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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label DJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DJ. Show all posts

Sunday, October 6, 2024

We are hiring DJs and host/hostesss NOW!


We are hiring DJ's *classic rock/hard rock/rock/blues* and host/hostess. We will be streaming music from the DJ's and also will be streaming live sports events on our TV's while a host/hostess Moderates. Come and enjoy wide screen TV's of live sporting events aired LIVE on Monday Night Football, Sunday sports and other days as the seasons dictate. We are also looking for DJ's to give us some rock and roll in either a pub feel or our giant dance floor. We have 2 venues' and stores for rent. We also rent out our venues for special occasions!!!



Monday, June 17, 2024

Spotlight Feature on Blue Ridge Country- This Place is a Country Song waiting to Happen- Lanai jarrico Reporting...


“Hillbilly” music originated in the Southern regions of the United States in the 1920’s and focused on story telling in ballads and dance tunes. In the 40’s this genre gained popularity the term Country Music was adopted; also known as Honky-Tonk, Bluegrass, folk and gospel and crossing over into. The musical instruments commonly played are fiddles, banjos and various types of guitar coupled with line dancing.


 In Second Life, Blue Ridge Country is a venue dedicated to Country music and rock.  It is a place where friends and good times are what it’s all about.  Visitors can Rock the Dock on Saturdays with a whole day of rock.  For those that like playing games, there is a Game room, Water horse rezzers and trails to ride on. There are also boat rezzers and an open water area to enjoy as well as Stores to shop.  The SL Enquirer met up with owner Hannock Evergarden to learn more about Blue Ridge Country and what it has to offer Country Fans gridwide.

Interview with Hannock Evergarden

SLE: Hi Hannock, before we get down to the nitty gritty, can you tell us how you discovered Second life and what inspired you to create Blue Ridge Country?

Hannock: I encountered SL almost 11 years ago. It was just a curiosity, and I had no intention of staying long term, but I discovered friends and fun destinations that intrigued me. I found a few fun clubs and from the start I had a fascination with some day starting my own. I had left Sl for a while and found many of the clubs and friends had disappeared. It was during Covid that I found my way back in and looked for a club I could call home. At the time I was not all that familiar with country music but found a love for it along with many new friends. After about a year I became interested in becoming a DJ and absorbed all I could from my favorites.  It was through the help of many close friends that happened to be DJ’s that I learned the ropes and as of 5/22 I performed my first set as a DJ and the rest is history.  I learned a lot about how a club works and eventually became part owner of a well-established country club. After about a year I started toying with the idea of starting my own club.  Lola and myself started from scratch and built a country club based on the Appalachian Mountains on a ¼ region. On September 1 2023, Blue Ridge Country opened with only 3 sets per day for 5 days. We only had 7 DJ’s and 7 Hosts.  Within 2 months we grew to 27 DJ’s and 27 Hosts and with 4 sets per day 7 days per week.  

  On 3/1/24 Blue Ridge Country moved to a whole region with an adjoining sim wide open water area. Blue Ridge continues to grow with hopes of expanding sets from 6AM – 10PM. 

Lanai: Your backstory is impressive. It shows with hard work and the right people in your circle to really manifest your vision into virtual reality!  Every successful venue has a solid team, can you share who makes up your team and what their roles are?

Hannock:  Hannock and Lola Evergarden – owners

                 Ange Blackwell – General Manager

                 Myth Blackwell   - General Manager

                 Rayn Vortex – Day Manager

                 Jessie Demure – Schedule Manager

Lanai: It looks like you have management covered! Country music is gaining popularity amongst the millennials and Gen Z as new talents hit the recording studios and popular singers Like Beyonce coming out with a whole Country Album. What does Country Music mean to you and how do you feel about other artists crossing over to the genre? 

Hannock:  I came from a rock background and knew very little about country music before I became a DJ. I learned quickly from other DJ’s and binged all the popular country songs on my music app and listened to them every day and downloaded everything that appealed to me. I never play a song that I do not like.  Country music has now become my favorite music genre and I get excited finding new songs every day.

Lanai: I like how motivated you are to try new things and really get involved in Country music so quickly. What type of events do you host at BRC?

Hannock: We have future RFL events in the planning stage. We have a racetrack skybox that we will soon be having competitions. Live singers are being approached and we hope to host a live event in the near future. 

SLE: That sounds like fun! Are you currently hiring? If so, what positions are you offering?

Hannock: We are always looking for good energetic DJ’s and Hosts. Many of our sets are covered but we always need cover DJ’s and Hosts as well as hoping to expand our sets in the mornings. 

SLE: Aside from live shows and DJ events, what other activities do you offer at Blue Ridge Country?

Hannock: Blue Ridge country has several stores with owners that would be happy to create something personal for you. We have an open water area with boat rezzers, bumper boats, kayaks, canoes and jet skis. Islands to explore, a huge tree house with several levels, cuddle spots and plenty of scenic photo opportunities. We have a trail that surrounds the region and horse rezzers to take a casual stroll around to see the mountainous sites. There is a beach area where occasional music sets are located. The huge club can accommodate over 100 vips with a massive game room upstairs. 

SLE: it sounds like a little something for everyone.  What group can guests join to stay up to date with your events?

Hannock: Blue Ridge Country, we also have subscribers if you are out of group space. 

SLE:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about BRC?

Hannock: We are a family friendly club where our number one goal is having fun and making friends. Blue Ridge Country will never have a sploder or linden chasers, we prefer genuine folks that enjoy good country music, good friends and a good time. Blue Ridge Country wants to be your club and a place anyone can call home. 

Additional Links:



Monday, October 10, 2022

A FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: A Tribute to Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Opening Today @4pm SLT


A Tribute to Buffy the Vampire Slayer! @Generation XYZ Come & party with us in The Bronze, the club from the famed TV show in the quaint town of Sunnydale, You can explore & visit Buffy's House, the Magic Box & a few dead friends in the cemetery! Party starts at 4pm SLT with DJ Arwen Daviau & Hostess Cell! This week long event ends on Saturday with a Gothic Ball in the Sunnydale Cemetery Starting at 4pm SLT. Make sure you check back next week for the grand opening of The Cabin in the Woods Event!

Take the LM below & then hop the teleporters to Sunnydale @Generation XYZ! Schedule of events & more details:

Thursday, August 11, 2022



Hello! SL Enquirer Readers, I'm back, my name is Prissy Price. I left SL 7 years ago to handle RL. But I missed the imaginative side, the challenging side and the discovery side of SL. So, I came back. For those that know me I do nothing on a small Scale, but all that I do reflects who I am in RL. Since I love to Dance, Drink the Finest Wines imported from Italy, Consume the best Epicurean Delights, and top it all off with a fat Montecristo Platinum Cigar. Baby! how can you deny yourself the taste of oak, cocoa, and roasted espresso beans with a peppery finish from the Dominican Republic? I decided the SL population deserved a venue that would allow you to feast on your virtual pallets. I now bring to you "SPICE" a multi-cultural Restaurant and Social Club. If you struggle finding love in SL, find yourself at SPICE. If you are a discerning gentleman expecting to be surround by polished women…ladies, “Bring it”. Or if you’re a jet setter in need of a place to land, we have your comfort. I'm offering you a venue to Dance, Eat, Get Wet or Layback and look fabulous doing it all. We opened on July 30, yes, my Rezz Day. And those in the know arrive in our plush SPICE Limo or by our sleek SPICE Yacht. Some took the scenic route with the SPICE Helicopter from the mainland Miami, Florida to experience something "Spicey". We delivered to our hungry guest and will keep on delivering to those joining our membership. But for now, come experience our venue, check out our Social Club and find the virtual world at your feet. Our membership is free for now, but since my last name is Price, there will be a fee soon. Dress in your best and come to our next Event. “You Deserve a Taste.” Tell the statuesque model Host at the door, SL Enquirer sent you for a special gift.

THIS SUNDAY: DJ V- Lip Service @ Kinkiva BDSM Nightclub!


Kinkiva BDSM Nightclub is proud to announce DJ V's Lip Service: live-mixing Hard House / Hard NRG tracks for you to rave to!

On Sunday August 14th, 2022, from 4-6PM SLT DJ V will be electrifying the dance floor with his hard hitting beats! This is going to be one of the hottest parties of the year, so if you're not already planning on being there, what are you waiting for?

At Kinkiva BDSM Nightclub people come to relax and enjoy themselves with no judgment. It's a place where all people can feel comfortable being themselves and exploring their sexual preferences, whether they're into BDSM or not!

We're thrilled to present this special event, so come out and hit the dance floor, and move to the rhythm of DJ V's hard beats!

Your Ride:

Sunday, July 3, 2022

SPOTLIGHT ON Kinkiva BDSM Nightclub & Community- SLE Reporting…


From the Creator of DarkHeart Strip Club and Escort Lounge comes yet another adult entertainment venue for the grown and sexy. Introducing Kinkiva, a BDSM Nightclub & Community that features exclusive events and a dungeon to explore those kinks in a D/s Lifestyle.  The SL Enquirer met up with Master Paimon again to learn more about this adult hotspot and what to expect. Leave shame at the door and come join us for an exclusive peek into Kinkiva.

Interview with Master Paimon (vizierpaimon)

SLE: You are one busy Master! Recently we met to talk about Darkheart Strip & Escort Club. You also have Kinkiva, a BDSM Nightclub, and community! Since our last interview, how has Darkheart been doing?

Master Paimon: Darkhearts is doing great, everyone is happy, were growing by the day, it's been a lot of fun!

SLE:  Fun is the name of the game, if you aren’t having fun, then why do it right? Kinkiva has a lot of interesting features, including a dungeon! What type of events happens there?

Master Paimon: So we have DJs just like you would in any other nightclub, the difference is we also have fun things for you and your partner to enjoy, as well as BDSM-related events. In real life, there are things called a Munch. Basically, a local meet-up for people to meet new folks, and talk about BDSM and the D/s lifestyle. We have taken that same concept and brought it to Second Life. We have different munches that go on a few times a week, as well as other events like parties.

We do have an event on Thursdays called "The Market". It's a place for seeking dominants (both male and female) to meet and interact with seeking submissives (again, both male and female). We have a moderator for the event that helps drive the conversation around subjects concerning BDSM and D/s. It's a great way to connect with someone new, or just make friends.

SLE: That is great that you have it open to a lot and they have the ability to participate while not really having to be there all the time. So, is Kinkiva open to the public or is it private membership to participate? And if so is there any cost to become a member and gain certain privileges?

Master Paimon: Kinkiva is a free group, there's no cost to participate at all. All we want is to serve the BDSM community on Second Life and give them a fun, safe environment to interact with friends, learn about safety in BDSM, and connect with others.

For those unaware, they may say "safety in BDSM", but this is Second Life, not real life? Here's the thing. Headspaces can and do bring about interesting things in the human psyche. Sometimes, things in an interaction in SL, even outside of BDSM can trigger negative feelings or emotions, bring up trauma that's unresolved, and lots of other things.

How would you deal with that? How can you prevent that from happening so your partner doesn't feel like crap in the middle of an interaction? These are all things we talk about in our group discussions.

SLE: Nice that you take into account that there are people with true feelings on the other side of the avatar in front of you. What is the difference between Darkheart and Kinkiva?

Master Paimon: So, Darkhearts is a strip and escort club. I think we all can get that pretty easily. Kinkiva is a hub. A hub for the BDSM community on Second Life to connect, have a great time and learn about BDSM and the D/s Lifestyle in both the real world and digital worlds such as Second Life.

SLE: Do you have a calendar of events?

Master Paimon: We do! Our calendar of events is posted on boards inside the club, and within our group on Second Life called "Kinkiva Kinksters"

SLE: Everyone likes to be a little “kinky” at times, in public or private :) In order to manage all of these things, it takes a strong team of dedicated individuals. Can you share with our readers who are part of your team and what they do to ensure things run smoothly in the community?

Master Paimon: For absolute certain. I am blessed to have a strong team to work with and NOTHING would be possible without them. BabyBee is a cornerstone of both clubs, without her I would fall on my face. Bri, Euthy, Victoria, and Visha are amazing and they work in the day-to-day of everything from interviews, to training, to even help with odds and ends.

The Rogue DJ, DJ Henning, Techy, and Xeno are amazing DJs and without their time, talent and patience we wouldn't be able to rock the socks off of our clients, visitors, and friends at Both clubs.

SLE: Great to have a solid team behind you. Are you currently hiring for any positions in Kinkiva BDSM Club and Community? And if so, what positions are available and how does one apply?

Master Paimon: We are looking for Hosts and DJs for Kinkiva, you can apply by visiting us and filling out an application.

SLE: We will help get the word out. Aside from Kinkiva BDSM Club, the community has an assortment of things to do like the nude beach, lagoon, shops, and more, can you tell our readers more about the activities the community offers?

Master Paimon: So, in the basement of our club, there is an open public dungeon that's free to use. There are also mini-dungeons you can use down there for a more private setting. We have a nude beach that is clothing optional where you can relax or play volleyball with friends or swim. Our lagoon pool is where we do Pool parties and we have tons of spaces for you to hang out and spend time with your partners and friends.

Our shops are a great way to check out some of the latest in adult-based products, as well as fashion items, etc. We do offer rentals in the form of skyboxes, or beachfront stilt houses. We also have a bowling alley and arcade, as well as rollercoasters, rides, and other fun stuff!

SLE: You really do have a lot of things your customers and guests can do, that is nice. Do you host Escort / Sub auctions at Kinkiva? If so, when and how can Masters and Mistresses find out when they are?

Master Paimon: We don't specifically do escorts at Kinkiva, but more than a few of our Darkhearts Dolls have taken some clients to our dungeon, or one of our private dungeons. Our Market events are about as close to a "sub auction" as you'll find. We don't do the standard bidding thing, because as a principle, consent is EVERYTHING. We believe it should be more of a relationship-based thing between Dominant and submissive.

Trust is a cornerstone of a D/s relationship, if you haven't EARNED that trust and built that relationship, how will you have a healthy, successful relationship? That's why we don't do the Sub auction thing. If you're just looking for a hookup and rough sex, sure, go for it, as long as it's two consenting adults, have at it. But our community wants to help build strong bonds between others in the BDSM community.

SLE: I like the explanation you gave there, that is great to hear, and hope many will be more informed about D/s now a bit more. You also have rental properties in the Kinkiva Community, what do you currently have available for rent?

Master Paimon: We do! We have some gorgeous rental skyboxes and homes. Our good friend Justi from JBC Architecture & Design is in my opinion the BEST designer on Second Life. He has created for us some Stilt homes that sit right above the water, and that has an absolutely gorgeous look to them. The skyboxes he did for us are second to none. Absolutely beautiful layouts and furnishings. He really did an amazing job, so shoutout to Justi from JBC Architecture & Design!

SLE: A lot of the builds are indeed detailed and beautiful. You are a real-life web and App developer, currently working on a BDSM Mobil App releasing soon similar to Fetlife. Can you tell our readers more about that and what sets it apart from other BDSM Apps?

Master Paimon: So I've been on Fetlife for a long long time, and there was a lot of awesome stuff, but not all of it was awesome. It also had a very dated layout and no advanced features. I created a new BDSM social network and mobile app that will be open to the public soon. I have added some awesome new features to help people stay safe and eliminate issues with drama or creepers that you find in other spots. Stay Tuned!

SLE: OOOOO we love a good scoop and look forward to learning more about that new APP you are working on!  Is there anything else you would like to share about Kinkiva BDSM Club and the community?

Master Paimon: It doesn't matter if you're an experienced Dominant/Submissive, New to BDSM, or just curious. Come check us out. We are open and welcoming to everyone, even if that just means you coming for our DJs.

Additional Information:


Group:Kinkiva Kinksters secondlife:///app/group/fa1fb019-1289-381a-c2f7-53237fd48e59/about

Preferred Contact: Master Paimon (vizierpaimon)

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Chromati3 Grand Opening


Grand opening for Chromati3 colors are red black n silver. Smoke Lounge on Rooftop Saturday, June 4, starts at 10:00A SLT Cash Giveaways DJ Shank Chrome 10A - 12p 12 -1pm Rl Singer Taboo Reign (Sharif Tylman) 1:15 p til 1:30 Drake 1:30 til 1:45 H.E.R Other DJs to be announced

Taxi: Take the elevator to the 2nd floor

Wednesday, June 1, 2022



One of the BEST things about being a reporter for the SL Enquirer is that I get to see lots of new builds, in many cases before they are open to the public, or in advance of their Grand Opening.  Such was the case this week, when I was asked to go check out what is arguably destined to become the HOTTEST club on the grid, with the “hip hopiest” tunes to be heard anywhere in SL’s 16-year history. Chromati3 is the brainchild of DJ Shank Chrome and the lovely and personable Ms Alize.  They graciously offered me a tour of this most dynamic club, and explained how they would present this latest and greatest offering to the SL Club scene during their upcoming Grand Opening Weekend, beginning Saturday, June 4, 2022.

When you first walk in, you will be offered a control system to help you take advantage of the items offered inside.  You need to accept this to move any farther inside.  Believe me.  You will be glad you did. You first enter on the second floor of this 3-floor marvel to the art and science of club-building.  From the bouncers at the doors, to the DJ Booth, to the Dance floor, to the private VIP booths surrounding the state-of-the-art dance floor -  you will be amazed at just how trendy a place they have built here.

We all sat down in comfortably apportioned overstuffed chairs just off the dance floor, as they shared their story with me.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:  Soooo...tell us about “The CHROMATI3 Difference”   How is CHROMATI3  unlike any other Club anywhere on the SL Grid today?

Shank Chrome (SC):  Well, Chromati3 is one of the most realistic clubs on the grid today.  You can tell, just by the appearance. It has a total of EIGHT VIP sections alone! You name  it, we got it.  Chromati3 gives that special experience. Our club starts on the first floor with an entrance just like in real life.  You have to accept the experience and it allows you to actually walk through a real door and into the first two floors. To your left is the elevator you will take to the Smoke lounge on the rooftop,

JB:  With three stories available for guest entertainment, just what is your Maximum occupancy here?

Ms Alize (MA):  We can actually hold about 50-60 people Max. We had a Mother’s Day event and it was standing room only in the house.

SC: It is only on a Parcel on a community sim which has shopping stores around it in the sky. 

JB: Tell us about the special areas you have here?  VIP Seating?  Smoking Rooftop?

SC: Well, we wanted to give something more of what SL has been missing.  Again, it’s the small details people miss that make our club stand out from all the rest of the clubs out there.

JB: How did you initially develop an interest in DJing?

SC: I started when I was young. I initially started writing my own beats,  doing my own writing, feeling, and living certain things and it really just saved my life. 

JB: I know you play a wide variety of musical genres.  Do you have a favorite?  And how have your musical tastes changed over the years?

SC: It varies with me.  I like to mix it up.  I play music based on what I feel – hip hop,  rap,  reggae,  neo-soul – You name it, I’ll play it. I really don’t have a favorite genre. I love music period.

JB:  Describe for me the ideal guest you would like to see at Chromati3?

MA: We want to see growth which is actually happening faster than we thought. We also would like to see the positive impact it can offer to SecondLife. We know that SecondLife is growing and has a need for more clubs with activities and new hangouts for people. I don’t want to give away any secrets for what’s in store for the future but just know that we have some unique things lined up for the near future that we are very excited about and can’t wait to act on. So, join those groups and platforms or stop by to see what’s in store weekly. 

SC: We want to book live singers, with guest appearances from folks like Chris Brown, Pop Smoke, and Jay Z.  Those are just some of the names, but my list can go on and on.

JB: You have both been in SL for a number of years.  What is it that keeps you going?  What keeps you coming back night after night?  

MA: I have been here for over 7 years, for me, I think it’s the fact that this is a hobby for me. I work during the daytime hours and look forward to coming online every day as a result of meeting new people and looking forward to new ventures and what Sl has to offer. Most recently with the building of the club it has been the brainstorming with our team with what new things we can bring to Sl as an organization. Working as a team has been the most rewarding for me as a whole. We want to offer the grid so much more.

SC: I am motivated by pride. As well as the drive to keep moving forward. That is what keeps me going.

JB:  How might someone learn what, if any, special events are going on at CHROMATI3?

MA: Well, we have our social platforms they can use, our Facebook group Chromati3.  Then there is our Instagram page under the group name clubChromati3_sl.  Additionally, we have an inworld group that you have to ask to be invited to and also we have a weekly event board located near the entrance inside the club downstairs next to the DJ board. 

SC: I mostly do notices and whatever outreaches I may have at that point and time.

JB: Is there anything else you would care to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?

SC: Come check us We are constantly brainstorming about what to bring next to the Sl grid. It’s a secret about what comes next with us but stay tuned to see more of what we will bring next.

Sooooo, there you have it, folks.  For the absolute BEST and Newest entry into the SL Club scene, you will have to check out Chromati3.  I  know you will be glad you did, and so will your friends once you share with them this new “discovery”

I’ll catch you on the smoker’s deck, enjoying a smoke and a brandy.

Be there.  Aloha!

Chromati3 -



Wednesday, April 6, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Grand Re-Opening of Tabby's at our new location on Friday, April 9, 12-6pm SLT!


It's a White Party! Wear your white! All adults are welcome! Half-Price services for this event! DJs to be announced! Join the Tabby's Toms Group to be kept...abreast of all events! Now hiring dancers and escorts! Contact Tabitha Mercury for more info!


URL: Facebook: Discord: Contact In-World: Tabitha Mercury

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Frank's Entertainment Group Presents Frank's Jazz Championship DJ Spin-Off


FEG is proud to present " The Championship DJ Spin Off.."

Located poolside at Frank's Jazz, this event is highly spirited as each week, two  FEG's DJ's  pull out all the stops and compete for the Championship title .  Each contender will introduce themselves and their stylistic range and preferences in a 15 minute spin.  After which each will spin a more interactive set by taking requests and dedications as each DJ continues to express their individual style. The last half hour of this two hour event will have the DJs going all out for 15 minutes each, after which the winner will be named and go on to defend their title the following week with a new challenger.

With the more relaxed and casual atmosphere of the pool deck at Frank's Jazz, guests are invited to wear casual attire and swimwear.

Please join us for the launching of this weekly event and root for your favorite, or both, or just kick back and relax while enjoying great music spun by great DJs.  We cannot wait to welcome you!


Thursday, February 24, 2022


Since the Early Days of SecondLife, Sim creators have sought to build and maintain the perfect “Formal Ballroom”,  capturing the grace and elegance possible only in the Virtual World.  In the past 17 years, there have been over 583 attempts to do so in SecondLife.  (OK…so I made that number up…but I do know it is LOTS!)

Places come into being, amid a big splash, supported by residents (or not), only to have to close their doors within weeks, or at most, months.  The venues that survive are those that manage to appeal to a strong base of support among both the North American and European audiences. 

In SL builds as in other places, the cream rises to the top, and the Crem de la Crem of Formal Ballrooms in SecondLife is without a doubt, Foxxies Ballroom. The Ballroom of choice by the most discerning of audiences, Foxxies Ballroom is also the exclusive home of the award-winning DJ, FoxxeeLady.  The sultry-voiced FoxxeeLady entertains audiences and dancers nightly with selections from a song list of over 10,000 of your favorite songs, love ballads, and musical arrangements.

I caught up with FoxxeeLady while she was relaxing following a very busy Valentine's Day Weekend, and she graciously agreed to answer a few questions.

 Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So then, which came first?  Did Foxxees Ballroom join forces with FoxxeeLady, or did FoxxeeLady inspire the creation of Foxxies Ballroom?

FL:  FoxxeeLady (FL):  Foxxies Ballroom came first.  It was established and owned in 2009 by Allison Lannock, followed by Michel Mills who was joined by Don Suebert as a business partner about 8 months ago.  FoxxeeLady began her DJ career at Foxxies Ballroom about 7 years ago.

JB:  An operation the size of Foxxies certainly does not run itself.  What size staff do they employ here, and who are some of the prime “Movers and Shakers” here?

FL:  Foxxies is run by Michel Mills and his business partner Don Suebert, both of whom are owners.  Tabatha Brinton and Audrey Trellis are long-time hostesses and assistants.  Over the last eight years, FoxxeeLady has assumed more and more DJ responsibilities.  She's now the main DJ at Foxxies Ballroom working 7 nights a week about 3 to 4 hours per night.

JB:  How did you initially develop an interest in DJing?

FL:  I have loved music all of my life.  Beautiful music has constantly been a part of my heart and soul as long as I can remember.  I was given an opportunity to learn how to DJ in SL by Michel Mills.  Initially, I was one of many DJs at Foxxies and worked just a few hours per week.  But as a result of my hard work ethic, love of music, and respect for my guests and fans,  I have excelled in my abilities, reaching for the top in my past 7 years.

JB:  I know you play a wide variety of musical genres.  Do you have a favorite?  And how have your musical tastes changed over the years?

FL:  I love all genres of music, but I must say, my favorites are romantic tunes.  Romantic tunes touch everybody's heart.  We all want to love and be loved and romantic tunes brings that dream closer to each of us.  I have always loved romantic tunes, but also enjoy country, oldies, and other genres.

JB:  You have been in SL for a number of years.  What is it that keeps you going?  Coming back night after night after night?

FL:  I have been in SL for almost 9 years.  I love playing music for my fans, helping them feel love, and helping them enjoy their time in the arms of their beloved ones at Foxxies Ballroom.  What motivates me to return to my work as DJ at Foxxies' Ballroom night after night is making sure love is in the air, making my fans happy, and playing the tunes my guests request.  It gives me tremendous satisfaction to make my guests happy.

JB:  Tell me about the SL DJ Hall of fame?  Who runs it, who are the judges, and what are the selection criteria for entry?

FL:  Dia Dufaux (DJ.3D) and Chris62 Greybeard (DJ Chris) are the founders of the SL DJ Hall of Fame.  There are 257 inductees as of now.  Anyone can nominate an SL DJ with 2 or more years of experience, but few are inducted.  A random collection of 3 SL DJ Hall of fame members will visit the nominee during their work hours.  These individuals will determine if the DJ's performance is consistent with the criteria that DJs at the top of the game exhibit.  If a majority votes to induct the nominee, that DJ will be informed and an induction ceremony with be scheduled.

JB:  What does it mean to you to have been inducted into the SL DJ Hall of Fame?

FL:  For me, having been inducted into the SL DJ Hall of Fame is a great honor and means that my work as a DJ has received the recognition of those DJs who are at the top of their game, meaning my work is consistent with the highest standards of excellence for work as a DJ in SL.  It makes me happy to know that the best DJs in SL recognize that I work hard to give my fans a quality performance night after night.  As a perfectionist, I want nothing but the best for my guests and I work hard to give them the best music, atmosphere, and gratitude,  night after night

JB:  Soooo..tell us about “The Foxxies Difference”   How is Foxxies unlike any other Ballroom anywhere on the SL Grid today?

FL:  Foxxies is the classiest, most formal, and most elegant Ballroom in SL.  When Allison started it in 2009, she wanted to create a grand ballroom of the highest quality.  Adam was the 2nd owner, who kept the venue going for the next 4yrs.  Michel, the 3rd owner, has for the past 8 years continued that tradition.  Don has joined as Owner/ Partner for the past 8 months, a great addition to this awesome venue.  The build is precise, beautiful, and elegant.  This has resulted in an atmosphere for our guests in the tradition of 5-star establishments in New York, Palm Beach, and London.  People sense this difference the moment they enter the venue.  Everybody loves the class, quality, and elegance.  The staff is polite, precise, and perfectionist, all in the interest of providing the highest quality service and experience to all of our guests.

JB:  How might someone learn what, if any, special events are going on at Foxxies?

FL:  The best way to find out about special events at Foxxies is through the event search board.  But honestly, most people these days learn about Foxxies and its special events by word of mouth.  People visit Foxxies Ballroom, fall in love with it and tell their friends about it.  Our group has grown exponentially and continues to grow every day also we have been in the SL Destination Guide since 2010.

JB:  Is there anything else you would care to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?

FL:  We encourage all residents of SL who appreciate the finer things, be it music or the glittering, high society of SL,  to visit Foxxies Ballroom and DJ FoxxeeLady.  We guarantee you will be delighted.

 LIMO: secondlife://Foxxies/219/191/21

So there you have it, Folks.  Romance in the Virtual World.  And in SecondLife, romance is spelled “FOXXIES”.   I’ll see ya there. I’ll be the guy in the black Tux…trying to blend in.

Be There



Friday, October 29, 2021

Lucifer's Lounge Halloween 2PM-4PM


Halloween DJ set 2-4PM SLT This Sunday! 

Lucifers Lounge - Non Discrimination Friendly To Demons Humans Furrys Vampires Angels Gay Bi Lesbian Straight Rubber  Latex Bdsm Leather Community's  New Comers All Genders. No Drama Dark Gothic Cathedral Setting..NO  KIDS

Now Hiring Dj's  And Host's