Carved by the hands of Lisisme Dubrovna, the Grand
Canyon is one of the most powerful forces of nature virtually portrayed in
Second Life.
Located on three outstanding regions with tremendous landscapes,
it excels in all the opportunities it has to offer that outdo the expectations.
Proficient in sports (radical sports, water sports and ground and air sports),
it is also a place for relaxation, romance, shopping, art and for unforgettable
Music is a very dominant element that mirrors the
multicultural atmosphere of the Grand Canyon. There are several clubs, each dedicated
to a music genre: from blues to salsa, rock to R&B, etc… Outside the clubs,
one can enjoy the nature and wildlife, discover those secluded romantic spots, relax
on the various campsites available or have a picnic in the shadow, explore the
underwater Mermaid Park, the Enchanted Forest, the Japanese Garden or travel to
the old west.

We have talked with Lisisme Dubrovna, LIS on request,
the woman who got fascinated by the amazing venues she crossed with in the
beginning of her journey in this virtual world and dreamt of doing something
big one day:
SLE: Why did you start the venue? What was your
LIS: First my
RL brother and I bought a full region where we were going to build homes and
rent parcels but it didn't go well. Then a friend encouraged me to terraform on
a homestead he had. I went searching for land textures and a friend had the one
which defines the Grand Canyon. Texture Carver has left SL so this texture is
uniquely mine now. Another of my textures is custom made so also unique. They
give the sim its natural beauty. So I was building at this friend's sim and
created mountains, but nothing special, just fooling around. One night I woke
up at 5 am with the idea of the Grand Canyon, so got up and logged in to see if
it had ever been done. It hadn't, so I bought a homestead and built it.
SLE: So can we say that your inspiration to build the
Grand Canyon came in shape of a texture?
LIS: Yes, pretty much.
SLE: Was your initial plan to have
the Grand Canyon located in three regions or did you feel the need to expand it
over time?
LIS: I used a full region to create
dance venues and shopping and placed the Grand Canyon in the north sim. Then a
friend was impressed with my work and gave me a grandfathered homestead that
became Crater Lake and Lake Tahoe.
SLE: Is Grand Canyon a faithful replica of the real
Grand Canyon or does it also reflect your imaginary?
LIS: I went to the Skywalk and it reflects my notions
of the Grand Canyon as much as possible. My Skywalk is different but the same
concept: a glass walkway out over the canyon like the real one. I built and
maintain the sims with an ideal in mind: to give residents of SL a place for peace and quiet and beauty and to
have fun and enjoy quiet romance. And it gives newbies also a lot of experience
learning to move around.
SLE: What kind of events do you host
in your venues?
LIS: We have live singers and DJs
and we have hunts and simply tons of activities for everyone. I have tried to
offer many things which people enjoy in RL: hang gliding and canoe and many
vehicles and free horses. I built many horse trails.
SLE: Could you tell us what the
estimate number of daily visitors is?
LIS: I'd say about 20,000 avatar
hours for all 3 sims. That is hundreds of avatar visits per day. We have had
well over 200,000 visitors over the past year.
SLE: Is this your
only venture or do you have other venues or any other business?
LIS: I also own a sim called Green Land in
partnership with StormyFox. I am creating a Zen sim for meditation and peace
gardens. It hopes to be a place for people to meet and discuss good things they
can do in SL to promote happiness and acceptance and find peace and equilibrium.
SLE: With so many projects in hand I
can’t imagine the time you invest to keep your venues up and running. Do you
manage them alone or have staff to help you?
LIS: I have some staff. I have about
4 active rangers. Willie Frangilli is an Estate manager; he watches over the
sims for griefers and does restarts. WanLi Resident is also an Estate Manager, she
meets and greets and guides people and watches out for objects which don't work
SLE: Is the Grand Canyon a never
ending project?
LIS: Always.
SLE: Thank you so much LIS for agreeing
to be interviewed and for showing us your venues.
Words are not enough to describe what awaits you at
the Grand Canyon. Consider it an invitation to visit it and don’t forget to share
your trip adventures with us.
Until then!
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