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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Lanai's Diary: Entry 6/21/20- The buffoonery that is in SL Business work ethic is just ridiculous

Dear Diary, 

It has been a while since I’ve cracked open my diary and unloaded my thoughts about Second Life.  Sometimes I’m like… wow SL is still really awesome after all these years and other times I scratch my head at the buffoonery and think WTF….just WTF.

I’m talking about work ethics. Not morale ethics because we all know there are some questionable things going on in Second Life. I’m not a judge and jury but I would say a lot of activities are acceptable by the culture. I’ll leave that up to you to decide what is moral or borderline squint worthy.

One of the most important components needed to support Second Life’s economy is Business. To be successful you must build trust with the community. Have a great business and marketing plan put together and to top it off a disciplined work ethic.
I don’t have to be captain Obvious to tell you that.

Business is business no matter how you look at it. It doesn’t matter if it is in a virtual world manned by pixel CEO and employees. When a product or service is exchanged for currency. A business transaction has occurred. At that point, accountability and professionalism become a thing if you want to keep “earning” business.

Those are not the only things business owners need to succeed. Customer Service is the cherry on top for the best businesses and practices in the virtual world.

I’ve traveled the grid and have met many business owners through the years. The very first creator I encountered was in my noob days. There I was barefoot exploring and minding my own business when I stumbled upon an affordable shoe store.  I tried to put on some blocky heels. One ended up strategically placed up my backside. Thank goodness avies don’t feel pain I would have been hurtin!
 Anyway,  I was all bent out of shape literally and messaged the creator all frantic and accused them of playing a sick joke. 
I didn’t know any better and was paranoid of griefers.  It turns out the business owner wasn’t a griefer and assisted me in removing the footwear from where it did not belong. I was grateful for the help and it gave me a better understanding and newfound respect for virtual world business and how it is just like real business.

Customer service has been on a downward spiral with the introduction of bots greeters and automatic information givers that have taken the place of an actual Avie at the business location. Many are left standing around with questions or needing support and they are forced to leave an offline message or drop a notecard for help on something that could take 5 minutes but has now extended to 2 days with a follow up pending. It all becomes so frustrating.

Bad Customer Service 

Recently I was at a popular skins store helping someone try to figure out how they could get rid of the infamous “Dirt neck” situation that occurs when purchasing a mesh head and body with tones that do not match perfectly. For those who are familiar with mesh, skins help with the problem in some cases.

 Upon landing at this packed skin store, there was no customer service to be found. In desperation asking anyone who would offer some help and being led in all kinds of wrong directions. Something as simple as purchasing a skin or blender or whatever it was needed to solve the problem became a week long quest in search of alternative remedies to just fix the problem and still no response from the skin creator or other representative of the brand. That ish gotta stop. At this point just collecting lindens from avies but not really helping them is just not right.  Get it together or I’m taking names on  brands that have poor customer service.

Friend List Conference- Event Shoutouts.

Ok now this right here has got to be the most annoying feature to have when used as a group notice.  So imagine having 1626 friends and about a third of them insist on friend list conferences to spam events or carry on whole conversations. This can really light up your IMs like a christmas tree causing you to nearly have a seizure.
I try my best to just close it out since I don’t really want to unfriend them. At one point I even created a PSA to cut and paste in the conferences to promote SLE. That tactic didn’t work so I tried to make myself invisible. Sighs. I’m lost for ideas on how to go about this in the most professional way I can. If you happen to be a friend , please don’t include me in friend list conference spamming. Thank you.

If you come across this with groups you are in , you can easily solve the problem by opting out of receiving group notices.

In business, it is best to remember where you came from if you have any ounce of humbleness remaining once you hit “the big time”. If there is  one thing that gets under my skins it is those SL business owners who act like they don’t sit in the same infamous David statue “The Thinker” position whilst using a bathroom.

 A Positive attitude is always a good thing so leave the big head at the door, or you might get stuck in the door frame. Like a well known swinger beach club owner with a sandal wedged up his (BLEEP) sideways…. I won’t go there but he knows who he is. Or that makeover service provided who goes rogue buying the wrong stuff with their client’s lindens and somehow blames the patron for an unsatisfactory job done.

I think I let out what I needed to say on this topic for now. If you have suggestions or comments about business ethics please feel free to comment in the box below and please use your avie name, anonymous seems so stupid when the comment is nasty.

Lanai Jarrico

Thursday, September 26, 2019



**Please note if you are a current advertiser with SLE, PRs are FREE for the duration of your AD Package.


Quick Guide to Creating a Press Release for Promoting Charities, Events, Business & Services in The SL Enquirer.

A press release is a vital part of a marketing plan in Second life. It provides important information about events, products and services as well as where the target audience can find what is being promoted. Also,  who to contact for additional information.

Having a solid PR plan makes it easy to promote to a variety of media sources who can reach out to the masses on your behalf.  The SL Enquirer has put together a quick guide to help get you started on your way to virtual success.

You will need these key components:

*Catchy Headline/announcement

example: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Grand Opening of (event name) on (date & time)

*Promotional Texture
400x400 (jpg) (SLE Standard)
Check with the media source you will be sending your pr to for their image size/file requirements.

The who, what, where, when about the event/service/product/location
(this information should be between  450- 1000 words)

* LM, SLURL(s), Urls, social networks and preferred contact info.
* email a press release / slurls links and promo image as an attachment. to

Charities in Second Life
Charity events and fundraiser Press releases are free to publish at least once per week per charity event. Submissions are due  at least one week before event for best exposure.


Email to learn more about getting your press release posted in The SL Enquirer


-Lanai Jarrico
The SL Enquirer

Follow us:

The SL Enquirer Media Group
Press Pass Media
SLE Ad Options

If you never tried our services and wish to:

Additional pr posts are 300L payable to Lanai Jarrico, or you can purchase a monthly Ad Package for 1k a month and get FREE weekly press release posts for the duration of your ad!

We also offer Spotlight Features for 3k, it includes an article/ interview written by The SL Enquirer, 1 month ad banner/link on our site and free weekly press release for the duration of your ad.  If you wish to continue your ad , it is 1k per month, free pr posts included!

Contact Lanai for this special offer.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

In the “botlight” with Ariadknee Resident

An introduction to Second Life's most popular bots - SmartBots - Ariadknee Resident reporting.

If you have a business on SL you would likely have come across SmartBots and their services. If you have visited a shop or sim and been automatically invited to a group, this is SmartBots in action!

A visit to the SmartBots office will give you a taste of the bots in action, you will be met by various bots who will welcome, show you around and explain how they work.  Make sure you read your local chat as they go about their business.

I was excited to have a chat with the founder and creator Glaznah Gassner to get some deeper insight into this innovative and ever expanding bot service on Second Life.  Meeting Glaznah it was clear he was very passionate about his creation and this came across in his enthusiasm and gratitude for his customers and staff.

Interview with Glaznah Gassner SmartBots Creator and Owner

Aria - What was your vision when you first developed SmartBots?

Glaznah - Second Life business owners should get reliable, easy controllable and affordable bots. That was the vision and the goal. There are also other business aspects like nice design and interfaces, 24/7 support etc.
At SmartBots we've tried to get rid of any complexity for the user, providing easy web interfaces. Create account, rez the inviter and start inviting people to the group - like that.
However, the overall reliability, easy management and the price are always the first things to take care of.

Aria -  What year was SmartBots created?

Glaznah - SmartBots was launched in 2009.

Aria - What do you think makes you stand out from the rest?

Glaznah - The grid-wide importance of the project we run makes me stand out through all these years. We have thousands of customers and thousands of bots online. We just can't give up since all these people rely on us. Also, there's always something interesting to create when you work in Second Life. Alive bots, tools for developers, various automation... it is very exciting to develop.

Aria - Did you start the business on your own, if not, who else was involved?

Glaznah - I did started the business on my own. Honestly, I did not think that SmartBots would become a huge SL company, running the bots seemed quite plain and straightforward. Now I have reliable people I work with, partners and helpers. It is not possible to manage all aspects of SmartBots alone.

Aria - What new developments can we expect in the future?

Glaznah - A lot is yet to come. We frequently monitor feedback, requests, needs of our customers (and SL residents as well) and constantly develop new automated solutions that are most importantly, user-friendly

Aria - Where do you suggest a first time customer should begin their journey with SmartBots?

Glaznah - Definitely at our in-world office, to check out what the bot is and how smart they can be. Our office is full of demonstration bots that visitors can interact with. Should they need help, our 24/7 Support Team is always ready.

I found Glaznah a pleasure to chat to and I look forward to further association with him and the team at SmartBots.

You can contact the SmartBots Support team who will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Group: SmartBots: group invitation bots

Photos used with permission from SmartBots.

Ariadknee Resident Reporting.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Virtual World Business Association Announces July 2017 Event Line-Up

Virtual World Business Association, July 8, 2017 -  Virtual World Business Association announces their upcoming events for the month of July 2017, including our regular Coffee and Convo events, our new Meditation workshop, and the VWBA Life Music Festival for Relay for Life.

Coffee & Convo Events
If you missed the Coffee & Convo discussion on “Social Media Do’s & Don’ts”, here’s your chance to catch it. We have scheduled a redux of this discussion for Saturday, July 15, 2017 beginning at 11:00 AM SLT. Also, this month we have a new discussion topic, “How to Turn Volunteering into Employment” scheduled for Saturday, July 29, 2017. Coffee & Convo is an informal gathering for members and non-members who want to discuss topics related to starting and developing a business, and personal development in the workforce. All sessions are conducted in voice to truly enhance the experience!

VWBA Live Music Festival for RFL
VWBA extremely excited to announce our first ever, Live Music Festival, in honor of Relay for Life of SL. We have an amazing line-up of live artists singing everything from Pop to Broadway classics, and everything in between. Don’t miss this event, and you chance to celebrate those who are fighting the good fight against cancer. The Live Music Festival is scheduled for Thursday, September 27, 2017 beginning at 4:00 PM SLT.

Meditation & Yoga Workshop
We’re bringing something new into the mix this month...our first Meditation & Yoga workshop. If you have ever been interested in these relaxation arts, come and join us as we all learn together. Keep your eyes open for notices on specific dates for these workshops.

For More Information, please contact Faith Aljon or Sanaa Carami

Contacts: Faith Aljon, Sanaa Carami, Aurora Night

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Mind Over Matter: A Psychic Medium’s Business Tips posted by Sumi Portola

No matter what stage of business you’re in, there are always moments where we silently find ourselves wishing for answers from a higher power. We hope for ways to clear negative thoughts and energy from our lives as we move forward to make big decisions and big moves. Well, 4th generation Psychic Medium, Color & Energy Expert, Author and Reiki Practitioner, Linda Lauren, has some tips, strategies, and daily practices for learning to trust your instincts and most importantly, thrive.

Being a fourth-generation psychic medium, how has this role impacted your day to day?
The fact that I had available to me a network of female family members spanning generations who were skilled in spiritual guidance, made all the difference in the world.  My mother, especially, was instrumental in revealing to me the ways I could embrace my psychic awareness in everyday life.  As a result, I am able to intuit a better course of action in my approach as I move through day to day.  This has been a blessing because it has allowed me to accomplish more in one day than I might have in a week.  It has opened me to grow in areas I might otherwise have missed.

When starting out, did you take business advice from your mom? 
Oh, I definitely took business advice from my mom. She was instrumental in helping me to set up my first real office.  She had insight into the way I might operate it and cost-effective approaches to how I structured my business.  Her advice was invaluable.  I discuss the extent of her involvement in my memoir, Medium Rare.

What is one thing you’ve learned in business that you would pass along to someone just starting out?
A lot of people tend to look at their business strictly from the standpoint of checks and balances.  But before you can truly get to the point of understanding your business, my suggestion is to add meditation to your daily schedule.  
Meditation creates structure.  When you meditate you learn to respond to life, embracing reason, rather than reacting, which is through emotion.  That single most act can assure success and good health just by the awareness it affords us when we meditate faithfully.  To me, it’s like washing your face or brushing your teeth: it’s something you don’t skip! So, even if it’s for 10-20 minutes a day, the potential for positive energy is in every breath.

Are there any specific signs or energy that you say a female entrepreneur should specifically try to listen to as she starts her business?
I feel it is very helpful to listen to what your gut is telling you.  Put yourself into a quiet place, address any situation via a question, place your hand on your midriff, and “listen” to what your body, mind and spirit are indicating.  It is a way to learn to tap into what I refer to as your “center,” which is a place where we make our most important decisions.  If something feels “off,” this will be a good gauge to help you discern the best cause of action.
How have you learned to listen to your business intuition?
I make it a policy to meditate on each business issue as it comes along so that I can discover the best way to work.  Yes, there it is again: meditation.  I consider it a business practice that is the foundation for everything I do.  However, I also use color to work with the energy available to me in business.  I have long worked with color to help people in business pursuits. I can attest that certain colors reflect positive action when they are embraced.  Embracing them can be in the form of the clothes or jewelry we wear, the colors we surround ourselves with, and the intention we wish to convey.  For instance, one of my executive clients often focuses on the color blue when she is in business meetings.  If affords her a clear understanding of what is being said and she is able to achieve desired results. 
We’re loving the idea of your Vibe Spray. Can you explain what it is?
The Vibe Spray™ was designed to clear negativity from a space and replace it with positive energy.  I use this product everywhere, and so do my clients.  It is part of my office procedure.  I spray it when I first open my doors, when I close, and after each client.  Many of my clients use it for when they travel to spray in their hotel rooms, meeting room, and other areas.  It is designed to replace the use of smudging with smoke.  It has a lovely rose top- scent and it incorporates essential oils, sea salt and other ingredients of a proprietary nature.  I came up with the recipe via my family and have gone back generations in my research in developing the product.
What drew you to go beyond your reading sessions and develop a product that we can use everyday?
Public demand propelled me to extend my work to products.  We make or carry everything from bracelets, color/energy candles and mediation pieces, to The Vibe Spray and Himalayan salt lamps. These tools are essential to growing within your spirit in business.  They create positive awareness that moves us forward. I have also create a website that allows people easy access to the products I develop, as well as the information and advice I provide as a blogger for Huffington Post and

Lastly, are you able to make any predictions about what’s next for females in business this year?
Women will continue to raise their voices in unison and solidarity.  We will most likely see more businesses springing up that are headed by women.  The written word will be a consideration, too, as the plight of women takes center-stage.

Linda Lauren can be found hanging out at her Island ETU Abbracciare and her Meditation Gardens.  Come visit!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The one and only SLT converter. You can say goodbye to the time when arranging meetings in Second Life was difficult!

We have created a very revolutionary new product:The best and one and only Second Life Time Converter.

With Easytime You Can:
~first set your time zone
1) select a real life hour and find out what it will be in second life time
2) select a second life hour and find out what it will be in your real life time.
Easy Time will enable you to do at a click what used to take you forever, converting your SLT into RLT and vice versa in half a second.

It is handy for all people of second life and it was designed to work on worldwide time zones.

A must have for all professionals and businesses: CLINICS, CLUBS, CLIENTS, PATIENTS, EVERYDAY PEOPLE

The hud can easily be minimized into a small clock by clicking the arrow. Quick, Smart, Easy and it even looks cool! 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Charity. Business. Networking | Weekend Event : 11-19 | No Kid Hungry for Thanksgiving Reception Gala | 5pm SLT

This weekend VIRTUAL World Business Association (VWBA) is hosting a weekend of events.  This includes a networking happy hour (Friday), a charity gala (Saturday) and a business seminar (Sunday).

Join us as we give, network and grow together.

11-19 | No Kid Hungry for Thanksgiving Reception Gala | 5pm SLT
For the 3rd year in a row, VIRTUALVillage Media and The Delicious Foundation partnered with to support the NO KID HUNGRY® Campaign. We kicked off the fundraising our month long charity drive on the 1st and runs through the 30th.

As a thank you to our donors and  sponsors we are hosting a reception dinner.  This is yet another chance to give and help change lives.  No child should ever go hungry & we want to help make that happen, Join Us!

Special Guest and Entertainment Include: 
Kamille Kamala (5:00-5:30 PM SLT)
Miss Diva Stone (6:00-6:30 PM SLT)
Joaquin Gustav (6:30-7:30 PM SLT)

Stop by and make a donation anytime before Thanksgiving:

11-20 | International Business Seminar | Kamille Kamala
Kamille Kamala of the Lyrical Cafe at the VIRTUALVillage Media | Virtual HQ Presentation Space. Kamille will be sharing her success story, and how she has developed the Lyrical Cafe to what it is today. Our International Business Seminar offers an up close and personal look into the journey of successful business and industry leaders, paving the way in our virtual worlds. Cocktails and Entertainment provided.

All happening at the VIRTUALVillage Business and Conference Center.

VIRTUALVillage Media | Virtual HQ

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

VIRTUALVillage Media | Virtual HQ Business & Conference Center

With the expense of traveling & hotel accommodations, cost allowances for meals, and the price of gas in today’s economy, many people are looking for ways to save. If you are looking for a way to set up a VIRTUAL Office for your business or organization, I hope that you will consider the Virtual Business and Conference Center | VIRTUALVillage Media | VIRTUAL HQ!
 Below are some key details about the Business Center:
      FREE use of our Beautifully Furnished Workspaces
      4 Unique Event Spaces
      Access to all virtual business conferences, seminars and workshops
      Networking opportunities with like-minded businesses and organizations
      Competitive Pricing
      Virtual advertising to help grow your brand
For more information, please contact our Virtual Business and Conference Center Property Manager:

Sanaa Carami
Marketing/Property Manager
Virtual Business and Conference Center

VIRTUALVillage Media

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The After-hours District is an SL initiative that began with the idea of bringing together all the creative businesses in SL.

Come and take a walk in our beautiful shopping district in sl ,our streets are inspired of 19th century with stunning Victorian building all together with glimpses of mysterious, dark and misty streets,vintage atmosphere characterized by refinement and magnificence… it impossible not to fall in love the moment you step on inside.
The After-hours District is a sl initiative that began with the idea of bringing together all the creative businesses in SL. Today its comprises of 40 shops including jewelry makers, design and furniture shops, fashion stores, and one event building.

Our  big opening party is this month August 
 28th 12pm slt to 8pm slt with incredible djs line up: 12pm-Chu,1pm- Hermano,2pm- Bander, 3pm-Chad, 4pm- Dru, 5pm DJ Kash! 6pm-Chavyl ,7pm-Lichi 8pmDj Joox

I would like to thanks all our team for the incredible work, from owners managers , photographers, Bloggers, friends, tenants and all support from everyone