From the Creator of DarkHeart Strip Club and Escort Lounge comes yet another adult entertainment venue for the grown and sexy. Introducing Kinkiva, a BDSM Nightclub & Community that features exclusive events and a dungeon to explore those kinks in a D/s Lifestyle. The SL Enquirer met up with Master Paimon again to learn more about this adult hotspot and what to expect. Leave shame at the door and come join us for an exclusive peek into Kinkiva.

Interview with Master Paimon (vizierpaimon)
SLE: You are one busy Master! Recently we met to talk about Darkheart Strip & Escort Club. You also have Kinkiva, a BDSM Nightclub, and community! Since our last interview, how has Darkheart been doing?
Master Paimon: Darkhearts is doing great, everyone is happy, were growing by the day, it's been a lot of fun!
SLE: Fun is the name of the game, if you aren’t having fun, then why do it right? Kinkiva has a lot of interesting features, including a dungeon! What type of events happens there?
Master Paimon: So we have DJs just like you would in any other nightclub, the difference is we also have fun things for you and your partner to enjoy, as well as BDSM-related events. In real life, there are things called a Munch. Basically, a local meet-up for people to meet new folks, and talk about BDSM and the D/s lifestyle. We have taken that same concept and brought it to Second Life. We have different munches that go on a few times a week, as well as other events like parties.
We do have an event on Thursdays called "The Market". It's a place for seeking dominants (both male and female) to meet and interact with seeking submissives (again, both male and female). We have a moderator for the event that helps drive the conversation around subjects concerning BDSM and D/s. It's a great way to connect with someone new, or just make friends.

SLE: That is great that you have it open to a lot and they have the ability to participate while not really having to be there all the time. So, is Kinkiva open to the public or is it private membership to participate? And if so is there any cost to become a member and gain certain privileges?
Master Paimon: Kinkiva is a free group, there's no cost to participate at all. All we want is to serve the BDSM community on Second Life and give them a fun, safe environment to interact with friends, learn about safety in BDSM, and connect with others.
For those unaware, they may say "safety in BDSM", but this is Second Life, not real life? Here's the thing. Headspaces can and do bring about interesting things in the human psyche. Sometimes, things in an interaction in SL, even outside of BDSM can trigger negative feelings or emotions, bring up trauma that's unresolved, and lots of other things.
How would you deal with that? How can you prevent that from happening so your partner doesn't feel like crap in the middle of an interaction? These are all things we talk about in our group discussions.
SLE: Nice that you take into account that there are people with true feelings on the other side of the avatar in front of you. What is the difference between Darkheart and Kinkiva?
Master Paimon: So, Darkhearts is a strip and escort club. I think we all can get that pretty easily. Kinkiva is a hub. A hub for the BDSM community on Second Life to connect, have a great time and learn about BDSM and the D/s Lifestyle in both the real world and digital worlds such as Second Life.
SLE: Do you have a calendar of events?
Master Paimon: We do! Our calendar of events is posted on boards inside the club, and within our group on Second Life called "Kinkiva Kinksters"

SLE: Everyone likes to be a little “kinky” at times, in public or private :) In order to manage all of these things, it takes a strong team of dedicated individuals. Can you share with our readers who are part of your team and what they do to ensure things run smoothly in the community?
Master Paimon: For absolute certain. I am blessed to have a strong team to work with and NOTHING would be possible without them. BabyBee is a cornerstone of both clubs, without her I would fall on my face. Bri, Euthy, Victoria, and Visha are amazing and they work in the day-to-day of everything from interviews, to training, to even help with odds and ends.
The Rogue DJ, DJ Henning, Techy, and Xeno are amazing DJs and without their time, talent and patience we wouldn't be able to rock the socks off of our clients, visitors, and friends at Both clubs.
SLE: Great to have a solid team behind you. Are you currently hiring for any positions in Kinkiva BDSM Club and Community? And if so, what positions are available and how does one apply?
Master Paimon: We are looking for Hosts and DJs for Kinkiva, you can apply by visiting us and filling out an application.
SLE: We will help get the word out. Aside from Kinkiva BDSM Club, the community has an assortment of things to do like the nude beach, lagoon, shops, and more, can you tell our readers more about the activities the community offers?
Master Paimon: So, in the basement of our club, there is an open public dungeon that's free to use. There are also mini-dungeons you can use down there for a more private setting. We have a nude beach that is clothing optional where you can relax or play volleyball with friends or swim. Our lagoon pool is where we do Pool parties and we have tons of spaces for you to hang out and spend time with your partners and friends.
Our shops are a great way to check out some of the latest in adult-based products, as well as fashion items, etc. We do offer rentals in the form of skyboxes, or beachfront stilt houses. We also have a bowling alley and arcade, as well as rollercoasters, rides, and other fun stuff!

SLE: You really do have a lot of things your customers and guests can do, that is nice. Do you host Escort / Sub auctions at Kinkiva? If so, when and how can Masters and Mistresses find out when they are?
Master Paimon: We don't specifically do escorts at Kinkiva, but more than a few of our Darkhearts Dolls have taken some clients to our dungeon, or one of our private dungeons. Our Market events are about as close to a "sub auction" as you'll find. We don't do the standard bidding thing, because as a principle, consent is EVERYTHING. We believe it should be more of a relationship-based thing between Dominant and submissive.
Trust is a cornerstone of a D/s relationship, if you haven't EARNED that trust and built that relationship, how will you have a healthy, successful relationship? That's why we don't do the Sub auction thing. If you're just looking for a hookup and rough sex, sure, go for it, as long as it's two consenting adults, have at it. But our community wants to help build strong bonds between others in the BDSM community.

SLE: I like the explanation you gave there, that is great to hear, and hope many will be more informed about D/s now a bit more. You also have rental properties in the Kinkiva Community, what do you currently have available for rent?
Master Paimon: We do! We have some gorgeous rental skyboxes and homes. Our good friend Justi from JBC Architecture & Design is in my opinion the BEST designer on Second Life. He has created for us some Stilt homes that sit right above the water, and that has an absolutely gorgeous look to them. The skyboxes he did for us are second to none. Absolutely beautiful layouts and furnishings. He really did an amazing job, so shoutout to Justi from JBC Architecture & Design!
SLE: A lot of the builds are indeed detailed and beautiful. You are a real-life web and App developer, currently working on a BDSM Mobil App releasing soon similar to Fetlife. Can you tell our readers more about that and what sets it apart from other BDSM Apps?
Master Paimon: So I've been on Fetlife for a long long time, and there was a lot of awesome stuff, but not all of it was awesome. It also had a very dated layout and no advanced features. I created a new BDSM social network and mobile app that will be open to the public soon. I have added some awesome new features to help people stay safe and eliminate issues with drama or creepers that you find in other spots. Stay Tuned!
SLE: OOOOO we love a good scoop and look forward to learning more about that new APP you are working on! Is there anything else you would like to share about Kinkiva BDSM Club and the community?
Master Paimon: It doesn't matter if you're an experienced Dominant/Submissive, New to BDSM, or just curious. Come check us out. We are open and welcoming to everyone, even if that just means you coming for our DJs.
Additional Information:
Group:Kinkiva Kinksters secondlife:///app/group/fa1fb019-1289-381a-c2f7-53237fd48e59/about
Preferred Contact: Master Paimon (vizierpaimon)