I want to start off my saying WOW WHAT A PARTY!
It was truly a spectacular event. I must say as we reach each milestone, the parties get better. Everywhere I looked, everyone looked fabulous dressed like bright white stars speckling the dancefloor. When I had a moment to catch my breath and look around, I saw my friends. The energy that filled the venue could only be described as pure love for me and my creation. It was truly a moment where I felt, I have truly accomplished something, but it wasn’t for the help of each and everyone that has touched my life and been involved in SLE in some capacity. If it wasn’t for you, the reader, my team of dedicated professionals and most importantly people that I call my friends., this would not be possible.
Before my speech I was a hot mess behind the scenes, crying in IM to my SL therapist., because I worried my speech wouldn’t be perfect. I wasn’t sure what to say, but I knew I wanted to thank everyone on the SLE Team without forgetting anyone. There are so many that are a piece of the SLE puzzle, the speech would have been a lot longer. I’m not a big fan of public speaking. I prefer to spill my thoughts and emotion out in text.
I appreciate the advice to imagine everyone naked and wearing Johnnie Ireland’s classic ducky slippers. The combination worked. Thank you!
For those of you who missed the party and last night’s speech, here it is. xoxoxo
Lanai's Speech
Image taken by Lacy Muircastle
Let’s hear another round of applause for Wolfie. That was hot.Thank yu Miss Luci for the introduction and thank you IrishGent for that wonderful welcome to Irish Estates.
What an event we have here this evening! So many beautiful faces here.
Welcome friends.
Albert Einstein once said: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
While it took some imagination and a lot of hits and misses along the way to create the SL Enquirer, Never in my wildest dream could I have envisioned something like this.
The milestones, the creative writers, 2 papers later – One family, and you my friends. That is my reason for slaving over my laptop year after year.
SLE has changed locations so many times over the past 7 years that I often joked to Prince about being homeless someday and ending up back on my park bench where it all began.
If the Enquirer’s story is written one day, it will be a story of triumph, a story of the little engine that could. Yes, you will be a part of it.
As Mark Twain once said, ““Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Tonight is our night, enjoy my friends. For tomorrow, we will be back on the grid to bring you stories about life, about love and everything else in between.
I wanted to end this with a quote from Jerry Springer, Be good to yourself and to each other.
Let’s hear another round of applause for Wolfie. That was hot.Thank yu Miss Luci for the introduction and thank you IrishGent for that wonderful welcome to Irish Estates.
What an event we have here this evening! So many beautiful faces here.
Welcome friends.
Albert Einstein once said: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
While it took some imagination and a lot of hits and misses along the way to create the SL Enquirer, Never in my wildest dream could I have envisioned something like this.
The milestones, the creative writers, 2 papers later – One family, and you my friends. That is my reason for slaving over my laptop year after year.
SLE has changed locations so many times over the past 7 years that I often joked to Prince about being homeless someday and ending up back on my park bench where it all began.
If the Enquirer’s story is written one day, it will be a story of triumph, a story of the little engine that could. Yes, you will be a part of it.
As Mark Twain once said, ““Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Tonight is our night, enjoy my friends. For tomorrow, we will be back on the grid to bring you stories about life, about love and everything else in between.
I wanted to end this with a quote from Jerry Springer, Be good to yourself and to each other.
Until next time. Thank you all for coming. Enjoy the party!
-Lanai Jarrico
The time that I had for my speech was not enough to name the great support system I have, so let me take this opportunity to hand out some well deserved thank yous.
Special thanks to SLE’s Elite
Prince Sonoda-My advisor, psychiatrist, security and dear friend for the past 5 years. How can I ever begin to thank you for all the year of hard work and dedication you put towards helping me make the best decisions for SLE. You are someone I know I can always depend on to listen to my concerns and come up with the best outcome. You have been with SLE through thick and thin. Thank you for everything.

Don Sivocci- this man witnessed the begins of a sloppy journalist just starting out in The SIMS Online. He likes to take credit for my decision to cross- over into Second Life. I will admit he was part of my decision. He literally witnessed the birth and growth of the enquirer, since 2004. His level of professionalism and expertise is unmatched and he keeps my unorthodox methods in check and definitely has patience. Thank you Don. I appreciate your hard work and dedication. It has been great working with you through the years, but most importantly as my friend. Thank you for believing in me.
Lacy Muircastle- Lacy is one of the few ladies I consider to be Second Life royalty and a true princess of media. Lacy has been a big part of the SLE family and a person I consider a real friend. Thank you for all you have done, Lacy. You are one of the special people in this world.

Shon Charisma- Shon! You are a pleasant package of talents all wrapped up with a big bow on top. Your insight has truly helped me be a better writer and person through the years. Your energy and creativity is an asset to SLE. You are a dear friend. Thank you for all your hard work and sleepless nights managing operation when I needed a break. xoxo

MarriellaAnna Resident! You have only been with SLE a short time and already you are on the top of my friends list of people I trust to do an exceptional job. I trust your judgement and opinions in SLE opinions. Thank you for being a part of this crazy family.

Johnnie Ireland- Dude, you quack me up with your humor and those crazy duck slippers you insist on wearing all the time. Welcome back to Second Life. 4 Years later, and we picked up where we left off. We have had many great times partying together, the most memorable being our first Yacht party in 2007. Thank you for being a part of SLE.

IrishGent Resident- You truly are a gentleman. We may not have years of experience working together but in the short time that we have had, I’ve seen amazing progress and feel the true meaning of community since coming to irish Island Estates. You are truly a professional and one I can call my friend. Thank you for providing such a wonderful estate for us to live , work and play on. I look forward to more events and fun times together.
Annette Wilder- Annette!, I need a whole page to write about the ways you have touched my life here in Sl . You are a dear friend and I appreciate all you have done through the years, especially the skype conversations that truly mean the world to me. We gotta do a radio show again sometime!

DJ Miss Luci- We recently met but I am glad to have gained a new friend. You delivered an amazing set at our relaunch party and created the atmosphere for a night of mixing and mingling. Welcome to the SLE family, I look forward to working with you more in the future.
Wolfie Moonshadow- Wolfie, what can I say about you! You are one of the hottest rock stars on the grid and it was my pleasure to have you break in the Media Center with a Bang. I’ve watched you grow into a shining star here in Sl. Your talent and energy is addicting and unmatched. I look forward to many more special events with you as a headliner.

My thank you list would go on and on because so many people make up what is SLE today.So Ie'll end this with. I look forward to another yera of media madness with my old and new friends.
Lanai Jarrico
Check out photos taken by Shon Charisma
More Photos by Lacy Muircastle can be seen here!
I love you Lanai. Girl you are a true friend to the end and I thank you for always being there for me any many others in Second Life as well!
ReplyDeleteI love you Lanai. Girl you are a true friend to the end and I thank you for always being there for me any many others in Second Life as well!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Lanai for the invitation and for allowing me to be at this great event. It was truly a great evening and I can really see why you are so loved by your friends.
ReplyDeleteMy SLE see many more SLyears.
Prince Sonoda