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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"SCARE ME TO DEATH” - Dean Lawson Reporting...

 "The Horror" by Andressa DePrims

A review of Playmates Magazine’s Halloween themed photo contest.

Playmates Magazine recently held a Halloween theme photo contest. According to Tazzy Jenkins, the owner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playmates Magazine, "... the concept for the Scare Me To Death photo contest was to have a contest that was based on merit and not friends votes."

"Most photo contests are basically a popularity contest and some of the most amazing talent is over-looked.” Tazzy explained. "We wanted a fair photo contest to give some true artists a chance. The title describes what kind of photo's we were looking for. Not cute or sexy but images that truly sent a chill down our spines. Anyone could enter the contest held at Playmates Magazine Headquarters from Oct 3rd - Oct 31st.  Excluding Playmates models, their friends and family and Playmates staff members. Photo's had to be original and shot in SL, however, moderate photo editing was permitted."

According to Tazzy, photo's were judged by the Playmates models and staff and votes were tallied to find the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

"Photo's were judged on originality and technique (lighting, shading,windlight and use of photography tools) ...” Tazzy elaborated. “… but mainly we were looking for that creepy, disturbing and insanely awesome photo!” 

 "Lovin it now" by JackMicheals Resident

1st place winner of $1000L went to yaboos Resident for “Dentata”. 2nd place winner of $500L went to Andressa DePrims for "The Horror”. 3rd place winner of $250 went to JackMicheals Resident for "Lovin it now?"

I asked Tazzy if there will be future contests.

"Yes we will be holding these contests every other month with a variety of themes.” Tazzy replied. "The next contest will be in January and the theme will be 'Celebration'."

When writing about the work of other artists I subscribe to the belief that art is subjective and try to refrain from inserting too much of my own opinion, however after reviewing the snapshots “Dentata” , “The Horror” , and “Lovin it now?” I must say these are indeed chilling images that include a psychotic Ronald MacDonald clown, a severed head and a severed … well, let’s just say a picture speaks a thousand screams.
 “Dentata” by yaboos Resident

Monday, November 16, 2015

TOYS 4 TOTS in Second Life- Interview with Rocky Hillburton- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

It’s that time of year again when the giving spirit is in full swing. Right now in Second Life avatars are working hard to get ready for the Holidays. One particular place in Second Life is focused on making sure children in need gets toys for Christmas. Please meet Rocky Hillburton. For the past 6 years Rocky and his team have been dedicating their time and efforts to raise donations for Toys 4 Tots. In the past 6 years Toys 4 Tots in Second Life with the support of  residents raised over $110,000 USD with 100% of funds raised going to the Toys 4 Tots Foundation in Virginia.

This year will mark Toys 4 Tots Sixth Annual Breedable Expo and Fair beginning on November 21st until November 29th. This event will cover two Christmas themed sims dedicated to Breedables as well as an assortment of non-breedable vendors and retailers. Events will include live performances, raffles and a very special auction.  

The SL Enquirer caught up with Rocky to learn more about Toys 4 Tots and why it has been such a passion for him.

Interview with Rocky Hillburton

Hi Rocky, let me start of by saying thank you on behalf of the SL Enquirer for being such a proactive member of this community. Second Life needs more people like you with such a big heart and passion for helping others in need, particularly children who depend on us for their needs.  How did you get involved with Toys 4 Tots?

Rocky: Originally a man named Pat Wunderland of SL’s Wunderland Records started the Toys 4 Tots in SL campaign. I immediately got involved when I joined SL and opened my club. I was asked by Pat and his team to fill some entertainer spots they needed filled. I filled those spots within the hour for him, twelve in all. He was called away due to real life commitments and asked if I would be interested in taking over the campaign. I have been the head for the past 5 years.

Who are the people that make up your Toys 4 Tots Team?

Rocky: Currently besides myself, there is Shannon Dubatt and Marissa Goodliffe that make up our team.

With this  being your 6th year raising donations for T4T, can you share with our readers how much money you have collectively raised so far for children?

Rocky: Prior to my taking the lead we had raised 25,000.00 USD with the help of the SL entertainment industry through the sales of CDs and musical events sponsored by the SL performers. Since my taking the helm we have ventured into the breedable and non-breedable side of things and started the expos. This will be our third expo. With this addition we have raised another 90,000.00 USD that has gone 100% to the real life Toys 4 Tots foundation in Virginia.

WOW, That is impressive! In the real world, people usually donate toys at various drop off boxes at department stores and other places that accept toys donations. That obviously cannot happen in SL. Can you share with us the how you convert Linden donations into a check for Toys 4 Tots?

Rocky: All donations or items sold are through either a donation kiosk or a sales/gacha kiosk that is specifically made and given by the SL Toys 4 Tots foundation. Those funds, either from sales or donated, go directly to a Toys 4 Tots alt. The kiosks and vendors talk to a website to reflect the monies raised. That amount is withdrawn from SL via several alts, because of limitations from LL, and a screenshot is taken of the Lindens taken out and what they were converted to. This screenshot is posted on the website alongside a screenshot of the actual receipt from the real world Toys 4 Tots foundation to show that both match. No funds are ever expended from the monies raised for any purchases of items in SL, sims for the expo and so on.

Thank you for sharing how transparent Toys 4 Tots in SL is about ensuring donated Lindens are going to the foundation.

In Second Life you have a whole sim dedicated to Toys 4 Tots which includes a beautifully decorated Christmas Wonderland themed , Santa’s Workshop, T4T information office, donation kiosks and shop space for vendors. How can retailers get involved in Toys for Tots and rent shop space?

Rocky: We have a main headquarters in SL with a LM available which will take you to a central board that is made to represent the two actual sims. The mock board is laid out identical to the actual sims so people know what and where they are renting the spot. We have three different spots available, bronze, gold and platinum, and the price structure is 2500L, 5000L or 10000L depending on the spot size you wish to rent. All builders and breedable associations are welcome. We have a NC with our TOS of building guidelines and pricing structures as well for anyone interested.

That sounds simple enough. What kind of products do your current retailers offer?

Rocky: We currently have many of the major breedables involved or their auction houses, knick knack shops, building designers and kids clothing and furniture. We are willing to entertain any builders as long as it is not adult in nature.

The 6th Annual Toys for Tots Breedables Expo and Fair is approaching, what can people expect to see at this event?

Rocky: A variety of amazing displays where they can find out more information on each builder, purchase a one of a kind Toys 4 Tots item as well as the builders other items. There will be a giant auction on the final Saturday of the expo and many music events scheduled every day for their entertainment as they browse, shop, play or donate. The music from each performer will be able to be heard from any parcel on either sim.

Sounds like a lot of fun! Can you give us a little teaser about some of the live performers who will be at the event and some of the prizes?

Rocky: We have a huge line up of some of the best performers in SL and would hate to name only a few but know they will have plenty to choose from with all types of music. They are scheduled from the opening day to the final day with a minimum of three shows per day. We have several folks that will be donating some outstanding breedable items that will go in as prizes with spotlight prizes given out at random.

Sponsors and volunteers are a vital part of organizing fundraisers and events in Second Life. How can people get involved in this Toys 4 Tots event and help make this year the best one yet?

Rocky: They can contact Marissa Goodliffe, Shannon Dubratt or myself. Marissa really heads up the contact section for me and is very well equipped to handle any and all questions. We have available donation kiosks that are copy/trans that can be set out at their shops, whether on the expo sims or not, and handed out to their friends to set out as well. This also goes for the vendors (sales/gacha) that can be used anywhere on the grid.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about Toys 4 Tots in SL?

Rocky: The biggest thing I would like to mention is that for all the hard work that is done with Toys 4 Tots, 100% of all monies raised in SL goes to the real world foundation and 98% of that money is used for toys for the kids. If you compare that with other charitable organizations that is an outstanding percentage. No other charitable organization can make that type of claim. We have all fallen on a hard time at one time or another and wished we could have relied on something like this to show our kids something. I believe that a belief in something starts at a young age and if a child cannot believe in Santa then his belief system has already started breaking down.

Very well said Rocky. Thank you so much for taking the time to share what you do with our readers and again for all that you did and still do for many children around the world who have received gifts because of you and the efforts of everyone who has donated to Toys 4 Tots.

Additional Information
Group: Annual T4T Christmas Benefit (SL)


The Official SL Toys 4 Tots info center.

Preferred Contact: Rocky Hillburton, Shannon Dubratt, Marissa Goodliffe

Disabilities, and How SL Helps People blend in with Society, Lilly Lacewing Reporting.

Disabilities, and Second Life, a match made in accessible heaven!

Second Life doesn’t just blur the lines of discrimination when it comes to the disabled, it can completely eliminate the lines altogether. I know this from firsthand experience, which is why I chose to do this long ‘overdue’ assignment.

In RL, I suffer from a rare, genetic connective tissue disorder, which to sum things up (otherwise this would BE the article,) it results in joints that don’t like to stay in place, pain, muscle spasms, and a host of myriad secondary systemic disorders. As a result, there are a lot of things I cannot do anymore in Real Life, but in Second Life? The possibilities are endless! I can ride horses again, climb hills and mountains, ‘walk’ through beautiful and serene landscapes without having to worry about my left hip staying in the socket.
That being said, I’ve experienced people run for the hills when they approach me and strike up conversation, but you’ll be happy to know that those are the exceptions, not the rule. Most people are happy to talk to me, sick or not, because in SL what does it really matter? The beauty of the anonymity of places like Second Life afford those who get stared at in RL grocery stores, to go hiking with their best friends in a totally immersive way. Want to FEEL like you’re actually doing that hike? Go into first person view, and BAM! You’re there, hiking up the side of a pyramid!

I took to the ‘streets’ in SL to see how others with disabilities have fared here in Second Life, and was lucky enough to come in contact with Brenda Brodie, a lady who finds joy in Second Life while dealing with Parkinson’s Disease in Real Life. She is heavily involved with Fran Seranade who, with her daughter Barbie Alchemi, created Creations Park*, to support Team Fox and raise awareness for Parkinson’s.  Here’s what she had to say.

Brenda: I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 30 years ago, at age 37.  I do very well considering the amount of time I have lived with PD.   I live alone, drive a car, locally only.  I cook, clean, etc. It takes me maybe 2 or 3 times longer than others to accomplish a chore, but I get it done and get it done right. (smiling)  Of course, there are days when I cannot do much but I concentrate on the good days. I am told that I do as well as I do because I have a positive attitude and follow my doctor's recommendations for medication schedule.  I also believe that the support from family and my acceptance of whatever comes to me in life helps me.  I started writing poetry after being diagnosed with PD.  Below you will find a sample which is from the heart.

I am member of the SL Creations for Parkinson's Support Group which was started by Barbie Alchemi. We meet every Friday, in SL, to discuss how we are dealing with the disease, our day to day living, emotional support, learning what is going on in research, etc. I hope to find a Speech Recognition program that is compatible with SL.  The one that came with my laptop does not work in SL.  With that in mind, there is a group called Virtual Ability that helps people with all disabilities. I am also a member of the SL Parkinson's support group.  It is comprised with a group of compassionate, caring and loving people.(*See below article for more information about their upcoming events to benefit Team Fox in Second Life!) 

 Brenda used to be a big fan of dancing, and riding her bike through the beauty of nature. When her body took that away from her, Second Life gave it back. She says she’s not personally experienced any actual discrimination, though people who didn’t know her have thought she was ‘drunk, because of all the typos and the slowness’ with which she types.
 At 87, she hasn’t let Parkinson’s win, and continues to fight it tooth and nail with happiness, positivity, and the help of her medications. I’m honored to have been able to meet Brenda, and to have her speak with me about Second Life, and how it can really be a benefit to those of us users who are disabled. People can’t discriminate against something they don’t even know is there, and I’ve found in SL, even when you tell them it’s there, most people don’t change. Only once have I personally experienced anyone walking away, and honestly, I’m glad for it. It was the type of person who hits on you when you have “I love my husband!!” smeared all over my profile, so it was no great loss. All in all, Second Life is a fantastic place for those with disabilities, for the freedom, socialization, and exploration it offers, not to mention all the artistic possibilities. I say, dive in! You won’t be disappointed!!

Creations Park

Poem by Brenda:


NOTE: The Festival area on Creations Park will be left up for you enjoyment through December 31st.

♥ ♥ ♥Here at CREATIONS PARK everything we do comes from the love in our hearts. This event is about people sharing their talents to create something positive in our world   。◕‿◕。VIDEO Please be sure to watch our award winning video about the benefits of SL for our 88 "years young" RL Mom who has Parkinson's. This will touch your heart! Ebbe Linden (CEO of Linden Labs) has called this the most important video ever made about Second Life! 

The Drax File: World Makers- Episode 13 Creations for Parkinson's

Our RL family felt a desire to give meaning and purpose to the hours we spent in-world. Our dad died with Parkinson's and our mother, Fran Seranade, has it now. To quote her "I may have Parkinson's, but it does not have me." At 88 years young, she is active in Second Life and is thrilled to see herself running, and dancing again. Those of us in Second Life can have fun while knowing we are making a difference in the real world. 

100% of all donations go to Team Fox for The Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. We believe it is important for you to know how your donations are being spent. Our family covers all tier and expenses so that all donations are given to research.

ღღღ Loving Hugs from our Creations Family
Barbie Alchemi - Founder of Creations for Parkinson's
Fran Seranade - Our loving RL Mom

AlmostThere Inventor - RL brother

ZegMusic: AMFORTE Clarity Interview

AMFORTE Clarity is well-known on the grid for her original music and soulful voice. Despite her hectic schedule, Virtual Music Magazine managed to track her down for an interview. If you are interested in seeing her live yourself, daily gig postings and press information are available at You can also like her on Facebook.

Read More

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Art and SLife - Lacy Muircastle reporting....

The art community within Second Life is as diverse as its real world counterparts.  Is art an embellishment or ornament of life though?  

I read that “psychological investigations have revealed that art is the supreme centre of biological and social individual processes in society, that it is a method for finding an equilibrium between man and his world, in the most critical and important stages of his life.”  This view therefore completely refutes the approach that states that art is purely an ornament. Art is at the leading edge of the consciousness of any community. The possibilities of the future, for art as well as for life, are inscrutable and unpredictable and that holds very true for Second Life as much as it does for real life.

Meet Luke N Fortacos, a gallery owner and artist in SL.  He hails from Northern California and lives relatively close to Linden Labs.  His curiosity was piqued as to what they did some three years ago.  At the time he was playing another online 3D game with a friend who had started playing Second Life and who in turn introduced him to SL.  His initial foray into our virtual world did not gel with him.

Then in RL he hurt his back and was laid up for over a month.  With time to kill he decided to try again.  A couple of ladies helped him with the look of his avatar and he began taking classes at Builders brewery and Caledon Oxbridge.

He spent some time building a house and some other bit and pieces, but he desperately wanted to combine mesh with prims, which led to Blender and Blender Classes.  He said “I could not understand what is was, but everyone spoke of it "like Photoshop"."

Luke also took photography classes at Caledon Oxbridge and with Kajia Chrome, at Blue Nile. He tried to get around the Photo shop expense with freebies like IPiccy, Pixelator and Gimp.  He says they helped but to get where he wanted to be he had to subscribe to the Adobe Creative Cloud.  He said “its been terrific.....$10 per month, includes a file management program called Bridge that might be worth the $10 alone.”

I went on to ask him why he wanted to own galleries in SL.  He said “I started my first gallery at Xaara to get feedback on my art - what I was doing. It is still my main objective. Artists in SL, where I opened my 2nd gallery, I wanted to do the same thing with different kind of art. Xaara is a BDSM sim with several galleries representing a wide variety of artists.   The owners of the sim wanted the art to keep to the theme.  Artists in SL also represents many artists, some of which also do Adult, but I wanted to do like many others and explore portraits and SL Life pictures.”

He added that the galleries aren't going to make him rich, but they can be self-sustaining.   He enjoys owning them as a means to obtain feedback and from the people he meets.

Luke has a Gallery at SSC Coffeehouse, where he displays his own and work by other artists from Xaara. The Coffeehouse is also at a "Lifestyle" type resort and he has brought over Elbereth Exonar, HisOne Desire and Carley Noonan to display their art too. He plans to expand the gallery throughout the coffee house, he said “it’s going to be a very exciting art venue when it is finished.”

His mission is for the SL art community and those that support it to get to know his brand ‘L Fortacos’ as a place to get art for your SL Home or Club.   He said “I believe as art improves, and it is really good these days, more customers will buy more SL art for their homes or Clubs.   Rather than using RL imports, which is cheating and more than likely a copyright violation.  For instance, part of the draw of a place like Fogbound are the pictures of patrons taken by Serendipity Dyrssen.  I would like to see other clubs at SL Artwork showcasing unique styles of art.  Art that showcases all that SL has to offer.”


DATE:  NOVEMBER 15, 2015
The November and December 2015 Exhibition at The Windlight Art Gallery will open on November 15, 2015. A formal reception will be held from 4pm to 6pm slt and will feature live performer Donn Devore.
The November and December 2015 exhibition features the November and December Windlight Art Fellows: Kaijah Chrome, Bamboo Barnes, Honey Bender, Valium Lavendar, Dean Yao, Benivinudo Moskalev, Twotone Rhiano, Van Caerndow, Dawnbeam Dreamscape, and Inara Pey. The Windight Artist in Residence, Wicca Merlin, and past Windlight Art Fellows SaoiriseHeart Resident and Ilyra Chardin are also showing in this new exhibition.
IAbout the Windlight Artist Fellowship Program:
The Artist Fellowship program will provide free gallery space to both new and established artists for a period of 30 days. This program is open to both new and established artists in Second Life. The goal of the program is to provide promotional and artistic resources to artists in Second Life.
About Windlight Magazine:
Windlight Magazine is a publication about the art and photography world of Second Life. The goal of Windlight Magazine is to support artists, photographers, galleries, and related events. John nee Johannes1977 Resident is the Owner, Publisher, and Editor in Chief of Windlight Magazine and Gallery. The magazine is published on a monthly basis.
For More Information:

The Multiple Layers of Ilyra Chardin- Dean Lawson Reporting…

Ilyra Chardin is a real life and Second Life artist. In Second Life she expresses herself as a photographer and builder in the virtual world. Ilyra also donates art for sale or auctions to benefit charities and her art work has been featured in the Builders Brewery Relay for Life Art Auction and is currently on sale to benefit Parkinson’s at the Creations for Parkinsons Art Gallery.  Ilyra is currently accepting clients and commissions but was able to put aside her busy schedule to answer some questions.

Dean : How did you first get involved with SL photography?

Ilyra : Like any new resident, I learned to point and click using the built-in snapshot feature within a week or two of joining SL.  Back then I used to shoot in the same way that I shot in RL.  I dabbled with building in SL within my first year as a resident, and as I got better with it, I started making a few of my own textures.  When I began to sell my work, I took the product pictures, but I had a strict rule for myself.  No enhancements to the product images.  I really wanted the consumer to see what they were going to be buying.  Hence I often heard, this item looks so much better than the pic.
About a year ago, I joined an online community and people were posting photographic art.  I was intrigued.  In RL, I had worked with acrylics, decoupage, and collage to enhance furniture or to make a mixed media decorative accent piece.  I started experimenting with mixed media digital art.

Dean : Your landscape snapshots are very impressive. In the snapshot titled “Rendezvous” a large moon rises out from the water and in the snapshot titled “Once Upon a Dream” billowing clouds surround a ruined castle. Did you find these backgrounds in Second Life or were these superimposed using post processing? If these snapshots are a result of post effects, could you discuss your process?

Ilyra : Thank you so much.  You chose two that are among my favorites.  The older of the two that you asked about, Once Upon a Dream, was taken in March of 2015.  Using Windlight, I got a great shot of the castle and I loved how the water looked, but I hated the sky.   I began by removing the sky, which left the castle and this great water that you can no longer see.  I made the sky and thought that it really needed clouds, so I made them along the horizon.  I altered the dragon and added him.  Then I felt that the sky needed cirrus clouds – the misty clouds behind and above the cumulus clouds on the horizon.  The cirrus clouds were airbrushed in.  At this point, well, the water needed a mist so that the castle would appear to rise out of the mist with the dragon ascending above the castle.  The mist over the water is multi layered and airbrushed.  The last part of the process was multi-step, I altered the color and texture, trying to give the piece a dreamlike quality.

The second piece, Rendezvous, was taken in July of 2015.  Sometimes when I’m shooting, my shot is a canvas - I plan all of the alterations that I want to do while I am photographing at the location.  There was a lot that was done to the original raw shot.  The sky is hand painted.  The original sky in the shot was mostly dark grey.  I added the full moon behind the plants and I added more plants.  I painted the center owl’s eyes to bring them out more and added a second owl, matching the color and eyes to the first one.  I added the dragonfly in front of the moon and a bird flying up in the sky.  I added in tiny blue fireflies and then I finished the piece off with a canvas texture and a border.

Dean : You seem to specialize in rural landscapes. Do you have any favorite SL sims for photography? If so, which sims do you think are the best for landscape photography?

Ilyra : I generally look for SIMs that are uncluttered so that there is enough room surrounding the subject to frame the shot.  I look for interesting trees and landscaping.  There are new SIMs or SIM redesigns that open quite frequently, and I’m always on the lookout for interesting subject matter.  SIMs that I visited multiple times to produce new pieces include: Flux Sur Mer, The Trace, Matoluta Sanctuary, Junk, Frisland, and Checkmate.  I also build my own sets, particularly for special events.  Animal Farm and The Veldt are examples of this.

Dean : Some snapshots such as “Alpha”, “The Lakehouse” and “Solitude” look as if a texturing filter has been used. Do you use filters to create a “canvass” effect to create a more artistic impression or are filters used to conceal imperfections in the digital images?

Ilyra : That’s an interesting question.  Alpha was a multi layered piece and all of the effects were designed to enhance the image.  If there are imperfections in any original image, I correct those by hand. I fix trees all the time in my work, because sometimes SL Trees show a paper-like edge.  I fix shadows so that there isn’t a gap between the object and the shadow that it is casting.  So, no, I don’t use textures to hide imperfections. 

Solitude was a very early digital art piece.  I am very proud of the concept and composition, but I can see mistakes that I made.  I continually strive to improve and hope that I never stop learning.  The Lakehouse, was experimentation with a different technique.  While I really like the composition, if I were working on that piece today, it would look very different. 

More examples of Ilyra's work can be found at the following links.

Art in the Park: Crystal Gardens Estates (165,220,22)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Our Thoughts and Prayers Go Out to Paris

Image borrowed from Gee (geejann.blackadder)

It is with great sadness to hear about the attacks in Paris and on humanity that occurred yesterday. Our hearts at SLE are with all who are suffering right now. Terrorism is a crime not just on that country but on all of us who carry fear inflicted upon us by evil. We can only find peace in our lives and the strength to carry on living with hope for a better future. 


In Second Life, we can find a variety of places related to flying where the visitor can enjoy the skies of this digital environment and have some fun. Some regions in-world can provide that complete experience of flying in a way you will feel like you are a real pilot.
There are more than 5000 aircraft models available. You can choose between: airplanes, helicopters, hovercraft lighter than air, and even rockets and spaceships. You can buy them in stores around the world. Each one works differently and has unique devices so you should take a little time to read the instruction manual. Those notes are usually in the same file as the vehicle and are written by the creator himself.     
If you are a beginner, the first step is to get a cheap aircraft to get some experience. After you are familiar with its controls, then you can invest in something more complex and have big adventures in the SL skies.
You don’t need too much money to start this new dream. At the marketplace there are more than 500 aircraft and the prices range from 0 to 10 lindens. Some of them are really fun for your first adventure.
You will find out with your aircraft that crossing the skies can be a little hard. That’s normal and it’s not the vehicle’s fault, but maybe the slow rendering of some regions.

Those first adventures can get you excited, and they may convince you to invest something a little more advanced. There are some full-functioning mesh models, with modeling optimized for the Second Life systems and advanced scripting. Those advanced ones are not that heavy in terms of prims, which means a smooth border crossing and little problematic lag. These models cost from 3000 to 5000 L.
Aircraft in Marketplace:

I found Mr. Gabriel at the Hollywood airport; he is an experienced commander of an air taxi company in SL. Here is what he suggests:
Camury: Gabriel, I see that Mr. Gabriel is a Vulture Air Captain.
Gabriel  (menino.clip):  Yes, I am a commander.
Camury: What is Vulture Air?
Gabriel (menino.clip):  It's an airline; we do flights, cargo, and passengers (GridEX).
Camury:  Why did you decide to become a pilot?
Gabriel (menino.clip):  I’m a commercial airplane single and multiengine and helicopter pilot in real life, so this is what i enjoy doing in Second Life as well.
Camury:  What does it take to be a good SL pilot?
Gabriel (menino.clip): Well, just look both ways before crossing a runway and be patient with other traffic in the airport. it doesn't take much.
Camury:  Do you have any advice for beginners?
Gabriel (menino.clip): Just learn the basic airport signs. Flying in Second Life is really easy so if you're aware of what's going on around you; it shouldn’t be too complicated.
Camury: What may be complicated?
Gabriel (menino.clip): Well, getting around big airports without getting anyone mad at you. If you don't have any experience, I guess that's the hardest part because once you're in the air everything is fine.
Camury: In your opinion, which LMs are the best for flying?
Gabriel (menino.clip): I enjoy flying around Hollywood airport and second Norway as well as Seychelles airport is also a good option.

Camury: Mr. Gabriel, is there anything else you think is important for our readers?
Gabriel (menino.clip): just enjoy what you're doing. If you love aviation, you're going to search for information and you're going to learn how to fly. Don't wait for people to teach you; go after what you want to accomplish. If you really learn how to fly and want to join a group of people who are experts in what they do, then show up here in Vulture Air for an evaluation flight.
Camury: Thank you, Mr. Gabriel
Please, take a look at the flying-related lands. There are some cool activities for you to experience.
Hollywood airport
Second Norway airport
Seychelles  airport

I think flying is one of the best experiences that we can have as a human. So, do your own! Take your plane and fly through the clouds in the beautiful blue sky in SL.

Additional Information:
Translated from Portuguese into English