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Showing posts with label universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universe. Show all posts

Friday, October 9, 2020

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday October 10th at noon SLT


GeekSpeak – Should we seed life on other planets?

Should we take life to other planets?  Should we design and create lifeforms suited to conditions away from Earth?  Should we replace the life on other planets with life that is useful to us?  If a planet is lifeless should we take life there?  The newly discovered underground lakes on Mars might provide the first opportunity for seeding life.  And maybe some people will think it is our duty to spread life around the universe.

 If you were to design lifeforms what would you design?  Inflatable birds on Mars where ordinary birds could not fly?  Plants that move around like animals?  Animals that photosynthesize like plants?  Green cows and sheep?

Or is the whole idea foolish, even dangerous?  The animals we design may evolve to become our rivals, even our predators.  What will happen if we fill the universe with life?  Will we be worshipped as gods?  Or will we become food for a stronger species from far away? 

Come and discuss the biological future of the universe.  Bring a time machine and your friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

GeekSpeak – Is it our purpose to colonise the universe? Join the discussion Saturday November 30th at 12pm SLT

If we assume there is no other life in the universe, should we humans try religiously to ‘seed’ the universe with life?  Would that be our purpose?  If not, what is our purpose?
If we cannot colonise distant planets, will some religious groups start sending capsules of bacteria out to distant stars? 
Will that be the religion of the future?  Should we all become ‘seeders’ for the ‘church of the universe’?  Will it ever work?  Come and talk about our future ‘children’ in the stars.  Bring a friend!
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

GeekSpeak – what if we were the only life in the universe? Join the discusion July 13th at 12pm SLT

Let’s suppose we could somehow scientifically prove that there are no aliens in the rest of the universe?  Would we lose interest in space exploration?  Or would you try harder to explore the universe in order to establish new human colonies?

Would it be our duty to take life out into the galaxy?  Or would we see it as our duty to keep life on Earth forever?

What religious implications would such a discovery have?  Would we fly out into the galaxy to find out what we could learn?  Or stay here and keep safe?

What would you do? Go out and explore?  Or stay here and do the best you can?

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

GeekSpeak: Should we actively try to contact aliens? Join the discussion Saturday April 13th at 12pm SLT

Since there is so much space to cover and we don’t know where to look for alien intelligence, it may not be practical to send out signals.  But, what if the ‘zoo hypothesis’ is correct?  What if aliens know that we are here and are keeping us in a zoo?  Maybe because they don’t want to interfere with our evolution. Maybe because they don’t want us to infect the rest of the universe with our evil.  Maybe because they are carrying out a scientific study of our planet.  If we are really in a zoo, then trying to get their attention might make sense.

On the other hand, would you be comfortable with sending signals out into space, knowing that the receivers may not be friendly?  Would we be sending out a lunch menu?  Should we impose radio silence and prevent signals from leaving the solar system?  Or is it too late?  Have we already invited them to invade us?

Or maybe broadcasting to the universe will mean we are invited to join a great galactic society?  Come and discuss the problem.  Bring a satellite dish.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

GeekSpeak: What happens if we discover alien life? Join the discussion Saturday September 22nd at 12pm SLT

What if we discover life on other planets?  On Mars or in the Solar system or maybe light years away.  Maybe alien bacteria or maybe intelligent beings.  How will it affect our understanding of our own place in the universe?

Will we want to destroy them?  Or will we want to isolate ourselves from them so that they cannot destroy us?  Will we want to trade with them?  Make peace with them?

Will our religions change because we contact alien life?  Will they have religions that will change?  Or will they try to convert us?

Come and discuss the future of Earth.  Your humanity will be checked at the entrance.

Best wishes

Sunday, September 14, 2014

“Fallen into the endless night: A look at the amazing Cosmos” - Bimala Tagore Reporting

When the little Prince decided to explore other planets, for sure he gazed up at the stars and cured his loneliness. Oh warm night, we all love to climb on top and fall into the endless darkness. For centuries human beings have watched the sky in search of transcendental answers. Carl Sagan, prominent American astronomer, said that the study of the universe is “a long path of search inside us. We have begun to contemplate our origins and in some way understand our insignificance in the never-ending Cosmos”.

A contemplation of a starry night, it faces your ultimate destiny of the universe. Where is the end of this complex and orderly system? Has the universe existed forever? When the night is set for seeing fascinating objects out in the Cosmos, you can be lost in space time watching planets, stars and galaxies in the Milky Way. Maybe it will make you appreciate everything in existence.. Could our lineal and limited mind understand extension and age of space?

 Stephen Hawking, an important man of physics, said: “We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.”

Regrettably, not everyone gets to be an astronaut in his spacecraft and we are not aboard any space station or belong to NASA. However, we can explore gorgeous “sims” dedicated to space and you can enjoy the artistic concept of our solar system, in Euclidia. It has been set in a larger red galaxy with planets; also you will see a group of moons, a countless number of comets and asteroids. I found a beautiful planetarium in lunar orbit and I descended in a tenuous atmosphere environment.

A Planetarium, Euclidia:

You will see fascinating photos of the shining Andromeda Galaxy, colored asteroids and many planets captured by NASA. They are eye-catching. Come to Cosmos Portal Camp and look at the sky through this telescope. You will feel powerful observing 100 thousand million stars with your naked eyes. They are all insignificant in the face of infinite brilliant stars. There are as many as the number of sand grains on an earth´s beach.

Completing this planetarium tour, you will find a unique educational museum in honor of Professor Carl Sagan for his immense contributions to astronomy research. This museum also includes the famous expedition through Solar System and is a resource for learning about space science discoveries. They serve as important guide to basic astronomy information.

The studies of astronomy is often linked to specialist in science and technology. General knowledge about this topic contributes to personal enrichment, and a better understanding of the world as a whole.  If you, through your avatar are able to familiarize yourself with cosmos, the entire universe opens up before you. You will be able to comprehend how the existence around you has its laws and how it is interconnected with human evolution.

Most of what we can learn about the universe is based on observing stars. They are pretty important because not only do they light up the sky, they also illuminate our intellect with their life cycles.