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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bono Fouroux : Mindblowing Guitarist in SL- Seersha Heart reporting...

Bono Fouroux is a unique musician in SL.  He can make his guitar “sing” as he plays blues, jazz, or rock [no acoustic].  He also can *make* his guitar!  Bono constructs guitars from scratch “Always trying to make different characters of sounds.” Self taught from an early age, this Amsterdam native plays as many as three to four sets many days in SL.  He came to SL on the recommendation of friends and has been here since that time.  Here are what people are saying about him:

“THE GUITAR WIZARD and all it takes to agree is listen to him for a few minutes. Whether it's Blues, Rock, or Jazz, his smooth playing is filled with emotion, speaking to your heart.”
“CHOCK full of pure passion! Bono is one of the most innovative guitarists of the decade. His soul inspired techniques, styles and intonations are woven into wonderful melodies that only a truly gifted artist of his nature of his kind can produce!!!”
“A symphonic collision waiting to happen, Bono is a man with intense connections to his music. He delves into the very soul of it, inviting you to experience with him the joy, sadness, love and excitement of an amazing journey powered by a guitar that lives to sing under his fingertips.”
I caught up with Bono at the Guitar Museum in world to ask him a few questions.  I hope you will enjoy his personal anecdotes, they are great.

Interview with Bono

Seersha Heart:  Hello Bono.  I have read that you taught yourself how to play the guitar when you were very young, around twelve years old.  What lead you to that first guitar at such an early age?

Bono Fouroux:  Hello Seersha.  I heard albatross of peter green and that made me buy a first guitar, I was still in school, it was 1968 or so.  I earned my money for it myself

Seersha Heart:           When did you become ~passionate~ with guitar? 

Bono Fouroux: I already played a few years but soso then Fleetwood Mac’s Peter Green was my main drive later…but this was my serious sign to work on the study for playing

Seersha Heart:           Do you customize your guitars?  You make a whole guitar?

Bono Fouroux: I started to make guitars about 5 years ago…but not all need to be customized ..some are so well made I don’t need to change them.  For the ones I make, I order great parts....well chosen and I make them fitting the other parts, because not all fit.

Seersha Heart:           Which part is hardest to pick? The neck?

Bono Fouroux:In fact every part has its own difficulties, a neck can be just slightly too thick for the body then I have to sand it very precisely, but mostly it will fit.  I do sanding fitting ,.,sanding fitting etc. until it is okay.

Seersha Heart:           Do you have a sound in your head that guitar should make?

Bono Fouroux: Not is always a surprise how it is going to sound, but once I’ve heard it I can go on with that too.  I search my wiring diagrams and sometime I find even one myself by accident at some guitar, then I solder the wiring.  I look for good luxury parts what makes the guitar better quality it is always a nice product  For instance a thing where I look for is nowadays 22 fretted necks.......because once I studied my songs at the neck ..I learned them to play on that way...and I use 24 fretted ones too but that is 2 extra for the really high notes.  Those necks are on ‘ready’ sold guitars, btw I get myself always locking tuners on my own products.

Seersha Heart:           I have read that you are also a composer of music.  Will you tell me the name of one of your favorite compositions?

Bono Fouroux:          I once made a piece called Confuse was a long time ago and it was a number of all different rhythms and riffs fitted together. I recorded it with a friend in his semiprofessional studio and in fact it never was ready to play. Too complicated for a band and to play it live, but it was great.

Seersha Heart:           I have read that you make the guitar sing with emotion.  How does that statement make you feel?  Are you flattered/happy?  Do you think guitars sing?

Bono Fouroux:          It is just nice to hear that listeners like what I do on guitar. That they enjoy what I play. It seems to be so that true listeners of me can hear in what kind of mood I even am. The most funny was the comment in local of a woman who heard me play and said after some songs in local:

“Bono your playing is so good and touches me so in the centre of my soul that I have to smack somebody in the face and since I am here alone with my husband, he will be the one.”

And a little later she said I did it. You understand that I laughed the hell out of it, And so did the whole room of the audience. That was so funny.

Seersha Heart:           That is hysterically funny!  I can read from your profile have many deep wonderful friendships in SL.  Your profile says no relations?  Why?

Bono Fouroux:          I am here just for the music and/but I tried two times to be with a woman here, but it didn’t work out and gave me a lot troubles in fact, so that I decided not to get involved here in SL anymore. I had not tried it in 8 years of my stay in SL and that was without any troubles in relations. I tried it two times and it didn’t work. The coincidence was that they both were having their birthday on the same day. 11/11 :) Another coincidence is that I answered your questions at the same date. Isn’t that funny.

Seersha Heart:           That IS funny and ironic.  What advice would you give other musicians interested in trying SL?

Bono Fouroux:          That it is fun to do and you get some appreciation for your playing on this way [in SL]. 

Seersha Heart:           Please tell me about the people you sing/play with in world.  Who are your best partnerships for performances?

Bono Fouroux:          Of course that is with Luvofmusic and Veronica Weksler.

The best partnerships are the ones where you are very close friends with somebody, so that you share the same feelings while playing and that happens with some of the ones. It is such a fun then to play together and to appreciate what the other does. It is too bad that there still is not a way of playing live with them on the internet so that we both can hear us well, without any problems. Sometimes they say try this and try that, but I play mostly with people from The States and that is for software what can make u share the music in real time together, not very easy. Normal dual streaming goes like in a chain. The first one plays his music and streams it uploading to the second one who receives the stream in his computer and ads his sound to it and that together he streams to the internet. So the first one doesn’t hear the second one. A recording of the sum of the two makes it all possible later to hear it for the first one.

Seersha Heart:           It’s been a pleasure Bono, thank you for your time.

Bono Fouroux:          Sure any time.

            Bono plays the guitar between three and four hours most days in SL.  Along with playing and building guitars he rides a Harley Davidson IRL.  He tried motorcycles in world but to quote him “suddenly u bump in too lag and u fly high un the sky with it ha ha ha”.

Sample listing of equipment Bono has on hand to use to play his music:  Fender Stratocasters, Fender 12 electric (Hockeystick), Gibson Les Paul, ES 335, SG Custom, Ibanez LP,
Marshall JCM 900 Stack, Fender Vibroverb, Peavy Combo, Sessionette 75
Digitech 2120, Roland V99, Ibanez PT-5, Dunlop Wah, Cry Baby, Deja Vibe

Seven great Second Life gift ideas for the Christmas Holidays - Dean Lawson reporting

’Tis the season to be stressing about what to get your loved ones! Do you have friends and family in SL? Do you have a Secret Santa going on at your place of business? Well here are seven awesome gift ideas.
The *MCS* HolidayToyTrainSet-Tree is a nice way to decorate a home or place of business. With an animated toy train that circles a fully decorated tree with an assortment of wrapped gifts at the base, this holiday gift goes for 300L at the Winter Holiday Village sim.

The Christmas scenery - Xmas Carolers *E&M*, brought to you by Love Garden *E&M* Design, is a fun and interactive gift idea where you and a friend can sit on stage and join the carollers in performing Christmas classics. The stage is propped up by a tree truck with a multilingual sign that bids all a Merry Christmas in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and German. This is a large object so, while it is not ideal for smaller indoor spaces, it will surely attract the attention and is a great entrance decoration for anyone with a large sim.

Tyren’s Fantasy Fashions, located at Holiday Christmas Town, has an assortment of Medieval costumes that fit the Christmas season. My pick would be the Toy Soldier costume with designs for both men and women. For 150L this is perfect for a costume party, a stage performance of the Nutracker Suite or can be used for alts or employees to enhance a sim’s Christmas theme.

For those of you with a taste for the unusual, Never You Mind has an assortment of oddities for the Christmas season. Oh My Ears Krismischifs for 140L is a great revenge gift for someone you feel obligated to shop for but don’t really want to. Oh My Ears Krismischifs are two adorably grotesque carollers who half sing half rant their way through an assortment of Christmas classics. The recipient of this gift will surely find it amusing for the first few minutes but will inevitably be driven insane by the endless cacophony.

There are times when the commercialism of Christmas can lead to cynicism but, in remembrance of the true Christmas Spirit there are several nativity scenes that can be purchased in the marketplace, many of them are under ten lindens, however the one that appealed to me in its simplicity is the Light Box Silhouette - Nativity by Challis Products that offers a demo version so you can see for yourself if it will make a good gift before spending 200L for the full version.

While there is little doubt that Second Life vendors will be saturating the market with candy cane stripper gear, the sexiest outfit on the grid is easily THUD - Santa Avatar by Tommy Hilf Unique Designs. For 200L it’s a great gift to give yourself as it's sure to get the hotties sitting on your lap.

Now if you’re facing the Holiday season with a limited budget, Santa Claus is giving away free gifts at Christmas Decorations at The House of Avro. Everyday the old fellow gives away a free random gift and all you have to do is sit on his lap and make him smile.


Are you addicted to SL? - Lacy Muircastle reporting...

Image from New World Notes

The other day I was happily profile perving, you know as one does...  I mean how else am I going to weed out interesting tid bits to pass on?

Anyway apologies to the avatar whose profile I stole this from, I omitted to make a note of his name.

It went as follows:

You know you're addicted to SL when:

#10.Checking out at a Grocery store You sign your Avatar's name instead of your own

# 9. You tell your Mom you will TP Over In 5 mins.

# 8. When a friend asks you for directions, you offer to give him a landmark or a TP.

# 7. You jump up into the air, thinking you can fly.

# 6. When someone asks to borrow your notes in class, you tell them they are no-transfer.

# 5. When you walk, and say to yourself, "/ao on"

# 4. You start using the words "Rez"and "Prim"...

# 3. You keep trying to right click things...

# 2. When you look in the mirror and think, "I need to adjust my appearance".

#1.  When you are in getting intimate with someone, you look for pose balls and ask your partner why the menu isn't there?

This is just a bit of fun but it got me thinking, is SL addictive?  In my opinion it is.  

The definition of addiction is:

the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.
"he committed the offence to finance his drug addiction"

Think back to when you first joined Second Life.  The learning curve was immense and getting your head around moving, changing your avatar’s appearance and generally acclimatising to the wonderful world of SL was simply mind blowing.  It may have been a challenge, but hey you were up for said challenge weren’t you?  The lure of the mystical virtual world was compelling, you couldn’t wait to log on.  Am I wrong?

You began to find yourself doing stupid things like taking your laptop to bed with you and putting it in the laundry basket in the bathroom?  Right?  What were you going to do? Log on while pretending to be on the loo?  And to what end?  It’s not like it wasn’t going to be there the next day.
What exactly was it that you were addicted to?  The opportunity to connect with people?  Playing Barbie Dolls for big girls and Action Man for big boys? Was it the fear of missing out?  Or was it because you were now the cool popular girl or guy in your circle of friends? Think back to when you were a teenager: how important was it for you to be cool?

The word cool originated back in the 1920’s in jazz clubs where if you were cool, it meant you were someone who knew how to strut your stuff via dancing, the clothes you wore, and the way you talked. It was an acknowledgement that the way you expressed yourself was unique and respected by others. It’s very similar to when a peacock struts its feathers to show off.

In today’s day and age, to be cool or popular is a bit different from how it originally started. Because everyone wants to be cool it’s now more about social acceptance via standing out. There’s still a slight component of being different and unique but because everyone is trying to be different and unique it’s now a form of conformity.

Okay so maybe it’s not being cool that you’re addicted to.  Is it the fact that Second Life allows you to try things you would never do in real life?  You can fly, express you creativity in a myriad of ways, start your own business, you name it, you can do it.

Does it offer sexual freedom?  Does Fifty Shades of Grey tickle your fancy, but it’s never going to happen in RL?  Does SL offer you a safe environment to be as promiscuous as you like in the safety of the anonymity it offers?  Is your real life missing something?  Or do you just want to be beautiful?

At some point you begin asking yourself what are you doing in SL and for most the addiction does wane.  Eventually… And gets replaced with disillusion.  And why disillusion?  That’s easy to answer, residents of SL are operated by RL humans and therefore are inclined to perpetuate the negative traits of said humans due to the aforementioned anonymity.  That’s not to say that the positive traits aren’t in play as well.  Because they are, especially when it comes to raising funds for charity.

It’s difficult to sustain a productive real life whilst fully immersing yourself in your virtual life.  Moderation is required as with most things in life.  Second Life can and does facilitate personal growth.  You just have to learn how to embrace it without letting it consume you.

Join the conversation and let me know why you were or are addicted to Second Life.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Top 5 Combat Sims in SL – Camury Reporting...

En Garde… Time to dust off your weapon of choice and get ready to have fun in the combat games! Combat is a type of interactive multiplayer conflict within a game between two or more online participants. In Second Life you can join combat events where the residents have fun simulating fights against other residents based on pre-established rules that constitute the combat system.

There are two types of combat systems in Second Life: Linden Lab’s combat system (LLCS) and the combat systems created by residents. For many residents, the LL’s combat system doesn’t offer the expected flexibility of those who play various multiplayer games.   As a result teams of residents have started creating their own combat systems using the tools of creation available to all residents. Subsequently the communities of role players grew, and now combat is a popular activity throughout Second Life.

Some SL sims are designed for the sole purpose of combat, on other sims combat is part of a bigger role-playing theme.

There are thousands of weapons in Second Life to choose from, i.e. melee weapons through to ranged weapons.

A melee weapon is a weapon used in hand-to-hand combat such as a bladed weapon or a blunt weapon. The term Melee originated in the 1640s from the French word mêlée, which refers to hand-to-hand combat, a close quarters battle, a brawl, a confused fight, etc.

A ranged weapon is any weapon that can harm targets at distances greater than hand-to-hand distance.  That’s not all as  there are also grenades, traps, magic spells and other types of weapons specific to each game.

For beginners, places like New Jessie, New Bastogne, Tulagi, SSOC, and Public LLCS combat areas, like Rausch, are a good idea. They cater to different tastes, and therefore are the five combat areas that we will have a look at. 

New Jessie

New Jessie is the premier SIM for conventional combat in Second Life where everybody are welcomed. There is a healthy mix of combat blocks in a small town, as well as a pair of bunkers and a shore front with barbed wire and tank spikes.  In New Jessie you will find a weapons’ store, many free weapons and a combat museum detailing the history of combat’s early days in Second Life.

New Bastogne

In the New Bastogne regions, you can find several WW2 groups specific to role play (RP) in Second Life. Several groups were created, in the SIM, to augment the combat games that normally occur. The SIM, simulate NAZI Occupied France. You may want to be part of the La Résistance Française, a group dedicated to espionage and sabotage role play in this WW2 Era. They work in coordination with the following groups: ALLIED INTELLIGENCE and 366 Squadron RAF and have fun running different missions.


Come and join combat at the home of the Jeogeot Gulf Freight System. Haul, defend or sink freight for cool rewards and even free warships.  Set out to sea on the biggest combat ocean on the grid with close to 40 open rez sims themed around WW2 in the Pacific. VICE LANCE & More!

SSOC Tokyo-Wind Hill City

Come check out the action in the SSOC Tokyo-Wind Hill City. This is a modern sim with a modern military-combat area in the tradition of a Japanese city. You can watch and participate in realistic urban military combat and have fun with an original combat system.

Public LLCS combat areas

Rausch, Blue Base and Red Base are a few of the most popular public combat sims of the LLCS. These three sims are free-for-all sandboxes. There is a “safe zone” in Rausch where you cannot be attacked.  It’s usually surrounded by big yellow markers where you can find other players and get information. Rausch is a public sandbox and unlike a private combat sim, anything goes there.  It’s very likely that you will be killed before you know who killed you, although it also means that you can kill others the same way.

The Destination Guide includes fun places to visit for combat games.  These are listed under the Sports and Games category, as well as the Role-playing Communities category.

Choose your favorite combat area and have FUN!

GIZZA CREATIONS - NEW COLLECTION Leave an everlasting impression with GizzA - Never Be Forgotten.

This vintage style lace set has the classic high waist short and a cropped top with cap sleeves. A rose adorns with garter belt for that extra Oomph!

The purchase includes system avatar layers, as well as the OMEGA applier HUD and the Maitreya, Belleza and Slink mesh bodies HUDs.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Original and exclusive mesh and animations from KiX come together in a sleek and stylish Bauhaus style collection with sumptuous leather texture change in rich colours accented by chrome, wood and smoked glass. The collection is available in adult and PG options and each element can be purchased separately too in the main store. Contains sofa, footstool, armchair, shelf unit, lighting collection, texture change rug, Laccio style table and a radiator (naughty animations in the adult). 

Second Life Christmas Sims Worth Seeing - Part 2- A review of Dark Dharma’s North Pole and Santa’s Work Shop - Dean Lawson reporting

Listed in the Second Life search engine as "Christmas at North Pole Village & Santa's Workshop” this is a very creative sim that offers a surreal experience with larger than life toy soldiers guarding the entrance to what can best be described as Santa’s answer to to the cold war.

While upholding many of the traditional conventions of Santa’s workshop there are some modern improvisations, such as a state of the art runway from where you can watch Santa depart on his Christmas mission.

Then there is Elf Comm Central which gives one the impression that the elves are the true brains behind this militaristic theatre of operations.

Although I found the militant nature of the sim a little uncomfortable, there is a lot to explore and the ginger bread cookies are tasty.

This is a family friendly sim that rates 4 out of 5 stars

Monday, November 28, 2016

Cobra World : An Invitation to A Motorcycle Club - Seersha Heart

Cobra World is a premier motorcycle club in world.  I had the opportunity to speak to one of their Road Captains, Zach, about what a club is like and what makes Cobra World so special.  For anyone who rides a motorcycle in world and for those who want to ride a motorcycle in world, Cobra’s is the place to start your quest.  One of the wonderful things offered by Cobra is a beginner’s bike for only 1L and lessons on how to ride.  Although they sponsor special days for interested prospective members, if you want to be part of Cobra show up at their SIM any time and speak to whomever is on the SIM [link at end of article].  Cobra World is a very welcoming place to all.

            I have zero experience in motorcycling in world, no that isn’t exactly true.  I have ridden a motorcycle into the water and given up.  Yesterday I found a renewed interest in riding after I tried a little with Road Captain Zach.  First I had to learn a few new vocabulary words to understand what he was speaking to me about.  When you are taking your first look at their motorcycle club [mc] and are just hanging around the SIM, not attending any rides or any events, you are called a “hang around”.  When you decide you are interested in being a prospective member you become a “prospect”.   Prospects join in the rides and in all events if you are online at the time.  Prospects also go to church.  Another new term, “church” is a meeting.  So a prospect does all the things they would be doing as a member for a while.  The goal is to get to know the members of Cobra while they get to know you at the same time.
Membership to Cobra comes when the members vote you in and you become a patched member.   

As a Road Captain, part of what Zach does is books their rides and runs certain events.  One of those events is the ‘Learn to Ride Event’ I mentioned earlier where they promote helping people learn how to ride and to handle a motorcycle and give them a view of this awesome mc.  Their rides take them on the roads of SL as well as to other SIMs where there are tracks.  At their SIM they have three tracks that wind around the SIM gradually going into the sky.  I had the opportunity to ride on the back of Zach’s bike up all three tracks.  There is a place to stop mid-way along where there are shops and areas for kicking back.  I figure this is where the experienced bikers wait for we beginners to catch up.
The mc has relationships with other mcs in world.  The various mcs will allow another mc to ride on their SIM.  This happens fairly frequently providing quite a diversity of tracks to explore.I learned another important fact about the club, if someone rides along behind you they do not have to be a club member. 
This lead me to an interesting dialog with Zach as I thought well….

Seersha Heart:  do you ever use your bike to flirt with women?
ZACH:             well maybe a few times lol
Seersha Heart:  bet it is a chick magnet *laughs*
ZACH:             yes chicks love bikes, most of the time I get along without having to bring the bike out

            Zach invited me to the Cobra World SIM to take a look around.  I landed near their community board near a well-marked Rez Zone.  Off to one side was the $1L bike for beginners and those who didn’t have a motorcycle to ride.  Some of the Cobra members are builders and build bikes.  Zach is learning to build bikes and sounds quite excited about it.  It was time to see Zach’s favorite bike a White Stallion by Silvercloud bikes complete with painted white stallion on the gas tank.  When he told me he was going to “whip it out” I became cautious as in world that could mean a lot of different things.  However, he produced his bike and was demonstrating the animations that came along with it.  His bike can take a rider so the animations worked for a two animation as well as a single animation.  He told me it is no harder to drive with two than it is with a single rider.  I did manage to make him laugh with this question…

Seersha Heart:  does size matter in a bike’s performance?
Zach:               no with bikes no
Seersha Heart:  *laughs* good to know

            I spoke to Zach about their mc on a wide range of questions.  I learned that the demographic of the club is about even men to women.  To become a Road Captain, he had to finish a lot of rides and express interest in the position.  I asked him what advantages someone would have to being a member of Cobra World instead of riding alone.  He said that at Cobra they are all family.  He also emphasized that when they ride together it’s like you are riding with your family and you have a great feeling of pride.

After seeing the clubhouse and the SIM up close as well as having such a knowledgeable guide, I decided to give driving a try.  I must say Zach has enormous patience.  He offered his own bike for me to try driving.  It wasn’t until I was actually driving that I thought I should have told him I didn’t know there were gears to shift.  He may have suspected my lack of experience when I asked him “how did I get into reverse”.  Well, irl the bike would have suffered, in world I was actually able to drive a motorcycle better than I ever had before.  I did not run into the water, and I listened to Zach’s advice.

            If you are thinking of trying to ride a motorcycle or a seasoned rider, Cobra World is definitely a place to visit.  The SIM is well lain out, they have a clubhouse and a close relationship with members.  Stop in and give it a try, you won’t regret dropping in on them.  They are super friendly and always open for new people to come along and join up.  This writer is not giving up on riding yet, I plan to be a “hang around” for a while and see what happens.


Sunday, November 27, 2016

The regular monthly meeting of Art and Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) will be held in Quat on Sunday, November 27th at 10 am SLT (1pm est)

Topics for discussion:

President Trump vs. Science?

Climate skeptic heads EPA?

Art stops oil pipeline?

If we have time:

Birthday on Proxima b?

Will we be extinct in 1,000 years?

Dark doubts?

We hope you can stop by to join the fun and share your Metaverse
experiences, along with your virtual gaming, computer geek adventures,
cyber art projects, and dorkbot stories. You can teleport to the meeting

Your participation implies you consent to have your words and image
published at

