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Showing posts with label Thomas1 Bellic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas1 Bellic. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


I have always been a fan of Blues – (and no, I am not talking about “Blues Clues”, the children’s TV show).  I’m talking about the “tug-at-your-heart” and “make-the-marrow-in-your-bones-tingle” kind of blues.  The stuff that inspires and lifts and depresses all at once! – The kind of Blues found at Fogbound, or Toby’s, or Junkyard or Hotlanta,  THAT kind of blues.  So, when I heard about a drop-dead wonderful Blues Singer, Varda Sedia, I just had to check it out for myself.  I caught up with Varda one night in a small coffee shop in The Quarter. It was late...long past last call.  The place was closed and the regular customers had all left.  It was then that Varda and a couple of the band pulled up some chairs and started to jam. After a couple of hours, they finally wrapped up.  And despite the late hour – it was after 4:00am,Varda agreed to answer a few questions of mine before she headed for home

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB)    When did you first decide you wanted to sing, and how did you decide to start singing in SL? 

Varda Sedi (VS):  I first decided I wanted to start singing when my mama sang when I was a child, and she would tell me stories about how she was asked to travel with the groups in Mexico to sing from town to town for money, but she was too shy. She had a voice of an angel.  I decided to pursue singing when I was in my 20s and then won a contest, and was asked to join my first band and things just started to take off for me.  When my record label owner died and my mom died, I shut down completely and withdrew. I then found SL and admired hearing the singers so much I wondered if I was good enough and decided to give it a try in 2017. 

JB:    Who were your musical idols growing up?  Whose styles were you most comfortable with?

VS:  My mom introduced me to many different styles of music as a child, so my tastes were vast. My favorites were The Carpenters, Captain and Tenille, Helen Reddy, Whitney Houston, Barbara Streisand, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Phil Collins, Led Zepplin, Metallica, Cindy Lauper, Heart, and Big Band Music.  I felt most comfortable singing Whitney Houston and others like that at the time. 

JB:  I heard you also sing on a virtual World other than Second Life? 

VS:   I sing on other grids like Open Sim, New Hope Grid, Barefoot Dreamers Grid, and Digiworldz. I love exploring what the virtual world has to offer and always find something fascinating everywhere!

JB:     I understand you are a busy musician in Real Life as well.  Tell us about that? 

 VS:   I have been working on my main band Rockstead, which is a blues rock band out of Austin, Tx., Catching Comets which is an all-acoustic band same location. Also just got asked to rejoin recently my old band CeciliaX & Hafxex my electro-punk band. I love music like air, it is what I do since I have a mental disability in real life, and am not able to do a 9-5.  Just trying to make my way in this world doing what I know how to do it all. 

JB:    You’ve been in SL for over a dozen years now.  What is it that keeps you coming back, night after night, month after month for all that time? What is the secret to longevity in SecondLife? 

VS:   I love Second Life because of its diversity.  What I learned after many many years is to keep it professional and you'll be fine.  Keep your friendship true, stay away from toxic people. If someone promises you something and they don't deliver, get out quickly before you get sucked in deeply.  I find a lot of people make a lot of excuses to take your money, and a lot of excuses not to deliver results for them.   Don't get butt hurt over drama.  If they get ugly, that's what the block button is for, just forget and move on. Don't spread rumors, and if rumors are spread about you, who cares?  You know it's not true.  The only thing that matters is what you think about yourself when you look in the mirror.  Are you happy with what you see?  If so? cool if not, work on the changes you need to make for yourself.  Heck, I always need to work on myself. I make mistakes every day. It's just this thing we are that's called human, and we tend to forget that when we are hidden behind an avatar. 

JB:    Where would you like to take your career as a BLUES Singer? 

 VS:  Blues is my passion, I was first introduced to it by my old drummer, and I just fell in love with it. All I want in my life is to be known as a blues singer and I will be happy.  My "ultimate dream" to tour, record again, and sing at concerts and festivals again. 

JB:    Any advice you would give to a young musician just starting out in SL? 

VS:   Don't be afraid to ask for help.  If you're wanting to get started, ask someone, heck I am always glad to help.  Help is offered free as it should be. I remember when I struggled with singing and I was at my wit's end, Maxx Sabertooth came out and helped me, didn't ask for anything. He just asked me to pay it forward, and that's what I do. 

JB:     How would our readers find one of your performances?   Do you have a posted calendar, and are any times listed in SLT or your local time?  

Yes, I do, and I'll post it here.  some of it that say USA central time refers to my real-life band situation the others are SL or Pacific times. CALENDAR:  You can find me under events listing by the name Varda.

JB:    Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

VS:   If you come out to my show and like what you hear, add me as a friend! I love new friends and I do try to communicate with everyone I can when I am not busy. I usually send out positive messages or a personal invitation to my shows. anyways I look forward to seeing you out there!

So, there you have it, folks.  I thanked her for her time, pocketed my notepad, stuck my pencil behind my ear, and headed out to my now dew-covered Prius….resolved to tell the world about this talented, multifaceted singer/entertainer.  Check out her schedule…catch a show.  And someday when you are wandering around late at night, and you hear the voice of an angle belting out the Blues…you found Varda.  Tell her Hi for me.  And tell ‘em Josh sent ya. You’ll be glad you did.  

Be there!  Aloha!





Promo Video

Friday, April 22, 2022


The SecondLife Grid is home to a great many innovative groups of people who have devised new ways to incorporate Virtual Worlds into our daily lives. The areas of art, entertainment, finance, education, and others, have all been enhanced through their creative efforts. Leaders in the use of cyberspace in education, the folks at VWBPE just wrapped up their 15th annual Conference.  I recently sat down with Beth, iSkye, LV, and Kevin, me of the Staff of VWBPE and they graciously consented to answer a couple of questions about their innovative work in support of education.  

Let's get started, shall we?

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB:  So then, tell me, Beth.  Exactly what is this VWBPE thing the buzz is all about?

Beth:  VWBPE stands for Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education, which culminates in an annual online conference held each spring. Immersive virtual environments have been used in education long before the advent of head-mounted viewers like the Oculus Quest. We bring together educators and other interested people from all over the world to discuss how these environments can most productively be used for teaching and learning. 

JB:  How did the idea of a VWBPE conference come into being?

LV:  Back in early 2007 there were informal groups of educators and those interested in the potential of virtual worlds for education who would get together to talk about the ‘what might could be’. One of the ideas tossed around based on their personal (and physical) experiences was “What would happen if we had a conference and asked educators to share their best practices?”  These informal discussions became more serious, and SL-BPE (Second Life Best Practices in Education) was born. 

On May 25, 2007, 1300 educators from around the world gathered at the Second Life Best Practices in Education: Teaching, Learning, and Research 2007 International Conference in the virtual world of Second Life. The event was the first 24-hour, international conference ever to take place entirely within a virtual world. 

After a year’s hiatus, Rockcliffe University Consortium took over the conference co-ordination and SL-BPE was reborn in 2009 as Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education (VWBPE). It continues to this day.

JB:   This Conference is a big undertaking.  How many folks does it take to put on something like this, of this magnitude?

Beth:  At the top, we have the Executive Committee of three people. They are joined by six more people to make up the Organizing Committee. We also have the help of dozens more people who assist with the conference itself. Our volunteers are second to none in their dedication, enthusiasm, and energy, in every part of the Conference. 


Kevin:  All in total there are between 70-90 people that are dedicating their time to bringing this conference to life. 

JB:   What are some of the more interesting areas a visitor might see at a VWBPE Event?

Beth:  My favorite part of this conference is the Exhibit Hall, which is unlike anything you’d see at a brick-and-mortar conference. Our theme for the conference build for the past three years has been Outer Space, so exhibitors are given a parcel floating in space in which to build something. It’s so amazing to see the things they come up with to portray their ideas and offerings! The exhibits are open through April 23rd, by the way.

It’s also fun during the conference to see some of the different avatars that people use to represent themselves. At various times I have been a human, a tiny hedgehog, and a bunny, for instance.

JB:   What are some of the more inventive things that have been pioneered at VWBPE?

iSkye: One example is a different approach to mathematics, called SubQuan, which if you try it, revolutionizes the ability to do and understand math, from addition/subtraction to multiplication/division, to algebra, geometry, and more. The demonstration was entirely in 3D. A 5-year-old child could catch on within minutes - me with a university degree, I caught on very quickly and I haven’t forgotten it!

JB:   Have you heard of some success stories as educators implement the things they learn at these conferences?

Kevin:  Many educators credit their desire to create a curriculum in Second Life based on what they have seen other people do at our conference. 


LV: Absolutely.  A common story is that someone was inspired by a presentation or an exhibit and later made contact with the presenter, becoming collaborators in future work.  Another is graduate students using presentations to further their research interests and partnerships.  An advantage to virtual world events like this is the ability to IM someone immediately to express an interest in their work. 

JB:   Second Life is, arguably, a VW platform designed for adults.  Do you know of any particular child-safe Virtual Worlds that teachers can use in their classrooms or during remote learning scenarios?

Beth:  Although the conference deals with a multitude of virtual environments, we use Second Life for the conference itself because it’s the crossroads for virtual world educators to make connections with each other. Open Simulator and Minecraft: Education Edition offers the privacy that’s needed for younger children, and some of us are working with Linden Lab to have the same affordances in Second Life.

JB:   You do employ a lot of volunteers for these events.  How might someone get involved in supporting  VWBPE, either during the annual conference or throughout the year?

Beth:  The best thing to do is to contact Bluebarker Lowtide, our Volunteers Chair ( Starting in January we’ll begin recruiting volunteers for the conference itself, and the volunteer registration form opens up at that time. If you’re interested in more of a leadership role, contact Kevin Feenan at at any time. Planning for the next conference begins right after the past conference, and starts to pick up speed in the Fall. Volunteering is a great way to meet interesting people! 

JB:   Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about VWBPE?

Beth:  These environments are incredibly immersive and creativity-inspiring. There is a myriad of inventive ways that people are using different environments for education, and this conference is the heart of it. 


Kevin:  Instructors have used these environments to create immersive experiences that help students connect with skills in a way that is simply not possible simply by reading a book, watching presentations, or videos. The ability to place your mind’s eye from the vantage point of people at the heart of a learned experience and to appreciate the critical reasoning by being in the moment can provide greater insight by reframing one’s situational awareness. 

JB:   Where might a person go to get more information about VWBPE?

Beth:  We keep our website ( updated with current information and blog posts during the year. If you’re in Second Life, there’s a VWBPE group you can join that’s very helpful. We’re also on several social media platforms that are linked to the website. You can also ask anyone on the Organizing Committee, including me, Beth. (Beth Ghostraven)  for more information - we’re happy to help you get involved with education in immersive 3D worlds.

So there you have it, folks. For the most innovative solutions and cutting-edge uses of Virtual Worlds to enhance education for students, check out and learn how can get involved in this innovative outreach.

Be there!  Aloha!!


Tuesday, August 25, 2020


If you look in the dictionary for the phrase “Quality Entertainment”, you will most likely see a picture of Sapphire Beach Club (SBC).  Long known for presenting some of the best and hottest live entertainment on the Grid, SBC has recently reopened following a complete rebuild. The Sinclair family has done a bang-up job too.  I was recently given a sneak preview of some of the new areas designed to delight and entertain even the most discerning of SL Visitors, and believe me folks when I say this is one place you have to see for yourself!
Recently I was able to sit down with SBC co-owner, the lovely and gracious Claudine Sinclair, as she discussed the exciting changes of late.

Josh Bellic (JB):  Claudine, I recall visiting Sapphire Beach Club back in 2019, and was impressed with it then ( )   How has Sapphire Beach Club changed and how is it different from the other Beach Clubs out there?
Claudine Sinclair Jewell (claudine.jewell): (SC): We are different from other places in that we have a variety of events and venues.  These are constantly changing, and we continually offer our guests new places where they can have fun. We have a welcoming attitude towards everybody in SL and of course we have an exceptional staff.  In fact, we have the most professional and best run team I can imagine. But the BEST way to find out about the Sapphire difference is to ask our guests :)

JB:    You mentioned your staff.  Can you share with me something about the key staff members here?
Claudine and John Sinclair own the Sim. Amber Sinclair is our Manager. Christine Sinclair is our Host Manager. Maggie Sinclair is our Assistant, Ace Sinclair is our Promoter and of course we work together with Live Artists, DJ's, Tribute Bands, Dancers. 
John, Claudine and Amber have worked together since May of 2019.  Christine and Ace joined in October of 2019.  Foxxy started hosting at Sapphire this year and Maggie joined our Team at the end of July 2020.  We are like a family and we are blessed with a supportive crew. I love them and I can't imagine my SL without them.
JB:    What changes have you made since the last build?
The whole Sim has changed and has a totally different layout now with many places for new Venues. We have always stressed LIVE events, and now we have MORE live events than at any time in the past.  
At our New Beach we have a Natural Pool with Waterfalls, a Grotto, a Tropical Beach Lounge, along with many other private beaches, cute little shops, and of course the big Tropical Hill / Skyhill. We will be adding Game Tables and Beach Loungers in the weeks ahead to make these places even more enjoyable for our guests.

JB:    What are the inspirations for your ideas? How do you come up with these themes?
We take inspiration from wherever it comes, and in whatever form.   Some ideas are inspired by people.  Others may be inspired by a movie theme, or perhaps from a song.  Just about anything can serve as our inspiration.
JB:    Is this a complete rebuild, or were they just major modifications to a few areas?
Oh yes.  We did a complete rebuild of the Sim – from the ground level up.  We have several brand-new concert venues, and we can accommodate anything from smaller, more intimate gatherings in a club, to full blown stadium events with room for hundreds of guests.

JB:  I see that in addition to the base Region, you also seem to have several Skyboxes.  What is up there? It seems like they are an important part of your operation here and part of what makes SBC unique among clubs.
We currently have one Full Region and quite a few Skyboxes.  The number of skyboxes changes with the season, or with the inspiration. In addition to our standard favorites, we create seasonally themed spaces as well.  We shift the landing point around from venue to venue, depending on the specific event at the time, so our guests don’t have to walk from a static landing point all over creation to wherever the event happens to be.  We drop them off right at the door to the event. 
We use skyboxes to mix it up and for themed parties a lot.......the current ones are ...
  • The Universe: Our First skybox we created was “The Universe”. That theme turned out particularly cool as a skybox. 
  • The Stadium: The Stadium skybox was built because we used to host tribute Events. The Tribute Bands mostly use bigger stages and need more space for guests. We built a Skybox especially for a Baby Metal Tribute, and we put the Stadium up so we have space for future Tribute Bands. 
  • The third current venue is the Country Barn. We built that for our Country Event which lasted a weekend and it was so popular that we decided to keep it. Complete with a mechanical bull, you can almost smell the scent of fresh-cut hay bales in the loft and animals roaming the premises.
We also had a set up for a Dance Show so we have stools we can put out there. The stage we have there now is used for Live Singers. We have tentative plans to host another Tribute Show one day when we can work out the details. 
Skyboxes come and go all the time, and we change them with the season. We had one for Halloween; another one for Valentine’s Day.  John also built one with a Cat Tree theme, but they’re not rezzed anymore. We had a winter themed one as well, that filled an entire region.

JB:    Which area here is your personal favorite?
Claudine Sinclair: I’m undecided.  I like all the areas. I like the change so it never gets stale. 
Amber Sinclair: I love the beautiful natural pool at the bottom of the waterfalls.  There are some amazing “Kodak Moments” for the budding photographer, making this an ideal location for events.
John Sinclair: The Natural Pool with the Waterfalls is indeed a very special place. I also like the Grotto.  I think we can host a number of great events there. But in the final analysis, I really end up liking the entire Sim.  Wherever you go, it’s.
JB:    So, what’s next?  How can we learn about any big events coming up?
SC:  Certainly Josh.  We maintain a full calendar of all our events at:  Check it out for a full line up or all our activities
JB:    Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
We appreciate every Visitor, Guest, Group or Social Media Member who takes time to come and visit us, and wish to thank you all so much for your continuous Support. We try to keep our place Drama free but it's not easy in SL. We have also had our share of weird experiences and we cannot make everyone happy but in the end we do it all for the people and the great community in SL. We are paying, planning and organizing so people can have a good time and an immersive experience at Sapphire BC while listening to the best Live Artists.  Check us out in person, or visit our Facebook pages at 

So there you have it, folks.  Sapphire Beach Club: A Paradise in Pixels.  Check it out.  You’ll be glad you did.
Be there!  Aloha!

Monday, August 10, 2020


OK.  So..You are in a slump.  You find that doing the regular circuit of clubs, night after night, week after week, year after year is becoming a bit repetitive.  Surrounding yourself with the same music...same people…same entertainment.  It is bound to become perhaps a bit “overly familiar”.  Now days, during a worldwide pandemic when your favorite sports teams, outdoor concert venues, movie theaters, and in many places even the familiarity and distraction of the workplace has been replaced by teleworking or worse…disbanded altogether…we may seek to engage with others in one of the only remaining “safe” avenues to do so.  SecondLife.  But after a while, even that can seem a bit tired if you let it.
So, with that thought in mind, I put on my intrepid SL Enquirer tag and hit the road, determined to learn the secrets to longevity here in the Virtual World’s most phenomenal platform – SecondLife.  The folks chatted with have established some serious creds here,  They have seen the best of times, and the worst  times.  They lived thru seeing many of their favorite clubs and venues rise to fame...and then disappear just as swiftly.  Places like Greenies, or Toby;s Blues and other favs were here and gone from our lives.  These folks have seen the advent of Mesh…they flirted with Sansar, and now are dealing with the challenges of Baked on Mesh as this most wonderful, most intriguing of social platforms continues to evolve.

So I set out to learn advice from 8+ year old avies about what keeps SecondLife interesting. The first person I met was Amy.  First rezzed on October 12, 2009, Amy has been here 10 years, 9 months
Josh Bellic (JB):  So tell me Amy.  What do you do to keep SL interesting after all these years?
Aɱɣ (amylee.zane): Well my activities in SL is a very busy schedule. I start my mornings with taking care of my SIM which is a motorcycle riding SIM, Then I am part of the SL Coast Guard and I am kept busy with water patrols for now and whatever they offer. Sometimes I go diving, sometimes sky diving and I just completed a medical first aid training. Then I role play as an Attorney on various SIM's. After a complete day I come to relax in a club like Fogbound, where I love to just unwind at the at the end of  my day, kick back and enjoy the people and music.

As I was perving profiles, the next guy just kinda jumped out at me, as having possibly one of the oldest Avis I have ever seen. This Gentleman prefers to remain anonymous, and requested I identify him only by his initials. DZ was rezzed on 21 November, 2004, and has been a SL resident for 15 years and 8 months.

JB: Greetings Sir.  I am a reporter for the SL Enquirer.  This week we are polling long-term residents of SL and asking about their experiences here. Would you be willing to participate?
DZ:  "Well...honestly...I would prefer to decline....I am not one for publicity...The paparazzi can become quite an invasive experience.  The next thing you know my girlfriend is harassed...then the drones over the backyard...Then when I am out on my yacht...they just pull up.
JB:  I understand. Sir. Although I am sure our readers would enjoy hearing a response from one as senior as yourself. 
DZ:  It really has not been so interesting lately. I am just not a very public person. You can blank my name...use my initials…and a shadowed version of a likeness of my face. And, the answer is simple....I find that to keep it interesting I need to want to make it interesting...and to surround myself with interesting people.....The real trick to it is to let your creativity flow and do that in a way that encompasses all the resource here you have available....And, I do not mean by standing around in clubs watching the people dance....You need to create a source of involvement. If you can do can shape everything.

The next person I approached was a gent by the name of OldeSoul Eldemar (oldesoul).  Oldsoul was rezzed on May 19, 2012, and in 8 years, 2 months old.
JB:  Tell me please.  What do you do to keep SL interesting after all these years?
OldeSoul Eldemar:  Do you want a short answer or long?  I joined my RL wife in  SL, while caregiving as a way for us to stay together, thinking it would be much better than phone calls.  It was! It took a little exploring to find my "place" but working with Relay For Life as a Captain and fundraiser is very rewarding,  I have found that working as an event coordinator for events across the grid is a great way to meet folks and discover new worlds.

The next person to answer my question was the lovely Augi (augustlilac.luckstone).  Rezzed on February 4, 2010, Augi has been here for 10 years, 6 months.
Augi:  Can I say that I like having pixel sex with my BF? Can you print that? OK…let me restate “I like how creative some people can be with the animations - especially the adult furniture” How’s that?  I have been here over ten years and in that time I have made some GREAT friends. Some I may never hear from again and others I have had many years. One such friend I have is someone I met the first week 
I logged onto sl. We are still friends. I like the fact that I meet people from all over the world. People whom I would never even known existed being thousands of miles away. I occasionally hostess at a club and I model for HUSH magazine.  This is my fantasy world where I come to relax and get away from RL pressure

JB:  Thanks, Augi. And if I may add, your BF is one Lucky Bastard.

BellaRose (belladarkside) hails from Canada.  She was rezzed on October 10, 2011 and has been a resident for 8 years and 9 months.
JB:  Tell me please, Bella.  You have been here for more than 8 years.  What is it that keeps you coming back?
BellaRose (belladarkside): Well, I enjoy listening to good music.  That is my most interesting use of my time, and there is plenty pf good music here.  I am also very curious about the intricacies of avatar design.  I have followed with great interest the evolution to mesh, and now even the new Baked On Mesh – BOM.  I am an artist myself, so I can say absolutely that there are many really GREAT designers here in SL  I am really impressed.  One of the things I often like to do is go to designer-hosted events here.

Our final comments today come from Mr. Austin Welles.   This 13 year, 7 month resident was rezzed on Christmas Day, 2006
JB:  Austin, you have certainly see a lot in your 13+ years here.  What advise could you give to newer residents here who may be getting bored with their SL experience? How would you advise newer residents who are getting bored?
Austin Welles: I try not to take things too seriously. This is a place to imagine and experience. Live the moments of SL.  One never knows what might be around the next corner.
JB:  Anything else? 
AW: Oh yes.  You should take a break once in a while
JB: A Break?
AW: Yes…well…like a week here or there.  When you return you will find that the colors are always more vivid and the feelings renewed

So there you have it folks.  Feeling bored?  Then change things up.  Explore a new passion. Develop a new skill.  Live long...Love deeply…Laugh often.  These are the true keys to keeping your SL interesting.  Come to think of it, you might try these same things to kick up your RL as well.

Until next time, this is Josh Bellic…Signing off.  Aloha!

Monday, July 27, 2020


One of the fun parts of writing for a major SL Publication like the SL Enquirer is that I get to see many of the BEST sims on the grid. And, true to form, Eris Isle is certainly among the Best of the Best. Whether you are looking for romance, adventure, fantasy, art, or just a really neat place to while away the hours while you get your daily dose of SecondLife, Eris Isle is THE place to be. I caught up with Pablo Nova and Co-Owner Karma Koppel the other day and they graciously agreed to answer a few questions about their pixeled creation.

JOSH BELLIC (JB): Hi there Pablo and Karma. Thanks for agreeing to take time out of the creative process and speak to me. So then, what can you tell me about the Eris Ise difference? What makes Eris distinctive among the hundreds of other sims out there?

Pablo Nova (PN): Eris Isle is in many ways like other sims. We offer photogenic experiences, DJ/live music events, art exhibitions, backdrops, romance settings, weddings, rentals, and many fun and beautiful places to explore. What makes us different is in our presentation. With a 30K prim sim, we decided to go 99% mesh. That gave us the resources to design the sim with a reasonably realistic natural look. It took weeks of carefully laying down landforms, rocks, cliff/mountain faces, beaches, grass (omg grass), bushes, shrubs, trees, and a few structures to ultimately create what Eris Isle is today. We spent hours upon hours exploring other sims and perusing the marketplace in an attempt to find the highest quality objects to make the best-looking sim possible. We think we at least achieved a unique look, something that you won't see elsewhere in Second Life. And, that's not even mentioning the things we built up in the sky!

JB: So, tell me guys. Where did the idea come from for Eris Isle? What was your inspiration?

PN: Eris Isle brings together all the things we love about SL. We wanted to build a community around those interests. We started off with a small parcel of land and kept talking about all the things we wanted to do. The ideas kept growing and we expanded into larger parcels of land until we quite impulsively acquired the sim. Our inspiration simply comes from our love of SL. Eris Isle is our way of giving back to the SL community.

JB: What sorts of things can people do at Eris Isle? What can they expect when they get to the Landing Area?

PN: Exploration and photography are the main activities of the sim. From the welcome area, one can go either right or left and ultimately make a full circle back to the welcome area. Along the way, they'll discover numerous fun things to do and see. If someone wants a quick overview, we do offer automated hot air balloon tours of the sim! While the ground level is meant for exploration and hanging out, we also offer a few things up in the sky including a vast backdrop collection and photographic studio area; a themed Cyberpunk venue called "The Compound"; automated wedding services; and an art gallery and ballroom. Altogether, Eris Isle has 3 venues and hosts DJs and musicians from all genres of music.

JB: I saw you have a place called “Seaside Shores”.... It looks like a throwback to the 1960s? What is Seaside Shores all about?

PN: I'm really glad you saw that. I think subconsciously I wanted something akin to a vintage artist commune look to the area.

JB: And what about “The Compound”? Now THAT looks like a scene straight out of a B-rated monster movie like Godzilla or Mothra.

PN: The idea was to mix older Japanese buildings with a few sci-fi or dystopian props to give it a darkish cyberpunk look. It is one of three venues at Eris Isle and is also a themed photogenic area for making videos or taking photos.

JB: I am loving “Backdrops”. In fact, I have already shared that with a couple of my photographer friends. What an AWESOME collection you have there. What is THAT all about?

PN: Backdrops are another aspect of being a photography sim. Eris Isle ground level and "The Compound" are all themed areas meant to attract SL artists to come and use the assets of the sim for their own creativity. The 100s of backdrops we offer is just us trying to offer visitors as many photographic opportunities as possible. We want you to stay on our sim! Also, backdrops are cool.

JB: Eris Isle truly does look like a photographer’s Paradise. Are either of you photographers in RL?

PN: I was an amateur photographer and digital photographic artist in a previous life time.

JB: Pablo and Karma…I see you are not only partners here, but RL partners as well. How did you happen to get involved in SecondLife together? Could you share some of that story as well?

PN: We met in SecondLife and within a couple of months made the move to RL. We've been living happily together for over 2 years and only recently got back into SL when we decided to start Eris Isle.

JB: I understand you sometimes host events here? Where might our readers go to see “What’s Happening” at Eris Isle?

PN: Yes, it has always been our intention to be an events-driven sim. There are a couple of places people can go to see what’s happening. You can check out the Eris Isle Facebook page at : Or, if you are more into the visual, you can go to the Eris Isle Flickr site at: Additionally, they can join Eris Isle Events, the name of our free SL group.

JB: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

PN: Eris Isle is a place of expansive beauty. If you haven't visited yet, please come and have a look and join our group to keep up-to-date with all of our events. We also want you to know that we are a safe space and do not discriminate or condone any type of violence or hate speech. We built Eris Isle to be a place of love. So, please come and spend some time with us!

So, there you have it, folks. Eris Isle is a place you do NOT want to miss. Rarely will you find such an eclectic assembly of romance, cyberpunk, photography, sea, and sand all wrapped up in one beautiful package. So much to see in a single visit. This will definitely make it onto your “favs” list.

But don’t take MY word for it – go see it for yourself.

Eris Isle! Be there! Aloha!!
