Most of us enjoy watching boxing in Real Life
and have probably been to a gym to box. So to have one in Second Life to
actually not just train but to box and win fights.
Winning a
belt is a plus!
Whatever your views are on boxing in Real
Life, there are people who enjoy it and for that this has made the House of
Champions Boxing Gym one of the top if not best gyms on the grid.
Owned by
Jimothy Stratten who has won so many belts and championships himself clearly
shows that this is a gym that has an owner who knows what he is doing.
To learn more about Jimothy and HOC an interview was the only thing to do.
Interview with Jimothy Stratten
Piers: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Jimothy: Sure. Not really much to me, I’ve
been playing SL and Boxing in SL for a little over 4 years, I’m very goal
driven but I’m willing to compromise for betterment as a whole towards my aims
and I’m of course willing to admit when i'm wrong. I love my wife kitten, my
group, and SL boxing
Piers: Can you tell us a bit about how HOC
came about in SL?
Jimothy: HOC is actually not my creation...a
fact I’ve never been shy about stating. Basically what happened was a group of
boxers got together to discuss the things they didn’t like about the current
state of the gyms in SL back in 2010, and decided to start something
alternative. I took charge when a good friend of mine decided to go back into
the land of RL and left the gym in my hands
Piers. You have own many championship belts
in your time what would you say are the skills or techniques in achieving this?
Jimothy: Hard work is key. I started out with
a single trainer, the best boxer i could find....and from there took advice
tips and the like from every boxer i met. I blended those styles to create
something new and ran with it. After that it was hard work and
determination...just refusing to quit and not backing down from any challenge
Piers: If someone wanted to get into boxing
what would be your suggestions?
Jimothy: Train, Train, Train, and take in all
the knowledge you can. Do not get discouraged for longer than a day. Boxing in
SL is a very mental process I call it a human chess match. Everyone has the
same basic skill set there is no human advantage like size, strength or speed
so you need to use what you do have...reflex, anticipation and quick thinking.
Always stay 3 moves ahead of your opponent and be ready when an opening
presents itself
Piers: What keeps HOC on the Second Life
grid for it remain one of the top if not the best boxing gym and fighting events venue in Second Life?

Piers: What do you like to do to relax when you’re not busy working in Second
Jimothy: Relax? I’m not sure i know this relaxing is easy enough. I'll either just spend time
chatting with the boxers or when Kitten (my wife and co-owner of HOC) is around
I like to just spend time with her watching TV or listening to music or just
sat around spending time together
Piers. What's next for you and HOC for the
rest of 2013 and beyond?
Jimothy: Who really knows? I've been blessed
with a great group of eager young fighters and tough veterans looking to give
back to something that gave them so much joy. I suppose the game plan is just
to keep providing them with an opportunity to get everything they can out of
this be it championships and titles of just a fun distraction and hopefully
make SL fun for them
To find out more on HOC or to just have a
look around tp down using
Or visit the website at:
House of Champions is not just a great place to go if you want to take part in Second Life boxing. There is a great crowd of people there and a lot of fun to be had outside of the ring. You are welcome to come along and spectate and join the banter. This is why I like House of Champions. Jimothy doesn't put up with griefers and trouble makers making this a safe sim to just hang out. Helen Woodside.
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