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Showing posts with label Seersha Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seersha Heart. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Trouble Communicating in SL – Instand Messages [IMs] A Complicated Process- Seersha Heart Reporting...

I have never put as much thought into an introduction paragraph as I have with this subject.  As research indicates, the receiver of written electronic communication understands emotion conveyed by another person slightly under 60% of the time.  There is one attribute we all share in Second Life.  We all must use written communication to express feelings, observations, thoughts and ideas.  For some, written is the only form of communication used in Second Life.  Other residents combine one of the many voice application with the written text.  Still others combine writing, audio and visual to communicate in world.  That seems like a lot of variations.  Wait there is more to consider, who communicates to a friend who does not understand English very well?  Lastly, studies indicate that sarcasm is the least understood of the written feelings communicated between people electronically.  Our own government [USA] has spent time and research on sarcasm in electronic communication within ongoing studies by the NIH.

The who/what/when/why of electronic communication is ever changing for we as end users.  Different rules for communicating apply in different settings.  There is no single rule book titled “Texting, Emailing and Emoting for Dummies”.  Believe me, I have checked for such a book.  The web is a Hydra of electronic communication advice; select and read one and three more appear.  The good news is that I believe Second Life residents are generally well versed in communicating.  In this article I will cover what I found to be the most helpful advice.

I don’t believe there is a single person who doesn’t know that writing in ALL CAPITAL letters is considered shouting in text.  There are several other considerations when composing your texts.  Words matter to the recipient.  The word you select to open and to close a text as well as the specific words you use should be considered in your communication.  The length of a response you write may convey meaning to your recipient.  Psychologytoday writes that one of the most important items to consider is that the person you are “speaking” to may be in a very different mood than you are when you write them.  This effects how they understand your intentions and your meanings.  Studies have learned that when someone receives an ambiguous or open-ended text, they are most likely to consider the meaning as negative or indifferent.  Ironically the study also found that negative emotions are the most frequently misunderstood communications within individuals electronically.

This is excellent advice, consider the receiver before firing off that IM.  If you want to be understood consider a few factors that affect the receiver.  How long have you known this person?  Research indicates that the less you know a person, the more formal your replies should be to them.  Communicating using IMs is how you manage some very important relationships.  What might you say to this person if you were speaking to them in the same room?  Read your IM before sending it.  How may it be interpreted?  When in doubt, you may always ask a friend for help.  In Second Life that is frequently not possible so doing your best is fine.  Depending on your relationship with a person, know when to go “voice” or “video” with them.

Now you are thinking about your receiver and how they may or may not interpret your words.  When we communicate with someone in person we have the benefit of expressing ourselves with touch, facial expressions, sounds and body language.  Psychologytoday reports that words set less than10% of the emotional tone of our interaction.  That means with our IMs over 90% of the communication tools we have may not be used.  Everyone in Second Life knows that with that less than 10%, there are frequently misunderstandings.  That is perhaps the understatement of the year. [laughs] Let’s look at an example from Psychologytoday from a couple’s interaction.

He: Luv u, 2 2

The challenge of this short IM is that he doesn’t know exactly how the woman he sends this too is currently feeling.  With the brevity here, she may interpret this as he is too lazy to write more, he is too busy for her, or perhaps she will merely feel indifferent.  Here is one suggested response:

He: I was just listening to one of your favorite songs.  I was thinking of you.  I wanted to tell you I love you.  I am happy we are together.  I can’t wait to see you tonight.

The actual response in Psychologytoday is laughable.  [Think the Pina Colada song meets an unpublished romance novel left in a mud puddle].  It is two paragraphs long.  In Second Life SIZE MATTERS with communication.  Here what is the suggested style that instead of short “couples speak”, writing a thoughtful line or two will go a long way toward sending the message you want the recipient to receive from you.  Using their guidelines, I crafted a response using their points of connection.  The important points gleaned from this article is that you may convey body language [sitting on sand], facial expression [smiling], voice [singing] and touching [toes in the sand] using words.  Frequently we are just plain lazy.  We pay dearly at times for that laziness.  Sit for a moment and consider any one of the misunderstandings you have experienced in Second Life.  If you had added a few more words and considered how the other person felt, would things have gone differently for you.  In almost every case the answer is yes for me.  Though we all know that sometimes we try our best and ‘people be crazy’. had some very good suggestions for IMs.  Abbreviations may seem curt or disinterested to some people.  A slightly longer response may make your IM easier to understand.  What punctuation have you used in this particular IM?  Some people fine ending a statement with a period (.) to be unfriendly whereas ending with a semi-colon or no punctuation may lead some to believe it is open-ended.  It was at this point of my research I felt almost unable to IM anyone I knew in Second Life.  So many things to consider before hitting that enter key.  When we respond to an IM we frequently whisper or hear our response in our head.  That response is perfect in emotion tone and delivery.  We need to remember that is not sent along with the words.

Stated the obvious that we frequently forget, Fastcodesi HYPERLINK "" adds some helpful ideas.  “Without the benefit of vocal inflections or physical gestures, it can be tough to tell e-sarcastic from e-serious, or e-cold from e-formal, or e-busy from e-angry. Emoticons and exclamation points only do so much.  (short answer: we’re selfish) and what we can do about it (short answer: make some face or phone time).  A big problem people have when conveying digital emotions is often that they fail to appreciate there’s a problem at all.”  Incredible, I wondered, I am selfish and inconsiderate that is why I have misunderstandings.  Ouch, let’s dial it back just a bit for context.  It’s is all the recipient’s fault!  No that isn’t the answer either.  As with most things in life, time and experience will help us develop our talent or lack of talent.

One situation that how we word our IMs may be very critical between a “great” time and a “should have watched TV” time we spend with another person; romance.  Emoting is considered by some residents to be a great skill, while other residents can’t be bothered to use it.  Emoting is conveying your feelings, actions, observations by using the /me before writing an IM to another person.  When doing chat at a RP SIM, there are rules for how, when and what format written communication must follow such as “turn-based paragraph-roleplay”.  When you are with your special someone, there are no rules.  I would recommend asking the individual how they prefer to communicate.  Do they prefer short responses or longer responses?  Do they enjoy a rapid reply or proceed more slowly?  Truth is, I don’t do this most of the time and most other residents don’t either.  We don’t do the obvious thing because we are embarrassed or uncomfortable asking our date.

Considering the research, the reading and all the ways IMs may go wrong; I believe the best way to approach this is to pay attention to your date [recipient].  Pay attention to how they communicate with you, their style.  Stay out of local chat, this demonstrates how you prioritize your receiver.  For some people that is hard to ignore.  Trust me, there will always be plenty of location chat.  There is only one time to make that first impression IM.  Being attentive is rewarding as it adds to the comfort of communication.  If both people are paying attention to each other, then asking questions such as “do you want…” or “do you like…” or “should we…” become much easier to ask.  Take a moment and consider what I am suggesting to you.  A little time up front, gives the relationship [whether romantic or friendship] a good chance to become a good relationship.  You can keep your own style and be you.  When you have questions along the way, clarify with the recipient.  That is the magic silver bullet as I see it; listen and pay attention.

“Digital miscommunication wouldn’t be much of a problem if we always adopted the most optimistic or generous view of an ambiguous email or text.”  Justin Kruger, NYU

…But we don’t assume the most optimistic or generous view, we assume the negative or the indifferent view.  We don’t pay attention closely and view them only through our own filters.  The phrase “no drama” never fails to make me smile in world.  With all the complexities of our communications how can there be anything except drama?

“Elementary”, said he.  “It is one of those instances where the reasoner can produce an effect which seems remarkable to this neighbor, because the latter has missed the one little point which is the basis of the deduction.”  Sherlock Holmes speaking to Dr. Watson, “The Hound of the Baskervilles” [1901].

Specific to Second Life Emoting:

This is what the Pina Colada song meets an unpublished romance novel left in a mud puddle sounds like to me:
“I’m sitting on the sand where we first met, wrapped in the love blanket you gave me. The sun is going down and I can feel you close to me. I’ve got a big smile on my face, but I have tears in my eyes, wishing you were here. If I were speaking now, my voice would be a little croaky because I’ve been singing too long in the cold, but I know you would still love the way I sound. I’m running the warm sand through my fingers and toes, listening to the beautiful sounds of the ocean going dark. I love you so much and I hope you miss me, too.”

 Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by Karmaghna Ulrik

Monday, June 18, 2018

Virtual Worlds and Gender Bending - Seersha Heart Reporting

Second Life celebrated fifteen years on June 15, 2018.  It is hard to believe the humble beginnings of this virtual world with a few prims and an ocean.  These days Linden Labs advertises Second Life as being a place you may make money with a business, go on adventures or create anything you may imagine.  Years ago, Second Life reported to users that a great deal of the female avatars were men in real life.  This falls within the promised activity to create anything you may imagine.  This phenomenon has been the subject of many forums and some studies in the greater gaming community.  What do we think about the person’s gender behind an avatar?  What are the expectations in Second Life as to the person behind the avatar?

An article in published an article recently titled “They’re All Men”.  Writing about MMORPGs [Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games], the author reformed the popular acronym.  Reframing MMORG, the author said these letters stand for Men Masquerading Occasionally as Really Pretty Girls.  Some gamers argue that by choosing a female avatar they are treated more nicely by males giving them certain advantages such as assistance in battle or locating rare items.  I am big World of Warcraft fan.  I don’t have any male avatars in WOW.  Instead I have a bevy female in multiple realms as various skill levels.  “Researchers from five universities across the US and Canada studied footage of 375 gamers playing a custom WOW quest.  They wanted to determine if difference in online behaviors in characters of different genders aligned with the societal expectations of conduct from men and women.”  A very complicated way to say the researchers wanted to see if there was mansplaining going on in world.  What they found is not surprising.  Men playing women behave differently that women playing women.  This difference is most apparent in the way they move their avatar.  In WOW men playing women tended to jump 116 times more often than women playing women.  They also tended to walk backwards much more frequently.

As with this study of men within WOW behavior, most in SL will claim they can tell a man in a woman avatar.  I went out in the community and asked several men and women if they believed they could tell the gender behind the avatar.  Most said yes, they could tell.  The traits I heard most often were opinions expressed about the breasts of the avi or the general promiscuity.

            In the online publication published an article “How Science Can Tell When Dudes are Pretending to be Women MMORPGS”.  This article began with stating the obvious, sometimes it is just “cool” to be a female avatar.  Sometimes we want to step outside of ourselves and be someone different.  This article also cited the US/Canadian study of 375 WOW gamers.  Men are much more likely to play women than women are to play men.  In the study 23% of the men switched genders to only 7% of the women.  This article quickly came around to the question I wanted an answer to most.  Does anyone really care the gender of the person behind an avi?

            The short answer is that no, most people asked the question if a person’s real-life gender identity was important said “no”.  The prevailing opinion I encountered both in person within SL and from reading forums is that demanding to know a person’s rl gender identity goes against what SL is all about.  Creating anything you may imagine means just that in a nutshell.  Many people I spoke with were quite adamant that a person’s real life is that person’s business.  If someone chooses to share information that is the choice of that person.  I learned a great deal from these responses.  I live in SL with a great deal of my private information available through my profile or through google.  [hears the tap tap tapping of keys on keyboards googling me 😊] I decided to share some of the gender issues I learned about while doing this story.

            One resident wanted to know if there are men available that will date a female avi who is a man in real life.  These are some of the responses:
      “Being female in SL is not an unspoken promise of being a real-life female.  And even if the user behind the avatar is female…there is no right for anyone to expect to get a verification or any RL information, to begin with.  If someone worries that the other person might have a different gender, they shouldn’t go dating in a virtual world…seriously.  After all its SL and if the time spend with a certain person is enjoyable…who cares who they are in RL?”  Syo Emerald
      “To me personally I don’t care and those who do yes are usually not worth his/her time.  Honestly if they are never going to meet what’s the difference?”  “Unless I am going to meet someone I don’t care what sex they are playing” Sephina Frostbite
      “I am a male playing a female avi and I’m open about it in my profile.  I’ve found guys really want nothing to do with me” Scarlet Waits
Another question posed about gender is does playing a woman in SL give any insight to how women feel in RL?  This was met with a resounding “No” to which I will add “duh”.  Some of the responses are worth sharing:
      “Not really.  Maybe a little?  SL is a whole little encapsulated experience.  Being a woman in SL will let you experience what is it’s like to be a woman in SL.”  RhondA Huntress
      “Nope not even close” Aislin Ceawlin
      “In RL, I’ve never had a guy try to grab my crotch from 100m away, while I’m clothes shopping, as their arms just ain’t that long, and their girlfriends/wives will beat the crap out of them if they try, just before the police arrive to drag them to jail.  And so on…No, female in SL is remarkably unlike Female in RL” Klytyna

I circle around to one of the original questions; is it even necessary to identify your RL gender in SL?  If you want people to know what is the best way to present yourself.  Here are some responses to that question:
      “Start by putting in your profile something like “Already in a relationship…NOT LOOKING!” come to think of it, that’s where you can end it too.  No one has any need to know your real gender…ever. [Unless YOU decide to tell them.”   Darrius gothly
      “Nothing wrong with it.  What is the point of having a second life if you can’t swap gender.  If you want people to know put it in your profile.  Just put it in a s a statement of fact without either apologizing or being aggressive about it [e.g. So if you don’t like it you can…<don’t do this).  Most people are pretty cool about this sort of thing in SL and for the rest you have Block, Derender and Shift+Ctrl+H” Ohjiro Watanabe
      “Unless told otherwise, I accept people as their avis are.  For the most part  all of SL is RP of a sort.  Very few of us actually look like the avatar we’re created.  There are a lot of guys in SL using female avis for several reasons…clothes, clothes and …clothes.”  “You really only need to “tell” if you’re going to be in a relationship.  For casual, it’s no one’s business but your own.”   Bobbie Faulds

In the end, what you reveal in SL is your business be it gender or another attribute of your RL.  I encourage you to always remember that each avi you meet has a human being behind that avatar.  Each person deserves to be treated with respect when you engage with them.  It is not deceptive to create a different gender than the one you have in real.  As always, it is deceptive to lie to real people in world.  If you tell someone you are a female in real life when you are not, this is deceptive and hurtful.  If you don’t want someone to know your RL gender, do not reveal it.  Don’t lie.  As everyone I spoke to related to me, most people in SL have been hurt at one time or another by someone’s lies.  It is fine to role play, it is fine to create whatever image you wish for your avatar.  It is your right to disclose what you wish about your real life.  If you decide to disclose, be honest.

Some avatars names have been changed at their request.  Resources used for this story beyond personal interviews may be located at these websites:

 Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by Karmaghna Ulrik

Monday, June 11, 2018

Strange & Mysterious SL- Seersha Heart Reporting...

One of the best links provided to SL residents is the "Destinations Guide".  If you open your Destination Guide and look on the left side of the screen you will find categories.  I usually explore a couple listed under "recently added" [near the top].  This week I visited several stops under the category "Strange & Mysterious".  This category appears near the bottom of this lengthy list.  I visited these sites six months ago, and visiting them again was quite interesting.

Most Confusing is Jack the Ripper and Jack the Ripper.  Two distinct and different locations.  The one currently promoted in the destinations guide is very nice build of London in the late 1800s that is one single block.  Super creepy, dark and changes in weather.  While visiting you would realize you are along one of SL’s many land routes.  The asylum is not part of the real Jack the Ripper.  It is a very nice niche made here in this block for visitors.  Take a lot of pictures, this could make a good Halloween texture to send out.

The parcel I am more familiar with is titled “1888”.  It is on Timerry Island and has existed a couple of years now.  This a full RP city set in late 1800s.  Landing in this city the owner provides period clothes for those who are OCC.  There is a club called “Club 88”.  If you want to RP late 1800s and naughty, start at the club.  I am not sure what all the naughty is on this parcel.  I did stumble onto a place with freebie pony play items.  Of course, I picked them up.  I wanted to see what they were…let’s say I am giving a big pass on pony play.

Creepiest city goes to Inns mouth.  You can see the love of building that was put into this Love craft built. There are interesting things to see in most of the buildings.  Some are run down homes.  There is an old bookstore with a back-room card game.  The cards are flying around the room.  My favorite spot is the theater.  It runs a silent film clip and cycles it.  Super creepy, super fun, this will keep you busy exploring for quite a while.  I mounted up and rode my horse around town.  The sounds of my horse on the dark streets was eerie.  I wanted the horse for a fast get away.

Dives or every day places, are popular builds to make scary.  One of those is the DoX Motel.  This is location is in the Pacific northwest.  All the rooms are occupied by unknown people.  I recommend adjusting your sun to midnight for maximum strange effect.  I entered each room, most were disheveled and messy.  Remnants of occupants were left behind.  Downstairs the office is unattended.  the DoX has an isolated feeling.  I would not have been surprised to have someone jump from the shadows.  Plan to stop for only a short time at this parcel.

Olivia's Diner is another dive.  There is no mistaking the strangeness of this stop.  For one thing there are a couple of murder scene poses in the front lawn.  They are funny and chilling.  Inside there is a body on the counter who has been gutted.  There are rats and roaches, roaches on the floor, rats on the counter.  There is a Colonel Sanders style bucket with human heads inside.  There is an ongoing Horror Trivia.  I won 15L, 1L a question.  This parcel has imagination and care put into the disturbing build.  I will be visiting again soon to figure out what the buck deer on the lawn is doing while standing on the lawn.  There are even two dance floors, one inside by the rats and one outside by the crime scenes.  Love it!  Olivia’s wins my vote for more disturbing and spine chilling.

Dystopia is “in” for builders.  I've seen this theme repeated a few times, each time I have been able to see the care and imagination of the builder.  There are fourdystopian stops I recommend for this type of Strange & Mysterious.  The first two are on the guide.  Tableau is a post-apocalyptic desert area.  I took my horse there and rode around the desert.  It is desolate, it is lonely.  The land seems to go on forever.  It looks like a time from Mad Max movies.  Another stop on the Destination guide that is good is titled Dystopia.  The landing point for this build is off so I have given you a better one below.  Dystopia has a city block open to all as well as an area for group members.  Most buildings are abandoned and that is the overall feeling I had walking through the build. 

World's End Café is featured this week in the Destination Guide.  This is not in the Strange &Mysterious.  I would add this strange location. Just a building at the end of a dock.  Hypnotic odd and strange capture how I would rate it.  I would recommend adding a trip to the Nuclear museum if you are dystopia hopping.

I love the Citta Perdu [the lost city].  I started visiting this site several months ago when it was snowing there in the city.  I asked the builder what the city represented.  She told me it is a city where one day everyone just left.  No war or dystopia, just gone.  To add to the thrill of this city go through the sewers.  There is a hidden bar within them.  Look at the subway.  There is much to be seen in this lost city.  When I first began traveling to this location, there were northern lights in the backgrounds.  Pack your camera and take a friend, this build is a treat.

I was introduced to the Verdigris sim by a friend some time ago.  On the surface it is impressive.  On my first trip there, I saw a few areas and thought it was a nice place.  Later I visited and began combing the buildings and other areas.  Some of the areas to explore are the Rossell Hope Robbins sLibrary, the Expedition Hall  and the Clockwork Bird.  Like the Lost City, this stop has much more below the surface than you may anticipate.  There is a mini city that falls victim to a tidal wave within the walls of Verdigris.  There is a man thinking about jumping into the water below.  He has been considering this for months now.  What will you find in Verdigris?

Temple of Iris is on the strange & mysterious Destination Guide list.  It is neither strange nor mysterious.  It is a historic SL location.  If I were to make a list of "must see" locations for SL, the Temple would be on the list.  For those who build, look at that prim count.  Ouch!  The total prims on this build is huge and scary.  Stop by take your picture and visit some authentic SL history.

I saved the most unusual for last.  It is called "untitled".  This stop is on part of the LEA sim.  LEA builds only remain active for set period.  This build is one to cam up and out to see from a distance, then cam in and look at the details.  Waterfall of blood, shallow pool of blood are parts of this build.  You may move around using a mirror teleport which I believe is quite clever.  It is necessary to take your camera out, very far out to view the entire build.  There are two bronze men carrying the “burden” of the project.  Each man is standing in a corithen columned square.  Bring your camera back in and visit all the sites you are able to visit.  This build is temporary.

Strange and Mysterious is a very subjective term.  I feel that one of the words should be unusual.  What one person considers Strange and Mysterious [Untitled] another person may view it as beautiful art.  I am fairly sure that anyone visiting Olivia’s Diner would believe is unusual and strange.  Dystopian ideas are located in many areas of SL.  If you visit them, look for the meaning the building has tried to convey to the viewer.  Keep up with SL Enquirer and we will let you know what we’ve seen and reviewed on the grid.  And as always, if you are interested in reading more about something in SL, let us know.  Here are 

 links to the above spots:
Jack the Ripper
Innsmouth, HP Lovecrat Tribute – 1930s Massachusetts
DoX Motel
Olivia's Diner
World's End Cafe
Citta Perdu [the lost city]
Temple of Iris

-Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by KarmaghnaUlrik

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mainland Route 12 – Some Interesting Finds - Seersha Heart Reporting…

Linden Labs Department of Public Works and Roads is responsible for adding content to the Mainland SIMs including roads, railways, monorails, bridges, ferryboats, sailing routes and so on for residents to use.  Along the roads are “rez” areas where any resident may “rez” a vehicle to drive and use the roads.  If you need creative inspiration or are curious, take a drive on one of these mainland routes.  I promise you will find things that interest you.  I will warn you in advance, be prepared to be periodically kicked out of that very large castle you love.  Sometimes navigating the Mainland is a challenge due to odd shaped land parcels.  As an owner of an extremely odd shaped parcel along Route 12 [Nautilus continent], I have trouble at times navigating at the edges.  I hopped in my Porsche and backed out on to route 12.
[IM me for a free
I took a drive alone Route 12 on the Potter SIM recently.  My adventure began by cruising by a Diner.  Many residents will build or place RP buildings along the roads.  Looking inside this one I found some good detail.  I have visited these highway Diners and other places to eat with friends.  It is a nice place to chat, and many offer a wide selection.  I wanted something more unusual so I drove on down the road.

Shortly I found my first “unusual” location.  Nestled in a small wooded parch of land was a wooden building that looked like a home.  Upon closer inspection, I learned the “Odie Cinema” is dedicated to silent films.  Set up and beautifully detailed by Abinoam Nørgaard, there is a small screening room, a refreshment area and a small upstairs lounge.  It is completely adorable.  I was not surprised to learn that Abinoam is a fan of the 1920 Berlin SIM.  The Odie Cinema may be found along route 12.  Regular movie showings are at 1 pm SLT on Fridays.  It is a lot of fun to watch these movies.
            I drove next to the Pod Tours kiosk.  I see these pods traveling down route 12 all the time.  For those who don’t know, until 2015 there existed a Second Life Transit Authority.  The person who managed this process had all kinds of different cars that you could regularly find and use along the roads [along with other vehicles].  The thought was why have roads without travel?  Now we have pods.  When you see a pod traveling down the road, click on it and you will be whisked away to the next pod station.  This is another good way to navigate the roads.  If you want to stop, simply “stand” and when you are ready to travel again wait for a pod.

            Moving along the route, I became fascinated by a fortress of a home on the mountainside.  Flying high above it were the Pride and the BDSM flags.  You may find areas along your drive that you feel you simply *must* see.  This was one of them for me.  The house was chic and modern in the black and the white décor that is not uncommon.  The owner had built a large Photo studio on the property.  It is one of the nicest I have seen in world.  The owner was not available for comment. 

            In our population we have many artists that work in 2D, 3D and some both.  The first gallery I came to
Michael Wright Fine Art MuseumOwned by Oldaged.  Spacious and well laid out, it was easy to cam around and see the featured artist’s work.  Currently featured is Mrags Writer.
            “Call me Ishmael” crossed my mind as a huge 822 prim Blue Whale was not breaching but completely out of the water, hovering just above it.  Checking the details and what agouties do I find is the builder?  Our own Bryn Oh who creates fascinating interpretations of animals as only a small part of her contributions to the SL around the world.The whale and a little girl make up a piece titled ‘Imogen and the Whale’.  I run down the hill to a glass structure of geometric trapezoids and rhombus.  This is the Peace Gallery.  There are samplings from all the biggest names in art in SL; Bryn Oh, Cica Ghost, Igor Ballyhoo, and more pieces.  It is owned by long time patron of the arts Thedove.rhode.  If you want to see the best of 3D art in SL do not miss this gallery.  One side note, it is a little difficult to navigate around and you are sent back to the landing point quickly. 

Along Route 12 I came upon a group that owns large parcels on both sides of the road.  The group is the Moon Disciples.  They have filled their parcels with gothic and modern architecture.  The Moon Disciples Horde is described in Monarch Seren Mcgillivary’s profile at a close-knit family of souls ready to embrace the dark as their solace.  A Bloodlines horde, their motto is “Under the shadow of the moon, our enemy meets their doom.
            My final stop along Route 12 for the day was at Cartage& Storage a factory and a service building that moves items around the continents of SL.  I was initially draw to the outside attention to detail.  This location processes and serves the GTFO community.  I walked inside and found a trove of information.  The parcel owner, Cosmo Kawabata, arrived while I was there and offered to answer some questions as well as give me a tour.  I noticed right away that the reception area and factory are fully staffed with realistic bots.  Cosmo advised me to click on the large map of the SL continents on the wall.  When I did the map, I could see GTFO areas by continent.

I asked Cosmo what GTFO stood for and he laughed.  I suspect many readers already know what it means…Get The Freight Out [comes from Get The Fu$$ Out].  GTFO represents a large group of people who are playing a game within SL.  Cosmo chose the continent of Nautilus for his terminal location noticing there are fewer players in this area.  The game is very detailed and involves using SL transportation and your own terminal [as small as a store front to play].  They have game money players earn along with an entire website full of game information.  SL Enquirer will be running a more complete article on GTFO soon [I will be in contact with Cinn Bourchard]. 
Cosmo is an active player of GTFO, a DJ and happily with a wonderful lady.  He takes me to his office within the former courthouse [turned GTFO factory].  Amid the factory is this oasis and tastefully decorated office.  He takes a seat at his desk and I join him in a chair.  He patiently answers all my questions about GTFO, his factory and his clubs where he DJs.  He has a club on the second floor of the factory called appropriately “The Factory’.  His busier club is called The Civilization Lounge.  He plays what he feels telling me he doesn’t play to the audience.  I asked him about the genre of music he plays.  He told me music by black artists alone with some rap and jazz.
            When we left his office to tour the facility, he pointed out a couple of the people working as we walked across the rooms.  One woman had been making copies for a long time, he wondered what she was copying.  We walked up the stairs of the main building into a comfortable space much like a large living room.  The employee lockers were on one wall and sofas lined the other walls.  This is the area called “The Factory” club.  At the back there is a bar and the bar tender waits patiently as we walk over to her.  Cosmo reminds me ‘safety first’ and no drinking until employees are off duty.
            Next, we walk back downstairs through the reception area to the terminal.  This is a bustling busy place.  Tall stacks of GTFO boxes are sitting and waiting for shipping.  In the back there is an employee who seems to have been working forever to set up a machine.  Cosmo confides that this man has been at the task a long time.  I see people in all stages of the packing and the transport process.  On one side Cosmo has built a break area for the employees.  Vending machines, table, sink and even small Dixie cups are available for the employees.  Cosmo does not miss a detail.  The textures he has used are beautiful.  I asked him how many days since their last accident.  He said quietly ‘ummm er 6’.  Cosmo told me he was going to watch his hometown [Cavaliers/NBA].  I told him I liked watching sports as much as I like getting a leg wax.  We laughed.  I looked for the results today from the playoffs of the game from the previous night.  Sorry Cosmo!    

            I have heard residents complain about boredom in SL.  I hope I have provided an idea of interest.  Try driving or walking down one of the many routes in SL.  Look, click and listen everything you see.  You may be amazed at what you find as you explore this virtual world.

Links to information and/or SURLs for stops along route 12:
Odie Cinema  : http://maps.secondlife://ODIE/69/240/52
Pod Station [Nautilus Route 12]
Michael Wright Gallery:
Moon Disciples:  http://maps.secondlife://QUIRICOSTA/191/166/45
Peace Gallery                         

Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by KarmaghnaUlrik