Linda's new Book Island location on prestigious Pulitzer Square, has a comfortable reading area with couches and a cuddle rug for your enjoyment. Each picture has a link for you to read from Linda's blog "Medium Rare™", her newspaper articles and feature in the New York Times (!) and more! Feel free to stop by, warm up in front of the fireplace and enjoy.

Metaverse Books, has added Hostage in Time to its selection of SL Authors. Also available are other best selling books and more. It is a wonderful place to seek out books you may not have known about.
For the month of December, Linda will autograph and ship for free (within the continental USA) a copy of her book. Purchase by December 19th to get your books in time for the Christmas Weekend! Autographed Book click here ! For those of you in other countries, please feel free to reach out to Sumi Portola for shipping information.
Linda Lauren and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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