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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2020

You are cordially Invited to The JED Benefit at Sapphire Beach Club- February 8th at 3pm SLT

Jed foundation charity fundraiser, raffle winners announced, speakers, information,  music and more hosted by Sapphire Beach Club. FORMAL Attire please

What is The Jed Foundation?

The Jed Foundation is a non-profit organization that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for our nation's teens and young adults. JED partners with high schools and colleges to strengthen their mental health, substance misuse and suicide prevention programs and systems-

Thursday, September 5, 2019


The American Cancer Society and SL Christmas Expo announced today that all donations to the “Believe in The Magic of Christmas”, the 9th Annual Christmas Expo, in support of the Expo’s mission to Fight Childhood Cancer, will be dedicated to help provide funding for VR Headsets for childhood cancer patients. Along with Linden Lab, their partner in the fight against cancer, and our sponsors and participants, the Expo will be working to reach the Goal of $20,000 to help fund the Society’s VR Headset program for pediatric patients undergoing cancer treatment.
The American Cancer Society and Children’s Hospital of Atlanta (CHOA) have partnered to provide virtual reality (VR) headsets for pediatric cancer patients to use while undergoing various cancer treatments within the hospital.
  • For over 100 years, the American Cancer Society has provided patient services to improve the lives of cancer patients. The virtual reality pediatric program uses innovative technology to further expand the services offered to pediatric cancer patients in an extremely impactful and relevant way.
  • Research suggests that ideal distraction tasks consume some portion of attentional resources so that less cognitive capacity remains available for processing pain. 
  • Distraction is a pain management technique that has been shown to successfully reduce pain and behavioral distress in children during invasive medical procedures. VR distraction is a promising intervention for children undergoing painful medical procedures and is an ideal distractor for procedure-related pain because it competes for attention resources in multiple sensory domains and provides visual and auditory sensory blocking of external stimuli...
  • 19 studies across nearly 1,000 articles have explored the effects of VR interventions with cancer patients. These studies found:
    • VR improved patients’ emotional well-being
    • A reduction in patients’ distress in terms of cancer-related psychological symptoms.
    • A significant decrease in anxiety, distress, and fatigue immediately after chemotherapy sessions with VR

With more than 100 Merchants, Raffles, Breedables & One Of A Kind Auctions, Gotchas Hunts and Entertainment, games, contests and fun, the 10 day Expo, which runs from Dec 5ththrough 15th, is the Premier Holiday Experience in Second Life.  This year’s Expo will also feature the reveal of the long awaited 4th Edition Linden Homes and special content provided by our partner, Linden Lab. The Lights of Hope House Decorating Contest will also return for a 2nd year. The Expo will conclude with the 11th Annual Holidays of Hope Ball.

Do not miss out on Believe in The Magic of Christmas, the 2019 Second Life Christmas Expo, December 5th through the 15th, in support of the American Cancer Society.

Give The Gift of Hope and Fight Childhood Cancer!

Registration is underway and going fast! Sign up now for a store, shop or booth, and join some of Second Life’s premier merchants as a sponsor! For More Information or to reserve your store visit: or contact Nuala Maracas in world.

P R E S S   R E L E A SEFor Immediate Release
September 4, 2019
Contact Nuala Maracas

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Auction House Party on Oct. 26 for MSABC

A luxury home will be the centerpiece of an auction party from 3 to 5 p.m. SLT Friday, Oct. 26 to benefit cancer research through the American Cancer Society and MSABC across SL.

This one-of-a-kind luxury home comes fully furnished and landscaped with a full club, pool, dock, helipad and more! See the details of it here:

The party will take place at the auction house site:

Tour the house, then place your bid! Entertainment will be provided by DJ Nuala Maracas of T1 Radio.
If you can not make the live auction event and would like to bid higher if outbid, contact Leala Spire-Marchant (leala spire) to arrange bid by proxy.

At the party, all bidding will be in posted in open chat and the starting bid will be the current highest silent bid. Highest Bidder at end of event will be asked to pay the Strides Kiosk to receive their home.

All proceeds collected during the Strides Parade of Homes in Second Life and the night of the Auction Party will go directly to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society.

But wait, there’s even more fun!

AXL-Pro, the builder of the auction house, has also contributed another home in a MSABC vendor:

Perfect for those wishing for a smaller home but not wanting to scrimp on luxury.

If you have any questions about the auction or MSABC please contact Leala Spire or Sandie Loxingly.

Each year, more than a million passionate women, men, and children participate in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, the largest network of breast cancer awareness events in the nation. The events unite communities by honoring those affected by the disease and raising money to reduce the burden of breast cancer.  Dollars raised through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer help the American Cancer Society fund innovative breast cancer research; provide education and guidance to help people reduce their risk; and offer comprehensive patient support to those who need it most so that no one facing breast cancer ever has to walk alone.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Sound Quiz Trivia Game Table is taking Trivia Entertainment to a Whole New Level while helping charities- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Sound Quiz trivia Table is the first innovative interactive table game to be introduced to the Second Life community. Created by ENT Media’s Shane Foresight and Kaijah Chrome, Sound Quiz combines the fun of trivia with the use of audio clues and the challenge of players having to beat the clock.  It is a fast paced social game for players of all levels, if you love table games and trivia, then this is the game for you!

It is perfect to have at your club or venue. Sound Quiz will encourage visitors and members to get together and play against others and the table.  Affordable and easy to play, it is a game designed to provide the best in-world table game entertainment. Get ready to laugh and have fun with your friends and family.

The SL Enquirer met up with Shane and Kaijah to learn more about Sound Quiz Game table and how you can be part of owning one and help various charities on the grid.


Hi Shane and Kaijah, it is a pleasure to talk to you about this exciting new game table. It looks like you and your team put a lot of work into it, what inspired you to create Sound Quiz?

Shane:- Thank you  Lanai, part of the responsibility of the management of The ENT Charitable Fund, is to create ideas on new and innovative products in SL that will provide funding to the Charitable Fund.

The idea first came about as a result of an interest in trivia and having played other text based trivia games in SL.

We wanted to create a new experience, one that would combine the use of audio clues and timers, which would set both a social yet competitive aspect to the game.
We feel what we have achieved has far surpassed our expectations, in as far as, the response in sales and table owner’s feedback.

Kaijah:- As many of you know, Second Life really hadn't seen or experienced new games in many, many years, and, quite frankly, we thought it was time Second Life Residents had something new and interesting to play.
Additionally, we wanted Sound Quiz to be more of a social game that most existing Second Life games.  With the introduction of sound clues and encouraging people to voice during the game, it can be quite entertaining and fun to play!

Not only is it a trivia game but it has sound clips which sets it about from other trivia games in Second Life. Can you tell our readers more about what Sound Quiz Trivia Game Tables does?

Shane:- Sound Quiz is like nothing seen before in SL, it has been designed to be social, bringing people together in a fun and friendly competitive way.

Kaijah:- Sound Quiz game allows for selected categories, like music to be the trivia category.  Once the game begins, players will hear a sound clue which can be anything from movie clips, interesting facts, famous speeches, and of course, songs and music clips.  The HUD provides a question that is related to that sound file with 4 multiple choice answers they can select from to submit their answers.
We incorporated the multiple choices in order to allow any level trivia player a fun and interactive experience, everyone loves being able to have a guess if they don't know the answer.

 Is it random music trivia or can you pick specific categories?

Shane:- it is much more than music, we have 3 categories, Music, Movies and General Knowledge, with many different genres and topics involved, there is something for everyone.
Kaijah:- Players can select specific topics they want to play and the number of total questions per game.  For a quick game, one game of 20 questions would be selected.  Each category consists of a 20 question set and can be individually selected by interests of those playing.

What other features does it have?

Shane:- The game comes with a number of features, you can load as many packs as you like, with an automated loader system, it makes loading fresh packs easy.
The selection of categories provides 2 options, you can select up to 3 categories (60 questions) across any of the 3 categories or you can have the table select them for you randomly.
The table has a HUD which you receive when you sit at the table, this is where players will see the question and the 4 multiple choice answers, as well as the submit button and the timer.

Kaijah:- While testing the original Sound Quiz game we found that a majority of people loved playing with voice on.  Soon, people were singing, laughing and talking that it made us realize we needed to put in a warning timer.  There is a count down timer that let's players know when the next sound clue will play and to quiet down so the clue will be heard!  Talk about an interactive and boisterous game!

How many players can join in a game at once?

Kaijah:- The table will accommodate any number of players up to a total of 8.  Players are free to join or leave anytime during game play without affecting any of the other players.

Can SL residents contribute to adding more questions into the game table or does it have add-on expansion packs?

Shane:- currently we have over 1000 questions or over 40 packs with more produced and released regularly.

Kaijah:- In addition to our standard add-on packs, we offer a customized pack specific to a group or sim that is personalized to include questions about individuals, the role play if there is any, and the sim.  After all, we all know Bella always eats chips when on voice!  Really?

Do you have tournaments and events for Sound Quiz at ENT media? If so, what group can they join for events?

Kaijah:- As a kick off event, we did have a Grand Tournament with a prize of 10,000L.  Over 48 people signed up to play elimination rounds over a 2 week period which resulted in a Grand Final play off of 8 people.  It was quite an exciting final round! 
On an on-going basis, we sponsor events and tournaments at club and games venues as a way to spread the word about Sound Quiz to residents.

Can you tell our readers about the Sound Quiz rewards program?

Shane:- As a feature of the game we have provided the ability for owners to load the table with a gift or prize, this delivers a prize to the winner.

Clubs and owners are finding different ways to make use of this, some are providing vouchers, others are introducing sponsors items, such as clothes etc.
The feedback from clubs has been positive with many telling us that interest in the table and the club has increased since using this feature.
We provide a DIY box which owners can place items and other elements in, which can then be uploaded to the table via an upload feature in the table.

I heard proceeds from the game table sales help out various charities in Second Life? Which charities does it help and how much have you raised so far?

Shane:- We are very passionate about The ENT Charitable Fund and the recent success of the fund in raising money for charities in SL which make a difference in real life.
As a result of the sale of Sound Quiz, we have raised over 130,000 lindens of which we are proud to say 80,000 lindens has been donated to two charities, as part of our distribution model.

The two charities received 40,000 lindens each, the worthy recipients were the Feed a Smile and Homes for our troops.

Kaijah:- We felt it was important to have transparency with the ENT Charitable Fund. We formed a Board of Directors, which meets quarterly, who bring nominee charities to the table for consideration.  We do our best to contribute to those we feel we can impact positively with our donations.

Our website supports our transparency with information on charities that we contribute to and the money donated.

Where can table game enthusiasts get Sound Quiz?

Kaijah:- The game, available in Beach theme, Bright theme, Gothic theme, and Steampunk theme can be purchased from the Sound Quiz marketplace store.  Add-on packs and reward gifts are available there as well. 

We also have a table out at the Sound Quiz Game sim where we encourage people to come over, play the game, and experience it on a personal level.  The tables are also for sale there.  Come on over and play a game!  You'll fall in love with Sound Quiz!

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Shane:- Sound Quiz and the ENT Charitable Fund are ways residents in SL can make a contribution to those less fortunate and by promoting the ENT Charitable Fund and the products we release to raise funds, we are doing our bit in allowing others to share in the gift of giving.

We would ask everyone reading this article, to take a few minutes to check out the ENT Charitable Fund and the Sound Quiz Trivia Game and to pass on details to their friends.
The smallest gesture or action can make a big difference in the lives of others.

Additional Information:
To see and play it in world at the ENT SL Radio HUB:
Sound Quiz Trivia Table Game is officially released and for sale on MP! 
Proceeds from the sale of the Sound Quiz game goes directly to the ENT Charitable Fund, which donates funds to various charities each year!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Kultivate Magazine & Rock Your Rack’s Charity Art Show & Auction- September 30, 2017 to October 14, 2017


Kultivate Magazine is pleased to have partnered with Rock Your Rack to create a special charity art show and auction! Rock Your Rack is the signature charity of the in world group, Model’s Giving Back. Rock Your Rack benefits The National Breast Cancer Foundation, which sponsors mammograms and breast cancer screenings for women and men.

The art show will feature the following artists: angyel Resident, artandsoul constantine, Astrid Zhangsun, Beth Pentewyn, Booyakashaka Resident, CalystiaMoonShadow, captainofmysoul, chanasitsayo, Daruma Boa, DrusillaGwind Resident, Eleseren Brianna, Elle Thorkveld, emberdearheart Resident, Eucalyptus Carroll, FreeDom Voix, ilyra chardin, Inquisitor Titanium, Jamee Sandalwood, John Brianna, Karma Weymann, Kerry Streeter, M8ty Resident, Meishagirl Resident, Myra Wildmist, NaTaS Janus, retroye resident, Sandi Benelli, Sheba Blitz, tisephone resident. Veruca Tammas, Vivienne Darcy, & wintergeist.

Events will include the return of the Pink Art Ball with live performer SaraMarie Philly, a special gift card raffle, and a special art auction bundle, featuring work by Cica Ghost and Bryn Oh. The art show will participate in the Rock Your Rack hunt, where hunt goers can search for hangers throughout the art area and the rest of the sim.

About Kultivate Magazine:
Kultivate Magazine is a publication about the cultural aspects of Second Life. The goal of Kultivate Magazine is to support art, culture, photography, music, and fashion. Kultivate Magazine consists of the magazine, The Edge and The Edge Gallery, The Windlight Art Gallery,  The Red Gallery,  The Kultivate Bailywick Gallery, The Kultivate Select Gallery, Ristorante Ivanna, & The Tribute and Crown Pub. Kultivate Magazine is proud to be the media partner and primary sponsor of Team Diabetes of Second Life, an official and authorized team for The American Diabetes Association.

About Rock Your Rack & Model’s Giving Back:
Rock Your Rack is the annual fundraiser started in October of 2012 by Jamee Sandalwood and the team at Models Giving Back. MGB is the grid leader in trusted charity events. We do it all and have for several years now with one person responsible for the entire event. Jamee takes care of everything from Designers, to bloggers, to musicians, to models. This way any confusion is avoided and no one has to wait to check with anyone else before things are getting done. Jamee’s vision leads the event to success year after year with many of the designers coming back with us due to the smooth, efficient way things are run and reported. With 100% transparency, all of our documentation from screenshot totals, to Lindex transactions, to donation receipts account for every penny that was earned and donated all being posted right here for all to see.

About The National Breast Cancer Foundation:
The National Breast Cancer Foundation was founded in 1991 by breast cancer survivor, Janelle Hail. NBCF’s mission is to help women now by providing help and inspiring hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and support services. That’s why NBCF provides free mammograms to women in all 50 states through our network of hospitals. They are now joining hands with people around the world to provide breast cancer education.

For More Information: (official Rock Your Rack & Model’s Giving Back page at The National Breast Cancer Foundation website)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Rock Your Rack Opens September 30th!

Breast cancer is one of the leading health crises for women. 1 in 8 women, and an every increasing percentage of men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. There is currently no known cure for breast cancer, and its early diagnosis is critical to survival.

Models Giving Back is pleased to present Rock Your Rack, an annual fundraising event combining the best of SL Music, Art and Fashion to support the work of breast cancer charities and raise awareness for early detection which is critical to a positive outcome for this devastating disease.

This year's event will support the National Breast Cancer Foundation which provides free mammograms, education, support and early detection services to anyone in need.

The 2017 event involves 58 designers including Platinum Sponsors: Aleutia, Chiffon, Designs by Soosy., Mahlberg Tailors, Miss Darcy, Nerd Alert, Prey, Prism and Xpicit Furnishings. In addition, this year's event will feature 2D and 3D artists with an Art show sponsored by Kultivate Magazine.  Add to that the 4 Tribute concerts, 15 DJ Dance Parties, 8 Live Music Artist Shows, 11 Fashion Shows, the 10L Hunt, Silent Auctions, Art Auction and you have one must-visit event.

Designers will be providing exclusive creations with 100% of the sales of those items going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation along with a fine selection of the newest and most popular designs donating a percentage as well.

For a complete listing of events and more details on this year's event, please visit the website:

This year's event officially opens to the public on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at 12:00 am SLT and will close at 11:59 pm SLT on Saturday, October 14, 2017.

Together we can make a difference!

Those who are unable to attend but wish to support the cause, may visit the Model's Giving Back official donation page at where donations can be made directly using a variety of means.

Teleport here:

Friday, June 30, 2017



Kultivate Magazine (Kultivate) will hold a fundraiser in support of Homes For Our Troops. This event will feature live performers, dj parties, a special flag hunt, and an art auction with proceeds going to Homes for Our Troops (HFOT). Homes For Our Troops is a charity that supports veterans by providing resources that can help veterans rebuild their lives after military deployments and war. The fundraiser will take place July 1 to 4, 2017.

The following artists are participating in the fundraiser (in alphabetical order): Booyakashaka Resident, captainofmysoul, Catalina Staheli, Eleseren Brianna, Eucalyptus Carroll, ilyra chardin
Isis Desmoulins, iSkye Silverweb, IthilwenRose Resident, Jamee Sandalwood, John Brianna
Karma Weymann, KodyMeyers, LailaKnight84, Meishagirl Resident, Miele Tarantal, mmorganwhitfield, Myra Wildmist, retroye resident, Sandi Benelli, Sheba Blitz, Solana Python
Syphera Inaka, talligurl resident, Veruca Tammas, Vivienne Darcy, wild Alchemi, and WrenNoir Cerise.

The schedule for this fundraiser can be found below:
Saturday, July 1, 2017:
8 am slt-event area opens; art auction begins; hunt begins
4pm to 5pm slt -live performer Melenda Mikael

Sunday, July 2, 2017:
12pm to 2pm slt-Red, White, and Blue Ball
4pm to 5pm slt-live performer Lark Bowen

Monday, July 3, 2017:
4pm to 5pm slt-live performer J Lively

Tuesday, July 4, 2017:
12pm to 2pm slt-4th of July Party (daytime)
4pm to 6pm slt-4th of July Party (nighttime)
6pm slt-Fireworks; art auction ends; hunt ends

About Homes For Our Troops
HFOT builds homes as a departure point for Veterans to rebuild their lives, and once again become highly productive members of society. Despite their life-altering injuries, many Veterans have embarked on new careers, completed their college degrees, or started families. Empowered by the freedom a mortgage-free and specially adapted home brings, these Veterans can now focus on their recovery and return to their life’s work of serving others. Many have embraced their roles as motivational speakers, sharing their messages of persevering through tragedy with groups and classrooms around the country; others take to a national platform to promote awareness of veteran suicide, homelessness and PTSD. Their incredible stories are the driving force for the work for HFOT.
About Kultivate Magazine
Kultivate Magazine is a publication about the cultural aspects of Second Life. The goal of Kultivate Magazine is to support art, culture, photography, music, and fashion. Kultivate Magazine consists of the magazine, The Edge, Edge Productions, and The Edge Gallery; The Windlight Art Gallery,  The Red Gallery,  The Kultivate Bailywick Gallery, The Kultivate Select Gallery, Ristorante Ivanna, & The Tribute and Crown Pub. Kultivate Magazine is proud to be the media partner and primary sponsor of Team Diabetes of Second Life, an official and authorized team for The American Diabetes Association.
For More Information:
Contact Information:
For inquiries about Homes For Our Troops in Second Life, please contact Frets Nirvana
For inquiries about Kultivate Magazine, please see the link below:

Saturday, June 24, 2017


KT Festivals runs Creators Festivals a few times a year  to benefit chosen charities. This season's charity is the World Autism Organisation.
Creators of all kinds join in the Festival where you will find stalls of items, bargains and exclusives,  "one off "auctions and hunts. 
We still have some spots for merchants looking for a stall at the event and would also be delighted to hear from entertainers ( live artists, dance troupes, djs etc) willing to offer their time to make the Festival a success.
Registration is open to any merchant large or small but please note content has to be kept moderate.

This Festival runs between July 14th-30th and more details and information on applications can be found at
For further information please contact Amythe Moonlight or Kushi Vyper ingame
 ( by notecard if not online) 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Major fundraising Event on April 14th for Feed a Smile

On April 14th Rossini Events will hold an 8 hour event in aid of the Feed a Smile charity

This follows up our hugely successful events in January February and March for the same wonderful charity.  This month we take the event "back to its roots" to the Kenya area of Feed a Smile Headquarters at Lavender Fields

The event will run for 8 hours from 12pm to 8pm and once again we have a hand picked array of some of the very best performers and DJs that Second Life has to offer.

The timetable goes like this:

12pm DJ Pepper Curie (Muddy's Music Cafe, Back Alley Blues)
1pm DJ Ana Alchemi (Muddy's Music Cafe)
2pm DJ Jaxssin (Purple Gator, Floyds Bar)
3pm DJ Valeri Rossini (Muddy's Music Cafe)
4pm DJ Laurendawn (Muddys Country)
5pm DJ Noel (Wet Willies, Back Alley Blues, Junkyard Blues)
6pm DJ Tril (Big Daddys, Black Horse Country)
7pm Collin Martin - Sensational Vocal Talent

Bios of all the artists and DJs involved can be found here:

The event is sponsored by Meerkats Estates

About Rossini Events

Rossini Events was established in July 2016 - a collaboration between MichaelJ Rossini and Valeri Carissa. 

As well as providing private and public events we also pride ourselves on the charity fundraisinng events we organize.

We aim to have a charity event every month, and the charities we support are Feed a Smile, Relay for Life and Making Strides

To date, we have raised over 300k for these charities

Our success is largely down to the quality of our entertainers - we use only the very best.  We also use some of the very best venues in Second Life

Everyone involved in our events donates their time free of charge, and every penny we raise goes directly to the charity concerned.

If you have any questions, or require further info, please contact MichaelJ Rossini or email

Interviews with Michael and Valeri can be arranged, subject to availability.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Charity. Business. Networking | Weekend Event : 11-19 | No Kid Hungry for Thanksgiving Reception Gala | 5pm SLT

This weekend VIRTUAL World Business Association (VWBA) is hosting a weekend of events.  This includes a networking happy hour (Friday), a charity gala (Saturday) and a business seminar (Sunday).

Join us as we give, network and grow together.

11-19 | No Kid Hungry for Thanksgiving Reception Gala | 5pm SLT
For the 3rd year in a row, VIRTUALVillage Media and The Delicious Foundation partnered with to support the NO KID HUNGRY® Campaign. We kicked off the fundraising our month long charity drive on the 1st and runs through the 30th.

As a thank you to our donors and  sponsors we are hosting a reception dinner.  This is yet another chance to give and help change lives.  No child should ever go hungry & we want to help make that happen, Join Us!

Special Guest and Entertainment Include: 
Kamille Kamala (5:00-5:30 PM SLT)
Miss Diva Stone (6:00-6:30 PM SLT)
Joaquin Gustav (6:30-7:30 PM SLT)

Stop by and make a donation anytime before Thanksgiving:

11-20 | International Business Seminar | Kamille Kamala
Kamille Kamala of the Lyrical Cafe at the VIRTUALVillage Media | Virtual HQ Presentation Space. Kamille will be sharing her success story, and how she has developed the Lyrical Cafe to what it is today. Our International Business Seminar offers an up close and personal look into the journey of successful business and industry leaders, paving the way in our virtual worlds. Cocktails and Entertainment provided.

All happening at the VIRTUALVillage Business and Conference Center.

VIRTUALVillage Media | Virtual HQ