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Monday, April 24, 2017

Whispering Sands Live: This weeks LIVE MUSIC with WSL! April 24th - 30th

We have a full week of amazing performers for you! Grab some friends and get ready for some of the BEST music on the grid.
Here are just a few shows we have lined up for y'all this week!

HAPPY Monday!!
Jack Slade at the Blarney Stone: 2pm - 3pm (Casual) - Ride:
AleyKat at Rock House: 4pm - 5pm (Casual) Ride:
Essence Bilasimo at Acoustic Cave: 6pm - 7pm (Casual) Ride:
Greg Kat at Club Zydeco: 6pm - 7pm (Casual) Ride:

Tuesdays Lineup:
Jack Slade at Surfside Hideaway: 1pm - 2pm (Casual) Ride:
Savannah Rain at Two Moon Paradise: 5pm - 6pm (Casual) Ride:
DirtyDee Sweetwater at The Only Venue: 7pm - 8pm (Casual) Ride:
Essence Bilasimo at Live Vibrations: 8pm - 9pm (Casual) Ride:

Maximillion Kleene at Turtle Coast: 3pm - 4pm (Casual) Ride:
AleyKat at Jaged Egde: 4pm - 5pm (Casual) Ride:
Maxx Sabretooth at Temptation Falls: 4pm - 5pm (Casual) Ride:
Savannah Rain at Dolphin Cafe: 7pm - 8pm (Casual) Ride:
Toxie Darkmatter at Elegant Decadence: 7pm - 8pm (Causal/Nudity Allowed) Ride:

Thirsty Thursday!
AleyKat at Mango Yacht Club: 2pm - 3pm (Casual) Ride:
Jack Slade at The Truth: 5pm - 6pm (Casual) Ride:
Liam Wakeman at The Only Venue: 6pm - 7pm (Casual) Ride:
Sassy Nitely at The Clark Theater: 7pm - 8pm (Kimono preferred but not require) Ride:
Gina Stella at The Clark Theater: 8pm - 9pm (Kimono preferred but not require) Ride:

TGIFriday! ♥
AleyKat at Branagh's Jazz: 3pm - 4pm (Formal) Ride:
Jack Slade at Love Kats: 5pm - 6pm (Casual) Ride:
Gina Stella at Prim Economy: 6pm - 7pm (Casual) Ride:
Maximillion Kleene at Godfather's Club: 7pm - 8pm (Casual) Ride:
Raven at The Cotton Club: 8pm - 10pm (Casual) Ride:

Agatha at Love Kats: 2pm - 3pm (Casual) Ride:
Keeba Tammas at Shay's Rock House: 4pm - 5pm (Casual) Ride:
Phi Mayo at Savoy Jazz Club: 6pm - 7pm (Formal) Ride:
Jack Slade at Dirty Rythms: 7pm - 8pm (Casual/Nudity Allowed) Ride


Essence Bilasimo at Carrie's Lingerie: 3pm - 4pm (Casual) Ride:
Gina Stella at Seaside Lounge: 6pm - 7pm (Casual) Ride:

These are just a few shows for the week of April 24 - 30. We look forward to seeing you!

For a full lineup or more information about Whispering Sands Live Promotions and Performers:

Contact Jorrdan Jarman for more information or any and all SL LIVE music needs!

All that matters is the music... an interview with AleyKat - Lacy Muircastle reporting...

It is said that music is perhaps the most powerful external influence that shapes who you are—how you think, how you feel, and who you become.  In fact, the very word music comes from the root word muse which literally means “to be absorbed in thought.” That’s what music does, it absorbs our conscious and subconscious mind and directs those thoughts.

“I feel so in the moment... like nothing else matters... all that matters is the music. It's exhilarating and freeing.” AleyKat.

I had the pleasure of interviewing AleyKat (Aleylia Resident), a relative newcomer to the SL music scene.  Although she’s been in SL for over six years, it’s been the last year that she’s found the destination of her journey… Music.

Like so many others before her, she was on a different website, and a friend of hers told her about Second Life and showed her the ropes... she was hooked instantly.

I asked her how her SL journey had been, she replied, “It's been a rollercoaster, to be honest. The personal friendships can sometimes be tricky to navigate but the creativity and almost unlimited possibilities are incredible to me.”

Aley said that somewhat amazingly she only discovered the live music scene in Second Life when she was about five years old... “I don't know how that happened! I fell in love with listening to all these wonderful performers and a friend of mine knew that I had a background IRL of singing and encouraged me to give it a go. I think it is an astonishing thing that you can sit in the comfort of your own home and listen LIVE to musicians basically free at the point of delivery. Some people who may not ever be able to access live music now have a chance to listen- I truly believe music enriches your life like almost nothing else.”

I asked her if she thought that SL was a valid platform for people to explore their creativity and did it translate to that creativity being transferred back into the real world?

She said, “I believe 100% that SL is a valid platform and it can be transferred into RL if desired. I don't know if it would personally help me transfer SL audience to RL audience numbers but it might help some with their confidence and in turn, then enable them to feel able to perform IRL if they wanted that.”

She’s involved in music in many different aspects in real life but LOVES being able to perform from the comfort of her own home and not have to stress about lugging equipment around.
Aley has tentatively begun to pen her own music.  She said, “I started recently but still I'm learning... I draw inspiration from RL.  It’s scary though because you're exposing yourself and putting yourself out there.  It makes you feel very vulnerable.”

Her role model in SL is one of her closest friends, Savannah Rain.  Aley said, “She works so hard, always has a kind word for her fans and time for them, and her heart is one of the best I know.
AleyKat said that after family and close friends, music means everything to her. She’s constantly grateful and amazed that she gets to sing in Second Life and people actually come and listen and support her. “I never take it for granted, ever,” she said.

She loves being able to share her passion for music with people and says it's an honour when people tell her she’s made them feel better or uplifted a rubbish day for them.  On the other hand, she said it’s hard if she’s had a really bad day and then has to try to put on a good performance.  She added, “Often though it cheers me up a lot to sing: D It's also a pain sometimes having to sing at 1am... 5 pm SLT... that sometimes makes me tired.”  Being from the UK, it requires some juggling with time zones.
As for critics of her music, she said, “Hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  As long as it's presented in a polite manner I have no problem with people that don't like what I do.”

I asked if I was to turn on her iPod right now, what five artists/songs would I see on her recently played list?

She replied. “Probably a song I'm learning as a request... a couple of hits from the musicals.... a song from Oh Wonder.... and some PMJ.”
She plans on singing for as long as people will come and listen.  She is the good hands of the team at Whispering Sands Live Promotions, and they will see to it that she does.  Badone was Aley’s first manager, but she joined WSLP for financial reasons.  She is very happy with their representation of her.  They are totally professional and have never let her down, what's more, she says that Jorr and Keileigh have become great friends of hers.

AleyKat’s sound in five words:
Unique, vintage, eclectic, passionate, emotional.

To catch the lovely AleyKat in action, check the Whispering Sands Live Promotions schedule, which is regularly updated right here in the SL Enquirer.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

In conversation with Mimi Juneau - Lacy Muircastle Reporting...

The name Mimi Juneau is synonymous with fashion in Second Life.  She has been a proud supporter of all things fashion related for close on ten years now.
I’ve interviewed Mimi several times during my time as an SL journalist, the last time being five years ago.

I thought it was high time to catch up with her again.

Much has changed in Second Life over those five years and the biggest of those changes being the introduction of mesh and the online Second Life Marketplace.  Whilst we all know that the only constant in life is change, not all change is positive or necessarily for the greater good.  But nevertheless, we relentlessly move forward.

I sat down with Mimi in her store, Mimi’s Choice, which is now on Redgrave’s Sim.  One of the most significant consequences of the changes in SL has been that she’s had to let go of her own sim.  Happily, though she’s back with her friends the Redgrave’s, which is where it all started for her back in 2007.

Mimi’s Choice turns ten later in the year, and Mimi is enjoying what she does more than ever.  She still says she’s just a poor reseller, but actually, she’s much more than that.  She’s an icon of fashion and a thoroughly lovely person to boot.   She continues to work as hard as she ever did, representing a number of high-end designers. 

Sadly she’s had to reduce the size of the store but she is pragmatic about the situation and basically, has taken the stance of rolling with the punches.

Mimi will happily assist those that ask for her help.  For instance, my shoes and feet were mismatched to the mesh body that I was wearing and she kindly pointed out the error of my ways.  My problem is that I’ve never really taken to mesh as it’s all such a damn hassle.  You need a degree in order to make your avatar look even halfway decent and to be honest, I don’t have either the time or the inclination to learn all the ins and outs.  Nevertheless, I digress.  Mimi will go so far as being your personal shopper to help you navigate the plethora of stores out there.  For example, if you happen to be a male avatar and don’t know where to begin to look for decent hair, just ask Mimi, she knows all the good designers.

Mimi’s Choice has to compete with subscription boxes these days.  These subscription boxes contain items from a number of designers and are issued, in some cases. as regularly as monthly.  For example BishBox and Luxe Box.  These boxes have added a new dimension to the resale of Second Life fashion and interior décor, to the detriment of the likes of Mimi’s Choice and add pressure to the SL fashion designer’s bottom line.

If you’re looking for a proper old fashioned shopping experience then Mimi’s Choice is where to find it.  Half the fun in acquiring new clothes and accessories is looking at what’s available and comparing what’s out there.  At Mimi’s Choice, you can do that all under one roof where everything from, hair and shoes to the latest glam gown is waiting for you.

Mimi is still enjoying her Second Life journey even if it’s a bit of an uphill battle these days.

As for the future of Mimi's Choice, she said that she will continue to provide an environment where designers of Second Life can come together in one unique environment and exhibit their top items for the masses of SL to enjoy.

She concluded, “Times have changed and will continue to do so, but Mimi's Choice will continue as is for as long as possible.”

To keep up to date with what’s available in store check out Mimi’s Choice blog –

The SL Enquirer and our readers wish Mimi’s Choice a fantastic tenth anniversary later in the year and many more to come.

Location of Mimi's Choice:

Saturday, April 22, 2017

GeekSpeak – life on an orbital station: Join the discussion Saturday April 22nd at 12pm SLT

It is already possible to visit the International Space Station as a tourist.  When there are several giant space stations just a 10 minute flight from earth many people will want to visit.

What will life be like on a zero gravity space station?  Will the stations be the most popular tourist destinations ever?  Or cheap theme parks with bad food?

The views of earth will be amazing.  Zero gravity will be fun, at least for a while.  Will ordinary earth sports be possible on the stations?  Will there be new zero gravity sports?  Will new laws be needed?  How long will tourists be able to stay before they become physically unable to return to earth?

If some people live and work there permanently will they, or their children, differ physically from earth people?  Will the sky people consider themselves superior?

Come and help us write the future travel guides to space, with a hitchhiking section of course.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Misfit Dance and Performance Art at RFL Fantasy Faire 2017

Misfit Dance is proud to be contributors and  featured performers at RFL Fantasy Faire 2017 in Second Life.  This will be our 3rd year of participation!

We will be presenting not just 1 , but 2 UNIQUE fun filled Theater Dance Art shows this year -  "Misfit Magic" and "More Misfit Magic" -  a total of 7 performances over the 10 day run of Fantasy Faire.

Come join the fun for a great cause - Relay For Life & The American Cancer Society!
Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information

Show Dates & Times

Friday                 April 21        5 pm SL        "Misfit Magic"
Saturday            April 22        6 pm SL     "More  Misfit Magic"
Sunday              April 23         6 pm SL        "Misfit Magic"

Tuesday            April 25           5 pm SL   "More Misfit Magic"
Thursday          April 27           7 pm SL        "Misfit Magic

Friday               April 28           5 pm SL    "More Misfit Magic"
Saturday           April 29           5 pm SL        "Misfit Magic"

Misfit Magic
Queens of DeNile
On The Clock
Sleepless Sheep
Spy vs Spy
What's up Dock
More Misfit Magic
Miss McDonald
Peeping Tom
Under the Big Top
Basic Shapes
Eggs in 1 Basket
Bourbon Street
Rockin' Goblins

Teleport SLURL:

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Get your motor running - Camury reporting...

Motorcycle Clubs or MC’s as they’re colloquially termed are groups of people who appreciate motorcycling. They’re clubs organized with the purpose of establishing camaraderie and friendship, among its participants. The clubs organize trips and meetings to promote friendship and fellowship among all participants.
In Second Life, there are many motorcycle-related clubs that are a source of entertainment. Places like biker bars, dance clubs, strip clubs, or simply places that motorcyclists like to get together and hang out with other bikers.
Here are five places I recommend.  I’ve included a little information regarding what you can find at each venue so that you know what to expect before teleporting to the sim.

Dirty Bones Saloon & Track

Dirty Bones Saloon & Track is a place to meet people from the motorcycle community or anyone who may be interested. All are welcome as long as respect is given to one another.   The saloon is sponsored by the Sacred Bones Society of SL motorcycle club. "Brotherhood, respect, and understanding,” is their motto.   While I was there I talked to Sophiesosweet Resident who said that her BF has a RL MC and so they have started one in SL. There are still no rules defined for the MC and everyone is welcome to use the track.

C & P Motor Sports, High Rollers MC
High Rollers is an MC that allows children, accompanied by adults.  On the SIM you will find bike shops, motorcycles for sale, C & P Motor Sports, custom bikes, kid’s bikes, full perm bike parts, Crow Dartmouth, race track, mc high rollers, bike track, family track, biker club and shopping area.
If you want to use the track, follow the instructions in the rezz zone. If you would like to book a tour for your group, cross the street and drop a notecard for the road captain.

Pandemonium Nation MC

Pandemonium Nation MC is a brotherhood and sisterhood, of like-minded bikers. They are family beyond blood, true brothers and sisters. On the SIM you will find the Motorcycle Club, track, bike, ride, shooting range, drag strip. All ages welcome. There was no one around when I was there (1:00 PM Second Life Time) and I was not able to find more information about MC rules.

Rockin' Rollers Motorcycle Club (RRMC)

On the seductive roads of the south, you will find the RRMC. This MC has two sims full of roads, tracks, and entertainment. You are requested to respect the privacy of the homes on the sim. You can find information on how to join the Support Group and obtain an application prospectus.   The prospectus requires information such as avatar name, date of birth and level of current riding skills (Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner, and Never Ridden Before).  Once you have answered the questions, drop the notecard into the depot box on the RRMC berth or deliver to any RRMC Recruiting Officer. Notification of Members' General Meetings and other RRMC Events, such as weekly tours, DJ events, and parties, are posted on the Event Board at the RRMC Pousadas Dock.

The Alliance (Devil's Rejects MC & Black Jax Gang)

The Alliance is a place where the Devil's Rejects MC and Black Jax Gang have sealed an alliance and have fun. On-site, you will find Drag Racing, Motorcycles, Cars, Hotrods, Strippers, Hookers, Motorcycle Club, MC and Naughty Girls. Motorcycles and cars must use the track only.

When visiting the Motorcycle Clubs, get your scripts to 50 or below, do not forget your bike and enjoy! See you on the road!

Level Up Round 4 is in Full Swing

Round 4 of Level Up event has begun. We have some really great items for you this round from our awesome designers. We are still celebrating spring with another Peep Hunt for group members. All designs for this round will be available until April 29!
See you there!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Let's help a Veteran and fellow Second Life Resident in Real Life. Vote for Red Raven Meadery!

Havoc Rau here and I need your help, but really it is my RL self that needs it.

I am starting a new business, a Meadery and am a finalist for a sizable grant to get it going. 

The actual winners will be decided by Internet voting, and that is where you come in.

PLEASE copy paste the link below into your browser and vote for Red Raven Meadery. It will only take a minute and i really need your help.

Thanks in advance, Havoc

Monday, April 17, 2017

Whispering Sands Live Promotions, promoting live music in Second Life

We have the perfect entertainment match for your function. Are you planning a wedding, group launch, corporate team event, year-end party, charity drive, fashion show, birthday bash, an anniversary celebration? Or do you need to put your music venue on the grid? Let us manage all your event's musical needs from sourcing the artist right through to timing the performance.  We have many years of experience, a proven track record and many happy clients.

Want to book a singer or make that event special and memorable?  Talk to Us

Currently we represent 15 performers covering all Genres and time zones.  We’re in our third year of business and know how to make things go smoothly for the club owner or manager or even for individuals booking a special event.  You work hard to have a venue that people want to come too, or you want to make your event something that everyone will remember, we can help with all that and this is how........ 

If you’re looking for a specific performer or you need to fill a particular time slot, we’ll take your information and check the performer’s availability or who else may be available at the time you require.  We will contact you the relevant options for you to make your choice from.

Once you have narrowed your choices down to one or two people, we’ll contact the performers either in world or in real life and reconfirm that they do not have real life plans for the scheduled time and can physically be there to perform the show. This provides huge time benefits to our clients. Venues spend less time having to look for and contact individual performers to determine who can do the show, and performers spend less time having to get to know the requirements of new venues.  After both parties have agreed upon a date and time for the performance, Whispering Sands Live Promotions will ask the venue for a landmark for where the show will be performed and if there is any dress code required to attend the show.

And that’s not all folks… generally speaking you’d think that was it until show time, but it’s not when dealing with WSLP.  To ensure your booking goes smoothly, we reconfirm the show or event.  What that means is, to prevent confusion and possible double bookings, all of our confirmations are done by a single person.  Prior to sending out the confirmation, we double check the performer’s calendar and if available the venues calendar to make sure there are no conflicts or double bookings.
The confirmation includes all the details for the show; date, start and end time, location with land mark, performers name, venue name, the venue contact name, performer’s fee, dress code, the performer’s bio for event listing, a promo pic of the performer, and the performer’s stream details for the show. The confirmation with all of this information will then be sent to both the performer and the venue providing both parties with everything they need to know for the show.  This helps prevent any miscommunication or misunderstandings about the booked show.

Everyone understands that promoting a show or event is necessary. If no one knows about it, there won’t be anyone there. Of course the performers want as many people as possible to attend their shows to hear them perform, but this is not the primary reason we do as much promotion of the show we possibly can. The primary reason we do what we do, is because the performers are providing a paid service to the venues. Part of the service they provide includes attracting as many people as they can to the venue, and so that the venue can show both the performer and the audience what they have to offer.   

So how do we promote the show?

After a show is confirmed, we add it to both the performers’ individual calendar and to our master calendar. This adds the show to our daily schedule that is listed down the right hand side of our website which averages about 100 views a day.  On the day of the show we ensure the show is included on our daily schedule Facebook post which lists both the performers name and the venue name.  These posts average 350 to 400 views a day.  We arrange to have an individual Facebook post for the show on the day of the show and it is shared across multiple Facebook groups, twitter and Google plus. We add the show to our hosting schedule to make sure a host is present to promote the show in-world on the day.  Most importantly we ensure that the show is listed in the Second Life events search under live music. Because this requires land permissions only the venue themselves are able to do this.

The day before the booking we reconfirm calendars, check events listings to see if listed and if not gently remind venue that it needs to be done as this is where the huge majority of the people who attend shows on a regular basis look to determine which show they will attend for that particular hour.

On the day of the show we ensure all promotions are going out, that the host who has agreed to do show is taking care of her stuff... all of this to help get people to attend YOUR event.  If something happens in real life, for example health wise, and the performer we have booked for you cannot make the show, we will ensure you get a replacement performer to make sure your event still goes ahead and that you don’t have to panic about it.

Showtime is always hectic for all involved... making it look seamless and easy is our job.  We schedule everything from sending notices, letting the performer know who is following them, what they should be promoting, getting tags to rezz, greeting people as they arrive, and just making things go as smoothly as possible for you.

You will have noticed that 90% of what we do is done on behalf of the performers in order that a better quality show is provided and that they provide the best service they can offer a venue. This is why Whispering Sands Live Promotions is the only place to come when looking for performers.  The worry of chasing down artists, booking and confirming and then reconfirming and checking for issues is not your problem.  As they say...  try us, you may like us!

Please have a look around and get in touch if you would like to use our services.

Management Team:

Jorrdan Jarman

Keileigh Galaxy


Troy Nelson 

Winter Fleur

The Haunt: An upscale & exclusive underground nightclub

 This adaptive space blurs the line between luxe sophistication and uninhibited revelry. 

From the alluring energy of the intimate indoor space, highlighted VIP tables, elaborate décor & the raw display of our staff’s sexual energy; you’ll be hooked. Journey from early evening cocktails to late night dancing, 

The Haunt acts as the party elite’s canvas, so go ahead – paint the scene.

(Bloodlines Friendly, CCS, RP, Vampire the Masquerade)


The Pink Vampire is starring in Old Hollywood Studio’s remake of “The Night They Raided Minsky’s.” It’s the story of the girl who invented the striptease. We will be filming the main burlesque scene at a new location on Hollywood Blvd at Origen’s Hollywood Venues. The Frolic Room, a popular bar, will be transformed into “Minsky’s Burlesque” for one night only. You are invited to hear a fabulous performance by The Pink Vampire, enjoy special choreography by Shadow Taber, and drool overThe BBW Heaven Burlesque Dancers, as YOU become part of motion picture history as an extra in this amazing film. See you on the Big Screen! Attire: Think hookers and pimps or formal.

Owner: Origen Resident

Group: The Hollywood Ballroom & Theater