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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How to Finance Your New Vehicle

Buying a vehicle brand new has never been the cheapest way to purchase one. Buying new is by far the plushest, most pleasant way to enjoy a vehicle in all its luxury, but this inevitably comes at a staggering cost. However, that doesn’t mean that a new car is completely out of your reach. There are a number of ways that you can put money aside to help you make that all-important purchase. 

Research What You Are After

In order to start saving the right amount every month, you will need to find a budget to work with. The only way to get an accurate estimate of what to save for is to do your research:

  • What style of vehicle are you after?
  • What is the maximum you are prepared to spend?
  • What features must it have?

Once you have established these features and the price, you can finally break down how long it will take to cover the cost.

Opt for Finance 

For many people, the most realistic way to cover the cost of a new car is to opt for finance. You can either go straight to a brand’s showroom to discuss finance possibilities, or you can use a service such as Auto Finance Online for large investments, such as motorhomes. With financing options, you are better off starting with a healthy deposit. They are an easy way to finance a new vehicle, but they are much more wallet-friendly if you manage to save up beforehand. 

Create a Savings Account

If you want to save for any type of vehicle, the first thing you should do is open a separate savings account. This gives you somewhere to stockpile money and gives you a concrete means of starting to put money away regularly. If you can, go for a savings account that will offer a decent return through interest. Often, the accounts with the best interest deals are not easy-access (they will require you not to access your savings for a year or two), but the incentive to look after your stockpile might be worth it. 

Be Scrupulous with Spending 

If you have a large investment to start funding, then you will need to ensure that you can absolutely cover those costs every month. The best way to do this is to be incredibly thorough with what you are spending every month. Print our your monthly transactions and have a good look at what you spend on a weekly basis: are there many wants rather than needs that could potentially be ruled out to make way for your vehicle investment? 

Financing your vehicle may not always be as straightforward as proving you can make the payments and driving off the forecourt. Sometimes, you will need to save in advance in order to get the best possible deal. This will benefit you in the long-run, however, as it will make for far lower direct debit payments. It will also help you to get much closer to owning the vehicle outright.

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Just when you think you have seen everything, along comes something so cute…so adorable…so completely enamoring….that it will knock your socks off. I’m talking about Animesh Babies. Remember the Meroo Craze that took off a few years back - those cute little hamster/rabbit thingies that cooed and hopped around all day? Well, Meroos are to Animesh Babies what Pleistocene era cave drawings are to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. You have simply GOT to see these things!
With the advent of pregnancy apps, women across the grid finally had the capability to experience pregnancy and birth, SL style. The challenge became, however, once you have “given birth”, what’s next?  Enter….(wait for it)…Animesh Babies! The best to be found anywhere on the entire grid are found at K-Mae Island.
I caught up with K-Mae as he was putting the finishing touches on his new sim. K-Mae Island has everything the discerning buyer of prim babies could ever need, including Clothing Stores, Toy Stores, a Tailor Shop, a Beauty Parlor, Dance studio, Grocery Store, and even a Day Care Center for the little tykes while you head off to work. K-Mae graciously gave of his time to answer a few questions for me.

Josh Bellic (JB):  tell me K-Mae, what is the purpose of K-Mae Island? Tell us something about your community there?
K-Mae (KM): K-Mae Island is a place where people of SL can come to relax, do a little fishing at our 7-seas pond areas, or do some shopping for their K-Mae children. We offer the best quality animesh and legacy prim children for the lowest price available with several options to choose from, and lots of Creative Partner shopping right here on the island.
JB:  In a world where unusual names are the norm, K-Mae certainly qualifies as unusual. What does it mean, and how did you arrive at it?

KM: The name K-Mae is my RL daughter's nickname, as her name is Kayley Mae. I thought this name for the baby brand would be ideal, as I made these with her (as a baby) in mind. Her mannerisms and charm shine through in these virtual babies.

 JB:  Soo...just what IS an “Animesh Baby”?  Aren’t Animesh those folks who drive buggies and eschew modern conveniences in Pennsylvania?

KM:  Animesh is short for Animated Objects. The technology came to mainstream Second Life early in 2019, and was in Beta before then. We released our first animesh baby (Cherub style) in January 2019 and have been steadily adding to the lineup since, adding the NonCherub line and most recently Animesh Newborns. With Animesh technology we're able to make a more realistically moving prim baby, as it uses animations much like an avatar would, as opposed to moving a bunch of shaped prims around to emulate life.

 JB: Are you doing this on your own, or do you have help?
(KM):  I am making the items and the babies myself, as well as the scripts. I do have longtime friends in Second Life though who I have worked with in the past who I can rely on when I have a question regarding scripting techniques. We have a group of nice people called Creative Partners who create for the babies as well. They bring their impeccable talent to the table to help this community be the best anywhere. They create textures for the kits I provide as well as using meshes they create (in conjunction with script kits I offer) for furniture, toys, hairstyles and other nice items. Doing all of this alone would truly be a feat, if near impossible, in the time we've been here, so I am very thankful for the Creative Partners and friends.

 JB: What types of “products” are available?
KM:  We offer newborns and babies, in several variations, including Legacy and Animesh, Baby and Newborn, and Regular and SelfCare versions. We also offer clothing, furniture, consumables (food, diapers, bottle refills, etc), hairstyles, accessories and toys which are ideal for these wonderful babies. We have a main store here on the island for each (Animesh Baby, Animesh Newborn, and Legacy Babies).

JB: Who are most likely to be your customers?
KM:  We get a lot of folks here who get our babies for a variety of reasons. Over the years I've spoken with quite a few of our customers (K-Mae Parents) who have provided varying answers to that topic. Some cannot have children in real life but can have children in Second Life to help fill that void. Many say our children bring much joy to their lives. Others see their friends with virtual children then want their own. They're ordinary people much like you and I, and come from many walks of life.

 JB: Tell me about the K-Mae Daycare and Learning Center?  Will there be actual people staffing that center, kinda like clubs have hosts  (only on a smaller scale)? And will they have activities and things for the babies? 

KM:  Our Daycare and Learning Center is a place where K-Mae parents can bring their kids to learn and socialize with other K-Mae children. We have Daycare Staff during normal daycare hours. During daycare the child can do various activities such as coloring, making picture for the fridge and other fun activities, as dictated by daycare staff. We provide a snack for the children at daycare and even a nap when one is needed. The ladies at our daycare do an outstanding job.

 JB: Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?
KM:  When looking for babies in Second Life it's easy to concede to the notion that they are out of your price range, or not affordable, as many brands do have high prices. Those brands seem to be driven by money so that's understandable. Here at K-Mae Babies however we're not driven by money. We have very affordable babies and newborns who are easy to care for and will fill your Second Life with much joy and happiness. All of our babies and newborns are only L$50 each, so they are affordable for most people. We strive to keep our supporting items low priced as well. We know parents work hard for their money and we want everyone to be able to experience Second Life parenthood without breaking the bank.

There ya have it, folks.  Come check ‘em out. Provide a home for an Animesh Baby.  You’ll be glad you did.


Saturday, January 4, 2020

GeekSpeak – Why do technologies fail? Join the discussion on Saturday Jan 4th at 12pm SLT.

There are technologies that disappear simply because the next technology is better.  But some technologies had a big promise but never got anywhere. What happened to carbon nanotubes, nanotechnology, 3d printing?  Where are the personal submarines?  Where is 3d television?  Where is the Segway?

Why were some technologies not repurposed for other uses?  Surely more could have been done with the trebuchet?  Why did the Chinese never use gunpowder for warfare?  Why does nobody have an atomic clock? 

Let’s discuss why some technologies stall for years, or disappear altogether.  What technologies can you think of that should have taken off but never did?
 Start up your steam engines and get to GeekSpeak.  Bring your friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a class on meditation in the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

GAME ON, Cancer! The 16th Relay For Life of Second Life Kicks Off on February 15th!

The world's largest and most successful virtual fundraiser, the Relay For Life of Second Life, kicks off its 16th season on February 15th. Game On Cancer! The Cure Starts Here, will bring together teams from across the virtual grid and around the world, to help the American Cancer Society lead the fight for a world without cancer.

Founded in 2005, The Relay For Life of Second Life has raised nearly ONE BILLION LINDENS. The original and largest virtual Relay brings the virtual world together for a common goal, fighting cancer and supporting those whose lives have been impacted by the disease. The Relay For Life community in Second Life is the most passionate and vibrant in virtual worlds and represents every community on the grid.

The 2020 theme is Game On, Cancer! The theme is a representation of our Relayers’ competitive spirit, as we refuse to give up on fighting this disease in honor of and in memory of so many of our loved ones.. 

Team Registration Opens on January 15th and the official season Kick Off will be held Saturday February 15th.  The season will come to its conclusion with the 24 Hour Relay For Life of Second Life weekend  scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, June 6th & 7th.

Anyone interested in forming a team, joining a team or learning more about the RFL of SL can contact Adam Anatine or Ari Anatine, visit the American Cancer Society Campus in Second Life  or on the web at


The American Cancer Society is the world’s leader in fighting cancer and continues Attacking Cancer From Every Angle. If you or anyone you know is facing a cancer diagnosis, please contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345, visit, or visit the American Cancer Society in Second Life. 

For More Information Contact
Stingray9798 Raymaker (

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Pamela Live SHow's Annual Christmas Charity Auction December 22nd 3-5pm SLT

Saturday, December 21, 2019

GeekSpeak – Will we still recognize our transport systems in 50 years? Join the discussion Saturday Dec 21st at 12pm SLT

Will the planes, trains and cars that we know now still exist?  Will our cities be filled with self-driving cars, maybe driving through deep tunnels below empty streets?  Should we expect high altitude air transport, taking us to any destination on Earth in less than an hour?  Will goods be delivered by drones?  Will 3d printing mean that transport is no longer needed for most goods?  Do you expect moving pavements, personal airplanes, or a massive shift to e-bikes?  Or maybe even teleportation?
The future will also have its share of problems.  Will there be air-jams?  Will drone-free zones have to be set up?
Teleport to our auditorium for an in-depth discussion about the future of our beloved wheels.  Bring your friends!
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at the auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, December 20, 2019



We are proud to announce this new avatar, created to play at the best with the new Bakes on Mesh feature!

ATTENTION: DAVIDE owners can buy from the discount special Vendor!

Finally you can have an avatar that fully support alpha layers and also alpha via hud,  retro compatibility  with old system layers and specifically design to use universal layers at the best! Included in the package you can find an hairbase and an outfit in Bakes on Mesh, ready to play with full permission textures to allow you to custom your appareance!

What is included:

- color picker for all layers
- Bakes on Mesh OUTFIT
- no-head optional body
- bakes on mesh OLD LAYERS SYSTEM
- Over 200 Alpha Cuts
- 2 shininess OPTIONS
- fluid realistic rig
- physics enabled
- face animations
- hands animations
- no scripts option

Don't miss also the head skin Daniel, first one of a long serie of skins ready to be release for your NEW AVATAR!


* the photo does not necessarily reflect the final effect upon wearing this product depending on pose, advanced lightning models, windlight settings.


Want to know more about us? follow us!!!







Copyright @ 2017 2019 Wiply Ltd. All rights are reserved. It is strictly forbidden to copy and/or reproduce this product in parts or in complete either for commercial purposes using photography, photocopy, digital storage or any other way of reproduction. Changes for improvement or correction of this document or the product described in this document might by done at any time.

With purchasing this product you agree to the following:

These products is / are for your own personal use and content creation in Second Life ONLY. You are not allowed to use, distribute or sell this / these images/products out of Second Life.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Grand Opening of The Naughty List 4 December 14th-31st


The Naughty List 3 Event brought to you by Evil Bunny Productions runs
December 14-31st. 

This event is all about Santa's list! Have you been naughty or nice all year? We'll have EVERYTHING you need for the holidays and just remember, you can't fool santa, he KNOWS if you've been naughty or nice!  It's our RED LIGHT DISTRICT for the holidays filled with over 60 designers and TONS of gachas!  10L specials at every store. Start your holiday season off on a different note, at the Naughty List 4! Be sure to visit our FREE GIFT tree- wear your evil bunny hunts tag for free presents from our talented designers!

Midnyte Creations
JR Wolf Creations 
Chalupa Digs Design
Image Essentials 
V-Twins Biker Outfitts 
The Style Loft 
OMG! Inc.
 .:: StunnerOriginals ::. 
Tooty Fruity 
anny's Fashion 
Short Leash 
Ahroun Designs 
Fantasy Furnishings 

On the NICE side:
Sevyn East 
Simply Shelby

To learn more about The Naughty List 4 or make a trip to check it out:
In-world Location:

Social Media:

Saturday, December 14, 2019

GeekSpeak – What will 2020 bring in space? Join the discussion Saturday December 14th at 12pm SLT

Will humanity really start to take off in space?  There will be a lot happening.  Virgin Galactic first flights, SpaceX testing their starship, Mars2020 rover on Mars.
What are your predictions for 2020 in space?  Will there be a first step in asteroid mining?  Or will we find interesting results from all the probes flying around, like the solar probe that is flying right now?
Will the general population get interested in space again?
Come and discuss the vast emptiness out there with our fellow geeks.  Bring your friends and geeks!

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.  Vulcan teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, at the Edutopia auditorium.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

ALL4ART - An open space art installation to SL

An initiative to bring art to the people – and the people to art – in Second Life was launched in early December with the opening of an art installation in an open space hosted by the sim WOLVESLAND. 
ALL4ART is a project envisioned by Carelyna (Carelyna Resident), a Second Life artist who works in adapted photography and believes “art must be for everyone.”
“The vision of this group is to make art inclusive and not limited to the galleries in Second Life,” Carelyna says. “This is a group of artists who are driven by the need to express themselves and create art for art's sake.”
Membership in ALL4ART is free and open to all. The exhibits will be curated by Carelyna and shown at public places others than galleries in “pop-up” exhibitions announced through the member group.  
Each artist involved will show only five pieces (with safe content) for each exhibition. Copies of all the displayed work will be offered to everyone for free as gifts.  At the exhibit, artists are permitted to install a tip jar, artist statement and landmark to their galleries or main exhibitions.
Strymon Odrysius Parthicus (Strimon Resident) an artist and creator of WOLVESLAND, the first participating sim, says ALL4ART aims to bring the emotion of art to a wide audience.
“Every picture, every painting is emotion. Emotion that screams, emotion that whispers, emotion that laughs or cries, emotions of love or pain, he said.  “But emotion wants to be shared. And the more people who experience it, the more hearts and mind it may touch. Some may not see more then another image, but others, it may touch deeper.
“For me this is what ALL4ART does,” Parthicus explains. “It is giving chance to the artist to reach more people and give chance to touch to work, that is more than just a picture, but a moment of shared emotion.”
Another participating artist, Jaz (jessamine2108), said ALL4ART is a way to give back to the Second Life community. And she is excited about the natural backdrops Carelyna is choosing for the exhibits.
“When Care (Carelyna) reached out to me with this idea, I was excited by the prospect of bringing art to a place where anyone will be able to access it and enjoy it,” Jaz says. “The place that Care has chosen for the exhibition is beautiful. It may be a challenge to bring pictures away from the neutral walls to backgrounds that are stunning on their own. But it is a lovely thought to know that, when people walk down these beautiful paths, they may chance upon one of the artworks and enjoy it along with the scenery. I think it is a great idea and initiative by Care, and I hope we are able to help the people of Second Life appreciate the works of some of the fantastic artists that I have known.” 

Teleport to Wolvesland

The next exhibit will be hosted by an urban sim called The Whales and will open Dec. 18th at 11 am SLT.

Teleport to The Whales

Join the ALL4ART Group:
Bringing ART to Everyone in SL ! 
This  group is  for ALL the people in SL  who believe that ART must be for everyone  and contribute to make that happen.  The vision of this group is to make art inclusive and not  limit them to the galleries in SL. This is a group of artists who are driven by the need to express themselves and create art for art's sake. The artists will show their artworks in  public places others than galleries  in successive itinerant exhibitions. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019


The 4th Annual Winter Showcase event returns in support of Team Diabetes of Second Life! This event, is the last fundraising event for Team Diabetes of Second Life in 2019 and features two hunts, live performers, dj’s, an art show, shopping, and lots of winter fun!

Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association. The mission of Team Diabetes of Second Life is to raise awareness, tolerance, and funds for diabetes in the virtual world of Second Life. According to the World Health Organization (2016): 422 million adults in the world have diabetes and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.

Participating Merchants: Kiliki Bikini, !!Firelight!!, chiffon,Christmas Delights, Couture Chapeau, Epicine, GalleryOne, HJM Designs, ikr, Jyst imagine… by Vita Theas, Kalani’s Designs, Kitty Creations, Kittycat’s Creations, LC Fashion, Lissa’s Licks, Lunar Seasonal Designs, Mahlberg Tailors, Mara’s Mysteries,MMP – Muircastle Motors & Parts, Park Place Home, Potomac Signature Homes, Sassy Brats, Shylas Creation, Simply Shelby, trawberry Gashes, SynCo, Team Diabetes Shop, TORN, TYLAR’S TREASURES, & Xplicit Designs

Participating artists include: anders franizzi, DreamMakerXDreamBreaker Resident, ettalaineteichmano Resident, Eucalyptus Carroll, Hadiya Draper, ilyra chardin, IsarValdetaro Resident, Isis Desmoulins, Jamee Sandalwood, johannes1977 Resident

About the American Diabetes Association:
The American Diabetes Association’s mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes by funding research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association delivers services to hundreds of communities and provide objective and credible information and resources about diabetes.
Free resources are available in English and Spanish at and 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2382).

For More Information:
Team Diabetes of Second Life’s American Diabetes Association Page:
Team Diabetes of Second Life’s Website:

MUSIC WITHOUT MAKEUP Presents Paul Nowles- Saturday Dec 7th at 2pm SLT

Devins Eye hosts a new kind of show; Music Withour Makeup. Sit around a warm crackling bonfire and get an up close and personal experience with Paul Nowles as he shares stories and the music he performs.  Guests are encouraged to ask questions and truly get to meet the artist.

Teleport to Devin’s Eye

Join Devins Eye Group for special event notice.