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Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2021

GeekSpeak – The Future of our Food. Join the discussion on May 1st at 12pm SLT

This week we will discuss what our future meals will look like.  Will we eat meat grown from animal cells in big factories?  Will the various kinds of meat, steak, chops, sausages, be printed?  Will we also have 3d printed fish and eggs and cheese?

Will any farm animals still live on earth, outside of zoos? 

Will we all eat the same food everywhere on earth?  Or will local food, and meat from real animals, survive for the rich?  Will cooking, though no longer necessary, remain a hobby?

Will our food be policed, with some foods being banned for being too unhealthy? 

Will we still enjoy eating?  And what strange new foods will we eat?

Bring a knife and fork and all your hungry friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, April 2, 2021

GeekSpeak – Will there be life after the Pandemic? Join the discussion on April 3rd at 12pm SLT

Has the virus changed the world for good?  Will some of the imposed restrictions remain?  Social distancing, masks, no hugs? 

Will we always be afraid of new diseases in the future?  What will we do to keep ourselves safe and prevent the next pandemic?  Will we try to vaccinate all animals as well as humans?  Will we live in plastic bubbles in an endless lockdown and interact with each other only in Second Life?  Will we use nanobots to patrol our blood and kill anything non-human? 

Or will we react against the restrictions, give up fighting and just get sick, hoping that some of us will survive?

Come and discuss our smallest enemy.  Bring an electron microscope and hand soap, and your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, February 5, 2021

GeekSpeak – Robots! Where will they go, what will they do? Join the discussion Feb 6th at 12pm SLT

What is the strangest use for a robot that you can think of?  Will there be one in your kitchen, in your toilet, in your butt?

Will there be robot doctors, dentists, judges, juries?  Will there be zillions of microbots running the world?  Will they replace bees or trees or other wild organisms? What will a future with 10 robots (or 1000 or 1,000,000) to every human be like?  Will you ever marry a robot or put one in your will?

Are we in danger from robots?  Will Asimov’s 3 laws protect us?

Come and discuss our future electronic friends or foes.  Bring your friends, robotic or otherwise.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, January 8, 2021

GeekSpeak – Alternative therapies. Join the discussion Jan. 9th at 12pm SLT

What alternative therapies do you know about?  And which ones have you used?  Probably everyone has tried some form of alternative therapy.  Which is your favorite?  Meditation, reiki, homeopathy, acupuncture, fish spas, swimming with dolphins, crystal therapy, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, there are hundreds of therapies out there.

All alternative therapies work to some extent, because of the placebo effect.  Do you think they are effective as more than placebos?  Should people be encouraged to try them?  Are they the enemies of official medicine or additions to it?

Come to GeekSpeak and tell us what you think.  Bring your friends, and Band-Aids ðŸ˜Š

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, November 20, 2020

GeekSpeak – How did language really start? Join the discussion Sat. Nov 21st at 12pm SLT

What was the origin of our language system?  Did it start with humans or did some animals have a language before us?  Do some animals have a language, or a proto language, now?  Maybe our language started as a sign language, maybe spoken words came later.

Did we once have just one language on Earth?  What made languages grow apart?  Are there some universal words, like ‘ouch’ perhaps, that exist in all languages?

What is the future of language?  Will we eventually have one language over all the Earth, just as we once did when our species began?  Will that language be a spoken, or written, or sign language? Will we forever keep changing our ways to communicate?

Help us to find the answers in GeekSpeak.  Bring all your international and animal friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

GeekSpeak – Where are we going in Space? Join the discussion Oct 24th at 12pm SLT


Next week we will see the first 15km hop of a starship, a milestone in the history of space exploration. 

Many companies are competing to get to the moon or to get to Mars or to catch an asteroid.  Soon we will see rocket factories that churn out a new rocket every week.  The space era is truly beginning.

So where will we go first?  Space tourism?  Space business?  What do you think is the logical path?  Will we soon have millions of people living and working in space?

Come and discuss the future that is just around the next curvature of space.  Bring your astronaut buddies!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

GeekSpeak: Batteries! What are they good for? Join the discussion on Saturday August 22nd at 12pm SLT

A total revolution revolving around batteries will be coming soon. We have seen the advent of electric cars and bikes, although the electric lawn mower is still a pipe dream.  But when the battery revolution arrives it will cause an infrastructure inversion where the existing power grid structure will be disrupted.  This battery revolution will give back power to the people!
Come and discuss with us the coming green energy revolution!  Bring your friends even if they still use an old power cord ðŸ˜Š

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, August 21, 2020


Looking for something different in your SecondLife?  Are the same old clubs you visit night after night becoming a bit “stale”? Does riding a fire-belching dragon, or fighting for your life as you watch your health meter drop in a combat sim just not hold your attention like it once did? Then have I got a word for you...and that word is “Ethnographic Studies” (OK, so technically it’s two words…so hyphenate it). And what better way to scratch that itch…to pursue that passion…to boldly go when no one has gone before? (cue music) but to check out one of the FINEST Ethnography Exhibits In all of SecondLife?  
I recently had the very real pleasure of meeting Nexus Dot, researcher extraordinaire and curator of the SL display: Ethnographic Exhibits of Two Cultures from the Republic of Panama.

Josh Bellic (JB):  So tell me, Nexus.  Just what is “Ethnography” anyway?  And why should people study it?
Nexus Dot (ND):  Ethnography refers to the process anthropologists use to document and interpret other cultures.  This concept of culture is the primary focus of the ethnographer.  With respect to culture and how ethnography differs from certain other sciences, my intellectual mentor Clifford Geertz says,  “Believing …that man (sic) is an animal suspended in webs of significance (s)he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning."   

This exhibit is then an attempt at the interpretation of these many different webs of meaning. Webs that you will discover when you take the intellectual effort to peek beneath the surface of these two incredible tropical lowland rain forest indigenous tribes located in eastern Panama.  These webs of meaning have evolved over hundred of thousands of years of the cultural evolution of our species.  Webs of meaning that reflect the heritage of our tribal past, now often forgotten but whose influence is indelibly written in the DNA of our own cultures.

JB:  Share with our readers what this exhibit is all about.
ND:  There are many themes in the exhibit. The one that I would like most to bring to your attention is that traditional people represent a unique aspect of human consciousness. For hundreds of thousands of years our species believed in the spirit world. This was before the invention of agriculture and the major world religions. This influence creeped into our understanding of the environment, and tribal people of the world represent this way of thinking. The two cultures in the exhibit represent the remnants of that long standing tradition. We try to present aspects of the complexity and comprehensive nature of their understanding of their environment and its ecological implications. Here is a YouTube that introduces the exhibit ... 2 minutes only ...Copy/Paste the following address into your Web browser.

JB:  How did you first come to be interested in the Emberá Culture of Eastern Panama.
ND:  I grew up in Panama. We lived in a community located at the edge of the rainforest. From an early age, I admired indigenous culture and became interested in the nature of human consciousness. So. It is a reasonable extension of my interests to work with indigenous cultures in Panama.
JB:  Whatever convinced you to publish your research using the Virtual World of SecondLife?
ND:  I found that when you gave a talk in SL, it was helpful to send people to an exhibit. My initial goal was to give a few thoughts about indigenous culture and a small exhibit. Then the concept of an exhibit took on a life of its own. We decided to do a stand-alone self-guided exhibit. Shiloh Emmons, my colleague in the exhibit, convinced me to expand and do a more comprehensive project. The tools of SL provide an excellent immersive virtual geography for presenting complex ideas and multimedia information.

JB:  Tell us about the different exhibit areas please?
ND:  There are eight different exhibit areas.
  • Emberá Cosmology and Ecology which includes shamanic rituals.
  • The story of Henupoto , the supernatural antihero of the mythical past, an important Emberá narrative.
  • Art and Aesthetics of Guna Mola Textile Art.
  • The mola gallery where we display 38 antique molas.
  • Ethnobotany, how people of the lowland tropics use plants, including psychoactive plants.
  • A large map gallery of the geography of Panama.
  • Photo essays of Emberá Drúa, a heritage tourism program run by an Emberá indigenous community
  • Hall of the Giant Molas
There are also multiple slide shows and many interactive multimedia signs.

JB:  I saw a display that mentioned Henupoto?  Who is he and why is he important to the people of Emberá? 
ND:  Henupoto is a well-known narrative among the Emberá. It is the story of a Herculean-like antihero who is the son of a union between a powerful spirit and an indigenous woman. He is considered a nuisance by his people, so they are constantly sending him out on impossible tasks that he expertly executes. In the end, he provides the community with many gifts and a curse. The story serves as a means of discussing the many complex ecological concepts and the Emberá's profound understanding of the supernatural world. Unlike most modern superheroes, Henupoto is more of an antihero. The message is that life is not simple, not just good or bad.
JB:  Do you have any upcoming events?
ND:  At noon on September 5th at the Science Circle, I will present a talk on Art and Aesthetics of Guna Mola Textile Art. We are planning several events for the near future including a panel on the mythical antihero and Emberá cosmology. The dates and times will be posted at the exhibit. Numerous organizations have booked guided tours, and individuals are invited to drop by anytime as it is open to the public. Groups can IM me to book a tour—at Nexus Dot. 

JB:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
ND:  I think there is a striking renaissance of art, science and other intellectual activities in SL, maybe due to the Covid19 crisis. I think these are worthy goals and am pleased to be a small part of a community that is working so hard to ensure that SL offers more than just fun and recreation. I would like to thank Valibrarian and the team of the Community Virtual Library (CVL) for their gracious support of the exhibit.  We used up a lot of their Prims and they never once complained. We encourage all visitors to explore the ethnographic exhibits, and the Community Virtual Library (CVL) Research Library located on Cookie Island. 
So there you have it, folks.  For a completely different way of viewing SL and the world around you, come check out the “Ethnographic Exhibits of Two Cultures from the Republic of Panama.” Tell your Limo driver to take you to the following location: 
You’ll be glad you did.


Saturday, August 1, 2020

GeekSpeak – Space War! Join the discussion Saturday August 1st at 12pm SLT

This week the USA’s space force get their new logo (Semper Supra): Above Others.   Does it mark the start of a cold war in space?  Both China and Russia have already destroyed a test satellite in space. So, who knows?

Do you think that mutual threats will mean better technology for all of us?  Have wars helped us all?  Will a space war help us?

What will happen if one of the superpowers makes a space-based weapon first?  Will that be a done deal?

Come and join us.  Let’s hope we can survive any new development.  Bring your alien buddies who can phone home and hitch us a ride away from here.   

Saturday, July 25, 2020

GeekSpeak – What frightens you the most about the Future? Join the discussion Saturday July 25th at 12pm SLT

When you lie awake in the middle of the night, filled with fear about the future, what do you fear most?  There is so much that can potentially go wrong and kill us all.  So we wonder what is at the top of your list.  What danger do you see ahead of us as a species?  Or as a planet?  A killer virus, an asteroid, nuclear war, rogue AI?  What scares you the most?
Come and tell us your deepest fears.  The most creative and convincing answer gets a prize.  Bring your friends and protective gear!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

GeekSpeak – Will you survive the Technological Singularity? Join the discussion Saturday July 18th at 12pm SLT

In a few short years the technological singularity will arrive.  Computers will not only be faster than humans, they will be more intelligent in every way and their intelligence will continue to increase.  And it is closer than you think.

How will it affect us personally?  Will we be treated as pets?  Will we enjoy being pets?   Will there be wars between different AI systems?  Will humans be involved in the computer wars?  Maybe you think our daily lives will not be affected much.  After all, even if it wants to, a superintelligent AI cannot make us happy.  We still have to work that out for ourselves.
How will the total AI domination roll out?  What jobs will be lost?  How will we live?  Will there ever be a time when it all collapses and humans can go back to ‘normal’ again?  

Come and discuss our future as pets.  Bring your friends, and your pets.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

GeekSpeak: The Future of Energy. Join the discussion July 4th at 12pm SLT

Where will we get energy from in the future? Are we waiting for unlimited sources of energy?  Nuclear fusion?  Volcanoes? Zero point?  What other sources of energy do you think we will find?

How much energy do we actually need?  Will there ever be a maximum amount? Whatever new sources of energy we find, will we always want more?  If each of us has a planet to run, will that be enough?

Come and discuss our energy needs or greeds.  Bring your friends. 
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

SPOTLIGHT ON BIOLOGY CLUB- A Multi-Genre Experience- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” - Edwin Powell Hubble

Scientists like Edwin Powel Hubble, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, and other great minds throughout history helped shape our world with their findings. Science in all forms of study provides us with a greater understanding of the world around us.  

The very essence of science begins with biology. It is the study of all living organisms. Plants, animals, physiology, and behavior are what it is to be alive. Second life is the perfect social experiment that thrives on human behavior. It allows us to experience things to which we may not have physical access.  As a virtual world community, we have certainly evolved bringing together technology and life with a virtually realistic perspective. 

For all you wisdom explorers out there we have a special treat for you! Biology Club is a multi-leveled venue with many areas into which to delve. Dresi Ligati (dresella.joubert) is the mastermind behind Biology Club and with her team, Brit Kitora (holly65) and Solgazer Kitora (solgazer.sittingbull), they are skilled professionals in their field of expertise.  

Much of the inspiration for this venue comes from Dresi’s background as a science teacher. Her love of education combined with over a decade of experience in Second Life inspired this multi-genre marvel. This isn’t her first venue by any stretch. She has also created venues that took visitors back to the prohibition era and to the ice age with dinosaurs.

Like Science, Dresi and her team are always evolving. Recently, SLE met up with Dresi, Solgazer, and Brit to learn more about the Biology Club, who they are, and what they do.

SLE: How did you ladies discover Second Life and come to work together?

Dresi: I got into SL because my RL sister was in world and she brought me in here.  Interestingly, after she brought me in, she was interested in things that were of no interest to me.  So, I took a different path.  I started working in clubs.  Along my journey, I came to know Brit and Sol.  Brit and I started working together when, on New Year's Eve about 7 years ago, she came into one of my clubs (Safari Club) because she was curious about the name and what kind of a club it might be.   She liked the vibe of the place. The next time she visited, she filled out an application.  I asked her to do an audition after my set.  Her favorite story is that the next thing she knew, I was telling everyone in the club that I had a surprise - that DJ Brit would be playing right after me!  LOL  She did, she was great, and the rest is history.  She's my daughter and I can tell you that this feeling goes way beyond SecondLife.  

Brit:  My RL sister played in SL all the time.  She came to stay with me and got me into it.  I played for about a week and got tired of it and then came back sometime later and then stayed. Sol and I met at a club, she took a picture of me to send to her sister.  Then, Sol was helping someone set up some events and I had been working with Dresi and we were doing some events as well.  So I went to one of their events and Sol was there.  She and I became friends and after some time Sol and I started dating each other and over time we got married.

Solgazer:   I actually was playing Sims Online, so when that was no longer available one of the options was Second Life!  I’ve been here ever since.

SLE:  Tell our readers more about your experience with clubs in SL? What other venues have you designed separately and or together and what has drawn you to be in the entertainment business?

Dresi:  I kind of got into the entertainment business in sort of a backward way.  As I mentioned above, my interests in SL led me into hosting at a club where a friend, Rebelheart Sabra, was the GM. I learned to host and then she asked me to open a club with her. Unfortunately, she soon had to leave SL due to health problems and I was left to figure out club ownership on my own.  As a struggling newbie with a club, I was fortunate enough to have met Dave Gran who picked up where Rebel left off and taught me a how to operate a club and how to get into DJing.  I started DJing out of a need to have a backup DJ at my club.  Turns out, that's become a true passion of mine. 

Over the years, I have owned several clubs individually and in partnerships - Heavenly Bodiez/Heavenly Destinations was my first club with Rebel.  Next, I had Xtinction, Prohibition – owned with two other friends, Safari Club, and now, Biology Club.

Brit: At 45 days old, I had a club.  I had met someone named Kelynn who was my first friend in SL.  She worked at a club and the boss of that club had a second club called Mingles and asked me if I wanted to run it.  I was taught to DJ by a woman named Sophie and she was a RL DJ.  I had a lot of music to start with and she felt that I had a good sense of music and would be a good DJ.  She would give me tapes of her real DJ sets and she critiques my sets.  I helped her build a club and wound up DJing for her at her club.  Clubs owned:  Mingles, Club Dragonfly, Dragonfly on the Water, now Biology Club.
Clubs managed:  Safari Club, Sophie's Haven

Solgazer: Before I met Brit, most of my time in SL was spending time with friends dancing.  I ended up helping my SL sister with a club, Backcourt, decorating for themes and fun parties.  I also managed another small club. 

SLE:   This is a pretty amazing undertaking.  Have any of you done anything like this before?

Dresi: Yes.  I’m an ideas person and so I have concocted a few thematic clubs in SL.  My first foray into the themed club approach, Prohibition, was a 1920's speakeasy.  It was co-owned by myself and two other friends.  Xtinction was a themed rock club inside a cave, complete with dino fossils and indoor waterfalls.  Next, I decided to build a club that had animals and the rainforest as its backdrop.  The idea was inspired by the RL Rainforest Cafe and the club was called, "Safari Club".  I was approached by Brit and Sol to go into a joint venture.  Since I am a science teacher by profession, Biology Club was born.

Brit: Yes, after successfully managing Safari Club with Dresi, Sol, and I decided to embark on a new adventure building and running a club called Club Dragonfly.  We began with a smaller place that we eventually outgrew and rebuilt Club Dragonfly to accommodate the need for a larger space.  Then, Sol wanted to have a club with a more intimate setting, so we built Dragonfly on the Water, a waterfront club with a rustic cozy setting.

Solgazer: When I met Brit, she was working with Dresi at Safari Club.  Once we started dating, I became more involved with understanding the DJ side of things as Brit DJs all over the grid.  Once Safari closed, Brit and I opened Club Dragonfly!   We had that for 4 years I believe, but due to some health issues, we decided to close. 

SLE:  Tell us about you three individually?  What skills do you bring to the table to make this Club a success? 

Dresi:  All of us come to the table with a very similar SL skill set.  We all have been in the club business for quite some time.  Sol has developed strong skills in hosting and managing hosts for many years.  Both Brit and I have been DJing for many years and we bring not only those skills but also club management and prior ownership (as does Sol).  Brit and I bring building skills to the mix and Sol is a wonderful decorator.  I also have business organizational skills in RL that I bring.  

Solgazer:  We love what we do, each one of us has a different skill set.  One thing I’m not is a builder, but I love to decorate.  Brit and I have been doing monthly events for as long as we’ve had Club Dragonfly, and we work well together.  Brit gets an idea in her head of what she wants, we put that idea into play and  then I do the final “fluff stuff” as she calls it! Lol

SLE:   How did you come up with the Name, “Biology Club”?

Dresi / Brit: We wanted a way to mesh our independent passions:  Brit and Sol's love for the dragonfly and its meaning and being a RL science teacher, we could also satisfy my passion for science.  Since Biology is the study of living things, we thought it would be a way that we could mesh it all together. 

Solgazer:  Dresi is a science teacher.  We had been talking about different ideas that could incorporate aspects from all our interests.  Once we started talking about biology, she knew where it was going to go from there!    She looked up the name, saw there were none with the same name, and there we have it!

SLE:   Could you share some of the events here...what the club is about?

Dresi / Brit: We are a multi-genre venue that hosts live DJ'd events and live musicians.  We are for adults only (18+).  We have 4 separate party venue sites:  The main club, a futuristic set of science labs; A poolside venue that is adjacent to a beautiful garden site for lovely photo ops; a beachfront venue with a wonderful beach bar; and the Big Event site where we host monthly events with a different theme every month.   At the moment, we are open Thursday - Saturday.  On Thursdays, we feature EDM/dance/pop music.  On this night, you will want to wear club attire and be ready to dance the night away.  Fridays are our naughty nights where explicit music is played and sexy attire is allowed, provided all bits are covered.  Saturdays, Rock music is the focus and we have some of the finest Rock DJs on the grid!  Once per month, we host a large-scale event that spans the entire weekend, from Thursday to Saturday.  It is a themed event whereby participants are encouraged to dress to the theme, making sure that they have on one piece of free club merchandise to join a contest worth Lindens and gift cards.

Solgazer:  If you think of Science, each room is a different lab.  Biology, physics and so on.  We also have Marine Biology as well.  We actually had our first monthly event on May 28th,  “Coming Out of Quarantine.”  It was a huge hit!  We’re looking forward to our next event, “The Masquerade”.  Details forthcoming.

SLE:  The grid has many nightclubs all vying for guests.  What makes Biology Club different from the other places out there?

Dresi / Brit: It is unique in its theme and its approach to multiple party sites to keep guests interested and intrigued.  It is a highly interactive venue with a lot of photo opportunities and exploration potential.

Solgazer:  It’s something that hasn’t been done before!

SLE:  Who are you hoping to attract?  What kind of clientele? 

Dresi / Brit: We hope to attract people who enjoy a variety of music and are looking for a club home.  We work very hard to create a welcoming environment and we want to attract a clientele who wants a regular place to hang out that offers variety and excellent entertainment.

Solgazer:  All those who love all music! Each day is a different music genre!  Thursday is EDM/dance, Friday is Naughty Night, Saturday is Rock!

SLE:  How might someone learn more about this amazing place?

Dresi / Brit: The best way to get a feel for the energy of Biology Club is to actually visit and become a member of our "social experiment".  Potential guests can follow the SLURL below or join our Facebook page (also listed below) to keep well informed about club events.

Solgazer:  We have a Facebook page and a group that people can join.   But everyone needs to come out and see for themselves how awesome a place it is!

SLE:   Anything else you would like our readers to know about Biology Club?

Dresi / Brit: We want to make sure that everyone knows that Biology Club prides itself on providing a welcoming environment for all.   We do not discriminate on any basis whatsoever.  We are all about Love and Acceptance... and are a No Drama Zone!

Solgazer:  You really have to look around!  There is something unique in every place you look and it’s not just in the main club! There is the garden, the poolside dance area, and a gacha area.  Take a trip with the seahorses down to the beach.

Additional information

Saturday, May 30, 2020

GeekSpeak – Will all languages disappear? Join the discussion Saturday May 30th at 12pm SLT

There are about 7000 languages left on Earth and the number is declining quickly. Will there be only one language in the future?  Will the world be better off with just one because that will mean that we all understand each other better?  Or will we lose more than we gain, when so much poetry, so many jokes and so much of our culture has gone?
Will we need language at all in the future?  Do the Borg need language?
Which of the current languages will survive for 10 years?  Or 50 years?  Or 500? 
When aliens land on Earth what language will we use to greet them?  Will it be a language that is not invented yet?  Maybe an artificial language?

Come and talk about it in GeekSpeak.  In English.  ðŸ˜Š Bring a friend.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

GeekSpeak – How will SpaceX win the space race? Saturday 16th May at noon SLT

This week we will talk about SpaceX and some of the competition in the race for space.  Why will SpaceX win the race?  What are their plans for the next 5 years?

This is a time we really need to pay attention to, especially if you regret missing the moon landings.  This is your generation’s time.  Later this week, the launch of the first starship will hopefully be a reality.

Excitement is building in the space community. We will give you the best places to watch this historic moment in our life on earth.  Put your space helmet on and join us at GeekSpeak.  Bring your friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

GeekSpeak – Return of the Luddites! Join the discussion May 9th at 12pm SLT

The Luddites destroyed weaving machines because they thought these ‘devilish’ things would drive them out of work.  Nowadays we see people refusing vaccination and burning telephone masts. 

Why are people afraid of technology changes?  Were people afraid of fire, the wheel, the winchester, nuclear power or television?  Should we be afraid of future technology changes?
Do you think they all had a good reason to be wary?  Were these technological advances dangerous?  Did they take people’s jobs away?  Would you have been afraid of ancient technological progress?

Are you afraid of any modern technological advances?  If so, which?  And why?
Come and discuss the subject in our sunny auditorium.  Bring a friend.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, March 6, 2020

GeekSpeak – Are humans obsolete? Join the discussion Saturday, March 7th at 12pm SLT

Let’s explore how humans will be replaced by AI.  Our jobs are steadily being taken over by AI.  How will that end?  Could there be an AI civilisation? 
What if all humans disappeared tomorrow?  Would AI be able to evolve to take their place?  Would mistakes in AI lead to new abilities?  Could they explore new niches?  Or will they be stuck forever, trying to call the helpdesk?  Or looking in vain for someone to serve?  Is it only DNA organisms that can evolve?
Come and explore the possible future transition to a silicon lifeform.  Humans only, so that we won’t give any toaster ideas.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

GeekSpeak – Do we have a moral obligation to nature? Or to individual animals and plants? Join the discussion Saturday February 29th at 12pm SLT

Do we humans have an obligation to preserve all species?  Is it ok to let some species go extinct?  Do we have obligations to individuals or only to species?
Is it morally ok to take down an old, beautiful tree to build a factory?  If not, is that because we have a duty to the tree?  Or just a duty to people?  How about other plants in the same location?  Grass, for instance?

How do we decide which species or individuals we must save?  Age?  Rarity?  Place in the food chain?  Or simply its value for us?

If we have duties to trees, what about duties to mountains, lakes, rivers?  Are we free to do whatever we want, if it does not harm humans?

Bring your friends to discuss our unique place in nature.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.