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Showing posts with label spotlight feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spotlight feature. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


SecondLife is truly a land of infinite possibilities for those with the determination and the imagination to make their dreams come true.  For the artist, the possibilities of pixel art are amazing.  And for the music lover, world-class performances with top-notch talent are only a few mouse clicks away.  But by far, the vast majority of musical entertainment is provided by DJs and their talented Hosts.  Together, they work to provide residents with a fun and engaging musical experience.

The best of those DJs and Hosts rise quickly to the top of the heap, and I was fortunate enough to meet two such individuals on my last trip to Saddles  Canyon Country Retreat. Laser Stratten is the DJ of the Month at Saddles, and Abby Walker has been selected as the Saddles Host of the Month.   I was able to catch up with these two extraordinary entertainers between sets the other day, and they were willing to share with me the secret of their success as DJ and Host.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellis) JB:   Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.  Sooo…tell me, please.  Just how long have you been in the DJ and Host business?

Laser Stratten (LS):   I started DJing when a friend of mine was a manager at Wildcats when it was just beginning around 2012.  I was still working in RL doing a job that required many hours of my time, so I was mainly a fill-in DJ. I didn't really start taking permanent sets until a few years later.

Abby Walker (AW):  I have been hosting for close to 10 years now. Although, it does not seem that long.

JB:    What made you get started in this job?

LS:    I've always enjoyed listening to music.  I joined SL out of curiosity but soon got caught up in going to live music events and gained some DJ friends.  I really didn't have plans to be a DJ  until this manager friend convinced me I should.  I had help getting set up with a SAM Broadcaster and began accumulating music.  I also got help from some experienced DJ's on how to use the SAM and set up music to present to the club VIP's. I developed my own style over the years.

SB:  How many clubs are you currently hosting?

LS:    I am only working at one venue at this time, but I've worked a many different ones through the years. I'm not averse to working in multiple clubs, but working at only one club can sometimes turn into a family atmosphere which I enjoy.

AW:    Currently, I mainly only host at Saddles. I am a host at two other clubs: Copperhead Roads and I’m a fill-in at Bearfoot & Buckwild.

JB:      What genre of music do you play, and do you have a favorite?

LS:    I play mostly country and red dirt. Some classic and Southern rock, too.  I like to highlight my home State of Texas and the large variety of musical talent that exists here.

JB:    Do you have your own group? 

LS:    I do!  My group members are called Laser Beams!


AW:       As a host, I do not have my own group. However, I do know a few hosts that have a large enough following for a group.

JB:    You two make a great team, and we can see the real chemistry there. Do you two normally work together, or do you do separate gigs?

LS:    Abby and I met at a club quite a few years ago.  She would host for me at times, but it seems that she is my exclusive host at Saddles.  She is a misplaced Texas girl who grew up not far from where I live now in Texas, so it's fun for us to work together.

AW:      Lately, we have been working together a lot. Especially at Saddles. But in the past, we have not always worked together even though we have worked at the same clubs before. We have known each other for several years.

JB:    The best DJs and Hosts are usually good-looking, friendly, and outgoing…at least the good ones are. And as semi-celebs, they must have people looking to hook up, don't they? How do handle the Fans who may want more from you than just your music?

LS:    My DJ mentor, Strummer Skytower actually warned me about that.  I was in a committed relationship at that time, so when I did get a few flirty IMs, I'd just ignore them or laugh it off. Yeah, it does happen at times, I guess.  And if a DJ is so inclined, they can meet some new people that way.  These days, I am a happily married man in both RL and SL.  We met in SL and are now married in RL.  We met when she was a club owner and I was a DJ looking for work.  I tell her when someone IMs me to tell me they like how I DJ or comment about my voice and she tells me..." Yeah, they're trying to flirt with you" and we chuckle about it.

AW:      There have been a few times where someone has tried to hook up with me. I always try to be friendly to everyone and even flirt a little, but if it gets too much, I let the person know they need to back down. I simply tell them we can be friends and no more.

JB:    Awww…so your marriage, Laser, was truely “A Match made in SL”.  So tell me, how would you advise someone who wants to get into your line of work  What would it take?

LS:    It takes a working knowledge of the music you intend to play.  And you need to be able to express yourself over a microphone.  Most club owners don't want you to just be a radio.  They want you to engage the VIPs and make it interesting. I try very hard to do that.

AW:      I would say if someone wants to become a host, they should watch how other hosts operate in the clubs. Keep a notecard up and if the host says something you really like then type/copy it down and even reword it to make it more personal. I would encourage them to jump right in and just do it. Most clubs are willing to let someone new try it out and they will help them along.

JB:      Why is it that people often don't tip the host or tip the host less than the  DJ?

LS:    To be honest, I don't usually get notified when a host gets tipped.  But being a host, a GOOD host, is hard work.  I've hosted before, and it's not fun to me! They have to be on their toes to greet the VIPs and disseminate all the information the club owners and managers need them to make known.  So tipping them less than the DJ is just not right.  I always tip them the same as the DJ unless I really know the DJ well.

AW:     As a host, I do see this often. I think most people feel the DJ does more work and must pay to get the music. They don’t realize that the host is not just up there looking good. We send out all notices, spam multiple groups, welcome everyone into the club, and monitor chat for any issues going on, if we hear something wrong with the music or can’t hear voiceovers, we should contact the DJ to let him know. DJs and Hosts both play a vital role in the success of a club and the set and we do an equal amount of work to make it a success.

JB:    Point is well taken, Abby.  So…Is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Readers? 

LS:    People need to know that running a SL club is not an easy, or inexpensive undertaking.  I would bet that most clubs are not money-makers.  So, when the DJ or Host asks for donations to the club, please know that it is expensive to pay for clubs.  These owners do all they do as a labor of love and all their support - and yours - is much appreciated

AW:       I would encourage anyone who would like to become a Host or DJ to just do it, and not be afraid. Most people here in SL are very supportive and really, it’s all about just having fun.


Wednesday, August 23, 2023


One of the really Cool parts of writing for SL’s longest running and most respected publication, is that I often get to rub elbows with some of the true Greats of the Visual Media.  It’s a tough job, but SOMEBODY has to do it. This week, I had the very real pleasure of interviewing the star of the Screen, the original pin-up gal, and the beloved dream girl of people the world over  (OK…OK…Mostly of MEN the world over)  - The incomparable Miss Marilyn Monroo.

I caught up with Miss Monroo at her seaside home on the west coast of the Blake Sea, where she graciously agreed to answer my inane questions about her rather checkered career as the quintessential  Movie Star

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):  So Tell me, Miss Monroo.  Just how did you get started in acting?

Marilyn Monroo (MM):  When I was 16, I was hitchhiking to Hollywood and was picked up by a famous movie producer in a shiny sports car. When he heard that I wanted to be a singer and actress, he said he could help me.  And the rest is history!

JB:     Did you ever get nervous before a big movie scene? How did you handle it?

MM:   I sometimes do get nervous, but my agent gives me a pill or a taste of whiskey to calm my nerves.

JB:    What kind of hobbies did you enjoy outside of acting?

MM:   Knitting and gardening are my favorite hobbies when I am not being a movie star or on a date with a famous, rich man.  I also like noodling around with Quantum Physics, and I am also researching Einstein’s family tree and seeing how that supports his “Theory of Relatives”

JB:   What's the most exciting part about being a famous actress?

MM:   I got to sing Happy Birthday Mr. President to John F. Kennedy for his 45th birthday at Madison Square Gardens. I received a Grammy Award for my singing.

JB:   Were there any challenges you faced as a young actress? How did you overcome them?

MM:   My first paying job in High School was as a Babysitter,  but that didn’t seem to go so well.  Moms never seemed to like me for some reason – especially Moms with young Boys..  I don’t know why.  The Dads were just the opposite.  They would fall all over themselves, being nice to me, and always offered to drive me home at night.

The main challenge I had was the size of my boobs. That challenge was overcome by me being casted for movie parts as a full chested bimbo.  Oh…and in case you were wondering, these puppies are ALL  Marilyn.  No silicon in THIS Girl.

 JB:   Did you have a favorite role you played in a movie? If so, which one and why was it your favorite?

MM:   I liked being a showgirl named Lorelei Lee in “Gentlemen Prefer Blonds,” because I was able to bathe in lots of white and pink diamonds on the set. I also got to sing which is one of my strongest talents. 

JB:     What advice do you have for people who dream of becoming actors or actresses?

MM:   My advice is to do what I did... quit school and hitchhike to Hollywood. Dating lots of famous rich men helps too.

JB:   Did you enjoy being famous, or did it have some downsides too?

MM:   I love being famous, who wouldn’t? The biggest downside is that everyone wants a piece of me. I am tiny so don’t have many pieces to give out. 

JB:     What was your favorite thing to do when you weren't working on movies?

MM:   I have started taking night classes, that way I can be a secretary if being a movie star doesn’t work out for me.  I also have an application to work at House of Waffles, but those jobs are so few and far between...and they are REALLY competitive.

JB:     Did you have to practice a lot to become such a great actress?

MM:   I sometimes need help with big words. I also take voice lessons so that I can sing my solos in the movies.

JB:     Did you have a favorite outfit that you wore in your movies?

MM:   I have two favorite outfits – the pink silk gown and diamonds from “Gentlemen Prefer Blonds” and my birthday suit in the pool scene of “Something’s Got to Give.”

 JB:     What's the coolest thing about being famous?

MM:   I published a book called “Marilyn’s Famous Quotes” in which I give my tips and advice to all of the aspiring actresses who want to be famous like me.

JB:     What were some of the funniest or most memorable moments on set while filming?

MM:   There were many funny and memorable things that happened to me in my movies. The best moment was in “The Seven Year Itch.” I was standing on a subway grate in a flowing white dress when the wind blew my skirt up. I wasn’t wearing any panties…

JB:     How did you handle being in the spotlight all the time?

MM:   I always keep a tube of SPF 45 Coppertone nearby.  Additionally,  I read books like Ulysses, War and Peace, or The Sound and the Fury. If they aren’t available, there is always the phonebook.

JB:     Did you ever get nervous before going on camera or performing in front of so many people?

MM:   I don’t usually get very nervous because of the type of parts I play. I am usually cast as a dumb blond bimbo type where I just smile, laugh, and act sexy. It would be hard to mess up that type of acting, right?

 Well, Miss Monroo, I want to thank you for taking time from your schedule to answer my questions.  You have inspired generations of moviegoers as the quintessential Movie Star and helped define the genre.

 Writer’s Note:  Special Thanks go out to Sara Box, the creator of the Marilyn avatar seen in the photos above, and without whose help I would not have been able to do this article.


Friday, August 11, 2023

It's Peak Season for Weddings! Here's a helpful guide with referrals from SLE Fans!- Lanai jarrico Reporting...


Wedding season runs from May to October in the real world. These are the peak months for outdoor ceremonies and receptions, In Second Life the weather is beautiful all year round, even when it's snowing!  One thing's for certain: there is always love in the air and weddings happening across the grid.

It can be a stressful  time when wedding planning. Deciding on a date is first and foremost. When the date is set, the next order of business is picking out the wedding party. Who will be your best man or maid of honor? Want 2…3 it’s all up to you! The great thing about Second life is you can have your dream wedding, even have it custom designed according to your style and taste. Below are some destination referrals from SLE fans to help get couples started with their happily ever after.

On the big day, all eyes are focused on the bride and her signature gown. She is the bell of the ball. Again.. It can be whatever color the princess wants, there’s some pretty sharp tuxedos and suits to match. Finding the right designer is next on the wedding planning list. Here are some places to check out,.

Wedding Dresses:

SOFIA Gowns and Accessories: 

Son!a- Edge: 

Stationery & Invitations: I would suggest using an online Invitation generator like Zazzle, Canva or good ol’ fashioned Photoshop!

Ladies, don’t forget lingerie for the after…after party. “winks”

Lingerie Spots:

Blossoms Strippables: 

Bigbeauitfuldoll Lingerie Store:

Lolita Paris French Lingerie: 

Tuxedos & Suits: 

Gentlemen, while the ladies are out lingerie shopping… Here’s a couple spots you might want to check out as a last hurrah…lol

Strip Clubs:

Simply Sexy Strip Club & Bar: 

Whore Connection… Just sayin… lol 

OOOhhh the Wedding rings…The band that binds you.  Some couples prefer the bling to be a surprise until vows are exchanged.. Others make it one of their first decisions together as a pending married couple. Either way it is an exciting time to shop! Check out these locations: 

Wedding Ring Shop:

Zuri Jewelry: 

With all your props and attire in order, it's that time to find the venue that will accommodate friends and family as well as create that perfect atmosphere for a dream wedding.  Most Wedding Venues have packages with an assortment of options to choose from.

Wedding Venues:

Aisle Be with You Weddings: 

Empire Hotel-Omerta City: 

Scarlet’s Dreams: 

Neuschwanstein Castle: 

 DJ: It would be a wise choice to visit Deejays & Host Hall of Fame, the top DJs in SL are inducted there.


What about the cake? It’s the centerpiece at your reception so it has to make a statement!  Here are some bakeries to check out:

Need a bouquet, flowers and other wedding supplies?

The Floral Barn: 

Wedding Cakes, flowers and supplies:

Who will conduct the ceremony? You will need an officiant! For a shotgun wedding, you can go to Vegas and enlist an Elvis impersonator or a drag queen Cher who read from a script, or you can pick a dear friend or someone who has conducted many ceremonies. It’s your day, your way!

Graceland Wedding Chapel: 

The Honeymoon…. Bowchickabowwow. Let’s not be shy. EVERYONE knows what’s about to go down when the bride and groom slip out of the reception. Here are a couple of hidden gems in Second Life that provide the romantic atmosphere for newlyweds. Wait… First top before you hit the airport or cruise ship…Condoms or kids?

 Get the HUD. You’re welcome.

Mama Allpa Affiliate: 


Honeymoon hotspots:

Oahu Vacation & Honeymoon Resort: 

Honeymoon Island Delux 2: 

But Just in case…

Robby Composer Be You Esquire/ Divorce Attorney

Teleport now or forever hold your peace: 

Long and drawn out or… 

A drive thru divorce! 

Weddings are a celebration of love. A day to acknowledge your love for one another in the presence of family and friends. How it plays out after all the guests have gone is up to you. Honor, Loyalty and Respect are 3 powerful words. When they are lost with actions, that is where it fails.


Unconditional love will last an eternity.

On behalf of myself and The SL Enquirer Congratulations on your new life journey!

If you have some wedding referrals, post them in the comment box below!