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Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

HOLIDAY MASCOT SERIES: Interview with Father Time- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Time sure does fly when you are havin fun, But it also does the same sitting on your ass planning your next move.

Looking back at the past year. It has been one hellified journey for me. Between family matters, friendship matters, work life, SL life and all the fuckery in between.  I’m exhausted. Time has a way of coming at us in waves. There’s ups and downs, back and forth and at the end of it all, we are left thinking WTF happened to the year! It’s now the end of January and I’m wondering what surprises are to come. The good, the bad and yessss… even the ugly.

For the most part, I try to keep my nose clean. I work, pay my bills, feed my cat and keep keepin’ on with my day to day stuff. If I told you what I really was up to yall would collectively do a citizen's arrest and have me committed to a place that would protect me from myself.

Anyway, When the world begins to feel like I can’t possibly do anything else shameless, I turn to Second life and whip out my pen and begin to write.

 There’s nothing like bringing fantasy to life and reminding myself a good laugh is needed to balance things out. In the thick of things time is the most valuable thing we all have. It can’t be bought for any amount of money. There are no do overs, a rewind button or even a pause so what we do in the here and now should make us happy.

With that said, I set out to find Father time in Second Life. He tried to avoid me because it seems he doesn’t have the time for my Holiday Mascot Interviews. I heard from a friend of a friend that he thinks I’m a time waster. I was relentless until he finally gave in and decided to  sit down with me at a train station.

Interview with father time

Lanai: Hey Big Daddy, Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It’s been a while. I think the last time we spoke I was about to make the craziest decision of my life until I got a flat tire and lost my debit card.

Father Time: Lanai, Ugh your nicknames are just… extra.  Of all the people I have met through the years, you stand out to me as the biggest pain in the ass but for some reason you find my weak spot.  You are a good kid when you are sleeping but a complete disaster the moment you wake up. I can write a whole series of history books just on you alone. SO what is it you wanted to interview me about?

Lanai: Well dang, tell me how you really feel.. No need to be a Scrooge.

Father Time: Hey watch your tone young lady and leave the Scrooge out of this. I cannot believe the prank you pulled on him this December. If I was him, I’d ban you from Christmas altogether but that's not my holiday to decide so I’ll leave that to him and Santa. I heard about what you did to him too.

Lanai: I didn't do anything to Scrooge. It was just  a glitter bomb. I thought it would brighten his day.

Father Time: Just a Glitter Bomb? Lanai ,has anyone ever told you to read the room before the things you do? Poor Scrooge had to hire a team of professionals to remove all that glitter from his entire neighborhood. They are still working on it and the bill is getting enormous.

Lanai: *blinks* Who doesn’t like glitter?

Father Time: *Sighs* Anyway, so what do you want with me? I was almost afraid to decline your interview offer when you found me trying to hop on a train to visit an old friend in the North pole.

Lanai: I just wanted to say hi and just get some of your wise insight about aging and what to expect next as I lean towards 50.

Father Time: 50? Are you kidding me? You are still a baby in my eyes. You still have about 3 years left. The only advice I can offer is start to stock up on butterscotch candy, get a few cats and learn to knit. Hell I don’t know what you almost half a century beings do with your time. For you specifically, word on the street is you still act like you are a defiant teenager going around stirring things up. I recently went to a holiday mascot support group and we spent an hour and a half discussing you. The mediator suggested we change holiday dates just to avoid you.

Lanai: You are such a drama queen. You make me out to be some kind of menace to SL society when I’ve been laying low these days. I’m finally coming around again and you wanna be all mean.

Father Time: Ok , you are wasting my time right now. I got a train to catch. What is this interview really about?

Lanai: Well, nothing really. I just wanted to prove to myself that Father time still has a little time for me. So thank you for that.

Father Time: You’re welcome… I think?

Lanai: Can you do me one small favor and I promise I won't bother you again for another year?

Father Time: What’s that?

Lanai: Can you tell Cupid he's next for an interview the next time you are at one of those weird holiday mascot support groups?

Father Time: Not sure that will go over well since he was appointed the mediator after that stunt you pulled on him last Valentine’s day. He is still pulling thorns out of hard to reach places. You had no business trespassing in Cupid’s Garden. Listen, I gotta go before I miss this train!

Lanai: o.O.  But wait! Let me defend myself. That sooooo wasn’t my fault, He startled me while I was attempting to pick roses.

Father Time: AHHHHHHHH!  I missed the train!  Lanai once again you managed to make me late!

Lanai: Don't’ worry the next train is coming soon. Thank you for your time. Gotta go!

Happy Belated New year All! 

Interview with Cupid Coming February 14th!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023



With the holidays winding down and coming to an end, aside from the final wrap-up of the 12 days of Christmas ending on Jan 6th. Also known as 3 Kings Day AKA The Epiphany.   Oddly enough it parallels the intuitive grasp of virtual reality across the grid. Many SL residents are getting back into their routines of creating, concert hopping, shopping, dating, hooking up, and slaying Karens amongst the rest of the beautiful chaos only Second Life can cultivate. I set out to find some new years resolutions ideas from my friend list. I just have to say I am grateful for each and everyone that offered their friendship or accepted mine. They are my Tribe in SL and always respond. Including the Karen or two that wigged out and asked to be removed from my friend list. I got love for you too but I can't speak for others. 

The biggest message I took away from everyone’s responses is motivation, positivity, renewal, strength, courage, and self-care. Be kind to yourself and to others and let 2023 be a better year than the last.

“I'm planning on a New Year new me, starting mid-December, but working on changing all of me for the better from head to toe and inside and out!”- Varda

“My SL new year's resolution is to successfully organize my inventory, and keep it that way!”- Elowyn

“lol Elowyn would for me a neverending story” - Nita

“getting a goose avi for Ghostie to wear around Ninja” - Guardian

“lmfao Guardian you bastard” - Ninja

 “Staying positive and trying to stay in better health” - Delcinea

“Quitting Dr. Pepper and vaping are my resolutions for this year, Ms. Lanai! So I can get ready for next year's resolution of working on my body!” - Tabitha

“Continuing to report the news in SL, and get the novel I've been working on published”. -Bixyl

“trying to be a better version of myself” -Rocky

“taking more pictures is one of mine!” - Angi

“Getting my latest business venture successfully off the ground!”- Dresi

“Staying away from SL men!!” - Barbie

“working on my real goals and dreams, staying positive, and trying to stay in better health” - Delcinea

“Just to be able to lay my head down at night knowing I was true to me in both worlds, and not to beat me up about resolutions/goals/priorities. - Lady J

“Lanai I had the thought to lose 20 kg...but I know wouldn't happen anyway”- Nita

“I lose that just by logging into SL” -Lanai

“My resolution is not to forget to pay my advertisements at SLEnquirer”- Alpha

“you all are my tribe thanks again for being kind and accepting my random mass Imz. I only had one Karen screaming at me out of 159 tonight  xoxo” -Lanai

“My resolution is to smack that Karen” - Ninja

“BLEEP Karen.. she can kiss my BLEEP” - Alpha

“Oh oh, My resolution is to start to bang all these Karens!!!! hahahahahhah I need a list” - Onehempcat

 "I want to get a Karen to clean my garage" - Josh

“Random acts of loving Karens” - Dreamingen

“#KarensNeedLoveToo” - Ninja

“What a beautiful group of positive people you've found on your list Lanai! Lucky lady ♥- Elowyn

“It truly is a blessing to have you all as friends. You crack me up! I will let you all get back to your regularly scheduled programs now.  Happy New Year! *group hug* - Lanai

“I need to speak to the manager” - Karen

Thursday, January 4, 2018

We are four days into 2018, how are your New Years resolutions holding up?

New Year's resolution is a worldwide tradition, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behaviour, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their lives.  But you knew that right?

Tell us what your resolutions for 2018 are, we'd love to hear from you.

The SL Enquirer team wishes all our readers and advertisers a truly fabulous 2018.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Farewell to 2014- SLE Highlights of the year- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

With every passing year Second Life news grows and our readers learn about new venues, products, residents, anniversaries, events and sometimes even dramatic situations that shape the virtual community. News is something that creates a bridge of information to the masses and provides entertainment for many as well as gives people a voice. It has been one of my greatest virtual journeys as the creator of SLE. I’ve grown as a person and made many friends through the years who have added so much to my experience. With great pleasure it is my honor to continue serving the Second Life community with Team SLE.

With that said, many things have happened in 2014. Things that made us laugh, shake our heads in disbelief as well as inform the public of the wonderful things that residents share with each other in Second Life.

Let’s look back at a few headlines and stories of 2014 as we begin 2015.

 2014 Highlights
The Relay Rockers Return for 10th Consecutive Relay for Life of Second Life, 1ST ANNUAL MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER ACROSS SECOND LIFE STRIDES WALK, STORYFEST Celebrates 4th Anniversary, Bonaire Estates gets sold, Investigative Report on ONDUTY Penis raises eyebrows,  Second Life’s terms of services changes causes a stir, The Blarney Stone Irish Pub Controversy erupts with a flurry of reader comments, SL GO by OnLive Launched, Latest Scam Alert informs the public , Angelwood Art Center opens three new Galleries,  Energy Club celebrates 4th year anniversary,  Brazy Academy Opens its doors, Island Rain Studios presents SAKOKU CHAINED COUNTRY, Opium Evolution Fashion Show was a hit, Idle Rogue Productions presents LE CIRQUE DE NUIT with excellent reviews, JAPAN FAIR 2014, 7TH Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference, 6th Anniversary of Loch Ness Inn, The America’s Cup in Second Life sets sail, Second Life Celebrates its 11th Birthday, The Vagabond Fugue by Gypsey D. Sideshow makes its debut on SLE,  Lanai Jarrico celebrated her 9th Rezzday,   RFL’s Fantasy Faire 2014 is a Success,  The Relay Rockers hold RelayStock Multi Team Event,  Linden Lab launches their new line of mesh avatars, World Goth Day celebrates in style, Relay for Life Honor Ball recognizes sponsors,  Linda Lauren Launched  her new book; Sentimental Journey,  National Fall Agenda presents at University of Delaware, Penumbra Autumn/Winter Fashion Week hits the runway, BOSL gets sold, SL Breedable Fair raises money for RFL,  Relay for Life raised over 10 Million Dollars, OpenSimulator Community Conference Announces Principal Scientist at Oculus VR as Keynote Speaker, Rysan Fall, CEO of Fall Films gets a RL Grammy for a groundbreaking Machinima documentary- The Invisible City; Conversations with the Homeless, Hair Fair 2014 gives back with proceeds going to Wigs for kids, 7th Annual Home & Garden Expo 2014 raises money for RFL, Transylvania turns 10, First Annual Alliez Mysterio Awards Presentation,  SL Newser reports on Potentially taxing problem for Second Life content creators,  Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a success, Sunburst Blazin1FM Caribbean Carnival celebrates 6th year, OpenSimulator Community Conference Announces High Fidelity CEO Philip Rosedale as Keynote Speaker, 4th Annual 9/11 Stairclimb Tribute in Honor of the Fallen Firefighters of September 11 , Branwen Arts presents “Bilbo Baggin’s Birthday to benefit creations for Parkinson’s in SL, Avatar Social Network Celebrates 1st Anniversary, BOOFEST Celebrates 4th Year, LINDEN LAB APPROVES STUDIO 777 AS AN OFFICIAL SKILL GAME OPERATOR.

Spotlights on Enchanted Alice, Lessa Donner, The R.A.F.T, The Green Lanterns, Freecilla Kuhn, Valeria Paster, Anastasia Markova, Carrie Rainforest, Rebelmum Slade, Sue Peregrine, Brique Topaz, Pamela Alectoris, Nickle Sparrowtree, London City, Sylphia Constantine, Chicagosax, Seychelles Isle, Trace Corbets, Carrie Tatsu, Savannah Coronet and many more.

On behalf of The SL Enquirer we want to thank each and everyone who has been a part of SLE in 2014 and through the years. Your support plays a vital role in our continued success as the longest running virtual world news source in Second Life.

Note from Lanai Jarrico

As we begin a new year and look back at the past, we should remember that each and every experience we have had, shapes who we are and what we will become in the future. People enter our lives at different times in our journey with a purpose to remind us that our differences teach us and helps  make us all unique. We should take the good with the bad and learn from it. Forgive the negatives, it helps us move forward while the positives add substance to our lives. Take a moment to reflect on the past year and then store it in your box of memories, file it away to make room for new memories. Together we all move forward as time waits for no one. Remember this and step forward into 2015. I look forward to what news it will bring. 

May you all have a safe and happy new year.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Resolutions: Happy 2014 – Glossom Resident Reporting…

"Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold." -- Anonymous

New Year, New Life! To not jinx the new year and being true to tradition, every end of the year we strictly follow a ritual at the stroke of midnight to enter the New Year on the right foot: wearing something white or blue or wearing something new, jumping on the chair, eating raisins or lentils, jumping from a bridge or swimming on cold waters to wash away the evil, just to name a few. These rituals are part of cultural and religious beliefs, to each country their own.

What would you like 2014 to bring you? The arrival of a new year brings high hopes and prospects of a better life and of new opportunities. It is time to reflect on ones actions and behaviors in the past year and to make promises of positive changes in one’s life.  Without further ado, let’s get a sheet of paper and pen and wisely note down this year’s resolutions, hopefully achievable ones. With a little luck we will not fall into old habits.

SLE went around Second Life asking residents what are their New Year resolutions? 

Thank you all for participating.

Celebrating 2014 in Second Life- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

On December 31st, 60 seconds before midnight EST the famous Time Square  ball will begin making it’s 141 foot descent  on New York City’s Time square.  This tradition was first organized by Adolph Ochs; owner of The New York Times Newspaper on December 31, 1907. 

 Every year besides the wartime blackouts in 1942-43, the streets of  Manhattan, New York are filled in every direction with onlookers waiting to ring in the New Year with confetti, cheers, kisses, proposals and resolutions. For many it is a reflection of 2013 and what they can do to make 2014 better. Hopeful eyes fill with tears as they spread the emotions of change and celebrate with the world.

In Second Life, residents have the opportunity to stand side by side with friends from around the world as the ball drops upon the hour like a domino effect in the different time zones.  Sims across the grid are prepared to ring in the new year with glitzy parties, live music and events that will attract thousands. Whether you have plans in real life or unsure what to do, the parties will ripple across Second Life!

Here are some places around the grid that are celebrating the New Year in Second Life style.

Monday, December 31, 2012

From the Desk of Lanai Jarrico: A Glance Back at 2012: I’m so ready for 2013.


       Now that the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Holiday is winding down and the year is wrapping up, many are preparing for 2013 all around the world.  I'm glad that this year is coming to an end, it was a rough one. I find myself looking back at 2012 with mixed emotions; cautiously looking ahead. Since Doomsday didn’t snuff us out and with the Fiscal Cliff issue  looming in front of us. I’m kind of on the fence about the real world and unsure what to expect.

In the real world, between the increasingly out of place weather patterns, and tragic headlines to the whole 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms debate.  I’m not sure I want help for my shameless Second Life© addiction. I believe it is safer than any synthetic marijuana high or bath salt binge I could go on and I certainly don’t want to deal with getting mugged, carjacked or shot at.   OK, Maybe.  I’m getting a little bit too paranoid here.  I’m just saying…It is a crazy world we are living in and I think some things need to change for the better so we can all feel safer in our own cities, towns and neighborhoods.

In Second Life, we don’t have to worry about bodily harm unless we face plant our keyboards due to lack of sleep, but we do need to protect ourselves from ignorant people that are negative and have absolutely no clue what business or even personal ethics consist of.  I think reputations and integrity need to be valued more.  Those with bad intensions need to find a new hobby to make room for those that can bring back the excitement of Second Life’s innovative digital culture.

 My hope for 2013 is that this year is better than last and the issues that are most important to us are addressed and resolved. This will help us move forward in both worlds.  

Have a Safe and Happy New Year wherever you are in the world. I look forward to a new year of experiences, news, event and ideas.



What's Your New Year Resolution? -Coco Lierfatte Reporting...

At the start of every year people set a specific goal, one that they find obtainable within a year. Some of us succeed at obtaining our goals, and some do not. I got to talk to several people about what their goals are for last year and this coming year. There are a lot of great resolutions for the new year, but I only could choose ten.

Monday, December 3, 2012