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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Friday, October 16, 2015

So Many Ways to Play! Spotlight on Aces Male Strip Club: - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Eye Candy--For Halloween and Beyond at Aces Male Strip Club
Want that perfect Halloween candy with a fun twist? Come to Aces where some of the hottest male dancers provide a sweet performances for the ladies and gents who are looking for a hot and steamy night out. The exotic dancer are there to please and  guaranteed to make you melt in your seat. You will be in for a treat as they strip seductively to give guests some succulent eye candy.

About Aces
Aces is a Male Strip Club open to both male and female guest. Owned and operated by Haedeon Gateaux and his management team. This venue offers events daily at 3pm, 6pm and 8pm SLT.   We caught up with Haedeon Gateaux to learn more about Aces and why it is the best place to be for hot adult entertainment.

Interview with Haedeon Gateaux

When was Aces Established?

Haedeon Gateaux: Aces was established July 26th, 2014.

What Inspired Aces and what sets you apart from the other Ladies Clubs in SL?
Haedeon Gateaux: The inspiration behind Aces came from my past years with famous male strip clubs like, Sixx Pack, Club Corrupt and Black Onyx. I had always wanted to run a male strip club but was always involved in a relationship to invest the time needed in order to run one. After my 3 year marriage fell apart I figured it was a great time to focus on other things other than relationships. Unlike other Ladies Clubs in Second Life, Aces has a unique, one of a kind atmosphere. I created the build myself so that Aces would not feel like a generic club, but a club that is set above the rest. We also offer many different opportunities that other male venues don't initiate, like free live lap dances on the stage during each and every set so that our VIP's have a chance to see what our dancers are made of.

Who is welcome at Aces and what is the appropriate attire for guests and male dancers?
Haedeon Gateaux: Everyone is welcome at Aces! Everyday we have 3 events, each event is based on a theme. It is not mandatory for VIP's to dress in theme but it gives everyone a chance to dress up and strut their stuff.

What are the rules at Aces?
Haedeon Gateaux: The main rule is to have fun! We try not to limit our visitors, however we do ask that you not grief or demand time from the dancers while they are on stage.

Aces has events three times a day. Can you tell me more about them?
Haedeon Gateaux: Each event starts off with an introduction of each dancer, they make their way to the stage one by one. This creates more of a "show" atmosphere and gives the VIP's a chance to get to know a bit more about our dancers. Half way into the event chairs appear on stage and each dancer calls up a random VIP to do a free midway lap dance. This is something we have done since we opened and it is something we take pride in.

What else is there to do when there are no events?
Haedeon Gateaux:  All dancers have the opportunity to come do "open stage" where they work the stage without any scheduled events. VIPs can ask a specific dancer to come down and work open stage, but the dancer makes the final call.

Are there "entertainment" rooms for escorting?
Yes, Aces has 3 different private rooms, a dark apartment, a romantic apartment and a BDSM room. All dancers are color coded on the dancer wall inside of the club so that VIP's can easily identify who offers what.

Is it acceptable for male and female escorts to solicit at Aces?
Haedeon Gateaux: We ask that all escorts also be dancers, in the past escorts have had no luck at getting clients without first proving themselves first. Unfortunately because Aces is a male venue we do not allow female dancers/escorts.

Are you hiring? If so, what positions do you have available?
Haedeon Gateaux:  We are currently hiring experienced male dancers and female/male hosts and djs for all events. You must be at least 90 days old to work at Aces.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Haedeon Gateaux: Aces is set up as a Vegas style Chippendale location. We cater to almost everyone and offer several different birthday/bachelorette party packages for those about to tie the knot.

Additional Information:

Events at 3pm,6pm & 8pm Daily!


Group: Aces Male Venue


Contact: Haedeon Gateaux
General Manager:  Robyn Caerndow
AM Manager:  RachaelRhodiva


Round One of 2015 SL’s Got Talent was electrifying! The first goal for all contestants was to move on to  Round Two, which will be held on Monday, 19 October 2015 starting at 5 PM  SLT at the Bluebyrd Entertainment Resort.

The contestants moving on to Round Two are as follows:

Angela McKeenan
Cordeliasloan Resident
Hedy Patrucci
Katiaportugal Genesis
Khiron Ametza
Ladyrok Resident
Libertybelle Lyric
Miss Cast
Singsong4u resident

Official Contest Website:
Official Facebook Page:


Each and every day over 6,000 physicians scour the Be the Match's donor registry for a LIFE-SAVING match of cord blood or bone marrow for their patients..  That match could be you!

Be part of the ONLY benefit on SL that does NOT ask for lindens! If there is a tip jar, if a kiosk asks you for lindens, it is NOT a Be the Match EVENT.   All of our kiosks will be giving out information about Be the Match and sometimes some free gifts. NO LINDENS WILL BE REQUESTED AT ANY TIME!

Our kiosks ask people to visit the two websites listed below..
to get a swab kit to join the Registry ( note- there are some rules for this explained on the page.)

OR you can Volunteer or Donate RL funds to this page,
 IF YOU DONATE a receipt will be sent directly to your email, so you have proof for tax purposes.  IT will include the non-profit tax ID. No one on the grid holds your money.. no linden exchange.. direct to the place it belongs without an SL "middle man".

All of us at the Be the Match Foundation invite YOU to one of our Be the Match Events spread out over the grid to help get out this life - saving information.
October 17th starting Noon at Tranquil Commons.. some wonderful LIVE music and BTM Information..

*October 18th from  6-8pm SLT.. Party with us on the SL Enquirer Yacht with DJ Rory!  Prizes and fun.

October 21st  10 am slt -Noon SLT   Emerald Dreams group is offering a fun surfing contest with great prizes!

October 23rd 6pm SLT - October 24th 6pm SLT..  Join us as we ride 25 tracks in 24 hours..  EVERYONE gets a free bike! Many many MC's are joining in, ALL are invited! Be the Match Hard Asses that ride ALL 25 rides will be given Special prizes.  Rides will start at the Cobra's World tracks and end at the Biker's Weekly Celtic Knot track..   YOU will see some fantastic tracks and meet great people!
   Starting track!

October 27th 6pm SLT  Nitro Scrubs MC invites you to Be the Match Halloween Costumed ride! Wear your costume.. prizes for best costume, and a haunted house to check out!

*So we really, really need your help! The Be the Match Websites for SecondLife are open NOW and will be running through the 28th atmidnight.  Enjoy the Events, find out about Be the Match/ Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Registry, and join, volunteer or donate if you can..  See you soon.

“SERENITEE NOW!” - Dean Lawson Reporting

“Out of my depth"

An in depth interview with Second Life Photographer Serenitee Bliss

Serenitee Bliss, also known as Seren, is a virtual artist whose snapshots seem to be a windswept tour of the art and architecture of Second Life. With locations that range from the Burlesque stage to mystical surreal forests to the ocean floor, Seren seems to be capturing slices of Second Life that can best be described as an unbridled exhibition of the intimate. I was fortunate to have a chance to interview Seren.

Dean : Could you tell me a little about yourself?

Seren : Second Life is my creative niche. Looking for that right light, that right angle, panning slowly around to find that breathtaking capture that instantly creates a story in the mind.  I started out playing with portrait style photos taken in a small studio.  That became limiting for me.  I enjoyed capturing the movement, shadows, little environmental nuances.  Most of my free time is spent in search of beautiful places in Second Life.

Dean : I was intrigued by the avatar that is the subject for your snapshot titled “taking-the-ole-girls-out-for-a-bit” The reason why I ask about this avatar in particular is that the tendency of most SL photographers is to create images revolving around glamorous and physically perfect models. For me this particular snapshot stands out because the avatar comes across as very human with her less than perfect appearance. Could you tell me why you chose this avatar as the subject of your snapshot?

Seren : I am delighted you noticed this photo!  It started out a bit of a prank at first.  Friends and I were going out to one of the more "pretty" clubs.  Women looking like perfection. I think I was in a rather cynical mood that day so decided to go as "Minnie", my name for her.  I was thinking that being dressed in that manner, would keep me from being noticed as much...therefore confirming that others really only talk to "perfect" avies.  Oddly enough, it made quite a few I started taking pictures of her.  The more I looked at her, the more she became a personality to me.  I love her smile and when I'm out and about in her form, it's this carefree feeling.  She's not perfect by any means, but she has a loving presence that is heartwarming to me.

Taking the ole girls our for a bit

Dean : The stage seems to be a common theme in your work, could you tell me about the series of snapshots featuring Clyde Barrow, Pinkie, Lady C, Miss Bathory, Klarissa and Samantha?

Seren : I have assisted friends with photography for new clubs.  Pinkie, is actually another form of myself.  A promotional picture taken for Le Theatre de la Debauche.   Clyde Barrow was also a performer there so I was taking pictures that evening. The others, were all dancers from another new venue, The Main Event Show lounge.  I perform with the Starlite Dancers, so often venture out to see other dance troupes.  It's like a small community of those a love for dance and performing.  We tend to go out and support one another.

Dean : Several of your snapshots feature avatars in interesting poses, wearing realistic looking clothes and in locations with detailed textures, the snapshot “Playing with the wind” which you use as your profile picture comes to mind, but this is something that I find to be consistent with all your work. How much thought do you put into matching the avatar’s ensemble with the background?

Seren : I give little thought before going out to take photos.  When I started taking photos, I wanted to control all aspects of the photos.  Spend hours looking for the right outfit, perfect hair, the perfect props.  I didn't go out and about as much as I did studio photos with textures for backgrounds. In the case of "Playing with the Wind",  I was simply out exploring and came upon a set of poses that caught my attention.  The clouds on the sim were moving and I had just the right hair, so started taking photos.  I wish I could say there was more to it than that, but it's mostly me, looking around, seeing what the environment offers, what kind of stories I can create with the images.

Dean : Is there any post processing of your images with gimp or photoshop? If so what effects do you ad to the snapshots? If not, what recommendations would you make to a novice Second Life photographer to help them achieve the same level of quality demonstrated by snapshots such as “Out of my depth”, "Heart A’flutter” and “Poetic Art"

Seren : I send most of my photos from Second Life directly to my Flickr account.  I like to try and avoid any post processing.  I start with using the Advanced Lighting settings in my viewer along with the Windlights.  I'm able to run my computer on ultimate settings graphics wise, so that gives me more freedom.  I recently purchased a LumiPro system which is wonderful for positioning models and adding additional lighting options.  When I do edit my photos, I use the tools embedded in Flickr and/or Ipiccy.  The three photos you mentioned were done with minimal editing.  "Out of my depth" and "Heart a "flutter" had only a softening filter added to them.  "Poetic Art", I added a text overlay of poetry I had written.  

Advice, hmmm....patience, look from all angles, try all the Windlights...but mostly, take lots and lots of pictures!

Poetic Art

Dean : Were the snapshots “It was …. a peculiar dream…”  and “Have you ever seen a more ‘angelic’ group?” captured on a pre-existing sim or do you have a studio where you specifically design sets for your snapshots?

Seren : "It was...a peculiar dream" was taken at a place called Two fish Too, a whimsical sim.  The other photo taken at Basilique, another wonderful sim for taking pictures.  That particular photo was from a play called "Paradise Lost", presented on the Basilique sim.  I have a studio off and on depending on what kinds of photos I am obsessing about at the given time.  Mostly though, I love going out to find my picture stories.

It was... a Peculiar Dream...

Dean : Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about you?

Seren : Anything else about me, let's see.  I've been in Second Life a very long time.  It's creative boundaries seem never ending, thus keeping me entertained and tapping into my own creativity.  Thank you, for this awesome opportunity to share a little bit of me with your readers.

Links to my work in world:

Windlight Art Gallery (Through Sept. first week in Oct.)

The Artinis Gallery

Links to my work outside of Second Life:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Justice League of America & Relay For Life Team Up For Breast Cancer Awareness - Save The Dance Event Dates!

Save the Ta-Tas!!

Dig deep into your pockets and raise some support!!!
Come ready to meet the elite socialites from Metropolis and Gotham City; maybe a chance to meet a “real” Justice League Member.  Music / Dance & Food / Drinks. 

DJ:  Dinah Queen (Black Canary) of the ***Justice League of America***


Friday, October 16, 2015 6-8pm SLT - Black Tie Event!

Saturday October 24, 2015 4-6pm SLT - VILLIAN HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY

Friday, October 30, 2015 6-8pm SLT –CANCELLED


Flashback (Oh you have those too?! lol) to the hippie days with DJ Huey Walker! Put on your best tie dyes, patched jeans, and flower power items for a night of 60' and 70's music. You'll swear you are back in the flower power days of Haight Ashbury! Well maybe not since we are going to be on a beach but you get the drift lol! So come and get groovy at Daddy-O's! Gonna be a blast! Your VW van ride is above!


Thursday night, Oct. 15th at 7pm SLT, The Hollywood Ballroom introduces “Killer Love Songs” to its weekly line up. This is not your normal romance set. These are the love songs that get deep into you and don’t let go. These are the songs that make women cry and men confess their undying love. Bring that someone special or find someone new at The Hollywood Ballroom. A tissue dispenser has been set up on the bar, just in case. Formal or cocktail attire.

Friday – Special Event – Night of Duets – Oct. 16th at 7pm SLT
Remember the first time you heard Natalie Cole sing “Unforgettable” with her father, Nat King Cole”? We have an entire evening of unbelievable duets set to go; along with your requests. Each song has been chosen to give you that same feeling, song after song. Formal or cocktail attire.

Saturday Night, Live! With Chip Takacs - Oct. 17th at 7pm SLT
Chip is a seasoned, professional RL musician and singer. He performs our favorite hit songs from the 70's 80's and beyond. Because of his very distinctive voice, he has been called the Joe Cocker of SL. If we are lucky Chip will pull out his famous unplugged set. Will he do it? We will have to wait and see. Formal or cocktail attire.

The Sunday Night Spectacular
This Sunday, come and listen to “Linda Ronstadt, Live.” It is all Linda, all the time in this fantastic tribute show. So, don’t even think of going down to Blue Bayou, because Linda will be at the Hollywood Ballroom. That’s at 7pm, SLT. Formal or cocktail attire.

Make The Hollywood Ballroom and Theater your destination for great music, great fun and memorable evenings.

Additional information:

Join our group! The Hollywood Ballroom & Theater

Contact: Origen


Join us in congratulating the 17 live musical acts who were selected to participate in the 2015 SL’s Got Talent Contest.  ROUND ONE will be held on Thursday, October 15th at 5 PM SLT. 

If the auditions were any indication of what to expect during the actual competition, we are in store for an amazing musical experience.

The Contestants

Column 1:  Ninna Jie, Liberytybelle Lyric, Singsong4U, Cordeliasloan

Column 2:  Jeffah, Katiaportugal Genesis, Divastone
Column 3:  Miss Cast, Toorealsom, Hedy
Column 4:  LeeWinegarden, Khiron Ametza, Angela McKeenan (Tzaryna Gracemont)
Column 4: Ladyrok, ManuAurell, Isabella, MillTycoon

Contest Judging Process

A panel of judges selected SL's Got Talent contestants from Open Mic Auditions held last week.  The judges are a group of distinguished venue owner and/or artists themselves.  They bring a wealth of experience in the entertainment industry in real life and in Second Life.   There are a total of eight judges.  They will rotate at each round. 
SL’s Got Talent is about providing a platform for contestants to help extend or jump start virtual live music career.  It is NOT a popularity contest.  During the contest rounds, the judges will execute the SLGT scoring system ranking each performer based on their performance at that specific round. The scores are tallied at each round to determine the contestants moving on to the next round.

Offical Contest Website:
Offical Facebook Page:

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Spotlight on the Halloween MAGE - Dean Lawson Reporting

“ARIA” by Andressa DePrims

An in depth interview with Second Life Artist and MAGE Model Andressa DePrims

MAGE Magazine is a fantasy and science fiction genre magazine featuring stories presented in comic book form. Issue #1 was released in April 2015 and, since then MAGE Magazine has released 6 issues, distributed throughout Second Life as a 3D book. MAGE Magazine also produces machinima videos and helps to promote the work of Second Life artists. As the magazine prepares to release it’s Halloween Edition I had a chance to speak with a member of their senior team, Andressa DePrims, who is a producer of machinima and virtual photography.

Dean : Could you tell me how you first got involved with machinima and Second Life photography?

Andressa : Ya, it’s actually kind of funny. When I first joined Second Life I got a hat from one of the freebie shops and, at the time, I didn’t know that you had to take certain objects out of a box in order to wear them, so I was walking around with a box on my head when someone sent me an IM asking me if I needed help. So I explained that I had picked up a free hat but whenever I put it on, I ended up wearing a box with a picture of the hat, instead of the actual hat. So the person who approached me explained that I needed to rez the box and sent me a tp to a sandbox where she showed me all those counter intuitive prerequisites required to get my hat from a box into my inventory and then onto my avatar’s head. As it turned out the complications of putting on a hat turned out to be a twist of fate as this person who was helping me was Othella, the editor of MAGE Magazine. We got to talking and Othella explained that she was starting a magazine and asked me if I wanted to be a model. So I said yes and she gave me some lindens and links to freebie and dollarbie items on the marketplace that I would need to be a model and I started putting together different outfits or “characters”. Then, when the first issue was released the section at the back, which is called “A Note from the Editor” was inspired by how Othella and I met, with the character MEZ getting his head stuck in a box.

Dean : That’s a very amusing anecdote, but could you tell me how you got involved with machinima and Second Life photography?

Andressa : Ya, actually my point was that I started as a model with MAGE Magazine and by chatting with the photographers I learned about the techniques they used to create their images and, when I told 0THELLA I was interested in being more than just a model she started sending me links to video tutorials on machinima and SL photography.

Dean : As a model for MAGE Magazine which characters do you play and what kind of preparations do you make for a photo shoot?

Andressa : The characters that I play exclusively are Felicia the Fairy, the Princess Aida, Pieta the gypsy and the Inn Keeper’s wife. There are also characters that I play that other members of the team also play so, for example, the alien avatar that we use for Aldo the Alien costs 15 lindens on the marketplace so 0THELLA, Sizzelle and myself own copies of this avatar so that if one person is unavailable for a photoshoot, someone else can stand in. Aria, the main character from the "Lady Dom” series, is another character that is played by both myself and Sizzelle. The avatar werewolf that we use for MEZ is a library avatar so everyone has a copy of that character. The prep work for a photo shoot is basically a lot of shopping. I try to create original looking characters so even if I find a complete ensemble on the marketplace I'll make modifications like changing the color or I’ll mix and match with other ensembles. The same thing goes with the shapes, especially if they are human, the skins, the eyes and hair are influenced by the story so, with Felicia, Othella said she wanted an “Amazon fairy” so I found a dark skin tone, a black hair piece that resembled a Chinese queue, some polynesian style tattoos and some gold and ivory bracelets and anklets. But the butterfly wings for the fairy were blue and I wanted the eyes to match the wings so I gave her blue eyes and for the first few issues, because Felicia is a fairy and is usually small in the frame no one noticed. In the issue we’re working on now Felicia is the central character so we have close ups of her and Othella noticed for the first time that she has blue eyes. She wasn’t happy about this because Amazons don’t have blue eyes but, for the sake of continuity, we kept them. In addition to creating characters I also do a lot of shopping for poses and huds that cause the character’s expression to change. You might notice in some of the earlier issues, Felicia is in a bad mood so she has a frown.

Dean : You mentioned that some of the other MAGE models use the same avatars. Is this how you’re able to portray multiple characters in the same scene?

Andressa : Ya, but we also use a green screen studio that I built from prims, which is why 0THELLA dubbed me “Andressa DePrims”.

Dean : Is this the same green screen studio that got you banned from the Shiromani Sandbox?

Andressa : Ya, lol, I was fifteen days old in Second Life when I joined Builder’s Brewery and started to build the green screen studio. I had 2 textures to work with. One was green that I used for the interior. The other texture was the MAGE Magazine logo which I used for the outside. I was making adjustments in the Shiromani Sandbox when Eternal Gray decided that showing the MAGE Magazine logo was deserving of being banned for life. So I guess that makes me persona non grata but, there are other sandboxes so it’s not a big deal and if Eternal Gray wants to be remembered for being an asshole, that’s his business.

Dean : You were only fifteen days old and already you were building studios and modelling for a magazine. How did you manage to get your act together so fast?

Andressa : I owe a lot of it to 0THELLA. She is very supportive of artists and MAGE Magazine is more like a family than a business, so we share a lot and learn a lot from each other. It also helps that most of us are relatively new to Second Life so we still have that curiosity and the humility that’s required to improve and grow as artists and human beings.

Dean: I noticed that there is some nudity in the Magazine, what is it with Second Life artists and nudity?

Andressa: Lol. I don’t know. It’s pixels, not real skin, and, even if it was, museums and art galleries are full of nude statues and paintings, so I don’t see anything wrong with it. But I know what you are saying about sexuality in Second Life. I think the anonymity is liberating for some people who might live in sexually repressive conditions because there are a lot of Second Life groups that encourage homosexuality, domination and gender bending. And with MAGE Magazine we don’t shy away from this, if anything, we make it part of the stories.

Dean : Is it awkward to pose nude?

Andressa : ROFLMAO! It’s ironic you ask that question because, regardless of whether I’m exploring a medieval sim, or a science fiction sim or a modern day sim, I always seem to find a stripper’s pole, so it’s not unusual to see avatars showing their bits and I find the fact that there is a lucrative sex trade in Second Life a very bizarre phenomenon. Ozymandius once said; “If you take into account the lindens to dollars exchange rate and find someone in SL willing to have virtual sex for 500 Lindens, that literally makes them a 2 dollar whore.” Keeping this in mind, I would like my avatar to be respected and I think the artists I work with feel the same way, so if we stage a scene with nudity, we usually try to find a remote place where no one else is around and if someone teleports into our location out of the blue, its amazing how fast everyone throws on their alpha layers.

Dean : Is there anything you would like people to know about you, your art or MAGE Magazine?

Andressa : I sent you some links and if you could publish those links with this interview then I would like people to click the links and watch the videos on the MAGE Magazine playlist, leave comments, share with friends and show your support for MAGE Magazine by joining our group because a lot of hard work goes into making the videos and the monthly magazine and all that we ask from our audience is that they take the time to enjoy it.

To find out more about Andressa DePrims and MAGE Magazine use the following links to visit the MAGE Magazine website and the MAGE Magazine video playlist.