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Showing posts with label Mika Palmyra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mika Palmyra. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024


The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the fifth and last group of six semi-finalists. Well done to LINDSAYGALVAN, GALATEANA, OPHELIA4711, WOLSCHIED, VENOMANCERS and PHARAGON PELOUS who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!

We now have 30 semi-finalists and the jury will soon select the 12 finalists. They will then be invited to the Judges' Brunch on Sunday August 18, where they will have to present a short written speech explaining why they would be a good ambassador for LUXE Paris.

The LUXE Paris fashion house will also take the opportunity to offer them L$84,000 in gifts. Each of the 12 finalists will receive 10 LUXE Paris ensembles of their choice and a L$1,500 gift certificate from jeweler Zuri Rayna. They will also be featured in The SL Enquirer and the Spanish magazine Confidencial.

This event will be followed by the grand finale on Sunday September 8. The finalists will then have to present a LUXE Paris look paying homage to one of the five fashion icons of the competition but this time the icon will be imposed by the organization, at random, in alphabetical order.

The Judges' Brunch is a private event but the grand finale, a grandiose spectacle produced by One On One, will be open to the public.

LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the fourth group of six semi-finalists. Well done to ATHENA FIREHART, ELEANORJEAN, JIJI VANDERVOORT, KITTYLAN, LUCIOUSKITTEN JASPER and TEABUG who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!

In this challenge, the participants were paying tribute to Gabrielle Coco Chanel, the famous french designer who freed women from their corset in the 20' and created a brand so unique that it is still a fashion leader 50 years after her death.

Your photo is not there? It's not over! You have a last chance to participate as our jury will select a last group of six semi-finalists next weekend.
This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the unforgettable Frolic Mills, one of the founders of Second Life fashion industry, who died of cancer last winter. If it hadn't been for Frolic establishing strong and prolific roots, SL fashion industry wouldnt be the same. Frolic was a great friend of LUXE Paris and a wonderful muse.

If youre a male candidate, imagine that you're Frolic's stylist and that you have to dress him for a LUXE Paris event. If you're a woman, create a LUXE Paris outfit for a lady accompanying Frolic in an important event. 


You don't know Frolic well? You will discover his tastes and preferences in his inspirational text in the FASHION ICONS SECTION of our website.


Do not see the icon as a limit but rather as flames to ignite your imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild! Charm us! Surprise us!

LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.
Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Frolic Mills is this Thursday July 18th at midnight.


Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Grab your kodak and take a chance on you! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

More information at 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the third group of six semi-finalists. Well done to ALIXE WALPOLE, AME MORNINGSTAR, ARIA ABSINTHE, MARTINA FIERTZE, SYLVER VENDETTA & VICKIE MAIDSTONE who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!


In this challenge, the participants were paying tribute to Zuri Rayna, the famous jeweler who makes our Second Life sparkling since 2007 and a great muse to LUXE Paris.




Your photo is not there? It's not over! There will be 2 more selections of six semi-finalists in the coming weeks.


This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the legendary Coco Chanel who freed women from their corset and still inspires today's fashion.



She had so more style that she still influences fashion more than 50 years after her death! Gabrielle Coco Chanel is certainly the most famous fashion's star of the history. Her iconic women's suit inspired by masculine fashion, her little black dress, her use of jersey to bring comfort to women, her ton of pearls necklaces... All that is still so much in the mood of time!

But how would you dress her today for a LUXE Paris event? In LUXE Paris of course but what style? Surprise us! Charm us! 


You need to know more about her? You will discover her tastes and preferences in her inspirational text in the FASHION ICONS SECTION of our website.

The last week/challenge will pay a tribute to the unforgettable Frolic Mills.


Remember that both men and women can participate. If the icon is female, the male participant must simply create a look for the icon's companion and vice versa. 

Do not see the icons as limits but rather as flames to ignite your

imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild!




LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.


Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Coco Chanel is Thursday July 11th at midnight.

Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Grab your kodak and take a chance on you! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!


The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

More information at 

Friday, June 28, 2024

LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR Catsmeow, Tilly, Twinkie, Vanessa, Viginia & Vortice advance to the semi-finals!

The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the second group of six semi-finalists. Well done to Catsmeow17, Tilly Opaline, TwinkieBean, VanessaJane66, Virginia Starchild and Vortice41 who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!


In this challenge, the participants were paying tribute to Ponchituti Boucher, the legendary fashion producer, top modèle and instructor and a very inspiring muse for LUXE Paris since the creation of the brand twelve years ago.




Your photo is not there? It's not over! There will be 3 more selections of six semi-finalists in the coming weeks.


This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the famous jeweler Zuri Rayna who make diamonds and pearls dance in our life.




She looks like a modern-day princess with her long hair, voluptuous jewelry and natural grace. And she makes us look like royalty with her opulent and refined creations. You will already recognize the legendary Zuri Rayna, jeweler in Second Life since 2007, another wonderful muse for LUXE Paris!


You want to know more? You will discover her tastes and preferences in her inspirational text in the FASHION ICONS SECTION of our website.


Next week will be dedicated to Coco Chanel and the last week/challenge will pay a tribute to the unforgettable Frolic Mills.


Remember that both men and women can participate. If the icon is female, the male participant must simply create a look for the icon's companion. Do not see the icons as limits but rather as flames to ignite your imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild. Charm us! Surprise us!




LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.


Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Zuri Rayna is Thursday July 4th at midnight. Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Stop procrastinating! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!


The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

More information at LUXE Paris Fashion House

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Its a go! The LOOK of the YEAR jury selected the first group of six semi-finalists. Well done to Jenni Eros, Jude Tatham, Keira Rhapsody, Laycie Pearl, Girasolmx and WyattFrost who are now in the race to obtain the prestigious LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR title and the incredible L$50,000 cash prize that comes with it!

44 applications were submitted for this first challenge dedicated to Jade Pono, our wonderful LOOK of the YEAR 2022 taken away by cancer.


Your photo is not there? It's not over. There will be four more selections of six semi-finalists in the coming weeks.

This week, we invite participants to create a LUXE Paris look for the famous fashion event producer Ponchituti Boucher, or for her partner, if the candidate is male.


Extraordinary style icon, Ponchituti Boucher has been shining on Second Life fashion industry for almost fifteen years and always was an immense inspiration for LUXE Paris.

Also a modeling instructor, Ponchituti has discovered so many runway stars that she is nicknamed The Mother of All Models!

You don't know her very well? You will discover her tastes and preferences in her inspirational text on our website.

Next week will be dedicated to the jeweler Zuri Rayna, then it will be the tribute week to Coco Chanel and the week dedicated to the legendary Frolic Mills.

Do not see the icons as limits but rather as flames to ignite your imagination. We definitely don't want carbon copies! Let your creativity run wild. Charm us! Surprise us!


LUXE Paris is looking for an ambassador, an elegant and original person, with charisma. Could be a woman or a man. Could be a professional or a beginner, this has already been seen. The organization offers tailored mentoring to the 12 finalists.

Do you have what it takes? Send your photo FULL PERM to the avatar LUXEParisLOOKoftheYEAR in world. The deadline to submit your photo for the Tribute to Ponchituti is Thursday June 27 at midnight. Each participant receives a free LUXE Paris ensemble upon reception of the first photo. Stop procrastinating! Beyond the competition, a unique fashion adventure is within your reach!

The 2024 LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition is carried out in collaboration with One On One Agency, Zuri Jewelry, In-Nova Academy, The SL Enquirer, SL Confidencial, Swank Events, the Womenstuff and Menstuff groups, the Latin Quarter, ProPose Professional Poses, Hyacinth Poses & Design, Hayabusa Design and SL4Live-TV.

All details at

Sunday, March 19, 2023

IMPORTANT NOTICE about the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR contest


Dear friends, partners, sponsors, judges, and participants,

This is to inform you that we have decided to postpone the LOOK OF THE YEAR contest this year.

Paris and I have to devote more time to our real life for important reasons. To make this possible we need to postpone the competition for a year.  Our LOTY represents a huge workload and there is no question of doing things by halves.

However, our fashion house will remain active and dynamic, and we hope to take advantage of this break to refine our activity and gear up for the 2024 LUXE Paris Look of the Year. We will also continue to support all the SL fashion events that are close to our hearts.

We thank you for your wonderful and faithful cooperation and hope that you will understand our situation.
It's not a farewell but just a goodbye.

Gratefully ♥
Paris & Mika
LUXE Paris

Monday, October 24, 2022

Model for only a few months LATHILDA JANSSEN, LOOK of the YEAR 2nd runner-up A NEW STAR IS BORN!

A novice in the world of modelling, Lathilda Janssen surprised many, including herself, by obtaining the third-highest score in the LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR competition.

An interview by Ely Catronis
Photos by Mika Palmyra

EC: Before we get to know you, what was it like to hear your name called as the second runner up? 

‘’I was in shock to be honest! I am very new to the modelling world, and I do not have a lot of experience on a runway.  I never expected to be 2nd runner up in the first fashion contest I entered!’’  

EC: I can still feel your excitement! That is so incredible Would you share a little about yourself and how you found this world of Second Life?

‘’I discovered Second Life by chance. I played a lot of games before and saw SL advertised on a website and it sounds interesting.’’

EC: While being in SL, what brought you to the world of modelling and fashion? Are there models or designers that inspire you?

‘’Last April, I started thinking about the possibility of doing something else apart from building, my other passion, and I realized that I would love to learn more about fashion. I always enjoyed creating new outfits. A friend told me Naar Rexen had a modelling academy, 
where she offered a free taster course. I joined straight away!

''One of the designers I admire the most is Iris Van Harpen because she does not only create fashion, but she also creates 3D works of art’’. 

EC: Do you have any advice for people interested in fashion or modelling?

‘’If you are passionate and serious about being a model or want to learn more about fashion you can find a lot of modelling courses here in Second Life. Join one of them and 
start learning something new.’’
E.C.: What is your favorite memory from the LOOK of the YEAR Contest? Or what will be your big takeaway moment from the experience? 

‘’The best memory for me is meeting so many nice people! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved, from the designers who created our clothes and jewellery, LUXE Paris and ZURI, to ONE On ONE Agency team who helped us throughout the challenges and also the other eleven contestants!’’ 

E.C.: Aside from those wonderful memories and great experiences, are there any other events or organizations that you are involved in?

‘’I am currently attending modelling classes at Naar Rexen's In-Nova Models Academy, and also, I have been working for many years as an interior designer and landscaper together with my friend and business partner Cloe.’’