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Tuesday, April 9, 2024



There comes a time for cake and candles at Erotique Burlesque You make a wish through all the year. And with all the breath you have you blow that fire out. And we will all stand up and cheer Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! Happy One Year to US! EROTIQUE BURLESQUE! FRIDAY APRIL 12/2024 @ 7:15pm slt

Sunday, April 7, 2024

AVIE POLL: What makes you choose one venue over another? Hazel Silvermoon Reporting…


In Second Life, how we spend our days matters greatly to us. We spend a lot of time picking and choosing where we will go, and what we will do. Sometimes, that is to hit up the hottest clubs, or to go to charity events. Other times it’s shopping, or game nights.  But how do we choose which Venue to go to, and what makes us choose one over the other?

I went around the grid to poll several individuals about this matter, and I asked them what their favorite activity in Second Life is , and why they chose that Venue over any other. I wanted to find out what was really important to them, and what kind of qualities they look for when choosing, and I loved the answers I got. I broke the responses into several categories.


Clubbing was by far the top activity listed by all those interviewed. When asked, the top qualities looked for when choosing the perfect venue were: Staff friendliness, welcoming atmosphere, and fun events or activities. What makes or breaks a club for most , is how involved the staff is in making sure guests feel welcome and are having a good time. Residents tend to favor clubs with a rich setlist, and plenty of fun parties to attend as well as a place that makes us feel like family.


Shopping was another popular category. When looking for a favorite store, residents look for : frequent product releases, inclusivity for a variety of body types, outfits that suit their personalities, and ease of shopping experience. When shopping, we are often looking for clothing that fits our particular sense of style, and we keep coming back for more! One individual had this to say on the matter:  “If someone does their advertising properly, and it looks attractive, I want to buy the item, and if they care how things look, I like it better. Anything that doesn’t lag is also great.”    


HUDS that allow us to change our avatars to closely mimic the needs of real life ( or to simulate real life activities)  are huge in SL. With communities like Mystory, DFS, and various breedables, there are many ways to simulate doing the things we love . From growing plants, to keeping track of real life needs like Hunger and Energy, there is something for everyone. The top two responses when asked what made them choose one of these HUDS/RP SIMS over another were: realism and ease of use. It was important for most polled users to feel like they were fully immersed and like they belonged to a community of like minded users. 

Themed Events/Parties
Themed parties and events were another popular choice. . The top reason to choose one themed event or party venue over another was personal interest. Since these events are theme-based, residents go in search of these events based on the things that they find fun and exciting. Another quality when choosing a party venue is ease of attendance. One particular Avi stated that they did not enjoy overcrowded places with a lot of lag, as it made it harder to participate in event activities.

I think the important thing to remember is, we are all different. We all look for our own personal ways to have fun, fit in, and feel comfortable in our thriving virtual communities. What makes a venue special to us is not only what they have to offer over someone else, but also what we want in our Second lives, and what resonates with us. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Posh Event April Hunt April 1- April 17th


April 1st  12 Noon event opens  1st   -17th monthly

 Posh Event April  Round / Spring Hunt

Kitchen Safety: A Recipe for Avoiding Common Accidents

When it comes to kitchen design, many people focus on aesthetics—opting for open-plan layouts or vibrant color schemes. While creating a visually appealing space is undoubtedly important, it's equally crucial to prioritize safety. After all, the kitchen can be a hazardous environment, with potential risks ranging from minor cuts to serious burns and even fires. By understanding and implementing essential safety measures, you can transform your kitchen into a space that not only looks great but also keeps you and your loved ones safe.

Statistics reveal the alarming reality of kitchen-related accidents. Over 35% of home fires originate in the kitchen, while more than 33% of kitchen injuries involve knives. Each year, approximately 160,000 children suffer injuries in kitchen accidents in the USA alone. To ensure your kitchen remains a place of culinary creativity rather than a danger zone, it's vital to identify and address the most common risks.

Unsplash - CC0 License

Knife Injuries: Sharp Tools, Safe Practices

Knife injuries represent a prevalent risk in the kitchen, often occurring during food preparation or while washing utensils. To mitigate these hazards, it's essential to understand the importance of maintaining sharp knives and practicing safe handling techniques. Contrary to common misconceptions, sharp blades are actually safer as they require less force to cut through ingredients, reducing the likelihood of slips and accidental cuts.

Regularly sharpening your knives not only enhances their cutting efficiency but also minimizes the need for excessive force during use. Additionally, proper storage of knives is crucial to prevent accidents. Invest in a knife block or magnetic strip to keep your blades organized and out of reach of children. Furthermore, always handle knives with care, ensuring your fingers are safely away from the blade's edge when cutting.

Fire Safety: Preventing Kitchen Infernos

Fire safety is paramount in the kitchen, where the potential for infernos looms large, particularly during cooking activities. Frying pans and deep fryers are common culprits in kitchen fires, often resulting from overheating or unattended cooking. To mitigate these risks, it's imperative to adopt proactive measures and adhere to best practices.

Firstly, ensure your cooking area is free from clutter, as combustible materials can fuel fires and exacerbate the situation. Always remain vigilant while cooking and never leave pans unattended, especially when using high heat settings. Investing in quality cookware with heat-resistant handles and lids can also contribute to fire prevention.

Moreover, consider exploring alternative cooking methods, such as air fryers, which offer a safer and more controlled approach to frying.

Gas Hazards: Detecting Leaks and Preventing Explosions

Gas hazards pose a significant threat in the kitchen, with the potential for leaks and explosions if not handled with caution. Recognizing the signs of a gas leak is crucial; if your gas range smells like gas, it could indicate a leak, necessitating immediate action. Other indicators include a hissing sound or visible damage to gas lines.

In the event of a suspected gas leak, prioritize safety by evacuating the premises and contacting emergency services. Avoid using electronic devices or creating sparks, as these could ignite the gas and lead to an explosion. Familiarize yourself with the location of the gas shut-off valve and know how to safely turn off the gas supply in case of emergencies.

Preventative measures are equally important in mitigating gas-related risks. Regularly inspect gas appliances for signs of wear or damage, and schedule professional maintenance as needed. Installing a carbon monoxide detector provides an additional layer of protection, alerting you to the presence of this odorless, deadly gas.

Unsplash - CC0 License

Burn Prevention: Handling Heat with Care

Burns are common kitchen injuries, whether from hot surfaces, boiling liquids, or steam. Take precautions such as using oven mitts or potholders when handling hot dishes and keeping children away from stovetops. 

In case of minor burns, immediately cool the affected area with cold water and apply aloe vera gel or a clean bandage. Educate household members, especially children, about kitchen safety practices to prevent accidents.

Serious Hand Injuries: Mitigating Risks

Serious hand injuries, such as those involving blenders or waste disposals, require swift and appropriate action. If an accident occurs, seek medical assistance immediately and follow first aid protocols to minimize further damage. To prevent such incidents, exercise caution when using kitchen appliances and ensure safety features are in place, such as protective guards on blenders and secure waste disposal systems.

In the bustling hub of culinary activity that is the kitchen, safety should always take precedence. By adopting preventive measures and cultivating a culture of awareness, you can minimize the risk of accidents and enjoy your culinary endeavors with peace of mind. Remember, a well-designed kitchen isn't just about style—it's about creating a space where both creativity and safety thrive. So, equip yourself with knowledge, sharpen those knives, and cook up a storm in your safe and secure kitchen haven.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Unlocking the Secret to Luxuriously Fuller Hair

 So, you're on the hunt for that lush, voluminous hair that seems to only exist in shampoo commercials, right? Well, guess what? There's a whole universe of quirky and downright fun ways to pump up your hair game, and we're about to spill all the tea. Grab your notepad, 'cause this is going to be one heck of a volumizing adventure!

Via Pixabay

1. Kitchen Magic for Your Mane

First up, let's raid the kitchen, but not for a snack – for a hair mask! Picture this: that avocado you use for your toast, bananas for your smoothie, and eggs (yeah, the breakfast kind) can double up as your hair's new best friend. Mix these goodies up, slather them on your hair, and bam! You're feeding your locks a gourmet meal, helping them puff up with health and shine.

2. The Upside-Down Hair Flip

Next, let's get a bit acrobatic with our hair washing. Ever tried flipping your head over when you wash your hair? It sounds goofy, but trust us, it's a game-changer. Washing your hair upside-down lets gravity do its thing, encouraging blood flow to the scalp and giving your roots a little pep talk to stand up tall. When you flip back, you'll find your hair has got some serious attitude – in a good way!

3. Playing with Colors

Now, let's talk color. No, not the whole rainbow – we're focusing on creating illusions with hair color. Subtle highlights and lowlights are your secret weapons here. They add depth, making your hair look like it's got more volume than a rock concert. It's all about avoiding flat, single tones and inviting some depth and drama to the party.

4. The Magic of a Digital Perm 

Alright, here's a buzzword for you: digital perm. Sounds futuristic, right? It's a fab way to add waves and volume without the harshness of old-school perms. This technique is all about giving you those effortless, beachy waves that scream volume. But remember, with great perms come great responsibility – you've gotta pamper those curls with the right digital perm care to keep them bouncy and beautiful.

5. Accessorize Like a Pro

Moving on to accessories – they're not just for show; they're your hair's new besties. The right clip here, a strategically placed hairband there, and you've got a recipe for volume. And here's a fun tip: try different hairstyles that lift your hair at the roots, like a loose, messy bun on top of your head. It's stylish and gives your hair a little lift-off.

6. Scalp Massages and Stress Busting

Let's not forget the foundation of it all – your scalp. Think of it as the soil for your hair garden. A good scalp massage can work wonders, boosting circulation and encouraging growth. And hey, it's also super relaxing. Speaking of relaxing, stress is a major party pooper for hair volume. So, finding your zen can actually help your hair plump up. Who knew meditation could be a hair-volumizing strategy?

7. Experiment with Texturizing Products

Diving a bit deeper, have you played with texturizing sprays or mousses? These can be your secret weapons for instant oomph. Just a little spritz or dollop, scrunch, and you've got a texture that adds the illusion of more hair. It's like magic in a bottle!

8. The Pillowcase Swap

And here's a simple switch that might surprise you – swap your regular pillowcase for a silk or satin one. Not only does it feel luxurious, but it also reduces friction on your hair while you sleep, which means less breakage and more volume over time. Plus, who doesn't love feeling like royalty when hitting the hay?

9. The Right Cut and Layers

Last but not least, never underestimate the power of a good haircut. Layers can add volume, movement, and an extra bounce to your locks. A skilled stylist can craft a cut that makes your hair look fuller and more vibrant, using layers to create an illusion of depth and volume. And if layers are not what you are looking for, you can always add some extensions to give a bit of dimension.

As you embark on this voluminous journey, keep in mind that every hair type is unique, so what works wonders for one person might be different for another. Embrace the journey, have fun with it, and get ready to enjoy a head full of hair that's not just fuller but also a reflection of your care, creativity, and zest for life. Here's to hair that doesn't just exist but truly lives!

Monday, April 1, 2024

SAVE THE DATE! Kinetics Dance in April


Kinetics Dance proudly presents "April's Awakening." As the month of rebirth and renewal, April invites us to embrace transformation, and our dancers stand ready to illuminate this theme through captivating performances inspired by the tales of growth, blossoming, and revitalization. Get ready to be captivated as we welcome you to a moment bursting with excitement and feeling. Our dancers will use all their revitalizing energy to enchant your senses.

🌟 Premiere Show Date: April 3, 2024 🕗 Time: 6 p.m. slt 🌟 Matinee Show Date: April 14, 2024 🕗 Time: 9 a.m. slt 🌟 Trunk Show Date: April 24, 2024 Fantasy Faire - @Fantasy Faire sim 🕗 Time: 6 p.m. slt 📍 Venue:

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sturbridge Grove - Wholesome Family Community- Leave your drama at the door


Sturbridge Grove: A Haven for Family-Oriented Role-Players Gentlefolk, esteemed members of the press, and dear families alike, We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt invitation to all like-minded individuals seeking a welcoming haven nestled in the charming landscapes of Sturbridge Grove where families are not only embraced but celebrated. What: Sturbridge Grove, a safe and enriching environment tailored for families with a penchant for role-playing. Who: Families, children, and those with a love for immersive role-playing adventures. Where: A variety of homes and scenic delights nestled amidst the serene beauty of rural Massachusetts. When: Step into the enchanting world of Sturbridge Grove at your earliest convenience. Within the bounds of Sturbridge Grove, a vibrant tapestry of roles awaits eager participants. From local artisans to community guardians, from spirited adventurers to cherished mentors, the stage is set for you to carve your destiny within our midst. Moreover, we extend a gracious hand to those seeking purpose through roleplay where your contributions are valued. Education: Our school district offers a nurturing environment for children and toddlers to learn, grow, and forge lifelong friendships where young minds flourish. Convenience: Seamlessly navigate our vibrant community with our efficient transportation system, granting access to neighboring regions such as Splashtown Vacation Spot, a scouts roleplay adventure camp, and Kid Grid. In Sturbridge Grove, the enchantment of family roleplay and the thrill of adventure converge to create a tapestry of hometown charm and eye-filled wonders. For further inquiries or to embark on your journey with us, please contact:

Thursday, March 28, 2024

SPOTLIGHT ON STURBRIDGE GROVE- A Wholesome Family Community- Leave your drama at the door- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

If you have spent some time exploring Second Life you will know that it is a grid full of close knit communities and activities that cater to various lifestyles. From Vampires and Furries to Music, Fashion and culture with families that create communities they call home; Sturbridge Grove is an SL community based on the old Sturbridge village in Massachusetts founded in 1738. 

Sturbridge Grove in Second Life is a community where safety and a warm home awaits families and kids of all ages. You will find homes and businesses that create a hometown charm that welcomes all to a wholesome pg-rated roleplay community.

 The SL Enquirer met up with Owner of Sturbridge Grove; Adam Papp Gatier (petenka) to learn more about what makes his community so unique.

Interview with Adam Papp Gatier

Lanai: Hi Adam, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for sharing such a well designed community. I took a tour and was drawn to how organized and detailed it was. Your attention to detail made it easy for me to navigate through the community. Can you share with our readers how you discovered Second life and what led you on your path to creating this unique community based on the real Sturbridge in Massachusetts?

Adam: Thank you, Lanai, it's great to have you back, and thanks for your kind words. My journey into Second Life began many years ago as a quest for creativity and community. Right away, I saw its potential for connection and imaginative roleplay. Inspired by the quaint charm of Massachusetts where I attended Private Boarding School myself, I sought to bring the same sense of hometown warmth into Second Life. Thus, Sturbridge Grove was born - a place where roleplay families can come together and create cherished memories.

I must say, though, the credit for the beautifully detailed community truly belongs to our dedicated team.  I believe that the lasting success of any community is rooted in having a cohesive team of individuals who not only work together but also genuinely care for one another.  Everyone has poured their heart and soul into creating an organized and immersive environment for our residents and visitors.  

Lanai: A strong and dedicated team is key to success and it shows in the beautiful environment you all created.  You mentioned part of your motto is “Leave your drama at the door”. As with many communities on the grid there are some bad apples here and there that can interrupt the peace and harmony of an environment. How do you ensure your SG residents can feel safe and secure in their neighborhoods?

Adam: We've implemented various measures to ensure our residents feel secure in their homes. From a dedicated security presence to community guidelines that promote respect and positivity, we strive to foster a welcoming environment of trust and camaraderie. For this reason, we have a zero-drama policy. It's not worth the rent money or the traffic that certain people might bring. What's more important to us is our residents' well-being, so that they can truly feel safe at home here while fully immersing themselves into the joys of family roleplay.

Lanai:That is a wonderful approach.  At the community center, I browsed through the beautiful homes kiosk. How can SL residents find their perfect dream home at Sturbridge Grove? 

Adam: Like you said, finding a home at Sturbridge Grove can be as easy as a visit to our inworld Community Center where we showcase a diverse range of housing options to match every taste and budget, from spacious family homes to cozy apartments, with a wide range of prim amounts and rental prices. You can also travel with ease in our community by using our bus stop system as well as our train station. 

Lanai: I see that you have a promotion going on now. Can you tell our readers about that?

Adam: Absolutely! As a token of appreciation for choosing our community as their new home, we're offering a special deal to our new residents: Pay one week's rent, and receive an entire month rent-free. It's our little gift to welcome new families and to help kickstart their Sturbridge adventure.

Lanai: That’s a generous deal! From businesses that line some streets and family orientated activities like mini golf, a drive in theater, amusement park and public services like a Police station, recycling center and a church, it looks like you have some great amenities to accommodate families and their role play experience. What type of community events do you host for residents of Sturbridge Grove?

Adam: Our community events are the heartbeat of Sturbridge Grove, bringing residents together for fun and memorable experiences. We offer themed parties and seasonal festivals to community-wide scavenger hunts and talent shows. There's always something exciting happening in the neighborhood. 

Lanai: Sounds like a fun community to be a part of.  Roleplay is a big part of Sturbridge Grove. It seems to be a great way to interact with others in the community aside from the usual club scenes and concerts happening across the grid.  Does everyone in the SG community roleplay a certain role or job?

Adam: While participation in roleplay is encouraged in the community, it's entirely optional. Residents are free to explore their own interests and narratives, whether they choose to embrace a specific role or simply enjoy the vibrant community atmosphere. We're open to the many ways someone might want to find their place or make their mark in Sturbridge Grove.

Lanai: I may have to show up some time and roleplay a reporter lol JK.  For those not too familiar with roleplay family communities, is the community center where residents and visitors can meet and learn more about the various storylines happening in the community? Is there a schedule for certain things to happen?

Adam: Yes, our Community Center serves as a hub for residents and visitors alike to come together, socialize, and immerse themselves in the various stories and experiences that make up Sturbridge Grove. Here, you'll find information boards detailing ongoing storylines, upcoming events, and opportunities to get involved. Additionally, we host regular meet-and-greet sessions and orientation events to welcome newcomers and help them acclimate to life in our community.

Lanai: It sounds like you covered all the bases for a well rounded functioning family role play experience.  It takes a community to create that authentic roleplay feel. What words of advice would you give new residents who move to the neighborhood?

Adam: My advice to new residents is simple: Embrace the spirit of community and let your imagination run wild. Sturbridge Grove is a place where every resident plays a part in shaping the narrative and creating memorable experiences for themselves and others. Don't be afraid to get involved, make connections, and explore the endless possibilities that await you here. Whether you're a seasoned roleplayer or just dipping your toes into the world of family roleplay communities, there's a place for you in Sturbridge Grove.

Lanai: Child avatars carry a stigma in Second Life with some people not understanding it or making wild assumptions. Can you give our readers an insight on how families with children interact in the community?

Adam: Our community values inclusivity, diversity, and respect for all residents, regardless of age or avatar appearance. Child avatars help enrich the roleplay experience when seen exploring the neighborhood, participating in community events, and spending time interacting with their roleplay families and neighbors. I have many rp sons and daughters myself, and they have brought me many years of smiles, laughs, and fun adventure. I wouldn't want it any other way. And really, it's all part of having a truly immersive family experience in Second Life, and one of the main reasons I wanted to open Sturbridge Grove on the KiD GRiD next to Next Generation Adoption Agency where family roleplay is supported and encouraged. 


Lanai: I’ve dabbled in family roleplay myself throughout the years and it does bring a sense of family in a virtual world that you can count on in Second life.  Not only does it take the residents to create the roleplay atmosphere but also businesses help with the various storylines. Are you currently hiring for certain positions and roles within the community?

Adam: Oh, definitely! We're always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our community.  In Sturbridge Grove, it's all about the fun of creative roleplay spilling out into the streets and creating a truly vibrant and active community. Whether it's by being the local baker, town librarian, family photographer, community gardener, waste management supervisor, family counselor, fitness instructor, magazine editor, or the hundreds of other possible roleplay positions, we want people to feel open to create their own memorable stories through whatever unique roles they choose to bring.

Lanai: Thank you for your time, I know you are busy as the “Governor” of this well put together community. I wish you the very best with Sturbridge Grove. 

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers and what’s to come?

Adam: Any time, Lanai. It's been a pleasure chatting with you. What's to come is really up to what people bring. We encourage collaboration, creativity, and active participation with our residents. Their input plays a vital role in shaping the future of Sturbridge Grove. I invite everyone to join us as we all work together to elevate the standard of family roleplay communities in Second Life. Thank you once again, Lanai, for your interest and this opportunity to share about our community. It's much appreciated. 

Additional Information:


Flickr: Sturbridge Grove - Family Community | Flickr 

Facebook: (20+) Sturbridge Grove - Family Community | Facebook


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

RFL's Largest Bike/Car Build off and Show!


Come be a part of SL's Largest Bike & Car Build off, Show and Auction. All proceeds for this event go to aid in the fight against cancer. More information contact: SHINK or Wyld


Tips For Creating A Work Area You Actually Want To Use

 When working from your house, the biggest struggle is getting out of the mindset that you’re at home. It’s so easy to be distracted by all the niggly things to do around the place and the general laid-back atmosphere compared to working from an office that it can impact your ability to get things done as you would otherwise. Yet this doesn’t need to be the case. It’s easier than you might think to cultivate a better working environment from your own home. In this article we explore just how you can do it and what you should do. Keep on reading to find out more and get inspired.

Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels: 

Create a dedicated area to work from

The first thing you need when working from home, is a dedicated workspace. If you don’t have a proper space to work, you’ll end up on a sofa or sitting in your dining room surrounded by clutter. None of these are ideal for getting things done and you’ll find you’re not motivated to plough through your task list either. Instead, have a set space which is just for your work, whether this be a desk in your room or a dedicated study. 

Keep your workspace tidy

There are many ways you can keep your workspace tidy and one of the first things you need to do is sort out all your wires. In today’s technologically focused landscape, you’ll have many leads for different devices and these can soon get cluttered. Use plastic enclosures to hide them and keep the space looking neat or just keep electronics out of the way. You can also get things such as pen pots and drawers or an under-desk cabinet to keep papers and other items out of the way. Ensure you tidy your work space at the end of every work day, getting rid of things such as coffee cups and lunch plates so you can start afresh the next day. 

Ensure it looks nice

As well as the above, you want a work area that looks nice. Put some artwork up on the walls, or photos that make you happy. Add in some plants for splashes of colour and try to find a space that has plenty of natural light for you to soak up. Having a space that looks nice and is somewhere you want to spend time in can do wonders for your work ethic! Pinterest has some great inspiration for this that you can check out.

These are just a few things you can do to create a workspace from home that you actually want to use. Instead of just sitting on the sofa with your laptop in front of you, you’re able to put the hours in and then relax once 5pm hits. What are some of your top tips for creating a useful working space? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.