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Showing posts with label venues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label venues. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2024

AVIE POLL: What makes you choose one venue over another? Hazel Silvermoon Reporting…


In Second Life, how we spend our days matters greatly to us. We spend a lot of time picking and choosing where we will go, and what we will do. Sometimes, that is to hit up the hottest clubs, or to go to charity events. Other times it’s shopping, or game nights.  But how do we choose which Venue to go to, and what makes us choose one over the other?

I went around the grid to poll several individuals about this matter, and I asked them what their favorite activity in Second Life is , and why they chose that Venue over any other. I wanted to find out what was really important to them, and what kind of qualities they look for when choosing, and I loved the answers I got. I broke the responses into several categories.


Clubbing was by far the top activity listed by all those interviewed. When asked, the top qualities looked for when choosing the perfect venue were: Staff friendliness, welcoming atmosphere, and fun events or activities. What makes or breaks a club for most , is how involved the staff is in making sure guests feel welcome and are having a good time. Residents tend to favor clubs with a rich setlist, and plenty of fun parties to attend as well as a place that makes us feel like family.


Shopping was another popular category. When looking for a favorite store, residents look for : frequent product releases, inclusivity for a variety of body types, outfits that suit their personalities, and ease of shopping experience. When shopping, we are often looking for clothing that fits our particular sense of style, and we keep coming back for more! One individual had this to say on the matter:  “If someone does their advertising properly, and it looks attractive, I want to buy the item, and if they care how things look, I like it better. Anything that doesn’t lag is also great.”    


HUDS that allow us to change our avatars to closely mimic the needs of real life ( or to simulate real life activities)  are huge in SL. With communities like Mystory, DFS, and various breedables, there are many ways to simulate doing the things we love . From growing plants, to keeping track of real life needs like Hunger and Energy, there is something for everyone. The top two responses when asked what made them choose one of these HUDS/RP SIMS over another were: realism and ease of use. It was important for most polled users to feel like they were fully immersed and like they belonged to a community of like minded users. 

Themed Events/Parties
Themed parties and events were another popular choice. . The top reason to choose one themed event or party venue over another was personal interest. Since these events are theme-based, residents go in search of these events based on the things that they find fun and exciting. Another quality when choosing a party venue is ease of attendance. One particular Avi stated that they did not enjoy overcrowded places with a lot of lag, as it made it harder to participate in event activities.

I think the important thing to remember is, we are all different. We all look for our own personal ways to have fun, fit in, and feel comfortable in our thriving virtual communities. What makes a venue special to us is not only what they have to offer over someone else, but also what we want in our Second lives, and what resonates with us. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Examining Equal pay for live musicians in SL and the effects on venues- Fan topic request.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

An SLE fan contacted us suggesting a topic about equal pay for all live musicians and high priced singers vs lower priced singers.

Her argument was, “I know so many live singers, some real stuck up, some down to earth and easy going...then those [musicians] that think they are so much better than everyone else, when in actuality they are equal or worse”

My first thought was, Geez straight from the gate lol, She does have an interesting point but playing devil’s advocate; Who are we to decide the worth of a music talent? It would be like, wow this outfit is 750 Lindens… Nah... I think it's worth way less…like 150L. But go and buy it anyway.

If we all negotiated prices, we would be a culture bartering our way around. Just keepin it real by saying musicians are worth what venue owners are willing to pay. Even the broke club owners would scrap change from the couch to pay for an hour of entertainment.

According to what average venues owners pay, in reality the market sets the price. If there are buyers then there is a market for it and if business owners are willing to pay... then they are the ones who actually set the price.

That got me thinking about the imbalance in the SL Musicians vs. the effects on Venues. I wonder if equal pay for all musicians would even solve the real problem.

If you figure a RL night out on the town solo or bringing someone along, a good time or cheap date could cost about $100.00 USD for food, $152.83 if you include drinks and whatever else you like to do. For example, going to the movies, bowling or underwater basket weaving, things can add up. (Not recommended due to COVID)

The beauty of Second Life is avies get to concert hop and have a good ol time for an average of 300L a concert if there is a musician/venue tipping budget without the risk of catchin’ the corons. That saves SL concert goers a whopping $151.50 per event they attend! Now imagine that when you get to party 24/7 in SL without going bankrupt.

Now if you threw in a real lif concert to let’s say…… Beyonce, one night could cost you about $325 for a good seat ticket plus that $152.83. A little cheaper if you don’t drink or mind the nosebleed section. SL obviously a cheaper option. *sets down the calculator*

Live music in Second Life made its debut on the grid as early as 2007. It is a major staple of the SL community. Hundreds of talents from around the global have followed suit for over a decade. This form of entertainment can be costly to venue owners who count on live talent to drive traffic to their sims, shops and events. Many resort to DJ sets because it can be too expensive. Oftentimes these events don’t bring in enough traffic of regular tippers to cover half their overhead.

The Musicians who actively perform across the grid range in talent but all collectively provide a service that venue owners want to book. They are a vital part of concert halls and clubs not to mention giving avies something fun to do. Like dance, socialize and even interact with DJs, singers and musicians. From the range of talents, how do venue owners put them on a pay scale? I guess it is up to them to figure it out.

The average fee for a musician in Second Life ranges between 3,000L to 5,000L respectively. ($12.30USD-$20.50USD)

Another point brought up by the fan about why musicians charge, “4k may not be alot to some but we did not ask him to build a recording studio in his basement. we did not ask him to buy all the fancy equipment..that's on him..”

There are a handful of entertainers who take it to a whole new level with one hour concerts that cost upwards of $15,000L-$25,000L ($61.48 USD-$102.46 USD). Maybe some musicians do have a massive Radio Shack debt to pay and really need the lindens or their cat needs surgery for a bum tail.. Who are we to judge?

With fees that outrageous for a linden based economy, it is a bit much if I say so myself. Those types of fees literally double the cost of what venue owners pay monthly to keep their club running. All I can say about that is don’t hate the player, hate the game because they are livin’ their best SL. The only problem I see is with musicians who have a bad case of SLebrity with no RL substance to back up their visions of grandeur. One background track on a commercial for Ritz crackers back in 1992 doesn’t make you a star.

To the musicians who tour in RL, sell their music, get residuals and actually make a living performing. Do you, boo boo... charge whatever you want but at least stick around for groupie photo ops and autographs.

OK! Let's talk about venues now. Did you know an average venue owner pays a monthly tier ranging from 1250L-3000L/ wk ($5.13 USD/wk- $12.30 USD/wk) or $20.52-$53.20 USD a month. With an overhead to cover, venue owners count on tips and sales of products and services they may offer. If they also pay for just one event a week at a fee of 5k ($20.52 USD) that is another $82.00 bucks slapped on the grand total of approximately $100 USD a month just to run a venue, pay staff and musicians.

Without tips and sales, many of these venue owners never make a return on their investment and keep their clubs afloat for the love of Second Life and the live entertainment. The same venue owners spend countless hours managing their clubs and scheduling events. The struggle is real and that is why many venues come and go.

Musicians on the other hand who perform at least two events a day for seven days can make about $287+ USD a week. Cashing out $1,148.00+ USD a month. That’s great supplemental income to afford you 1 Lexus car payment, 2 pairs of shoes and a nice budget for Ulta per month….if you aren’t into those things, it would help with rent, food, child support, a weed habit or those Jordans you always wanted.

Then there are those singers who do it for free or tips only at karaoke night. Bless their hearts...

Weighing the pros and cons and looking on each side of the fence. There does seem to be an imbalance between musicians, their fees and venues who ultimately pay the price. But who really is at fault here?

My question is how do we gauge what a musician is worth? Do we rely on SL talent shows to pick off the shower singers from the ones who made a career of it. One might argue everyone has their own taste in music and the right to decide what they are worth and or what venues are willing to pay. The first musician who created the $5k fee set the bar. I wish I knew who it was so I can ask how he came up with that figure.

Venue owners who continue to pay keep the bar where it is. Either have the budget to do so or they genuinely love what they do and don’t expect a 100% return. Musicians on the other hand perform in Second Life because they genuinely love what they do. Many are willing to work with venues and bend their fees and others… well, they think they are a real star while adding to the problem.

One musician who wished to remain anonymous commented when asked about equal pay for all musicians said,  "As a musician I don’t agree with equal pay. If a musician wants more money they should step up there game. If nothing else just be better than the others. It is obvious on SL who is really an artist and who is just average with a big ego".

As a venue owner or a musician, What is your take on this topic? Please share your comments and suggestions below.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Looking for Something to Do in Second Life? Check out Avina's

Avinas Premier Rock and Blues Club is home of the Pamela Live Show. It is also a very classy, laid back night club. Giving you a wonderful atmosphere and a beautiful view of the ocean. We offer the best fireworks show on the grid and we also offer the most romantic garden. So stop on in take a look around bring your special someone and enjoy great music and make sum wonderful friends.

 The Lutrova Emporium
 The Lutrova Emporium is a store here at Avinas. In the store we offer gestures, neon signs, gatchas, and textures for all of your Second Life needs. We are always creating something new at very affordable prices.

Glorious Gatcha Gift Shop
Glorious Gatcha is a very cute little gift shop right here on the sim. We offer many different gatcha items, including gatcha grab bags.

 The Pamela Live Show
 The Pamela Live Show is a live talk show we have right here on the sim. Hosted by the beautiful Pamela Alectoris her self. The talk show offers a showcase of business and talents all around Second Life. The show also offers live audience. 

The Pamela Live is open on Sundays. It will begin at 3pm slt. The first show of the year will start in September 2020. All are welcome if interested.

Jammin in the park
Jammin in the Park is a very special venue here on the sim. It is a beautiful garden park. Our live singers absolutely love to perform there. It also offers plenty of space for dancing.

Hot Wheelz
Hot Wheelz is an awesome skate rink here. We offer couple skate, single skate and a group skate. We also have a snack bar and toiletries. (should u need) The venue has a live DJ and host and they do many different games such as musical chairs and limbo to name a few . We have also celebrated brithday parties there as well.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Two Clubs, All Adult, Best Looking Avis in SL - Seersha Heart

Looking for Mr./Ms. Right?  Interested in Mr./Ms. Right Now?  Want to make friends, chat, or be naughty.  Two of the most popular clubs to visit are Teqi’s Lounge and [the chamber].  Both are more than sex clubs. Each has it’s own way of facilitating an upscale experience to meet like minded individuals.  Neither club is all about sex. Whereas [the chamber] is discreet, Teqi’s Lounge makes no secret that there is plenty of naughty fun to be had within her walls.

There is no finer place that Second Life’s upscale stop, Teqi’s Lounge.  Teqi’s lounge is hands down the most beautiful adult club in SL. Romantic lighting, soft colors, nice furniture and chat areas there is nothing missing for first class comfort.  Teqi’s is a place that attracted the best looking avis with well-fitting and stylish mesh as far as the eye can see. There is a cost to join Teqi’s that is approximately $4US or 1000L.  Teqi has special days for non-members to visit and check out the club. Is it worth the Lindens? Absolutely, if you have the budget it is money well spent. The clubs that have membership fees tend to keep out the Newbies or the people who are not serious about socializing politely.  Translation: griefers stay away. This allows for the member to experience a great night of socializing while keeping the distractions some clubs face at bay. Last October, I had the opportunity to speak to Teqi about her club.

Seersha Heart: When did you open Teqi’s?  Did you have help?

Teqi: I started to build Teqis in 2008 and I continuously built it until 2012.  At that time, it looked totally different. There were funny items built into the club such as an elevator with dancing animation, funny music played, silly dances built in bar counter, peeking animation in restroom or foursome champagne dance with bubbles etc...
I didn’t look for visitors at that time, it was more just for my friends and for my fun. So usually there was just few friends with me daily.  I didn’t have clear image of what kind of style & design I wanted for the Lounge. I realized running a club is more complex I thought. SL society is a very complicated thing, more complicated than most of the people think.
I took my time to research many kinds of people’s behaviors in SL.  Such as, what things affects their behavior as well as how it effects their behavior.  And questions like what generates traffic or what kills it. Also, I had to learn English language for be able to express myself (still learning it).  I had to learn moderating too, including things like when I need to interrupt a conversation in the club, when I need to cut it, or stop it, when it’s the time to remove a person from the club, when and with what condition let them come back. What makes an avatar look too young, how to recognize the visual trick they might use for present too young age character and remove them from the club as fast as I can.

Of course, I had to learn how to deal with griefers, which is the best way to deal with them and which is making it worse. I needed a security system and had to learn what kind of security system would serve the best the Lounge needs.  Then there are all the technical issues such as how to deal with lag...Well, I spent 4 years on these things to learn and understand. Then in 2012 I was ready to rebuild/redesign the Lounge with the knowledge I learned.

I had friends who supported me by coming daily to have some fun, they always inspired me to install new things in the club, they had so much fun trying the new things I made for the lounge.  I had fun watching them use the new items I put in the lounge. Other friends supported my work financially and without these friends I couldn’t have built Teqi's. The composition of the Teqi's project was always my work only.

Seersha Heart:Are there any plans to expand Teqi’s or have additional locations?  [since it is SO popular]

Teqi: A place must be expanded if its popular?   No, I don’t think so, bumping into each other is a good start for chatting.  Should we make additional locations for a place? If somebody understands SL then would say no. Most of the people in SL alone and they are looking for company. In this case it is the place owner’s job to bring people together, not to make them be separated from each other at different locations.

Seersha Heart: Do you work with others on any possible changes/revisions to the club or is it all you?

Teqi: I’m quite alone with this project, I haven’t found anyone who could see SL and it’s potential through my eyes as I see it. I mean I never met anyone who could use the technical possibilities or interior design or / and interior composition for stimulate or influence or drive visitor’s behavior on the wished way.  Changes and revisions based on my decisions.

Seersha Heart: Do you know of any couples who met at Teqi and then partnered?

Teqi: Yes I know many, for example Rawage creator, but me too.  I found my partner at Teqis. I built Teqis for people be able to find partner easier by using special techniques that affects people behavior and helps expressing sensuality and helps dating, generates romantic moments that people never forget and beside boosts the future traffic strongly.

Seersha Heart: Thank you for the information Teqi.  You have a fantastic club.

Part of SL for many years, [the chamber] is a sex club that keeps secrets.  [the chamber] is located on a picturesque SIM owned by the elusive Max Butoh.  This SIM also contains a lovely formal club and an art gallery. The | dathúil | gallery of art features artists monthly.  The gallery itself is an eccectic warehouse design. It seems that each item on this SIM is carefully detailed for maximum visual pleasure.  The dance club is named ~ The Sable Club ~ and features a 1920s theme.

Elegant and subtle, you can expect to find a wide range of people at [the chamber] on any given day.  The members have one thing in common, impeccable attire and a sense of style. The group description is “A secret sex society themed-hangout in a vintage hotel room. Meet like-minded individuals for erotic chat, sexual encounters, roleplay or to just hang out.”  I learned of the club myself years ago when interviewing a featured artist at the | dathúil | gallery.  She insisted I would enjoy the club and she was correct.  [the chamber] is and remains a fantastic place to just hang out and on occasion have an erotic chat.  
I have seen [the chamber] evolve through the years keeping faithfully to the vintage hotel theme while adding items that enhance the experience.  When I first joined [the chamber] most socializing was done inside in the lounge. Now the favorite spot is the deck in the rear of the building. There are private suites you may access from the main building for those times you want to spend some one on one [or perhaps more] private time.  There is an incredible spa on the top floor with a large beautiful pool and massage tables. There are other areas I will not mention here as I feel they are even more private for the members. My personal favor is directly off the deck. It is a vintage barber shop complete with some very interesting animations in the barber’s chair.

These clubs remain at the top of the popular higher end adult venues.  Many people, such as myself, are members of both clubs as they are different.  Each provides a quality adult experience with it’s own “flavor”. Teqi’s is closely managed, overtly sexual, with every toy imaginable right there for anyone to try and to see.  The décor and colors at Teqi’s are both soft and sexy. There is no doubt that those hanging out at Teqi’s are interested in the adult fun, voyeurism and hanging out. Periodically, Teqi’s has an open day where non-members may visit to check out the club.  [the chamber], however, is discreet in the adult fun. Where Teqi’s is a large open club with nooks, [the chamber] is vintage hotel with rooms and floors. The colors at [the chamber] are muted yet lush. The private areas of [the chamber] are varied in location and theme.  There are many things you will discover at [the chamber] if you look around at the club. The SIM is also a delightful experience to roam around. I recommend both clubs to those interested in the high end adult clubs.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

TOP 5 First Date Locations- Seersha Heart Reporting...

Avilion Grove Ballroom [recommended lighting : midnight][Music : romantic love songs]
When you go to Avilion, you will arrive in this medieval fantasy community at the SIM landing pad.  As the world rezzes quickly around you, the music playing invokes images of romance with the smooth vocal selections.  The love and romance songs playing are well selected, think Barry White.  To reach the ballroom you click on the ornamental scepter and are teleported to the foot of the grand staircase to the front entry.
            On your way up the staircase, there are poseballs for a nice couples picture.  I recommend taking a moment to make a snapshot of the evening.  As you cross the front entry at the top of the stairs you are treated to a view that can best be described at magical.  Your eyes will sweep the reflective polished ballroom floor across to the large rose at the end of the room.   Behind the rose the water is sparkling in the midnight light, the sky above you is carpeted with stars.  There are several slow dance and ball room dance pose balls.  My personal favorite is Slowdance v7, but do try them all. 
            In the pictures I have tried to capture some of the poses.  The real magic in this location is that even though you are immersed in a grand and a beautiful room, when you look at your date you will realize that she or he is the true beauty in this room.  This place brings about romantic feelings such as that and more and you experience it.
            There is much more to be seen at Avilion, and I invite you to visit their website to find out about all they offer at:

Rose Theater Ballroom [recommended lighting : sunset or midnight] [Music : instrumental easy listening]
The Rose Theater Ballroom is a well known and well loved location.  Part of the cultural hub, Angel Manor, you can be treated to many forms of art here both 2D and performance arts.  Along with the Theatre, there are galleries, an opera house, a chapel and other activities.  For your first date you will want to go to the ballroom.

resident Toysoldier Thor recommends this location “in the evening - in formal wear when no one is there and you and your date have the entire place to yourselves”
Walk with your date up the staircase into the marble foyer.  Turn left and walk towards the Rose Bar inside another set of doors.  Once inside you will see an intimate oak hard wood floor to your left.  Scattered throughout the room are romantic intimate tables for two.  Individual tables have lamps and are topped with rich red table cloths.  It is easy to sit at the welcoming tables which offer many sit positions.  Having sit options is a great way to convey mood.

This is an easy place to move to the dance floor with a date.  The dance ball for couples has numerous options.  There are four main options [General, Ballroom, Romance, Love] and within each of these are a variety of dances to choose from to dance.  If you want to cozy up quickly, I recommend ‘romance’ and ‘two hearts’. 

The Angel Manor has a website with information on all of their programs.  I encourage you to visit it at:

The next two locations on the top 5 list are locations to explore.  Both are casual dress Moderate SIMS.

Isle of Love[recommended lighting : sunset] [Music : romantic love songs]
            The landing point at this SIM is a great focal point for the activities.  You land a short walk from the chapel on one side and a lake on the other side.  This SIM is built and maintained by Daisy Kwon.  She is always making changes for the season and in other ways to make it more romantic.  If you join the group, you may rez props for your pictures.  A notecard is given to you upon arriving with all the information.
            residentStormy Somerton: “really beautiful simyou can have dinner thereand it's very romantic”
            There are ample pose spots to cuddle and other spots for photo opportunities.  As Daisy recommends in her notecard “Some of my favorite spots are the beach, winery patio, and floating dance floors on the west side of the sim. Be sure to touch the church to ring the bells and release the doves and also set off the fireworks display on top of the mountain  on the NE edge. Be careful of the bears as you walk through the woods. My Flickr photo gallery is on the east side.”

Roleplay Heaven [recommended lighting : any] [Music : instrumental easy listening]
            I  was invited to this SIM some time ago and my first landing was in the ruins at the top of the hill.  This SIM has romantic spots situated around a beautiful lake.  At the ruins, sunset or midnight lighting, you can see the most beautiful lighting.  The dances are some seriously close dances, so might not be your first stop here.  I recommend visiting the general store Lakeside .  Go inside and you will see where people put up their happy pictures of visits here.
            Along side of the Lakeside general store are rezzing bikes.  The best way to explore this SIM is to go around the lake.  Taking a bike ride is a great way to get into a relaxed feeling on a date.  Keep in mind for later in the date, there is a superb cappuccino machine on the dock below the store.
            Feel free to explore all the areas, including the deserted cabin because all animations are PG, so if you try something out you will not be embarrassed.  Experiment with the sun settings, I found different settings favored different locations.

Bogarts Jazz Club aka Franks Place 3[recommended lighting : any] [Music : rat pack, jazz]
            This SL long running classic has shopping and a park on your walk to the club.  Dress is cocktail to formal.  You land down the block from the club and walk up to the dramatic facade of the building.  The marquee proudly proclaims “Romance is in the Air” and it most certainly is in Bogarts.  Walking inside the first set of doors,  scheduled activities are listed to your left by the elevator.  Going further inside to the main room it has the feeling of an elegant theatre with high ceilings and a stage with ornate golden trim at one side.
            The color scheme is rich reds and golds throughout.  You will be greeted as “Mr.” or “Ms.” by what I feel are the best hosts and hostesses in SL.  They make you feel welcome and also have that breezy air about that may be best described as elegant fun.  The DJs are equally top notch.  Requests are played quickly and as a dedication or a request.  Imagine requesting a romantic Norah Jones song and dancing with your date.

            residentHuckleberry Hax: Good old Bogart's []
There are snacks near the entrance and of course drinks at the bar.  Around the dance floor are cozy tables where you may easily have a conversation while listening to some great music.  A note for those wishing for a first date; Bogarts is a good place to meet people.  Whether to just dance or to make a new friend, those who go to Bogarts are friendly and most are regulars.
            I hope you enjoy visiting these locations as much as I did in world.  A special thanks to the people who gave me ideas and their favorite places to visit with a first date.  In case you want a quick chat instead of an evening for your date here are some great places for casual quick conversations:
In Virtual Soho           Cafe Chat Noir; coffee shop, then explore the numerous galleries
Nostalgic for Fast Food?  Visit the fast food mecca [Starbucks, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and more]

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Oldest Businesses/Venues in Second Life- Why Are They So Successful? – Camury Reporting

Second Life has an active economy and a large exchange movement with the use of their domestic currency, the Linden dollar (L$). Lindens can be used to buy, sell, rent or make land trade or purchase and sale of goods and services among users.
Second life residents perform thousands of virtual transactions per day. Those include the purchase of buildings, vehicles, equipment of all kinds, animations, clothing, skin, hair, jewelry, plants, pets, and works of art. Residents can also profit from the rent of land or real estate. Many survive by offering a wide range of services. Those services include "camping", wage labor, business management, entertainment and creation of custom content (which can be divided into six categories: building, texturing, scripting, animation, art direction, as well as the position of producer / financier from the project)
Some residents can have great success in their investments in the virtual world, selling virtual goods or providing services. Business owners with a good marketing strategy can even keep their business running for a long time.

Here are some examples of successful businesses in Second Life:

Everyone wants to keep their avatars up to date with the current fashion trends. To meet the high demand for fashion items, SL has more a large variety stores that provide a huge range of products.

The Designer Circle is a bi-weekly fashion event since 2010. It is a platform for SL designers that offers, for a limited time, several items from each designer. The secret of their success this in addition to their marketing strategy is the affordable price of the products- between 50L- 100L, combined with the quality of products and the latest trends in fashion and clothing.

 Old Lar's House was established in 2009, evolving into Old Lar's Warehouse, and now, Old Lar's Naughty Twinz. It has become a popular club in Second Life. The secret of its success is the unique energetic atmosphere, provided by the beautiful and sexy dancers. They offer visitors exquisite eye-candy for customers and remove items of clothing-often with lusciously written text for tips. The club also features live DJs 24/7 who play the best mix of rock and other genres for all tastes.

Skin & Shape
Established in 2005, Adam n Eve offers a wide selection of male and female skins as well as hair, and Fashion. Attentive to the needs of the market, which is essential for business success, the store creates mesh avatars (head and body), with good quality and competitive prices. The product, price and attractiveness, are the magic ingredients for the store’s continued success in Second Life for many years.

Starting in Second Life in 2011, Humanoid is a project of talented German artists and media professionals who use technology to give movement to the Second Life avatars.
The secret of the success of this project is precisely the creativity, innovation and the use of advanced technology to offer a high quality product, satisfying the demand of the consumer market in Second Life.

Freebie Spot
I was in second life since 2007, searching for freebies and Freebie Galaxy was there. This Store is a mega complex of freebies that has fifteen floors! The secret of its success, especially among newcomers to the SL, is quality and quantity with more than 3,000 freebies and dollarbies items of good quality that are offered to SL new residents looking for free things to have fun and upgrade their look.

Currently, in addition to a good product or service, businesses need to have a good marketing plan, promote themselves in the media, social networks and blogs is the key to success. This has fundamental importance for those who want to be prosperous in SL and last in such a competitive atmosphere.

The SL Enquirer

Don’t forget!!! An informative press release to spread the news of your business is always a good start. Contact the SL Enquirer and we will help give you the exposure you need to get your business known.  Did we mention we are the longest running independently owned News Source in Second Life, established in 2005, with over 10 years of media experience?

Monday, September 14, 2015

The skies are clear, the vibe is good, there are few better places to dance at than Sharktooth!

C'mon, who doesn't want to party on the beach? If you're looking to get down to great variety music without all the flashy nonsense, you've got to come straight to Sharktooth Beach Club. This fun and unique style SL club is sure to fulfill all your fantastical party needs in a warm and friendly environment! Where else can you dance on a glass shark tank in an open-air surfy vibe club. Sharktooth is a club that embraces every culture and subculture in Second Life and brings them together in a room to dance and have a damn good time. 

Contact: Vivalatease Resident

Monday, June 22, 2015

A Few Popular Romantic Destinations in Second Life- Tea Couturier Reporting...

It is always better to get involved in activities with a companion When it comes to romance in Second Life there is no shortage of things to do. Most couples love to spend time together. Whether it be home alone or out and about. Finding that perfect venue in SL that brings out the romance can be very important in relationships.

Depending on the type of music you want to listen to there are so many venues which offer couples that one on one romantic time they require. Here are just a few places I found and have also been to myself.

Frank's Place Jazz Club
If you are looking for a popular romantic venue to go to then Franks Place Jazz Club is perfect. There are 3 sims, each beautifully decorated and all playing Jazz music. It is also a formal venue so appropriate attire is required
Franks Place Jazz Club   
Franks Elite Jazz Club    (membership only 500L)

One of my favourite venues is Foxxies. This venue has a lot to offer for you and your partner after dancing.  For example there are balloon or horse and carriage rides. The venue is beautifully decorated and is an intimate setting but you won’t feel as though you are too close to other couples when dancing.

Intimate Romance Garden
If you are looking for a venue for you and your partner to end the night just dancing then this is a perfect venue for you. It is set near the ocean and it is a medium size venue but you are still able to find a little corner to dance on a busy night. Set in a romantic theme it definitely is a great venue to add to your date night.

Sweethearts Jazz Club
This venue is popular and has changed since I was last here as it has a non-formal part at the entrance and at the back behind the bar you will find the formal section. Still set in an impressive building the music is still as lovely as I remember. It is worth the visit.

Keeping the romance fresh and new is the key to a long and happy relationship. Be sure to check out these venues and keep your date night itinerary exciting.

Happy Date Night!