So then...with that in mind….Let the Games Begin!

When asked, “If you are married in Real Life, and partner in SecondLife, is it cheating?, the first respondent had a very thoughtful answer.

Anonymous, SL Resident, (9 years 11 months; 3650 days)

“I feel my partner in sl just adds more enrichment to my real life.  Perhaps in many ways it fill in little little holes that even a happy marriage can have.  I have a very happy rl marriage, and my adventures in sl bleed out into my rl marriage. My exploration of bondage has lead to me exploring that with my husband, who was eager to take part.  He must wonder and realize what I may be doing in sl, but he knows I am happy and continue to make him happy. I in no way have a partner in sl to replace what I have in rl. Its a balance one has to be mature enough to engage in and have a big enough heart for, to keep that way.”  

Another respondent was equally circumspect.

Lora B. , SecondLife Resident, (12 years 8 months; 4643 days)

“I am happy to tell you my answer....  SL is an alternate existence, we can live by the same compass we use in RL or we can treat this world the way some people treat a video game.... there are video games where you engage in war and pretend to kill people... and video games where you pretend to steal things... I think those people are not truly murderers or thieves.... any more than the married people who are partnered here are unfaithful.... I dont agree with people who believe any division of the heart or mind away from a lawful spouse is infidelity...”

The next two responders brought a unique perspective to the question, since they are actually a RL married couple, as well as SL partners.

Kale Rayne, DJ, Owner Teaser's Lounge & Den (8 years 4 months; 3052 days)

“We are married in both RL and SL Delilah and I. To answer the question, I state this: I encourage her to play at her choosing whether I am present or not. The only thing I ask is that she tell me of her adventures if I am not present or online. She has told me every time therefore she is not cheating on me since I encourage her to play. Our relationship is defined as a Stag and Vixen whereas she may have different lovers and I do not touch any other woman , at times I may watch or even join in if all are willing. Now if at anytime she hides her adventures to me then yes that is cheating, but the trust I have in her is what she cherishes most . We have been together for 8 years plus in SL and she has never cheated.”

Delilah Rayne, Hostess, Co-Owner Teaser's Lounge & Den,  (8 years 11 months; 3270 days)

“No it is not cheating if your RL partner knows about it and is okay with it.  If its done behind your RL partners back and they are not aware then yes its considered cheating in our opinion.

This next couple were also in complete agreement

Richh Devin,  Builder of Dreams, Club Owner (11 years 10 months; 4345 days)
Alexxxa Devin) SL DJ and Hostess  (9 years 5 months; 3447 days)

“As long as both are on same page about SL, then no, it is most definitely NOT cheating.   Communication is key in both worlds.”

This next answer come from one who was holding one of those Magic 8-Balls.  She repeated my question for the benefit of the ball, and responded accordingly with a very reasonable and straightforward  response.

Hunnydumpling  O'Magah, SL Resident (8 years 7 months; 3140 days)

“After consulting my oracle I believe that partnering someone is cheating while just screwing them is not. TYVM”

While the responders answered some variation of the “it’s not cheating” theme, there was one particularly outspoken proponent of the opposite view.

Lisa Icandia,  Renaissance Woman, (9 years 2 months; 3364 days)

“Of course it is cheating unless you have lost all morality from sight. You are emotionally cheating on your real life partner. She/He may be sexually uninspired or fat or old but you're married. You are giving laughter, joy, fun, understanding and time to a total stranger who is a well made and sexy cartoon and is only made of pixel dust. And 9.5 times out of 10 it will end in one of you leaving SL or blocking the other person or cheating on that avatar along with your real life partner. But we ignore that it's cheating, don't we, because we love the thrill of the chase and we love feeling loved and as if we are young and beautiful and viable. There are no real obligations in here to mow the lawn or cook or clean house or bathe or go to work each day so we can always be charming and perfect spouses in SL even though we are not in real life. It's ALL an illusion!”

Often times when I asked a potential respondent, several answered that they did not feel comfortable answering the question, but would love to read the final poll results and asked that they be notified when it went to press.

S  male, (4 years 8 months; 1727 days)

“ummmm...I suspect if you are married in RL and partnered here the odds are that you are going to say no to cheating but I look forward to seeing the results.”

So there you have it many different answers as there were individuals who answered.  So then. What do YOU think? Leave a comment.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

GeekSpeak – what is the future of Africa? Join the discussion Saturday, August 24th at noon SLT

Africa is the second largest continent, with 54 countries and a very young and rapidly expanding population.  At present it is suffering from wars, diseases, and droughts. But there is a lot of promise for the future.
Let’s talk about how the next superpower will develop.  How soon will we see a major boost in the wealth of the African population?  What is needed to get it going? What problems must be overcome?Will Africa be the next energy provider, or the next food provider for the world?  Or will we see an industrial revolution as in East Asia? What leapfrogging effects will take place?

Come and discuss the soon-not-so-dark continent today!

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Monday, May 20, 2019


I recently had the very real pleasure of visiting Skyhill Island, home of the Sapphire Beach Club.  Newly arrived on the SL Grid, Skyhill is the brainchild of Claudine Jewell and her business partner , John Sinclair. Together with Live Talent Manager, Amber LeFavre, they have built a region uniquely suited for the Music Lover in Second Life.  In addition to the Club, Skyhill has a beach area for swimming or sunbathing, or just enjoying good conversation with friends. Complete with Beach House and waterfall, Gaming events, and a Yoga and Meditation place to come and refresh and relax.

I was fortunate to spend a delightful afternoon in the company of Claudine Jewell and Amber LeFavre.  My visit proved most informative as they shared perspectives on Skyhill Island and the Sapphire Beach Club.
Josh (thomas1.bellic): Claudine, what is it that drew you to Second Life in the first place?
Claudine Jewell: Well….I always liked to play computer games and I read a magazine article at the gym about Anshe Chung, SecondLife land baron and its first millionaire.  When I got home I registered to see what this is all about ...that was 2007. I showed it to John later and he joined too
JB:   And Sapphire Beach Club?  How did you decide to build that?
CJ:   Well, John co-owned a club in RL and loves clubbing here and he talked about it all the time.  So, so I suggested we should get a full region, since full regions are more stable than individual Sims and with a Region you can host up to 100 people

JB:  There are dozens, if not scores of Beach clubs in SL.  How is Skyhill Island different from the others, and how will Sapphire Beach Club make a distinctive contribution to life on the grid?
CJ:   Well, I don’t know if you remember the old clubs back in the day.  John wanted it to be similar to Sleek which was beach themed....I wanted something classy like Elements,  so we hope we can provide that to the people. We also don’t want to compete with 24 hour clubs. We just want to organize some quality Live events that people won’t forget.

JB:  So Amber, are there sizable numbers of live music lovers here?
Amber Lefavre: Yes there are.  DJ people and live singer people are different.  One way to help get maximum exposure for the club is to do both. ... live singers performances are not perfect,  expect something happening or not working... but its live...its personal….it shows the person. With DJs you know you are getting the exact song you thought you would.  But its the same every time...Lots more gestures used… chatting etc. Its just different...neither is wrong...or better.

JB:  But seriously. Are live singers really that much better than recorded music? I have heard live singers who...well..their hearts are certainly in the right place….but you can see that their passion greatly exceeds their ability.
AL:  Laughs.  True. BUT when a venue pays a singer up to 7000 lindens for an hour, they are going to be what the  the Club owners hope, and the crowd is going to love them as much as they do, because they will never make their money back.   You do not do live music to make money. You do it for the love of music. Live musicians are a real draw for their personality, interactions and talent.  
JB:  One of the first things I noticed when I landed here was that Skyhill is rated “M” is only rated Mature.  Many, if not most beaches here are rated “R”. Most beach clubs allow..and in fact encourage, nudity. You do not.  Can you share with our readers why you are different from the pack? What is it that sets you apart from others?
AL:  Claudine does not want sex and nudity here.  That is not why they did this. The emphasis will be that it is a quality sim with quality acts.  That will help it appeal to folks who are tired of seeing public sex and naked avis everywhere.
CJ:  Yes. Its that simple :-) I think SL is full of those places...lots and lots of adult clubs.  Besides, why would you spend 1000s of lindens on clothes and then you go party at a nude beach :)))   No, we don’t want people to run around naked all the time. We want to do formal events too..classy, but also modern.

JB:   Tell our readers about your event scheduled for May 31.  What can we expect to see there?
CJ:  On May 31 at 1:00 PM SLT we will host Gabriel da Silva.  Hes a great live singer and his specialty is Rock. The stage will be on the beach close to the pool and after that DJ Tabasco will stream at the pool.   We have other great musical talent lined up as well. On June 8th at 12 PM we have a Lynard Skynard tribute by Lightning Strikes, June 14th at noon we have David Hauptman with a formal dance event and June 23rd at noon we have Toxic Darkmatter.  Additionally, there will be various DJs performing around these scheduled live musicians.

AL:   For Gabe, his stage will be on the water and dancing will on the beach.  In June for the formal dance with David Hauptman we will place his stage on the beach and cover the water with a clear dance people can dance on the water.  

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to say?  Anything else you want to tell our readers?
CJ:   I’m just really grateful for the opportunity to share our space and music with people here in SL
There you have it folks.   Second Life’s newest venue for Live entertainment kicks off on May 31st with Gabriel da Silva at 1:00 PM SLT.  This is one show you do NOT want to miss.

Be there!  Aloha! - J.B.