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Sunday, December 8, 2024
Sunday, August 28, 2022
The Men´s Closet Event by Posesion Productions We open the August round of our exclusively male event THE MEN´S CLOSET. You can find original creations only for men. Clothes, shoes, accessories, hair, eyes, compliments.....all you need to make you unique. Don't miss what our fabulous designers made for you! The Best Brands for YOU !!!!!!!!!! This round we have an amazing GIVEAWAY... $2500L g*ftcard from Cheerno!!!! Just stay tuned for our future notifications to know how to win!!!! August 26th - September 19th Event gallery: Taxi: **DESIGNERS** .catori. [EloS] A&D Clothing Andore Angry Store Animosity Atrophia AVF B(U)Y ME • POSES Blaink Blue Flower Boyberry Cheerno Chou
Cuca Derdieb Design 9 Dialogue DOA EagleLux Fantasy Pixels Gild Haagenti Store His Homme Wrecker In-joi Malediction MR COIN NS Design Sanjak SVP Tenebre The White Crow Treystar Inc Tsun Tsun Unholy Duality Wicked J Poses X-Clusives Animations XVI
Friday, August 5, 2022
The Darkness Event August round is now open!!
POSESION PRODUCTIONS INVITES YOU TO THE DARKNESS EVENT The Darkness Event it's open!! We open the new Darkness event, a new environment, more dark than ever and fashionable as always!!! Cos everyone has a dark side...come to The Darkness Event and discover yours!!!! Clothes, shoes, hair, shapes, jewels, poses, tattoos, makeup, eyes, nails, piercings, accessories... More designers, more exclusiveness....come and enjoy The Darkness Event. August 5th-28th Don´t miss the group gift by Repulse !! Event Gallery : Taxi: **SPONSORS** Oh! Oops Fatal Fashion SR Design Redz3n Opulein Pariah Miss Black Ouroborous Meow Vallemont Oubliette Angry Store Avada Underground Spells & Charms To Go **REGULARS** The Bold Llama Tylar's Yokana Evergreen Bella Rose Kokoro Awear If Design Lil Puddin Vond KIB Designs Chorrai Daelia BlondeQueen Salem's Lot Ninatchka Devilix TheSinner Lenore FAV Shapes DOA Derdieb Viena Be My Mannequin Dragon Lance Design Helaven Lal Tattoo Witch In A Box AnaStyle Tastic Vulnus Couture Repulse Tenebre Taiwali Design Leyenda Design Fatal Fashion Death Ink Tattoo Angel n Devil Magnetic Lovelysweet Giulia Design Le'La Design Inkling Seven Deadly Skins Dark Mayhem Fashion Nosferatum BobsCreations Nifty Shapes Myles Harvy Couture Key Style Antica Goddess Creations C.Y Fashion Brutal Goth1c0 Do Ink Dark Love Luxury Ahlure Couture PAIX
Saturday, March 26, 2022
The Men´s Closet Event March Round is Open
The Men´s Closet Event by Posesion Productions We open our March Round of our exclusively male event THE MEN´S CLOSET. You can find original creations only for men. Clothes, shoes, accessories, hairs, eyes, complements.....all you need to make you unique. We have a nice group gift by KAJU Don't miss what our fabulous designers made for you! The Best Brands for YOU !!!!!!!!!! March 26th - April 19th Taxi:
WebSite: Facebook: Flickr:
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
The Men's Closet Event Grand opening
The Men´s Closet Event by Posesion Productions We open the first round of our exclusively male event THE MEN´S CLOSET. You can find original creations only for men. Clothes, shoes, accessories, hairs, eyes, complements.....all you need to make you unique. Don't miss what our fabulous designers made for you! The Best Brands for YOU !!!!!!!!!! January 26th - February 19th Event gallery: Taxi:
WebSite: Facebook: Flickr:
Thursday, January 13, 2022
New Year - New Store
New main store at Salt & Pepper located in the middle of a desert at an oasis, offering high fashion, fetish fashion & accessories, by Salt Peppermint
Monday, December 13, 2021
XXX ORIGINAL EVENT December round is now open!!
WebSite: Flickr: Facebook:
Saturday, December 4, 2021
The Darkness Event December - Dark Xmas- round is now open!!
Come and celebrate de Dark Xmas at the darkness event!! The Darkness Event it's open!! We open the new Darkness event, new environment, darker than ever and fashionable as always!!! Cos everyone has a dark side...come to The Darkness Event and discover yours!!!! Clothes, shoes, hair, shapes, jewels, poses, tattoos, makeup, eyes, nails, piercings, accessories... More designers, more exclusiveness....come and enjoy The Darkness Event. December 5th-28th Don´t miss the group gift by Hexakill !!
WebSite: Flickr: Flickr group: Facebook:
Monday, November 8, 2021
Now with 500+ stores: THE SHOPPING HUD
Thursday, November 4, 2021
The Darkness Event November round is now open!! Nov 5th thru Nov 28th
Clothes, shoes, hair, shapes, jewels, poses, tattoos, makeup, eyes, nails, piercings, accessories... More designers, more exclusiveness....come and enjoy The Darkness Event. November 5th-28th Event Gallery :
WebSite: Flickr: Flickr group: Facebook:
Monday, October 18, 2021
101 L EVENT by POSESION PRODUCTIONS- October 19th - November 13th
The NEW 101 L EVENT it's open!! We open the new 101 L EVENT where the protagonist is the "1" !!! Clothes, shoes, hair, shapes, jewels, poses, tattoos, makeup, eyes, nails, piercings, accessories... All you need at the amazing prices of 101L, 201L, 301L... Media partners: The Darkness Event, The Jail Event, The XXX Original Event & POSEvent October 19th - November 13th Event Gallery: Taxi:
WebSite: Flickr: Flickr group: Facebook:
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Powered by POSESION PRODUCTIONS (Owners of The Darkness Event, Jail Event, XXX Original Event, 101L Event, POSEvent,Golden days weekly sales, Pandora Fair and AntiEvent). GLAMAZON - Boutique Event is a monthly event where you can find exclusive articles related to Glamour, Elegance, High Fashion... 40 exclusive designers will bring original creations each month. Fashion, cosmetics, accessories, and all related about High Fashion and Haute Couture!! Sept 23rd - Oct16th Event Gallery : Taxi:
WebSite: Facebook: Flirck:
Sunday, July 18, 2021
The NEW 101 L EVENT it's open!! We open the new 101 L EVENT where the protagonist is the "1" !!!
Clothes, shoes, hair, shapes, jewels, poses, tattoos, makeup, eyes, nails, piercings, accessories... All you need at the amazing prices of 101L, 201L, 301L...
Event Gallery:
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
JAIL EVENT June 10th-30th
JAIL EVENT is a monthly event where you can find all kinds of creations...clothes, hairs, accessories, poses..for Men and Women.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Top Hair Designers trending now in Second Life- Katrina Karsin reporting
Have you ever wondered who the top SL hair designers are for both men and women? There are 834 pages of hair designers on the marketplace alone. Not including hairbands, pins, and other accessories!
What are people looking for when they
choose a new hairstyle, does quality and price play an important part in the
decision making?
Men have had a hard time in SL finding
items specifically for them in the past and even though there are groups and
events geared solely for them today. Men I have interviewed believe they
are still underrepresented in SL.
This is interesting considering our unique
world climate of having to stay home due to the pandemic there is a unique rise
of makeup for men using video chat and not wanting to look tired in real life.
Unfortunately, there's a shortage of shopping options for men. I asked
several men if they would consider becoming a designer, they all said “No”! That may be where the problem is. We need more male designers.
Unlike the opposite sex, women’s hair is a
massive industry just like in real life. Women like to change it up
especially for a night out or hanging out at home. Most in Second Life will
change their hair style daily. With color HUDS, there are many choices as
well as ombre, streaked or even half and half.
I asked various women in SL where they shop
for hair and the majority think Doux offers a more realistic look.
Trying to compare traffic count from
one designer to another was difficult since some rent land or have just moved
or are only on Marketplace. That said for both sexes Doux is the leader
by far with a wide range of hair and newer hairstyles come with style options
for that particular hair, like wearing your long hair on one side, all upfront
or all on your back as part of the package including your choice of colours.
They also have a choice in hair bases and
beards, for example, if you want to wear braided hair and want it to look more
real you can buy a braided hair base to complete the look. What makes Doux so
popular is the quality of the hair most believe it looks “realistic”, and just
like in rl with big box stores, you can get hair, clothes, skin and more all in
one stop as L’Etre and Doux have combined forces.
When asked what women hate about Second Life hair they say it is the price, but all will pay begrudgingly. I think it is safe to say that Truth by Truth Hawks was the most well-known designer in Second Life for several years.
TRUTH, Stealthic and n0match followed,
while honourable mention must go to tram, Dura, Wasabi, Kuni, Exile and unorthodox
all offering a wide range of styles for both men and women.
Stealthic hair HUD includes rigged and unrigged hair, style and colour options. I like their HUD because it gives you a choice showing your roots or not.
n0match has a wide range of Women’s and Unisex hair your pack will have two sizes and the colour HUD comes with a customization option.
Ladies will enjoy Tram hairstyles they are super cute and the hair colour blending is amazing! The more recent hair styles have a more every day realistic tousled look, and you may choose from rigged and non rigged hair in store.
Dura has lots of choses for men and unisex, each pack comes with a variety of styles and a colour wheel.
Wasabi will give you a couple of style options on the hair you choose as well as the colour HUD and resizing option if needed. There are a few styles for Men too.
I like Kuni hair you are given a range of styles to choose from on your HUD, colour options are very nice and they have some hair for both women and men.
Exile has been around Second Life for
awhile and is fairly well known, they offer a wide range of hair for both
sexes. If you are on a tight budget you
may want to check them out as newer hair comes with style option, colour
choices and to resize the hair just click on your head.
Unorthodox offers up BOM, Genus, Catwa, and Omega hair for the whole family and extends a two payment option, one is a nice elite VIP price and other regular price.
Facial Hair/ Beards
Long gone are the days where men would have
facial hair included on their skin choice. Today men have a good range of
styles to choose from.
With Volkstone, Modulus and unorthodox
giving you a good selection of styles and eyebrow styles as well for men.
Honorable mention goes to Rebirth.
Volkstone presents a very detailed look for beards some have six different styles on one HUD, and you can choose BOM, Catwa and Omega on newer styles. Very impressive!
Modulus is for men and a one stop shop, they offer a variety of hair bases, hair, beards, eyebrows and shapes. They have BOM, Catwa and letLuka worthwhile to check out.
Rebirth is a made in Italy designer of beards with a variety of beards that will appeal to biker dudes and trend setting guys alike. Classic Avatar, BOM, Catwa and Omega appliers and nice colour selection for each beard as well.
If you love to pull hair or tug on a beard guess what you can do that too!
Dirty Secrets by ℒυѕhєѕ Jɑххoη (lushes.blessed) has both a beard and hair animation that you can touch yes I did say TOUCH on certain areas of each that will enable a response and works with Bento heads! Not to be out done Stealthic hair comes with hand animation to pull your hair back or forward on a timed cycle that you can turn off or on, same with the hair base!
As you sit down in your hairdresser’s chair
there is lots of hair styles and beards to explore around Second Life. You will
be entertained while chatting up your hairdresser as to what look you are going
for, that fits your lifestyle and will look good on you!
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Saturday, November 19, 2016
The Wedding Accessories Every Bride Needs
Stunning Wedding Shoes
It’s All About the Bouquet
Veils and Hair Accessories
The Garter
Monday, October 24, 2016
OD DESIGNS -An in depth interview with Ortho Vargas - Dean Lawson reporting
Sunday, July 31, 2016
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Have you explored your dark side today? The next round of the Suicide Dollz event is now Open! July 31st!- August 12th
Sunday, June 19, 2016
MAYH3M tm Debuts @ Geektopia 1.0 Sales Event Sunday, June 19th - Sunday, July 3rd 2016
Sunday, June 19th - July 3rd 2016
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